Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), September 27, 1888, p. 5

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aa of |Her’ bat ugh! e new triple-co at Buffalo. to take 10,000 les ‘ida Niagara river to Liver- nt wheel steamer Greruoand, for- e Northwest, which has been run- summer on the line between De- and Toledo, ig made her last trip for this season. ‘Cleveland ship builders are all probably on high seas. Mr. Pankhurst sailed on Wednesday, and Messrs. Radcliff, the Quayle brothers, and others left Liverpool Friday in the Servia. In 1797 57.600 tons of shipping were built in the United States,in 1811 147,000 tons were Jaunched, and in 1812 the first steamship that “was constructed on American waters was Jaunched. Tn the house last week the committee on rivers and harbors reportod the bill author- izing the secretary of war to prescribe rules for the care and management of the St, Olair Flats ship caral and it was passed. Captain Garrett, of the steamer Ella Ross, ‘Says the reason he made no money on the - Kingston, Montreal & Ottawa route was that tourist travel was affected by cool _ weather and the presidential campaign. The Canadian department of marine and fisheries has issued a notice warning mari- ners of the existence of a dangerous rock at the mouth of French river, Georgian Bay, half a mile from Bustard light house. The secretary of the treasury bas in- formed the secretary of state that Grand Rapids, Mich., and Duluth, Minn., have been constituted port: of entry to which Merchandise can be consigned under the immediate transportation act. One hundred million of stars exist in the the heavens, which wiil be composed of 1,800 to 2,000 sheets. Captain J. Allen has placed several buoys in Kingston harbor marking definitely the various shoals. The steamer Alexandria carried one of them away. It is proposed to make the owners of boats that carry away buoys to pay for the damage done. The body of John Henderson, captain of the ill-yated schooner Blanche, which went down with all hands on the 28th of May, was picked up on Plew’s Point by Mr. Lyons, amile and a half from the residence of the deceased, at Lockport, near Colborne. Patrick Kelley, the seaman who stabbed cago. at pay for from five to fifteen ago board of marine under. the trip rates on grain from “Michigin, 40 cents; on r. 50 cents; on Georgian rie, 60 cents; on Luke Onta- urg, 75 cents; Montreal, $110, The rates on A2} vessels 50 per cent. additional, and on Bi 100 per cent. There is no truth in the report circulated afew days ago that the steamer Ida had | was pei off| been seized at Kingston and her owner made pay a fine of $400 for sailing with- out properly qualifi-d officers. Enquiries | were made about the matter, but Mr. Arnold | says he was able to satisfy the authorities and in return was treated by them in a most | courteous manner, There will, no doubt, be many matters brought to the attention of the International Marine conference, by those interested in sechring safe navigation. It is to be hoped | that many of them will point out the neces- sity © aws to prevent color blind persons ng employed in any capacity on ate board. Every body employed on board vessel should have as near perfect sight ig as eae York Mar- ster. ichigan, a peculiar jboking craft, noored _ the foot. Jay str b yes- bat “morning. She is a three-masted schooner, and uses. steam as well; is built upon new | model, and is new throughout. are of one-inch steel, and her en- puilt at Shamokaway for Mor ntgomery and Coldwell of this. city. er length is 178 feet, and she steams seven- knots on five tors of coal in twenty-four rs.—From the Portland Oregonian Captain Se Seymour, master and part owner passenger steamer ky, died Was, Michigan; Friday. Cap- tain Seymour went ashore a month ago suf- was regarded as one of the best pilots in Lake Michigan waters. He left the service of the Northern Michigan Line last spring to etsab- lish a rival business in connection with his brothers. A Philadelphian has invented a patent ap- pliance for a hawser which is intended. to prevent a rat from climbing up ona vessel. The patent is an appliance shaped like a funnel, over which the varmints can neither crawl norclimb. If this invention should work, it would make the patentee a fortune; but old sailors don’t think that anythingcan keep rats out, and they declare that if they (the rats) could not get on board the ships any other way, they would swim out and crawl up the slippery sides of the boats. Louis Abrahamson shipped as a able seaman board the schooner Ironton at Buf- falo, and as soon as the voyage to Chicago was commenced he endeavored to take com- mand of the vessel. Captain Wilson called the sailor to task. Abrahamson attempted to thrash the captain. He was locked up in the forecastle and brought to Chicago. Captain Wilson wanted Justice Kersten to fine Abrhamson for disorderly conduct, but ; the court decided that the offense was not committed within bis jurisdiction, and the sailor was discharged. The treasury department has decided that where an American vessel en route to a for- eign port springs a leak and sinks in Amer- ican waters and it becomes necessary to bring pumps from a foreign port for the purpose of raising her, domestic pumps not being obtainable, the duty assessed on such pumps may be refunded under the provi- sions of section 3,115 of the revised statutes, which authorizes the refunding of duty on repairs necessitated by stress of weather firmament and the international astrono-| while in the regular course of her voyage to mers assembled at the Paris observatory in | secure the safety of the vessel to enable her 1887 are taking steps to prepare a map Of to reach her port of destination. Meteorological summary for the week ending September 25, 1888: Mean actual barometer........ + 30.13 Mean temperature,,.,.......... 59.2 Mean humidity, ... 22.2... .--- 00+ 76.9 Total precipitation............-------- 103 Prevailing direction of wind.......... Total wind movement.... ... Avy, cloudiness............. Av. state of weather.......... Max, temperature, highest... .... Min temperature, lowest........-..- 48. W. H. HAMMON, Sergt. Sig. Corps, U. Ss. A peacanaatias a Breck & Booth have chartered the schrs. Blake and St, Louis to take iron ore to Cleve- land, | London to N . toy back to Lon-| | t He was sen- y to enforcing the rulee oe yerning | the towing companies of Chi- ntered into an agreement that its of violation be referred to f of the companies, who on ae two-thirds vote, to ; n by any captain hy sus. 5 to October 1 as follows: To nts; on Lake Huron, Sarnia, fering from an attack of typhoid fever. He ; | in every particular, — A_no ‘He was well. ‘known ani ‘gna k ‘| respected by vesselmen allover the lakes, He + Louis Lemon’s tug : tug. helug busily engaged ‘bridge, the boiler will not pation roa until she lays up in the fall. The Detroit Boat works location near the Belle Isle b and they will erect a large and comm 3 plant for building yachts and boats. The improve- met a ‘eee neded owing to the brisk business dong by this firm. _ Since your last publication the Detroit Drydock company have had in their dock the Specular for calking, repairing rucder i bands, the Chief Justice Waite for a general overhauling, and the Newburgh for calking and repairs to stern bearings in the wake of the shaft. There is steady work repairing at Thure- ton’s boat yard, and people are kept busy right along. The new steamer W. H. Morley is ex pected to be ready for business at the end of this week. At John Oades’ yard the yacht Mona has been recalked and generally overhauled and painted; schooner Andrews new rails, timber heads and other repairs; the schooner Stewart for new fore and mizen masts, and the J. C. Whitney has had a new foremast made and is ready to be stepped; the steam yacht Lily will be docked fcr adjusting her new wheel, which was shipped here last week, and found to be rather too light. The wheel, which is a late invention, patented by a Californian, is something unique, be- ing simply blades shipped on a hub and secured by a slot and screw bolts. Ona recent trial trip she was said to have saved three minutes ina six-milerun. The lurge scow Ben Brink, built by this firm recently, has agreeably surprised both owners and builders by carrying 550,000 teet of green hemlock; this quantity is considered equiva- lent to 600,000 feet of pine, and is 100,000 more than BShe was expected to carry. The Frontier Iron ana Brass works have ave secured a 'two engines in course of constuction for ©W=>| the Percheron steam navigation company measuring 20. by. $2 and 54 by 42, also two others of the same dimensions for F. W. Wheeler of Bay City. é Samuel F, Hodge & Co. haye completed their work on the steamer Cumberland with | 1 their ustial dispatch, having finished the en- gines of this boat one week ahead of hel, specified time. The new engine was tried at the firtn’s dock and worked Sete Wer featur in Hotge’s” engines | are, , that in not one sin-| gle case has it been found necessary to make a trial trip, and at the time of writing word hus been received that the Cumber- land is towing two schooners eight miles per hour on a consumption of 1500 pounds of coal per hour. he Vienna has had re- pairs to her pump connections. The tirm have cleaned out the tug Wilson, A new crank shaft for the the river tug Champion is about completed. The Eagle Iron works have finished a new cylinder for Captain R. Armstrong, of Bay City, measuring 12 by 23 bore and18 inch stroke. They have also supplied two new 6 by 6 hoisting machines for T, B. Wheeler, of Bay City. Drawings have been completed and patterns will at once be made for a 7 by 10 deck hoisting engine. Mr. Goss, the well known sailmaker, of this city, has just returned from California, H. D. Edwards & Co.,, ship chandlers, are doing a steady business, but are not rush- ing. Mr. H. H. Brown, of Cleveland, was iu the city yesterday, presumably on business connected with the grounding of his steamer Fayette Brown. The Wilson line steamer Spokane drop- ped her wheel off in Saginaw Bay on Mon- day. She was picked up by Grummond’s tug Moore, and was towed into Sand Beach. it is reported that she is to go intv dock here for new wheel. There is more or jess talk about tunnel- ing the river, and some about bridging, said a Michigan Central officer: ‘We are constantly receiving proposals of some kind regarding the crossing, although I don’t believe there is any especial project just now under consideration. We need a tunnel, it is true, but only for the name of it, Asa matter of fact, our present mode of crossing is cheaper and more expeditious than it would be with atunnel. That is, of course, in summer. We have more or less trouble with ice in winter, but we are hay- ing a new iron steamer constructed at Cleve- land which will simplify matters a good deal in the ice season. The new steamer works with both screw and paddle, and is co constructed that she will be better able to clear the slips than are the steamers now in use. That the ice can be overcome is eas'ly shown by the success of the St. Ignace, and itis expected that the new steamer now be- ing built will be as satisfactory here as the St. Ignace is at the straits.” The steel steamer Scranton is the latest vessel to meet with a mishap in the shallow water about Grosse Point. The Scranton is @ Revoril a. from IstePage. } | ] | one ot the finest boats on the slates, s and is the latest addition to the fleet of the Lacka- wanna traneportatation company. She was Boiler works are build-| built at Cleveland and was taunched> ‘only about a month ago, When. near -Peche island the boat scraped along the rocky bo'- ton-atid the movements of the vessel soon afterward showed that holes had been -tovein her. After an Investigation it was discovered that there was no danger of her tinking owing to the water-tight compart- ments. ‘he water filled the forward com- partment but luckily did not reach the catgo, which consisted of 78 000 bushels of grain. The cuptain preceeded on to De- troit, and reaching here in eatety tied up at Living+tone’s dock. The eargo will have to be unloaded «nd the water pumped out and then the br at will hive to go into dry- dock for repairs. Swalrn- TREASURY DE ISION RELATIVE TO VESSELS. STEAM VESSEL IMPORTAD FROM CANADA LIABLE TO DUTY. TREASURY DAPARTMENT, August 8, 1888. Sir: The department isin receipt of 5 our letter of the 27th ultimo reporting on the ap- peal 6688 of Mr. M. H. Folger from your de cision assessing duty on a Canadian steam ‘vessel, called Geneva, imported in your port from Canada in June last, the appellant al- leging that under the terms of the special act of March 2, 1879, which authorizes the secre- tary of the treasury to grant an American registry to said vessel, no duties accrued thereon, The appellant also protests, if the claim is not wholly allowed, against the exaction of duty on machinery contained in the said yes- sel, which he claims to be of domestic man- ufacture, heretofore exported from the United States, The act above mentioned (20 Stats., p. 473) prescribes that an American registry may be issued to the said vessel upon the payment into the treasury of the United States of the duties legally chargeable upon said vessel. Shortly after the passage of this act, viz., on the 13th of March, 1879, this department ad- dressed a communication !o the then collector of customs at your port, in which he was notified of the provisions of the said act, and was instructed, upon the payment into the United State treasury of the dutieschargeable, | 2 to grant an American registry to the vessel. It appears, however, that the owners vessel failed to avail themselves of the p: ance with the terms of the act, which request was subsequently granted by you upon the payment of the duties now complained of. The vessel, being an importation into the United States, is, under the existing tariff act and the special provision of the act above mentioned, as well as the rulings of the de- partment in somewhat similar cases, liable to duty, and your decision is hereby affirmed. In regard to the machinery, it may be stated that, inasmuch as it was exported as iron machinery, and is now imported asa part ofthe vessel, it has thereby lost its identity as a separate commodity, and the claim for its free entry cannot be allowed, the existing statute only exempting domestic manufactures from the payment of duty when tbey are returned in the same condition as exported. To Collectors of Customs, Cape Vincent, N.Y. TONNAGE TAX ON VESSELS FROM CANADA. Treas. Dep’, BureAu OF Navicarion,) Wasuineton, D. O, August 15, 1888.) Sir: This office is in receipt of your letter of the 10th instant, transmitting protest and appeal (4929) of W. W. Green from your de- cision assessing tonnage dues on the British propeller Lake Michigan on a datesubsequent to the 9th instant, but not specified precisely in your communication. It does not appear from your report that the vessel was bound to Toledo at the time of her clearance from Montreal to Hamilton, Ontario, and it is stated in the protest that she cleared from Montreal to Hamilton witha cargo and from Hamilton to Toledo without cargo. The fact that itis often the practice of ves- sels trading between your port and Montreal to clear from the latter place to same point in Ontario and thence to your port does not gdy- ern the decision in this particular case, and unless there is some good reason for supposing that the voyage to your port commenced at Montreal, you may forward a certified state ment for arefund of the duty levied. Re- spectfully yours, C, B. Morron, Commissioner. To Collectors of Customs, Toledo, Ohio. CIRCULAR,—FRENCH VESSELS TO BE ADMIT TED WITHOUT ADMEASUREMENT, Treas, Dep’, BurREAU or NAVIGATION, } Wasuinaron, D. C. August 24, 1888.4 To collectors of customs aud others; It appearing to this department that the rules concerning the admeasurement for ton- nage of vessels of the United States have been substantially adopted by the government of France, it is hereby directed that French ves. sels arriving in the United States shall here- after be deemed to be of the tonnage denoted jn their certificate of registry or other na- tional papers, and that it shall not be neces- sary for such vessels when furnished with Such certificates to be readmeasured in any port in the United States. In such cases there must be added to the tonnage the amount of any deductions and omissions not authorized by the admeasure- ment laws of the United States. (Art. 189, Reg’s, 1884. The government of France’ has agreed sub- stantially toaccept in French ports the ad- measurement of vessels of the United Stateg certified in their registers, and to compute ac- cording to the tonnage given in said papers the navigation dues payable by such vessels. Any departure from this agreement at any. port of France should be brought to the at- tention of the Bureau. T. B. Sanpers, Acting Commissioner, Approved. C. 8. Farrcarny, Secretary. THE ST. CLAIR FLATS CANAL. Just at this time a great deal is being said and printed about the locality of the St. Clair Flats ship canal, in the State of Michigan, and questions are being asked as to whether the canal is wholly or part in Canadian wa- ;ters. The president questioned Colonel R. C. Parsons very carefully upon the subject today when he called atthe White House, and examined the engineer’s charts with criti- cal interest. The whole matter is easily dis- posed of. The entire canal lies in American waters, save a small triangular part of it at the northeast corner, abous seven hundred feet long and perhaps atthe widest part of the st ip twenty feet in breadth. In com- pleting the canal under the proposed measure - nothing is easier than to throw the entire upper part of the canal into American water, which will be done. By the treaty of Ghent the commissioners who met at Utica in 1822 to settle the bound- ary line between Canada and the United States drew a line on the map, which if fol- lowed, would place the canal wholly in Cana- - dian waters, But the phraseology of thecom- - missioners defines the drawings so as to make - unmistakable the line to be followed, this line placing the canal wholly in American waters _ and | ada were to have the use ¢ and Sault Ste. Marie oleate’ upon the same terms as the citizens of the United States. - There was no question raised as to the local- ity of the canal, it being assumed from _ the examination of the charts and the boundaries waters. A resolution was passed some time ago by the senate asking for information on the subject of the war department, and Gen- eral Casey, the chief engineer, is now prepar- ing his reply. The bill for completing the canal and mak- 1ng an appropriation for the money has re- ceived the indorsement of the river and har- bor committee and will be reported next week to the house, It has received the cor- dial approval of the president, the secretary of war, and the engineers department, and it will probably pass the house. If it becomes a law it will secure the completion of the canal a year or two in advance, and thus give to the commerce of the lakes a channel suitable for its growing demands. ABOUT CHICAGO’S RIVER, I am glad to see Commissioner Swift awaken- ing to the fact that commerce is being driven away from this port, said a marine represeuta- tive, and I am equally well pleased at the com- missioner’s position, that we should foster this factor in our commercial greatness; do all we can to keep it within our control, To do this successfully he holds that we should deepen the river to accommodate the steamers, and not heighten the loads to accommodate the depth of the river. With so many open ports to enter no sane man is going to send his vessel here for half a load when he can fill her up elsewhere, The city has made an appropriation of $40,000 for dredging the river, This is, of course, to- tally inadequate to accomplish what is needea, And yet, if this sum is judiciously used, the many bars in the bridges of the South Branch can be removed. Ifleftin the hands of the contractors, the money will soon disappear in work alongside the railroad docks and eleyator slips. The dredging here, if it devolves upon the city, should be deferred until the main courses of navigation are cleared. ROPOSALS FOR REPAIRS &c, U. 5. gineer office, 89 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, Se; — ber 20, 1888. Roper te sealed proposals, in dupl will be received at this office, until 12 o’cloek PM Monday , October 8, 1888, at which time they will be opene in presence of bidders, for repairs at the fol- lowing harbors: At Monroe, Michigan; at Huron, Ohio; at Port Clinton, Ohio. Proposals will be ac- companied by a written guarantee that in case the | bid ba accepted, contract will be entered into with good and su ficient security within ten (10) days after notice of such acceptance. Forms, specifications and other infor mation can Ls obtained st this epee ane United Sta 7 as the rig rejec' H proposals, BR OVERMAN, Major of Engi- | neers. Ree iy canara ate GSE save the 700 feet alluded to. In 1871, when — Brit. that the canal was substantially in American . i

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