Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), October 25, 1888, p. 1

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= {ab the residence of Hx-Alderman Kist, on River St., many relatives and friends tocele- brate the 50th birthday of the partner of his Pare asd to make the occasion one of aor ‘Shipbuild-| mirth and pleasure. There were present 45 kets vaitly laid for No. 4. This | relatives and 150 friends, who enjoyed the I ile for the ¢ leveland Iron | bounties of the host. Numerous presents | were presented in a very happy manner, pient thinking no doubt that Sal y; ti ‘it is pleasant to know that after a half at |eentury of this life there are many who _ | are unselfish enough to show that generous hearts beat for her welfare. Amiong the . eee CLLEGE L LL AAS CIT : ey substancial gifts can be mentioned a There were ; present three sons, three aes ten grand bc akbctosn penis children, three sons-in-law. After supper to receive an official the guests returned to the dining room, ‘roit, whose official | occasion, and at about 2 a, m. many were ae ross, 21.76 enj j tact toe, been, made for “using a and hostess, as. everything had passed off st sberbotiom of | ele in a happy n manner. is ess to dwell on the great advantages) - cHIcaco_ this scheme, over torehes and oil lamps. ‘Spoil zie eibheat _ We understand that mr, W.F.. Cullens] Lumber treights have gone up a notch ot ‘At present chief eugineer of the propeller | one shilling this week trom all Lake Michi- Jesse H. Farwell,will shortly resign his po- | gan ports’ excepting Menominee, too many “sition to take charge of the propeller ma-| vessels having been offered for that port. chinery on the new Michigan Central ferry Freights now stand at $1.50 on dry lumber, boat, to be launched Saturday from the | anq $1.621 on wet lumber from Muskegon, yards of the Cleveland Shipbuilding Co, and $1.62} on dry and $1.75 on wet from During the presage-of the steamer City of | Manistee, i Detroit Wednesday morning, a heavy beam} The schooner Danforth had her jibboom Sea was experienced in mid lake, and Cap-|taken out by a line trom a tog when pull- tain McLachlan utilized the canvas oil bags|ing her off the bottom of the river at Cly- carried by these steamers, with beneficial | bourne avenue bridge. results. The bag was hung over the wea- The schooner A, P. Nichols lost her jib- _ther|bow and at every dip a small quantity | poom and head gear Monday, by colliding of the oil was deposited on the surface, giv- ing ocular demonstration of the old time adage, to pour oil on troubled waters, Tne propeller North Wind has been in the Cleveland drydock since Saturday, the Charles Wilson, who was mate on the repairs being more extensive than wus ex- | schooner Charles Foster, has been appointed pected, on survey, she wa3 found to require | Captain of her, vice Hugh Hastings re- eight outside plates, each twelve feet in signed. length, and about fifteen new trames and At the Chicago Drydock company the tug floor plates. It is expected that she will be | J, W. Gardner was in dock for bottom ealk- ready to come out of the dock tonight. This ing, the tug Mariel for a new wheel, schoon- work when completed wiil be the largest | ers J. L. Danforth and Colonel ElJsworth job ever done in the Cleveland drydock on | received new jibbooms, schooners Hattie a steel hull. Hutt and St. Lawrence, barge Ashland, Agreement has been made and the writ- steambarge J. E, Potts some general re- ings signed for the}building of another new pairs. steamer. The builders areThomasQuayle’s | At Miller Brothers’ shipyard the steam- Sons, and the parties for whom she is to be ship A. P. Wright was in dock and received constructed are Messrs. Robert R, Rhodes| anew bucket to her wheel, the tug Robbie and others, among whom are the Cleveland| Dunham a new shaft, steambarge Swallow Shipbuilding Co. and Mr. A. R Manning, | was in for calking, the steambarge Joys is of this port. The measurements of the new getting a new stem, and some stanchions boat will be 285 feet keel, 800 feet over all, | and bulwarks and a new wheel, the schooner 42 feet beam, and 28 feet hold. She will| Minnie Slawson is having her center board have a triple expansion engine, cylinders repaired, the tug Earnshaw had her wheel 20, 31, and 52jinches, with 40 inch stroke, | fastened at the derrick, the steamship R. A. or a duplicate of those _n the Scranton and Packer ie getting a new rudder and Trout Lackawanna, except that two new cylinders | wheel. will be Linch larger. The new boat will! The schooner L. A. Simpson was in col- have two boilers, 11}¢ by 14 feet, allowed | \ision with the steambarge Rumbell up the 150 pounds steam. Boilers and engines are! gouth branch Monday, and took the smoke- to be built by the Cleveland Shipbuilding stack, some pipes,and a portion of the company. The new steamship is to be | cabin off the Rumbell. ready for cea on the opening of navigation| Captain Charles Green, of the schooner next season. Reed Case, owned by C. J. Magill, of this with State street bridge. The schooner Colonel Ellswo:th arrived minus her jibboom Monday, having carried it away outside in bad weather. Meteorological summary for the week ending| port, was d.owned while attempting to October 23, 1888: Mean actual batehiotie a reach the shore from his vessel, off Hough- Sc eerie gee ite hb, ton, Mich., last Saturday afternoon. geoe a 4 907 2 Intelligence of the death of Captain John . W.N- WwW Kennedy, of the barge J.M. Huchinson, 1565} was received in Chicago Saturday, by Cap- -- 9°} tain James Sims. That gentleman received one agrees the following telegram. Max. temperature, lowest.......-...... 36.0] Jt is supposed that Captain Kennedy died W.H. HAMMON, Sgt. Signal Corpse, U.S. A, | of heart disease. When he left here on his During the small hours of the morning of | grain laden vessel last week he complained the 22nd imst. there were gathered; together! of assevere cold. The deceased has been in mide: lakes was the|Which had been prepared for the ng themseives, tripping the light fan- | $2.00RR Anum SInGLE Coprus 5 CEwTs. the big barge, in command of which he died, for eight years, as seaman, mate, and finally, master. Captain James Sims, Chicago: Captain John Kennedy died Saturday night. The body is here at Marine Cityin care of Adam Fredericks, tndertaker. Report to societies he belongs to to look after him. The schooner L. L. Danforth, coal laden and drawing 14.6 ran hard on the east draw of the Clibourne place bridge Friday, the 19th and stuck there six hours, completely cutting off all traffic across the span. It is here that the Packer came to grief. It now transpsres that the Packer, aside from her other injuries, broke her rudder. A new one is being made. Vessels of lighter draught should steer clear of the spot. A pump will be sent from here to the sehooner Mediator, in bad shape at Ra- cine, The schooner J. A. Holmes cleared this port to go into winter quarters at Shebeygan, Wis. The schooners Edward Blake and Jenny Mullin will go into winter quarters here on their arrival. Schooner Mediator will be drydocked on arrival and then go into winter quarters. |The steamship Hope was driven back into port after proceeding as far as Grosse Point. ‘|The Pensaukee grain laden for Buffalo, 30 miles out, was forced to return to Chicago. The schooner Danford finally got toher dock, --|not,-however, until she had’been delayed. 36 hours and suffered the loss of her jibboom. Captain Finney of the F. L. Vance reports the barge Saugatuck and conscrts sheltered under the Manitous. Tbe underwriters, who had risks on the hull of the steambarge M. M. Drake, came out lucky on her mishap in going on Grey’s reef, There was a margin of between $8,000 and $10,000 on her value and her in- surance. Monday, when it seemed she could not be released except at great ex- pense, Cuptain Green, her owner, abandoned her to the insurance companies. Captain James J. Rardon, of this city, representing Crosby & Macdonald and the other general agencies on her hull, went at once to the wreck. By the release of the Drake Tnes- day the insurance people came into posses- sion of a valuable vessel ata figure much below her value, as the cost of repairs can- not be heavy if the reports from the straits are correct. It is probable, however, that the Drake will be given back to Captain Green on a compromise by which the loss account to the companies will be practically wiped out. This procedure has been fol- lowed once before this season by Crosby & Maedonald, who are well satisfied with this eusy way of paying losses. The companies on the corn cargo have nearly a total loss to settle for. WILLIAMS. MILWAUKEE, special to the Marine Record. Ihe schooner Camden while being towed up the river by thetug Welcome, ran into and demolished oneend of Broadway bridge. It happened in this way: The Welcome whistled for the bridge and it was opened. The steamer Curtiss was lying at Smith’s elevator and without blowing signals for bridge or draw attempted to get through ahead of the Welcome and tow, but as it took some minutes to get headway, the Cur- tiss only succeeded in getting inthe way, aud did not leave room for the tug to handle her tow. Consequently the tug lost control of the vessel and she crashed into the bridge. The city libeled the tug, schooner and steambarge for damages, There will be asuit to determine which is responsible. They were bonded. The new steamer G. H. Dyer will proba- bly get away this week on her maiden trip. The barge Joys, of this port, and the steamer KF, and P. M. No.1 were in collision at Manistee, last week. The Joys broke her wheel and afew stanchions on her upper works forward, while the F, & P. M. No.1 was uninjured. The barge Hickox got away Monday night, having received a new crank here, The big steamer Helena got aground /may reach the grand total of onemillion tons abreast of the life saving station, in conse- quence of low water, and was pulled oft after 48 hours of hard work. The steamer W.M. Egan also grounded at the same place. The tug Vesta V. was in dock receiving a Sheriff's’ wheel and some calking. Messrs. R. P. Fitzgerald & Co, have sold another oftheir fleet. This time itis the big Barnum. Price $40,000. The Barnum was built by Jones, of Detroit, in 18738, Ton- nage 1059, and rates A2, and is in first class repair. This leaves them of the old fleet tbe steambarge Nahhant and barge North- west. The sale of the Kershaw and Barnum will not decrease the number of boats in their fleet as they have two new steamers under construction, by the Detroit Drydock com- pany. The yards here have not as yet started on any new work for this winter, but there may be some new boats brilt here after the |- election is decided, : The steamer ‘Sueqnehanna- ig etftt here waiting on her shoe and rudder and will _probably be delayed ten days more. - Coal receipts continue large ed before the close of navigation. . The excursion steamer Roseville’s ew pat- ent sheriff’s wheel, five feet in diameter, not | only increased her speed one-third over the} former one, but bas a prompt action in con- trolling the boat in her frequent landings. She can now back up or go ahead as quickly as a street electric motor. This wheel was suggested by her commander, Captain D, McDonald. J. SAND BEACH. Special to the Marine Rceord. This week has been as lively as any one wants; it some of the best bouts on the lake have been sheltered here. 16th. Alma Munro, Otego and two, Geo. N. Brady and four, Louisiana, Bob Ander- son, D. D. Poiter, Tempest and tive, Tor rent and raft, Kate Williams, R. G. Stewart Lewis Pahlon Lowell and four, Sampson and three, Belle Crossand four. Schooners R. J. Gibbs, Sea Bird, H, A. Root, Reliable, Three Brothers, Sunnyside, Lady Essex, 18th. Peter Smith and four, B. Martini. The Rhoda Stewart bound down came ina few hours to repuir her engine. 19th. Steamers R.G. Stewart, City of Concord, D. D. Porter. St. Louis and three, and F. R. Buell. The Chas, A. Street, lum- ber laden, bound down, runon the end of Pt. aux Barques reet and broke her wheel, shoe,stern post and rudder,she released her- self and made the harbor where she was ta- kenin towby thetug D.D. _ Porter. Steamers, Ohio, Point Abino, Get- tysburg, Calumetand one, Colonial, J. 5S. Ruby, Sabina and three, Kittie Smoke and one, ‘ 20th. Sweepstakes, Alpena and one, H, C. Schnoor, Bessimer, Flora, Samuel Mar- shal!, schooners Typo and Aaretic. <A, Sumner and Michigan, A, Folsom and two, Iron Chief and one, Cumberland and one, Alcona and one, Mecosts, Niagara, Fessen- den. The tug Torrent carried away the bolts holding the stern post to the shoe, the ser- vices of a dive r were engaged and repuirs made here. aE MARQUETTE. During the week closing with Wednes- day, the 17th, the Lake Superior mines sent to market by water 165,781 gross tons of iron ore. The lake shipments for the cor- responding week in 1887 footed up only 180- 388 tons. At this date last season the ship- ments had reached only 69,223 tons more and put h PORT HURON, Special to the Marine Record, Captain M. W. Packard of this city with a gang of men is at work raising the sunkem barge Magnet below this city. They are im view of purchasing the tug Geo. Hand’s engine- and converting the Magnet into a steambarge. Captain Wm. Love of Marine Boiler Works: was in the city Wednésday. The Roswell P. Flower arrived in this: city on the 27th with a broken rudder, A new one was madé by the W. D. D. Co., and placed into position by. Captain Thomas. Isabelle, the diver. Captain Harvey a ‘Kendall of this city has aecepted the position of captain of the tug A. J. Wright, in place of Captain Thos. Foster. Captain Heminger with 2 full wrecking: outfit has gone to the wreck of the’ Oliver- Cromwell, wrecked in the recent gale. The tug’ Porter arrived | here B seoctesi disabled’ : as to ago. It has been blowing a gale past week, The water was three feet lower Thurs- day and Friday than it has been for sometime past The D, C. Whitney could not get into. the drydock on account of low water. K.. KENOSHA. Special to the Marine Keeord. O. H. Starke & Co, of Milwaukee, having received the contract for dredging at this= place, are now at work putting inthree cuts the length of the harbor piers to a uniform depth of 16} feet of water, also removing the bar at the entrance. During the storm of the 18th, two young men sailed from this port, beund for their home in Racine, in asmallsloop. When four miles north the boat filled with water and capsized. The life saving crew responded. at once but before they reached the wreck its occupants who had been floating on a hatch were washed off and drowned. Their bodies. have not yet been found. On the 20tu, the tug Evenson while en- gaged in towing dump scows, gota line in her wheel disabling her, but for the prompt assistance of the life saving crew and tug Engle, both tugandscow would have gone ashors with perhaps loss of life. The life saving crew was called out again on the 21st to the disabled tug Crawford, of Chicago, thus have the boys been doing valu— able service during the past week. The schooner Eveline is the first to go into. winter quarter at this place. C, A. BE. RACINE, Last week the three masted schooner Me- diator, bound from Menominee to Chicago with lumber, appeared off this port flying a signal foratug, The sea was running high and a tug did not venture out, so the vessel attempted to sail justinside the harbor, She struck a sand bar and the rudder was carried away. The vessel grounded heay- ily upon the bottom, and the tug parted a line in attempting to get her inside, finally she drifced against the north pier, sprung aleak and fiilled with water. She now lies on a sandy bottom with a tremenduous sea running over her deck load, a portion of which 1s gone. There is danger of her pounding to pieces unless the storm sub. sides. At 8 o’clock the crew left her, The than the figure to which they have now risen. The week’s shipments from the dif- ferent ports were as follows: Marquette range 34,582 tons; Escanaba, 69,152 tons; St. Ignace, 2,543 tons; Ashland, 37,814 tons Two Harbors, 21,690 tons. By ranges, the shipments to date are: Marquette range, 1,491,011 tons; Gogebic range, 1,069,607 tons; Menominee range, 918,865 tons; Ver- million, 349,126 tons, i> “ AES 2a Op ne cose panama " vessel is owned by the Skeels estate, Chic- ago, and there is no insurance. To whom the cargo is consigned is not known The sloop Bed Bug, on her way from Ke- nosha to this port, capsized when six miles south of here, and the occupants, Dan Sulli- yan, a seaman, age 82 years, and James Cline, a stevedore, aged 28 years, were drowned. Both men were from Racine, f| a

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