Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 8, 1888, p. 1

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al ‘in or eyinder, F, Witt & Co. Her| eld Friday. in the office of Mr. M. It was called to consider the advisability of advancing wages. A deci: sion was reached to advance the pay of mates on sail vessels $5 per month, and of sailors on sail vessels, including cooks, fifty cents perday. The pay of men on. steam vessels, watchmen, wheelmen, firemen, etc., was advanced twenty-five cents per day, All, it is understood, will go into effect at once. The tug Tom Maytham was damaged to the extent ot $300 by fire Sunday evening, and was only saved from total destruction|by the timely arrival of the fireboat. The fire occurred at 9 o’clock, p. m.while the tug was moored at the Front street,dock, and started from some unknown cause. The tug was built in Buffalo in 1880, and belonged to the Vessel Owners’ Line. Insurance amounting to $3,000, fully.covers the loss. Measrs, Lowgie & Collins are the owners of the tug. The machinery was uninjured. Some time ago the daily morning weather report was discontinued at Cleveland and the maps were sent on here from Buffalo, but they arrived too late, of course, to be of any benefit. Members of the Cleveland ves- sel owner’s association and merchants gen- erally forwarded a petition to Washington last week explaining the uselessness of ‘a weather report by mail from Buffalo and Mr. B. L. Pennington, secretary of the ves- sel owners’ association, received a letter from Chief Signal Officer Greely saying th a there would be a resumption of the morning weather report. The chief signal officer adds that he will take as a fuvor avy sugges- tions whereby the service can better sub- serve local interests. The Cleveland dry dock has had the schooner May Richards in to stop al:ake and had butts calked; the propeller Pro gress bad butts calked, and her bottom searched up, fifty feet new keel, and two pieces of garboard strake; the schooner Alva Bradley a leak stopped; the schooner Erie Belle bad bottom calked. The tug Geo. B Diekson, of Fairport, got a new shoe, and slight repairs; the schooner Annie M, Ash had a Jeak stopped, and some new plank. Tne propeller Corsica is now in, and will have extensive repairs done to her bottom. The electric light has been connected, and a night gang will be kept at work on her un- til repairs are completed. This vessel must haye had a considerable rub, as the massive stee] plates and frames aie stove in and bent for a distance of about forty feet on her starboard side. The Giobe Iron Works Co, deserve great credit for their excellent disp'ay in the ‘Trade! 8 procession, Jast Saturday. We were agreea- bly surprised to hear the shrill whist'e of the ‘mounted steam launch, tooting a toot on Su- perior street, Several of our marine friends remarking that ii was an eye opener to the land-lubbers, for our own part we consider the 700 men in line, and the various branches of the work represen‘ed, as making one of the finest poin s in the whole procession, not ! ing Mr. Hambleton’s boiler corps. john Thomson, the machinist was alco well represented, as with George Sials’ Son Basset, Presley and Train had quite a large exhibit. Our other patrons, Messrs, Sonn, Walton & Co. and- J. Wi -Gtover&Son, shipchand- e duye, ers, made « fine showing with their marine "| merehundise. - PORT HURON, MICH. ‘the Marine - lace for oan togo. As the barge Grace | | on her way to the Sulphite e tan s with a load of pulp wood, she ek: sn-treé and stove a large hole in her bow below the water ihe She im- now his i Te ) fair way to” be} ‘ | the boat. The case was The’ marter oF Mesa Wie a. Tie steamer New Orleans ran hard aground on the middle ground opposite the G. T. R. elevator at this port early Mon- day morning. Shehad to be lightered off The steamer Don “M. Dickinson arrived here with a steam pump for the disabled Corsica, which was sunk here at Port Huron. When the pump arrived it was found that the Corsica bad not any pump well and the men had to chop a jhole ¢through her iron deck, which was .an inch thick. Bevtore they could,use the pump, she was taken_be- low the city and lightered and pumped out and was started for her port of destination, The propeller Toledo broke her xir pump connections Just Sunday night when on Lake Huron. She was brought here for re- pairs. The A.J. Wright is here for repairs. She has been four days waiting for her new shaft, The steamship Thomas W. Palwer, towing the schooner David Vance, bound down, collided with the schooners Mary and Philo Scoville lying at anchor, Saturday moruing, The Mary lost her foremast, railing, stanch- ions, and some frames forward. The Sco- ville Jost her bowsprit, jibboom, railing, and stanchions forward. The Vance lost some headgear and railing. The Mary and Sco- ville are here for repairs. The damages to ‘the Scoville will, reacb $300. K, RACINE, The schooner Wollin, bound for Kenosha while attempting to make thi- port for shel ter, struck a sand bar and had a hole stove in her bottom. Pumps had to be set to work to keep her from waterlogging, and the life saying crew finally managed to get a jacket around her, She was then towed up the river. It is claimed the boat only drew six feet of water. KINGSTON. The schooner Watertown has gone into winter quarters at Portsmouth. The Corn, wall canal bank settled Friday night over two feet. A crack was discovere! in the ban: where the old break occured. ‘lhe propellers Celtic, Cuba, Michigan, Onturio, Canada, Tilley, and Dominion. and -chooners Benson, Neelson, Merritt, 1nd Augusta, are all waiting to discharge their cargoes. FAIRPORT, With the assistance of a steam pump, a lighter, and two tugs the stranded schooner Swallow was brought into port. KINGSTON. It took $18,000 to puy the man engaged in repairing the brexk in the Cornwall canal: The schooner Watertown has gone into winter quarters here. Biack River at'Port Huron iva dangerous | oie AGOs The schooner Pe saukee arrived Monday morning from Detroit in tow of the tug Wil- cox. She was leaking considerable, She had extra men aboard but no steampump, Fifty- five hundred bushels of wheat was taken ont dry. The balanc , 36,000 bushels, was sold at Detroit to T. J Henry of Buffalo. This wheat will not run and cannot be elevated. The cost of taking it out of the boat will be considerable and there wasa wrangle at last accounts as to who should pay for this work. The vessel has a small hole under her star- board bottom, forward She will be repnired here. Captain Dunham, her owner is here Captain Robert Brown, formerly of the tug Prindiville, has been eoinmand of the tug Mary McLane. Viee Captain Mike Driscoll, Captain Mike Driseoll has purchased a one half interest in the aa bn Torrent and will Mayflower, Ciptain Ni an independent line of Judge Blodgett deci peller Buckeye Mond some weeks ago, He held compauies liable for $11,000 and. ance for $7,000 of the loss, the. total value o 2; panies held they were ooly liable for the dam- age she had received up to the time of burning— some $6,000-while the fire compauies held she burned because 6f being wrecked. It was the latter view that the court took. An appeal was taken by the marine insurance people. The Illinois and ‘Michigan canal will be offic-t ally closed for navigation from Bridgeport to La Salle, Thursday, November 15 next, at mid- night. “After that date boats will be allowed to run as long as the weather permits, at owners’ risk of being frozen in. Ata largely attended meeting of the seaman’s union, held Tuesday vight at number 99 West Randolph street, a motion was unanimously passed increasing the wages for the remainder of the season from $2,50 to $3 aday, A similar advance has been made for several years past. The men justify it upon the plea that the work is wore risky and arduous, and also upon the fact that freight rates are proportionately in- creased. The. Goodrich Transportation Company will to-morrow discontinue the steamer on the Grand Haven and Muskegon route. The season on this route will close with the leaving of the regular boat at 7 o’clock to- night. General Passenger Agent Sngleton says that the steamers to the west shore of Lake Michigan will continue, The fine new, steamship Wm. B. Morley loaded 86,000 bushels of corn for Bufialo last Friday. She is a splendid built wooden steamship by Wm. B. Morley'of Marine City, who she is named after, and everything about her is as good and perfect as wood and iron can make her. She is 294 feet long between perpendiculars, 42 feet beam, 22 feet depth of hold, her triple compound engine 19 and 30 and 52 by 40, and two scotch type boilers 10} by 12 each, were built by the Detroit Drydock Engine Works. She bas the Cleveland Ship- building (o’s stean ‘steerer, the American WindlassCo.’s steam windlasses and capstans, She is commanded by Captain Joseph Coderill, C. Woodruff is first mate, John’ At- weil second mate, Thonas Dripdale is first engi eer, Andrew Manson second engineer At the Chicago Drydock Co.'s the schooner Lottie Wolf was in dock and had her bottom calked. The tug Brothers to have leaks stopped, the schooner St. ‘Taber received a new jibborm, repairs were Gone on the barges Maud Preston and 8. C. Pomeroy, propeller Lansing and schooners J.B. Wilbur and Alice. In an interview wihF. E. Van Alstine late steward of the schooner Reed Case, I learned the paticulars of the los of the schooner and her captain. He speaks very highiy of the services rendered by the Portage ship canal life saving crew, who went to the DevomnD BRO NAVIGATION, COMMERCE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. ss" xe os CLEVELAND. O.. NOVEMBER 3 1388. ") schooner in a jeartul gale when she was lying about half a mile off the beach and about five miles northeast of the life saving station on Friday, the 19th October, The steward was taken on board the life boat bv order of the captain who instructed him to go to Hough- ton and procure a tug to tow in the schooner to a place of safety. When taking the stew- ard to the shore the life boat hadgher bottom stove in and badly damaged on the rocks, whilst getting through the breakers which rendered her entirely useless. ‘Che steward walked to Red Jacket about five miles dis- tant from the shore, and got a rig which took him to Houghton some 13 miles off, he ar- rived there at 2:30: p. m. and went to Joe Croze tug office and obtained the tug Maytham which took him as far as the canal, arriving at lip. m., when the captain of the tug re- fused tv go to the wreck as the sea was too rough. The steward then walked to oppo- site the schooner and walked the beach until daylight and seeing that the schooner was waterlogged and on her beam ends and in canal for the tug, but . her . captain fagain. fused to go to the schooner, although the wea- d 0 rw th which. bruuched too and eapsized when about of amile from the shore, they all clung to herand managed to right ‘her and{they got into her, but when about 500 feetfromjthe shoretshe capsized again, the captain was washed away: but the two sailors clung to her thwarts and were rescued by the life saving crew whos ran into the water up to their waists and brought them toland. The two men were senseless and nearly dead, and the life saying crew took them to a fire which they had made in the wocds close by, and pulled off their wet clothes and rubbed them and brought them back to life and supplied them with dry clothes. The life, buat of the life saving crew having been stove in and disabled, they had to, bringtheir surf boat through the woods to. the scene of the wreck,and they went'to the sch oner, and rescued the mate aud three men who remained on poard the schooner. The mate and steward then went to Houghton to get a tug Maythem to tow the Reed Case into the canal. arriving there about 7 p. m, but met with refusal. The schooner rolled over about midnight Saturday, The life saying crew took the crewalong to the life saving station and cared fur thea: and treated them with every kindness. Steward Van Alstine is of the pinion that the captains life and scnon- ercou'd have been saved, but for the cow- ardice of the captain of the Maythem, and he speaks injthe highest praise of ,the noble work done by theilife sav crengw The fine steamship Gladstone, arrived here for the first time on Tuesday, with 2050 tons of coal from Buffalo. She was built by Wm. Radcliffe of Cleveland for M. A. Bradley and others and came out last May. She is 302 feet over all 41 feet beam 24 feet depth ot hold,; Her engine, built by 8S. Hodge & Co., Detroit, is a triple expansion 2014, 32, and 54 by 42 stroke \and Scotch type boilers 1114 by 12 teet e ch were built by the Lake Erie Boiler Works, Buffalo and she. has engineer Tyler’s water purifier connected to her boil ers, The captain’s cabins, are fitted out with great taste and the other officer’s cabins and departments are very com- fortably and conveniently furnished. She went up the South Branch of the river to Magazine slip to unload her cargo at the Silver Creek and Morris company’s dock but her great length prevents her from getting into the slip. Captain Henry Stone is com manding ber, Sam Gould is first mate Tom Flint second mate W. W. Tyler chief engi- neer Thos. Walker assistant engineer. Engi- neer Tyler speaks in great praise of her engine and boilers which he says have proven a perfect success, ger of rolling over, he went back to the Lig but sastaioed no damage. She" yo ined of te fre insure re et seat "hh men ai to pais ise ahoeea in: alia pair $2.00Pme ANNUM SINGLE Comms 5 caprs At Miller Brothers’ Shipyard the Canadian schooner Keewatin was in dock for repairs to her, bottom, the tug Brockway to havea leak stopped, the schooner Barbarian re- ceived a new mast. ; The s‘eambarge M.’ B. Covell bound to this port with lumber went ashore early Suturday morning near the, ma- tine hospital, the United States steamer Andy Johnson and two of J. 8, Dunham’s tugs succeeded in releasing her and she ar-~ rived here a few hours later without having sustained any damage, The steamehip F. L. Vance, which light- ered 150 tons of coal before attempting to go to unload ‘up the South branch, got stuck in the draw of the Alton railroad bridge near thirty-first street, Monday morning: Two steambarges, two tugs and two loco- motive engines pulled on ber but could not noon. She’ still stack in the draw which is — ‘narrow for her to go through. - Early Saturday morning the steamer Mary B. ‘Cavall ran ashore four miles north’ Gates is now being prepared forfthe ex the Philadelphia Record. It is . there will be a saving’of 50 per cent in coal, and no oil will be required, the ammonia being its ,own lubricator. The ammionia is forced with "— the water into the boiler and ‘driven’ out of the * water at a comparatively. low temperature, and thea heated in asteam-box known as a super- heater, where it expands and enters, the cylin- ders with great force, After leaving the cylin- ders it is again toreed into the boilers and reab < sorbed by the water, But afew barrels of the ordinary ammonia will be required to run a arge engine. The tria! is looked. upon with great interest, asitis claimed that the system can be applied to larger vessels, The propeller F. L. Vance, coal laden, has beer aground at the Alton bridge since Mon- day morning. She was lightered of 150 tons before proceeding down the south branch, and yet stuck, .There are a dozen or more vessels hemmed in by the big boat unable to- get in or out of thecreek, Among them are the J. W. Westcott, Ida, City of Grand Haven, Keweenaw, Holland and consorts: J. E. Potts, M. T. Greene, Gray Qak, Swallow, Thomas Smith, and Nellie Torrent All these vessels are losing money by being thus prematurely crowded into winter quar- ters, and several damage suits are threatened: WILLIAMS, TOLEDO, Special to the Marine Lecord. The schooner K. Halloran has been stripped and laid up in the salt shed slip near No, 5, The tug Fannie Tuthill will receive a thorough rebuild on the docks formerly oc- cupied by Curtiss and Brainard. The work is being down by Cardnal and Skain. The steambarge Oscar Townsend will be rebuilt in Gilmore’s drydock this winter. Lhe tug Lizzie was damaged by fire Mon- day evening to the amount $150. The section of the straight channel from Presque Isle to the inside black can has been completed, Lake Superior shipments from this por are ended for this season, The tug Farragut has gone to Huron to tow fish boats. K. PORT ELGIN, After dragging her anchor the schoon- er L. Seaton went ashore at this port, She was badly damaged by going on the break- water. SAULT STE MARIE, release her up to this time, Wednesday after- ' gq The steambarge Ballentine, bound down with ore from Marquette, is hard aground in Waiska Bay. A tug has left here for her assistance. The Ballentine’s consort, the Ironton, is all right. { | |

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