Mhe Mayine Reconil. LAUNCH OF THE MICHIGAN CEN. [Around the Lakes Continued from 1st Page.] ‘RAL FERRY BOAT TRANSFER, | ‘The launch of the Michigan Central ferry. 5 LL The canal ai adagaasets last Sund | Fy al Angas Pig Ses RIE MADK Twin: AAA Wn be Var onek bidays Id em ot The Marquette Mining Journal suy:s—Twelve = tC) arine if ‘8 steam Transfer took place from the yard the patrd: we: tedia | Stewart was in dook for | ™#inder of the season, _ ake pl bie take pooh ine - (| of the Cleveland Ship Building Co,, on | caniking and repairs to her rudder. The propeller St. Paul with a clear canal? o¢ ore, piatderilty tt than one halt the Take Wed iy at noon and although the exact The propeller Duluth came down “om Lake made the run’ through on Monday in ten ahipeette of all the mines combined, To give t inch was not generally known | Superior with a loose wheel. Upon docking | hours and thirty minutes. our readers an idea of what those pa mines a8 quite a large number of people | her it was found that the hub of the wheel and| The steambarge Leuty arrived witn a loose | are doing this year we publish the comparative Michigan Central were ably” re-|also ber stern-bearing were worn away | Wheel. She had to:go to Buffalo to have it statement, the lake shipments to'date bein the presence of Mr. Westaway | some four or five inches and were completely | fastened. T, | 2,214,072 tons: by Hsing inspector, and commodore ruined. She received a new stern-bearing, cap BIFFALO. It will be noticed that the relative rank of accompanied by his two | #nd shoe at Sheriffs, and a Farrar & Treft’s'sec- | The polioonyd Montmorenei rau into the‘Otego | the mines as indicated by the output has Ach of: this steamer was tional wheel, which the company had as a io tinight while making an entrance into ihe | changed mach, and the Norrie, with its im- , sugceseful ‘that we have wheel. arbor and smashed the afterpart of the2Otego’s | mense total of 348,069 tons shipped by lake to and When 56. nnmeroae The propéller Favorite will have one of "her cabin and carrted away the schooner’s jibboom, | date, now overshadows all the other mines on gent GeGnoE undertaking of Pry eke tr di ago eg ue sae —_— It will be remembered that the schooner the list, One of the’six Marquette mines, the ken into aocouint,-tite fact may sage ke ney ny os hci “ Scotia, two months or so-ago, went into dry- Jackson, bas fallen below 100,000 tons but their ate dock here and was not repaired \till the rate combined lake shipments, 1,008,366 tons, still roug’ t all sides that not! piactis : ss Som the change, . of coal freights went down, She was char. exceed those of the entire Menominee range and ¥ The propeller F.C, Hart has Mproved herself tion are absolutely necessary | , ‘y out the many requlre- ments involve in the virgin plunge of such | large speciman of marine architecture as the Transfer. We noticed with much pleasure | loaded, and fourteen miles light. the exact start this double ender made when Messrs. R. P. Fitzgerald & Co, have sold still the order was given to cut, and gaining mo-| another of their boats. This time it is the large mentum as she descended the ways slid | tow barge Northwest. She was built at Bangor gracefully into the river, her displacement of | in 1873, registers 966 tons, rates a 14, with an water causing quite a wave to wash over to| insurance valuation of $35,000. Purchase price the opposite bank, rebounding so as to form | Unknown, Bofore her rebuild’ in 1883 she} was | ® cushion, as it were on the sides of the ship, | Known as the schooner A. B. Moore. When the ripple had subsided remarks com-| I have to record this week one of:the saddest plimentary to her builders was heard from | accidents that has happened at ythis port several sources, and as the vessel steadied, her | About 2:30 a. m. Tuesday the tug Merrill, of the draft was found to be 5 feet 4 inches, verify- | Milwaukee Tug Company’siline, and {tug A. W. ing the calculations, and to the entire satis. | Lawrence, the outside tug belonging to Bannen faction of her builders. The Transfer will| #%4 McCoy, were off North Point waiting for put a fall length cavin on her this winter and ran her in the passenger and freight business, This boat averages twelve and one half miles CIATION. the Marine Record, i urd of managers ot As ation was held in m of the Merchants Dx- 30 p.m. November ist Caldwel _ president, upon the subject he Washington yl river. The mana- uch a fast boat that Messrs. Hart Brothers will be used on the Detroit river as an ice breaker a pairs to hat a | spur pinions 5 feet 6 inche: " a laws, end ao Hs ects which bad ev’ nel -oceup! the attention of the i wird aiesdes) ap for discussion, | ‘but these were not fn'a peoenn? alffancell bia teil definite action. -_-_,_ i $ 3~32Sa——_____— LAKE FREIGHTS. AS very fair demand continues for lake ton_ nage, Carrying rates for both coal and ore loads. remain. unchanged. The steamer Cumberland, coal, Ashtabula, to Superior , 60c; steamers Minneapolis and Iron Chief, and schooner San Diego, all ore, Marquette toLake “Erie ports, noteast of Erie, $1.50; steamer Philip Minch, ore, Es- canaba to Lake Erie ports, not east of Erie, $1.25; steamer W. A. Avery and consort, H. A, Hawgood, coal, Lorain to Duluth, 60c; steamer Kittie M.Forbre and consort, coal, Toledo to Duluth, 60c; all the last named vessels ore, Ashland to Ohio ports, $1.70; schooner Verona, coal, Ashland to Milwaukee, 75c; schooner B. F. Bruce, coal Cleveland, to Marquette, ; 60c; steambarge William Cowie, coal to East Saginaw, 50e. * BurFALo, November 7.—Coal freights are dull and steady. Charters: W.H. Grat- wick, Neosho, Chicago, $1; Havana, Morley, Milwaukee, 90c; Helena, Gladstone, 60c; Robert. Rhodes, Duluth, 50c; Spokane, Tower, Duluth, on contract. Canal freights are dull; 33fc to New York. Cuicaco, November 7.—The grain freight market has suffered a serious set-back. ‘The market, closing firm and strong on Monday at 24¢ per bushel on corn to Buffaio, opened today with a horizontal cut of $c. There is no money in carrying corn to the head of Lake Erie at this figure, with heavy insur- ance and increased seamen’s wages to pay, and there is small doubt but that within a fortnight the grain-carrying season of ‘88 will be practically closed. The following engagements were reported to Buffalo: Commodore, wheat; Russia, wheat; American Union, corn; J. D. Foley, corn; Lansing, corn; Oceanica, corn; to Erie, G. T. Hope, corn; to Owen Sound, Granger, oats. wheat 4c, corn ESCANABA- Captain John O’ Donnell, wno died in the Es- canaba hospital Monday, commanded the schooner Thomas L, Parker during the early part of this season. Several weeks ago Captain William Anderson engaged his services for the position of mate on the new steamer George H. Dyer, then about to be launched from Wolf & Dayidson’s yard, Milwaukee. Captain O’Don- nel'was about forty-eight years old, andjhad an extensive acquaintance’ along tne lakes. | chinery She has been specially built, | with powerful machinery, vac ice a foot thick, Wi Skil? was brought to bear on Soke the vd successful career, and she will ee four, er ue steel, boilers 11 feet | 6 hes, by 16 fe oie, being considerably longer than botincs ‘in general use on the lakes, These boilers have two domes 20 feet long, 48 inches in diameter, and wili. | furnish steam for six cylinders, two 28x48 | inches on each side for side wheel engines, and two cylinders 28x36 inches for the 9 | feet 6 inches screw propeller wheel, each having separate condensers. Thecylinders [wo immense cut steel spur cog- tin diameter, and two steel iameter also teh eut teeth, will be connected for driving the side wheels, these large pieces of ma- ing fine specimens of accuracy | and skill in mechanism. Her length over all is 280 feet, that of the beam over all 75] feet, that of the hull beam 45 feet 6 inches, and the depth of the hold 17 feet 3 inches. Her auxiliary” pumping engines for the side wheels ure» the largest. pumping éngines ever constrneted for any vessel or the chain of lakes, being 16 inches bore by 36 inches stroke, She bas two air pumps 20x24 inches worked by the horizontal beam, two force pumps, and two bilge pumps, each 5 inches bore and 13 inches stroke, single action, two capstans from the American Ship Windlass Company, of Providence, R. I. We have previously mentioned that she will have three car tracks laid, each track having a capacity for seven cars, of twenty-one cars. The entire cost of this splendid vessel will foot up to about - $325,- 000 when completed. She wiil steam up to Detroit to make a record for herself, as no amount of ice could ‘withstand’ for any length of time, the action of her ponderous propeller wheel constructed specially for this boat by her builders, and facetiously termed an ice churner by an old mariner who was present at the launch. A few more vessels of this description and open water may be had onthe chain of lakes wherever required, nd while wreathed in and also for the purpose which her name i Y tug was headin, a passage under tyin view, the most talented engineering tows when the boiler of the Lawrence exploded killing, four Sof her of wreck, (We others.” The tug ing to a piece find no trace of the ALA Ws Bay eight years ago by John Gregory and Ben Drake. Messrs, chased her last spring | $4,500, and it was their intention to put in a new engine and boiler this winter, The lost are Captain John Sullivan, engineer J, Sallivan fireman Edward Sullivan, and lineman Thomas Handley, all of Milwaukee. “MeUowan and Dooly were aft at the aah and thus sappred an- nihilation, —— : Captain ni of steambarge Joys reports that his new Sheri es her to duce hér time bet nistee and Chicago be one hour on ten turns per minute. Ka The tugs and gravel 8c § suéceéded in fav- ingabout 75,000 jeet of lumber jettisoned fro he steamar H. 8. Pickands at Fox Point on Saturday. Farmers living in the vicinity also picked up considerable with skiffs~and~ carried it to their homes on wagons, Captain O,. M. Nelson has sold the schooner | O. M. Nelson to the Milwaukee Fuel company for $4,500 cash, Milwaukee receive d 139,415 tons of coa by lake in October and 848,173 tons so far this season. ane and Bannen pur- SAND BEACH, Special to the MarineRecord. ; The following craft have sought refuge in or a total | the harbor since October 28: 28 J. 8.Ruby, Michigan and four, schooners Q. Hart and Grace Watkins. 81, Steamer Meteor, Sweepstakes, R. Mar- tini, Allegheny and two, and schooner Al- vina. November 1, Schconers J. H. Magruder, Alvina, Aunt Ruth, George Irving. 2, Schooners Julia Larsen, H. C, Winslow, Racine, Lady Essex, steamer John Owen, Gladiator, Westford and two, St: Louis and three, Rhoda Stewart. and. three, -Manistique and four, City of,Coneord and one; Sovereign. 8, Steamers W. P. Fessenden, E. K. Rob- the cloud of a good Transfer launch cigar | erts, R. C. Brittan,.J. H. Farwell and one, we wish her designers and builders the|N- Mills and two, Missouri and three, War- Cleveland Ship Building Company all the} rington. eminence and prosperity that so extensive a plant richly deserved. INFORMATION FOR MARINERS. The following notice has been issued for the benefit of mariners by Stephen C. Rowan, Vice Adwiral of United States Navy of the Light- house Board:-— Notice is hereby given that the city sof Chi- cago has informed the board that on and after the 10th day of November, 1888, there will be displayed from the Chi- cago Inshore waterworks crib, about 700 feet from the shore, and 3,000 feet 8. W. by W. 4 W.tromthe inshore end of ihe outer break- water, Chicago harbor, a fixed white light, com- posed of twenty-four incandescent lamps of thirty candle power each, arranged in a hori zontal circle, aud reinforced by reflectors above and below, The height of the lights above the level of the lake is sixty-five feet. They are supported on an open frame work of iron, painted brown, rising fron a stone crib, and are protected by a white lantern, There will also be a bellstruck by machinery eight times a minute during thick and foggy weatber. STEPHEN C, ROWAN, Vice Admiral United States Navy. 4, Empire and three, Porter Chamberlain and three, Chamberlain’s rudder was. unship- ‘ped, but they. repaired damages here and went on down, he’ Rhoda Stewart low pressure engine is disabled and the probabil- ities are that nothing but atrip to a well equipped shop will help matters. She has made two attempts to cross the bay but had to be helped back into the harbor eaeh time. A grand total of 408 craft have sheltered here during the month of October 1888, as against 400 in October 1887, which goes to show that as mariners learn the advantages of this harbor as a port of safety, they avail themselves of its protection more each year. 4, The Porter Chamberlain came into the harbor with the pintle of her rudder carried away, repairs were made at the machine shop, and a diver engaged, and rudder shipped tow got away in good shape. BAY CITY, MICH, Captain Davidson’s monster propeller Ma- jestic, 318 feet over all and 41 feet beam, is to be launched next Saturday. M. Riter of the Eagle Boiler Works, Buffalo builds the _boil- ers, crew and completely demolishing the tug, Captain Driscol) .of the "| Merrill says; “T was in the pilot house and the ig about north with the; Lawrence “aout 800 feet béhind, when suddenly T heard a im at report about like a gun shot, and [ thought the miles per hour. water glass had broken. Some of the crew | cried out that the Lawrence, was.gone, T imase- diately.put about, but could find nothing but the mechanism small pieces of timber, . We. -then heard. a ery od “to rty the sel. along 0 on her for help and proceeded in the direction; on the fitted out way we picked up McGowan the cook, and Tom Dooly [who was taking a ridé] was fond cling. | could ‘Lawrence was ‘built at Sturgeon was fitted out with the machinery of the old tug the’ assignees’ sale for —— a = i ESS op ae eS A To 2 — : =e Sa Sea Pt eel ie tered, but the shipper did not wait for her are leas than 135,000’ tons behind those of the and she had to accept; the lower rate. The Gogebic range, The Lake Angeline is pushing owner now puts ina claim for $221 damages. The schooner Schuylkill made the round trip to Chicago under(sai fin 19 days, to the front on this range and now ranks a close third, withjthe Lake Superior still leading and the Republic second, On the Menominee range the Florence has this year passed the 100,000 Coal for Lake Superior has entirely given mark and deserves a place on tne list with its out though there are orders booked. Quite record of 122,130 tons shipped. As the reports an amount will probably be shipped this of shipments from Two Harbors are sent to us month, but it will mainly go toChicago and|y the Duluth & Iron Range simply asa total, Milwaukee, it is impossible for us to compare the shipments Coal shipments for October reach the aston- | °f *¢ Minnesota iron company’s mines with ishing figures of 407,655° tons, of which 14,440 ae vee mines io the above list for the Two tonsare not on the custom-house books *hay- arbors’ figures include the shipments of the fromTonawanda orlower-lake ports. 1ng been loaded in boats that cleared through ike this hasever been approached in October before and it is above the average for thesea- son, which in round figures amount to 2,225,- 000 tons, an immense increase, showing a gain of 586,770 tons over last season, Nothing Chandler, another prospective giant. Although this bids fair to be the greatest year ever kuown by the Laka Superior iron mines, so far as prodnetion is concerned, yet it cannot be said that ore is being rusned forward to mar- ket because ofa mistaken policy on the part of the mine owners and that next year they will have to suffer tfrom the effects of an overpro- The new tug S. W. Gee is owned by Cap- duction, for already some of the mines on this tain Thomas Maytham and. will sail in hie | '"%¢ have received proposals for their product line.” She is one of the solid, powerful boats| °" the carsat the mine until the opening of that the yard knows how to:turn out and will | "®Vi8ation: 1889, » At lenst one of these» prop make with the Babcock a fine addition to the als came from Ohio, which would-seem fo f: harbor fleet. Matham. ° -Thenew W, L Bubenck ywill exit in ‘Hand & Johnson's line and: is a'duplicate of the Grace Danforth, which was turned out by the /same yard this fall, \She is named after the efficient superintendent of the yard and is in every way a fine boat. Captain. Thomas Mallon, who has not sailed regularly since the sale of the Griffin, in which he was interested, | at 30. will command the new bomt, ot which he is} also part owner. DETROI T. ments and is weet firm’s dredges, Fa The Susan #. Peck was released “trom Bar point Sunday morning. The yacht race between the City of the Straits and the Enright of Toledo. has been- declared off for the present. TORONTO, The following schooners haye laid up for the season: Vienna, Annie Minnes aud Great {West- ern, in Port Hope;. Fred L. Wells, in Fair- haven; the S. & J, Collier, in Darlington, and the Dundee, Brothers and British Queen, in ‘To- ronto, On last Wednesday night as the;schooner Vi- enna was entering the harbor of Port Hope from Oswego, she struck the pier, breaking in seven or eight planks and starting some of her frames, This necessitated her laying up there to be repaired, _ SAULT STE MARIE, When off Au Sable bank this morning the barge 8, C. Baldwin, bound up loaded with lumber, was seriously damaged, Her cylinder ‘| head’ blew out, instantly scalding to death Jerry Ranney, first engineer, breaking the second en- gineer’s leg and seriously scalding three others. She let go her tow of three barges at Au Sable, for which the*tug Andrew J.Smith leaves in the morning. The Baldwin is laying here for repairs. TOLDDYO, O. Davis Brothers’ tug Lizzie caught fire during the night and her wheelhouse was completely destroyed. The damage is $200, Shejhas only been in the water a month, The schooner R. Hallaran and John Schuette are reported as preparing to go into winter quarters at Toledo. ESCANABA. Wolf and Davidson’s new stcamer George H. Dyer took out of this port as a first load 1,464 gross tons, equivalent to 1,639 net tons on a draught of fourteen feet nine inches forward, and fifteen feet nine inches aft. CHEBOYGAN, The Saugatuck reports the tug Mocking Bird as having sprung aleak while towing araft down Lake Huron. The raft was abandoned and the tug ran ashore in the vicinity of Presque Isle. She is owned by Reid, of St. Ignace, and valued at $17,000. The schooner Rainbow collided with one of the Ira H. Owen’s consorts during heavy weather near Waugoshance and lost her headgear but was otherwise uninjured. She ran back here to make repairs. MANITOWOC, The schooner Oscar Newhouse was bought | for $1,700 by vessel men of this port. She is named for the popular local superintendent'of the: Anchor-line’ pro- pellers, and will - pala be een Charles Dunbar & Sullivan’s drill, Seb has cate that they are pretty well sold’ up dorn there, as, we believe, Marquette mines have never before been called on to ship ore to chore: land by rail, , LEaD LINE, «The hand lead line is marked at 2 fat leather with two ends; 3 fathoms, leather with ends; 5 fathoms, white rag; 7 fathoms, red rags: 10 fathoms, leather with a hole; 13 fathoms, blue rag; 15 fathoms, white rag; 17 fathoms, red rag; and 20 fathoms, cord with two knots in - The deep sea line | has , Custom made. fancy: shirt rare. rod order_geyand none but our made_&Jbearing our Trade phy Pi | found constantly in stock Kone made, Is Fol Boston’ Dry Goods Stoi Co., 213° Detroit street, secona door hone Bes Peail, Cleveland, O, .. All our Shirts 54.inch_wide,. 40 inch long and extra wellsewed.. Wealso” announce, that we are the only manufacturer,’ vho can procure the genuine U. 8S. Navy 1° nnel, of which we make double and single breasted Sailor Shirts_gejaon-shrinkable, fancy pleated Cloth Shirts made in the latest styles, Canadian Flannel Shirts, water proof Shirts and more especially Scarlet Medicated Flannel Under Shirts and Drawers, [G8"Call also for our Custom made Jean Pants, Over= alls, Jumpers, etc., or leave your measure for the same. Don’t forget KOHN & CO., 213 Detroit street, second door from corner Pear], Cleve- Jand, ROPOBSALS FOR ROCK EXQAVATION AND DREDGING, U. S. Engineer Office; Cleveland, 0,, October 80, 1888 .—Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock m., Friday, December 7, 1888, at which time they will be opene in presence ‘of bidders, for rock excavation and dredging at Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio. All in- formation ean be obtained at this office. The United) Btovee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, . COOPER OVERMAN, Major of Engineers. 7 { U. 8. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N, Y.. October 1, 1888. Sealed pro- oes in triplicate will be received at this office Un- til 11 a m., eastern standard time, on December 1, 1888, for furnishing sand, pebbles, stone and cement. required in the recohnstriction of’ the breakwater at Buffalo N.Y’ All necessary information may be ob- tained on application to the undersigned, | F. A. MAHAN, Captain of Engineers ROPOSALS FOR SAND, etc. Ha SPATES ENGINEER OF FICE,34 WEST Congress Séreet, Detepit, Mioh., October 20, 1888. Sealed proposals ior furnishing materials and labor and constructing a plier in tromt of Fort Brady at Saint Mary’s Fakis Canal, Michigan, w iil be received; in tripMoate, at this office until p. m., November bis 1888, and then publicly opened. Preference will be given to materials and plant of domestic produetion or manufacture, conditiéns of quality and price (im- port duties included) being equal. gogernmont reserves the right to seject amy or all proposals. For further informatien a ply, at this Dina atthe U. 8. Engineer office, Sa te. Marie, ae O. M. POE, Colonel of Engineers, Byt. Brig. Gen’], U.S. A. Dixon’s Black Lead [OR ROT LEAD] For Bottoms of Yachts. Speciaily Prepared for the Purpose and Une qualled for Purity and Uniformity of Grain‘ JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., », Jersey City, N. J. New York Office, 68 Reade St FOK SALE ARGE COL. BRACKET—She carries 260M feet of B lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $00 worth of ree airs last season. an ou gut goods Price $1,600. Meng Hon this paper. ENDALL, Port Huron*