Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 8, 1888, p. 7

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Whe Marine Recor. ————— v inte iy TOLEDO. OHIO swans Sa SAMUEL F HOD HODGE & CO MONTPELIER. OHIO. OAR MILLS NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS Bd thant eed ” wenn AYMAR&CO,. o the finest MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF = Stetionary ate Engi LORDAGE, UAKUM, WIRE ROPE, ines MuiiiG MACHINERY AND 3} CHAINS. ANCHORS, OARS, BLOCKS PROPELLER WHEELS, _ COTTON and FLAX DUCKS, FLAGS | : BUNTINGS, RUSSI : nesite ron mis. 314 10 326 ger Street, BO hae vane MARINE HARDWARE AND-SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY, own home Prade Murk, exn be} ock read, made, : the Nos. 34 anp:35.Soury Stree NEW YORK. M.RITER, Prop’r, TESTED CHAINS, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., Bradlee & @u., Rmpire Chain Wonks BUFFALO, N.Y. | BEACH AND OTIS STS., Philadelphia. MANUFACTURER OF High and Low Pressure Ship’s Cables and Marine Railway Chains. Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Up- right Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes Chains for Found ry Cranes and Slings and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work ba D. 9 5s of ail Descriptions. B.C. Special Crane Chains. EPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED .TO. Steel and Iron db Slope and nes Chains —_ ney “Money Money I igae6d? Gained, Well Spent S PECIALTY. BY BUYING ¢ goons DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AT JOBBING PRICES. eee & CO., op PN eee a OF , _ BOSTON, MASS. d LOCKPORT, N W YORK, Wi t heir: AGI Seat Lubricgting Metaline Blocks: Self- “looking Link , “B U FF FA Lo, N. Vo Snatch Blocks: Self. wham Hey Mega A gs PAR anne hn an ae OF On winten ie “Samara Eaalegt Working Pump inthe Market | riple EXNsion. Meting Bug's, ~“QUTFITS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. ~ Three Cylinder and-Fore and We fake the most durable gr pe buat to the mask bY Ree 4; Att d St | c ji “Sie ND BLOCES. AND DO AWAY WITH REPAIRS. © re _ ; ae ompound te . Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, 1 POPERERRS TUG & YACHT pel WE STAND READY To \ HAVE OUR GOODS TES- TED AGAINST ALL OTH- _ERS, AND WILL CHEER- FULLY SUPPLY SAMPLE BOAT AND ENGI. NEERS’ SUPPLIES. GOODS ARE PRONOUN- OED SATISFACTORY, lm GIRGIRRATL OHIO, a, South Clinton-st., Chicago, fli Smelters and Refiners of old precious metals, auriferous and argentiferous lead vi , ae copperores, eryolite, concentrates, jeweler’s sweepings, dross, refuse of .white lead y paint drippings, &e., &e. *Chemically pure Aluminium by mail $2 per ounce, ten per cent alloys,‘40 cents Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night.© Pens Catalogue of improved smelting and precious metal saving appliances (wet con- ‘All SN. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. condensing process) sent free. i ca i seas Woks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Government Pier| © Assaying and analytical work in allits branches. : rt 7h OFFICE Nl 3 0 RIVER: 27 CLEVEL AND. OHIO. : ey roman solicited,» Works:in Newport, Kentucky, in operation since GEORGE FE. HALLADAY. Chase Fog Whistle Machine ARERR DALE ie ninco A Gow iene: apna ain os (ee ce ia Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. This machine has been placed on the following steamboats THE FETNS GRATE. Marine’ Business Protiptly Attended 1, during the past year: SpPoKANE, WALLULA, Kasota, CHAR- LEMAGNE TOWER, JR, Yakima, MissounA, SITKA, FAYETTE Ee OW Bs J. Hacknrs, ponte ory, SPARTA, AANA VI- G i BARNES A t WNSEND 4 LEVELAND IS- @REIGE 2) Bun BLOCK, DEFROIE, ENNA, OSCAR TOWNSEND, CITY OF TENRY CHIS as bse 3 ; § i MIGHIGAN, B EESON’S HOLM, SuP ERIOR, E. B. Haun, M. B. Grover, J. 8S Fay, R. P, L) , KANNEY, SMITH reagan LES J SBN STR UREA H. OWEN, CAMBRIA, CORSICA OUTHWAITE, SAMUEL MATHER, R, H Hi R, RHODEs, COLUMBIA, AURORA, Ox10, Wm. Hpwarps, S.E. This improved Shaking And Synopsis of Marine Laws. Every ves- gel man wantsone. For sale by marine clerk SHELDON, ‘AUSTRALASIA, RALEIGH, BULGARIA, RouManiA, J. at all custom houses. Price 50c. See it. F. Eppy, Hiawatua, Tuos. ApaMs, A, P. Wriaut, GrAp. Grate Especially Adapt: Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. STONE, E. P. WILBUR, Soo Ciry, K, M, Peck, Ropert L. Bs FREYER 4ND NORTHERN LicH?, ed to Burning Slack . Commencing Monday July 18, 1888. The time given in the figures below i the new standard (Ninetieth To the President and Board of Supervising Inspec- meridian) time, which {is thirty-three minutes slower sag. 01. oem. ogerte. ~ vog | 10D Iron Works. manofac’s., Your committee to which was referred the “ Ghase Fog Whistle Machine” beg leave to report: ‘'Tbat we have | Office and Foundry, corner of Elm and carefully examined the same and find that it blows at| Spruce-sts, CLEVELAND, O. regular intervals, being worked by the enyine, thereby insuring regular and continuous blasts for any length of time that may be required and would recommend it or similar device to owners of steam vessels as an addi- tional safeguard to navigation. H,.8. Lusppocxr, | Ast ih crea il sl The manufacturers are the Chase Fo; B= F eat ab | fre aa he Whistle Machine Co., corner of Elm and pur Hi Graxiwox, - Coma, ji ED ay ee = pe #185 a Ml*1 40 a x, | Spruce streets, Cleveland, O. . D, SON, vi oO nt u e M ic h é No8,N.Y.B&A Express *8 25a™] 8 504 M LL ag’ 5 - ‘ e aaa me ee a sd so I Forest City JGAR TORE 0 10, Toledo Ac’m via Sandus = j - Toledo A N 11 05 A M)..-..----- ee, Shim merely sane Py on) (er a ka phgesd ae OF 0. 10,New Yor! ston, ‘Flyer’! ......---- § ary : SEAS 8 ay 2, N Y & B Fast Express..... +2 35 Paw) B* 45.P M VSS ier ‘ hed ORS ea Sa No a Oey P THOMAS LIEGE, Prop'r, : No 22, Night Ex yin Sandusicy--| $9 40 2 M\ secvesscessees p ! vi A No 26, Conneaut Accommodation} ¢4 25 PM) .......sceer 4 ss 4 Cy f fi: MAMTFACTURER AND JOBRER OF Westward. | Arrive, | Depart, i ; my ER ‘< ee a! Fast Limited Express......... "215 aM"? bam! \Mi a 6 ei eS CIGARS AND TOBACCOS.. No. $3, Cleveland Express..---- 2 154M f ao Yas OR ZZ | Ho 9; Ghtengo Expross ee «| @5 80am Al, Sod ‘ "eee BOTs 3 Lf ‘0 26, Mich Accom Norwa! nt 3 sper Be e E ia N alk. 1250p M! t8 20Pm =. poo: - 2 i Be Bre ge ne qaratliig soa on gor 259. PEARLSTREET Of Every Style and mane. No es Pac Ex via Norwalk.....)*6 55 PM) “7 15 PM Nottingh —D. t 9:20 oud 100 ps my returning’ arrive m 9:20 a, m, and | THE CYCLONE STEAM FLUE CLEANER, BE Misia. wis it CRESCENT MANUPACTURING COMPANY. ppQprILER ‘HEELS and Heavy Casting 4:45 {E CRESCENT STEEL TUBE SCRAPER, Ralorenice marke—* Dally, t dally, except Sunday, | rrr CRESCENT TUBE EXPANDE R. : =: A Specialty. Send for Circular and Prices Meee eioratand sn New York sleecer, lv sleeper | THE CRESCENT COMPRESSION GREASE CUP, | for Boston, and dining car daly on No. 10, leaving | pH CRESCENT HACK SAW, . NOMICE TO MARINE MEN, FOR SALE, SPaTRR DE Ab EO M.; arrive ‘Grand Central depot, | . THE CRESCENT LUBRICATING COMPOUND, LAr official charts, showing the straight channel, stearabarya 198 ehousann” eapacioys will caus or fll {infomation aa te oe a Ba whoa one 44 THE CRESCENT BOULER COMPOUND. 2Ty pp apy i eg nedgect Abd appndtngs 19 Bey ALG A cr | Aa passengers, only one 1% old; a good twelve Ploraree under Morente Beak SEBDbY AF fee penne roy ANDY, stun calups |nllebak tar Pl : ty P: Ager TREO ERT? MARTE Co. 815 an St, reland, Mh: int’ Madison Strouifoledo, Ohio | Faronab M h ChevelandOhi MB. GAUL, Clty Pasenger Ago. wick GR Pop py MANY H'E Po, 515 Wichigan Ht, Gleveland. Pho, laws Inquire Mani Rzcoup, Cleveland Onto

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