of 3) COT er of Superior and Cleveland, Ohio. charter Vessels for Lake Trade. to Chartering Vessels in the ADE. BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. x Posey faueice Seer : FELEPHONE (omsic8e: 382: 1328. PELE THORNE, tesrlaoneey so 309% WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, ROOM 10 Arcade B'ld., 101 St. Clalz St, GLEVELAND, ‘OHIO. a. d. H. BROWN. EDWARD SMITH BROWN & CO., Ship Brokers and Agents. Special Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- ing and Settling Marine Losses. Exchange Building, 202 Main-st., Buffalo, N.Y. si £2 TSE C. A. KING, Stevedoring. Discliarging Load- one Ore Trimming Promptly At- tended to. A Large Force of Men always on Hand. Information in rega DEPTH OF WATER OF ALL DOCKS IN ASHLAND HARBOR gladly furnished. Quick dispatch guaranteed, Patronage Solicited, Cc. A. KING, Ashland Wis, WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO. ee eS Ail ana hime) rene fihtneth} iN tlt se CHENBEN AAW ita Du vag ueeneynhe yee, Heese usd eS ar Ss DEALER IN ==. GROCERIES, | oS AND PROVISIONS. aye: Green Canned SPH ail goods. KAMILY AND VESSEL SUPPLIES. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL ParTS OF THE CITY 11 River-st , Cleveland, 0,.Telsphone 745. MARTIN MULLEN, Agent, | DEALER IN Youghiogheny & MassillonCoal DOCKS AT GOVERNMENT PIER AND RIVER BEDSLIP. vifice, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Telephone No. 2701. BOATS COALED DAY OR NIGHT. HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. HE TUG MYRTLE, of Sandusky, Ohio, for sale cheap. Is in first-class condition, For particu- FRED GROCH, Sandusky, 2 lars write to en; R : Sean | se Detroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, IRON SHIPS. BUPONCE Sse ys . Duluth, Minn. On 5 Trade, both for the season and LD. COFFINBERRY, a PRES'T. AANA SS A BASSI (YSIS ens \ NN a\< QS Ni IN | N N NSS SS Eo N N Qe SS The Marine Reporter | Collections Made and Prompt Remittance, Orders Promptly Delivered with Small Boat Day or Night—Reference he Marine Revort ROBERT WALLACE, VICE PRES'T. es a FAZIO Az + g 1 1 YZ leans! |G ts ae oes 3 tt CALLE TELE Eleds WM. M. FITCH SEC’Y. CLEVELAND SHIP-BUILDING COMPANY, Ohio, Marine and Stationary ENGINES AND BOILERS, Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. | Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. | i as war = em FS ew fi noma @ Va it} = Manufacturers of Reports of Passing Vessels a Speciality. Messages Delivered to Passing Vessels Day or Night, Weather Permitting. MY IOE REPORTS MAY BE RELIED ON. SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. The Patronage of the Marine Public Respect- Port Huron Savings Bank, PORT HURON =) - = °* MICH, fully Requested--Charges Reasonable. F.J. STIMP30N, MACKINAW CITY MICH 57 & 569 North Wells St., Chicago, Il. Telephone 3321. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings ENGINEER'S SUPPLIES. General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. so, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works. STEEPLE FORE AND AFT COMPOUND AND TRIPLE EXPANSION MARINE ENGINES WITH BOILERS OF MODERN DESIGN, J. R, OLDHAM, © E, Naval Architect, Marine Imspectot. SprciaAL EXPERIENCE IN DESIGNING, PRICES Setr-Trooone Hat cHES, Coau §HTS AND BuaKe’s Parent Borers. 32 Exchange Bild.. BUFFALO, N. Y