Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 15, 1888, p. 5

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t } { : ileiinegeliachr ay int rraecstimoenscsiee bantam ibe tack te adeeb cots a ingston, via Ottawa, )0, and will be in H. Hall, formerly oat will catry z crew at the heud ship canal, several do so and it was. decided to aban- being worth no further effort. yner will no doubt go entirely to during the winter. > W. J. Hurron, writing to the board says: “I haye read your interview ith Hon. Isaac L. Fisher, in reference to ig vessels carrying a bright light over ei: taffrail, with pieasure. It issomething that ought to have been done longago, Ihave ‘agitated the same thing for the past 20 years, and have not heard any sound argument against it. Some said it would confound with the anchor light. The law at present re- quires small boats to carry a white light two feet above the rail, and that light never con- fuses pllots when itisup. No pilot is going torunoyer a light where he can see it but there is scarcely a night but there are some narrow escapes, especially with the small oyster boats. When a steamboat is coming up astern of them the law requires that they should show a flash or torch light, but I don’t think you could find two on all the sailing vessels on the Hudson river. I cam assure you that every pilot in the harbor will give him their hearty support for the adoption of such a bill, and if he gets up a petition, I am sure that every pilot in the harbor will sign it. Tue following, extracted from the charter of the American Brotherhood o steamboa pilots, defines the character and object of the organization in plainterms. ‘he purticular- business objects for which said Societies are formed as follows: To establish a higher stand. ard of proficiency and responsibility among the members of our calling, extend their priv. ileges and immunities, promote fraternity and brotherhood by social intercourse, and secure courtesy and consideration in active duty; to distinguish the efficient and detect the incapa- blesand unworthy, to ascertain the qualifica- tions of applicants for licenses or renewals thereof, and thereby more effectually to com- bine and promote the welfare of steamboat pilots, elevating their dignity as such and their character as men; to assist distressed brethren, provide for them while sick, and bury them when dead; and to do and perform such other benevolent and charitable acts as may be specified and prescribed in the con- stitution and by-laws of the said ‘‘harbor’’ or society. —_——— OO The barge Wyandotte, lumber Jaden, has arrived at East Tawas waterlogged. point it became plainly visible. In time it wil become established as a landmark among mari- {the Lakes ontinued from Ist Page.) pees MILWAUKEE, Special to the Marine Record. The propeller Susquehanna got away on further delay. This accident has been an | expensive one to the Anchor line company. The large fleet that has been wind bound | for several days got away Saturday and | Sunday and the bay presented an animated | appearance fora time. There will be quite "| a rush at Escanaba when they all get there, us in addition to the fleet here, there was quite « number from Chicago and other ports. The propeller Buffalo gave the tug Hager- man such asqueeze last week that she will be | unable to do anything but harbor work the rest of this season, Heir machinery will pro- bably be put in a new hull this winter. The ship yards are very dull just now and no contracts have or will be taken although some boats may be built for sule. The steamer G. H. Dyer carries well, hav- ing on 2464 gross tons of ore on her maiden trip on 14 teet 9 forward and 15 teet 3.inches aft. Her average time was nine miles per hour, Mr. E. Buckley and others are fignring on building a steambarge of 450,006 capacity for themselves. The contracts have not been let as yet. ae The schooner Ishpeming slipped her anchors in the bay during the storm and has not been able to find them yet. The schooner D. 8. Austin slipped hers also but they were recovered later on. Sherifis are building a marine engine, Scotch boiler and all necessary fillings to be put in a lumber barge building in Florida. | She will trade on what is known as the In- |land route in that part of the country. Messrs. Waterbury & Sons are the owners. The barge Butters broke her wheel on the | 13th and she will receive a new one at Sheriffs. Sheriffs Bros. have shipped two |5 feet wheels for the tug Santa Fe of San Diego, Cal. and have other orders on hand. Since the elections have been decided businexs takes a brighter look and the pros - pects are good forabuey year. = J For some time past captains of steamers and | sail 1s, as well as of the Milwaukee harbor '| tugs, have been puzzled to locate a powerfal electric light which greeted their vision nightly bluff in the neighborhood ef Isenring’s é It turns out to be the Lig) ; lectio Port Washington, “when abreast h ners, and serve to notify them of their approach to M‘lwaukee from midlake, after having expe- | rienced thick or heavy weather. The tug Hagerman in taking a line from the propel'er Buffalo Friday morning was pinched between the Buffalo and the north pier, with such force as to collapse her sides, unfitting her for outside work. The steamer City of Milwaukee runs across Lake Michigan, in connection with tie D. & M. railroad. C. L. Barron, formerly of the steamer Dove while on the Amherstburg route, and atterwards cn the steamer Pear) for a num- ber of years, is chief engineer of the City of Mil- waukee and has been for the last two years. ESCANABA. After forty-two years of service on the great Jakes the barge Banner is now scattered along the beach near Fish Point. She went ashore late Thursday afternoon in the northeast gale. It was soon evident that she had made her last trip, as the greatseas rolled over her, The cap- tain had his witeon board anda crew of five sailors, and their position was perilous, With- out knowing how soon the old boat would go to pieces they were driven into the rigging, where the captain Jashed his wife and then himself: Night came on, aud with it the gale increased, but at last help came, A number of local sea- men maoned a yawlboat and went to the rescue, After much difficulty all the people were taken off the wreck, which soon afterward began to break up. The Banner was owned by Captain Webb, of Mount Clemens, Mich,, and was val- ued at $2,500. She had a small cargo of lath and shingles, There was no insurance on vessel and cargo. MARQUETTE, Lake shipments of ore continue toshow a gain over the record of last year. Shipped during the week ending Wednesday, November 7: 136- 528 gross tons of ore, of which 18,939 tons went forward from Marquette, 3,143 tons from St, Ig- nace, 70,781 from Escanaba, 18,182 from Ash- land and 25,283 from Two Harbors, For the corresponding week last year, shipments were 123,166 tons; totallake shipments todate are 4,279,227 tons, as compared with 4,152,899 tons at the corresponding date last year. By ranges the shipments are as follows: Marquette ranges 1,661,153; Gogebec range, 1,172,589; Menomineo range, 1,036,666; Vermillion range, 408,819. OTTAWA, ONT. The government has been informed that the repairs on the Cornwall Canal are progressing satisfactorily, and that there is a good prospect of resuming navigation within three days. CHEBOYGAN, MICH. It is reported here that a steamer ran ashore near Waugoshance, but nothing further is known, and,it is probably false, All steamers and vessels that were sheltered here left the har- bor Sunday. TOLEDO, OHIO. Special to the Marine Record. ‘ The W. H. Rounds } as gone into winter quar ters at the Salt Shed slip near No. 5 elevator aud the P. B. Locke in Swan creek above La- the 11th with a full load. When the radder | fayette street bridge. The Arthur, Captain M. arrived it was found that the stock was not | straight and in forcing it to the proper posi- {tion a weld was started, necessitating a Enright’s vessels is laid up in Ogdensburg with a load of grain in her, The Pathfinder on Monday towed the C. H. Burton and General Franz Siegel to Lorain, where they go into winter quarters, A petition was introduced before the city council Monday eveniny, asking that Swan creek be dredged out to a uniform depth of thir- teen feet, It is very probable that this petition will be granted asa great deal of trouble has been experienced this summer by vessels getting on the bottom in that 1: portunt water way, Gilmore’s dry dock will be lengthened in or- der to get the Oscar Tow send in, to rebuild her, Marine business at this port is gradually draw- ing to a close, indicating an early close of navi- gation. While not so profitable as last season, everybody seems very well ratisfied, At this port there has been a notable increase in the ore and coal trades, especially the former, A large oré trade is expected next season, as it is ru: moved, on good foundation, that a blast furnace will be erected this winter near the rolling will, on the east side, The tug L. Birekhead, Captain F. Harmon, leaves the Association the 15th inst., to work for her owners Dewey & Co. inthe fish business, The tug Jos. S. Spinney’s new steel boiler, built by M. Riter of Buffalo, has arrived and will be put in immediately, It is to be allowed 140 ponnds steam and will make the Spinney the best boat«f her inches atthe head of the lake, Her hull was thoroughly rebuilt last winter, and her engine is in first class condition. Gentlemen, now look out for the Spinney and jolly Captain Jack Dunseith. The race between the Enright,’ of Toledo, and the City of the Straits, of Detroi#, for $250 9 side was declared off, not being sailed within the re- quired time, The captsinef the Enright was Kid Wilds, and of the City of the Straits Alex- ander McLeod, ‘I'he course to be sailed was fif- teen miles off Turtle light to the leeward and re- turn. The breeze at the outset was favorable, but shortly afterward ¢ d away, freshening again in an aggravation .unner, first to benefit one boat and then of ue other, The time of | starfing was 10:49. Ihe judges were: Judge A. P. Crane, of Toledo; Captain Joe Nicholson, of Detroit, and Commodore Whitney, of Detroit ‘The boats will probably try it again to-morrow, When the six hours expired the boats were picked up by a tug ten miles trom the Michigan RSHOR ate 8 soe ; ia _Ivis stated by people who know, or ought to know, that if the council adopt the resoluta ng that Kk be d ed to th ‘8.0 | ship coal on the Clover Leaf railroad, formerly’ the Narrow Guage, to points in the west that cannot be reached by the Wabash railroad, all coal at the upper schutes being shipped by the latter road. C, O. D. MANISTIQUE, MICH. _ The steambarge H. 8. Hubbell was burned off Poiut au Barques, about twenty-five miles south of this place, at 5 o’clock yesterday morning. The vessel was light, and was moving along to| the north at good speed, and with one watch of the crew asleep, when a kerosene lamp in the cook’s galley exploded, scattering the blazing oil in all directions, ‘The alarm™ was at once given, but the stiff breeze blowing at tre time spread the fire very fast and forced the men qnickly in the boats, while the vessel drifted on her way in a blaze from end toend. The steam- er New Orleaus picked up the crew of the burned vessel. The Hubbell was owned by Captain Flood, her commander and the Jobn Spry lumber Co. of Chicago. She was valued at about $36, 000. The Hubbell was a profitable boat and was in good condition, She was built at Lorain in “82, She was insured as follows: Marine Louisville Underwriters, $5,000; West- ern of Canada,$5,000; Commercial Union, $5,700 total, $15,700; fire, Commercial Union, $7,500; Exchange [nsurance Company, $7,000; total fire $14,500; total fire and marine $30,200, SANDUSKY OHIO. Mr, W. D. Crane, who is figuring on building the Sandusky, Coshecton & Ashland railroad, has arrived herve from the east. He says that he has placed with an eastern trust company a large amount of the bonds of the company and that work on the line will be commenced at an early day aod pushed vigoronsly tocompletion, Con- | fidepce in the project isin a measure restored, and it now begins to look as though the road would b The ship yard and steamboat project, have, however, been about given up by the majority of our citizens, CONNEAUT, OHIO, Conneaut, near the eastern border of Ohio, may be actively engaged in the lake shipping business next season, The place has had a good harbor which has been of very little use to it. A syndicate of Pittsburg capitalists now propose to improve the harbor and shorten its railway connection with Pittsburg, thus opening up an- The new rail necessary to make up the desired connection would be short, as the capitalists in- terested in the deal are 1m control of a road run- ning from Butler, Pa., to Pittsburg and there wculd be no trouble in securing theright of tran- sfer over the Lake Shore or Nickle Plate to with in a short distance of Batler, It is said that contracts have been Jet for the general harbor works and for the consiructien of docks at Con- neaut. It is certain that in this respect Conne— aut bas an advantage in distance over all other other port for receiving ore and shipping coal. Mhe Marine, Reconil. eect, SB Ohio ports as regards this trade and it is a won- der that the port has not had its sharé of the business long ago. BUFFALO, The schooner F. B. Gardner is in dry-dock for extensive repairs, which will include a new stern and steel arches. She will receive about $3500 worth of new work. This closes the season for her. _Vessel-owners are busy figuring on the problem of another round trip or a trip and ahalf before tying up. Lumber vessels will gointo winter quarters early, as loads are fast giving out. Coal and package freight are the leading staples here. ‘I'nere has been no previous season to compare with them. The propeller Northern King arrived Tuesday with wheat and flour from Superior, She was out in the storm on Lake Huron and made con- siderable water, Qaptain Brown filed a prot- est, She will begin unloading wheat in the morning, The water was so low in the harbor last Satur- day that the propeller Lackawanna, bound out, was brought up the creek and through Main street slip to the Blackwell rather than try the shoal at the Watson elevator in the creek, Ex- perts say that blasting out the hardpan there is all that will deepen the water. There schooner Anna P, Grover arrived from Toronto in tow of a Canada tug, and went into dry-dock for repairs, She suffered sevorely in a gale lately. Wheat from Duluth to Buffalo 5e, is equal to ore rates trom Ashland. There is a good demand for coal tonnage at Buffalo at un- changed ratea, On the Canada side of the lakes, extend- ing from Mortreal to Port Arthur, there are 143 sidewheel steamers, 287 propelle.s and tugs, and 273 schooners and _ barges,a total of 804, owned by 464 individuals or firms, The Wheeler elevator at Buftalo N. Y., partially burned Monday morning, Loss about $200,000. The cost of the rebuild of the propeller Osceola figures up $87,000, inclnding wrecking supplies. The schooner Skylark arrived at Buffalo Sunday with wheat and appears to have re- ceived a good shaking up. She lost her bul- warks and foreboom and had some of her sails split. It is not known. whether her cargo is injured or not. : SAULT STE MARIE, MICH. The steambarge Baldwin, with consorts, lum- ber laden for Skilligalee, Whitney & Barnes,of DULUTH, ‘and blinding snowstorm, and several vessels a overdue, : ‘OSCODO, MICH, : The barge Banner went ashore Thursday in a gale. “A yaw! manned by townspeople saved the crew. . A Norwegian engineer Herr Th. Thorbjornsen of Kragero, has constructed an apparatus for discovering leaks in ships. The apparatus is very simple, consisting of a closed furnace, which is placed on the deck of the vessel, and in which smoke is produced by burning straw and bramble. The batches having been closed, the smoke is forced into the hold by means of a blower and atube, and in the course of half an hour or an hour the smoke will escape through any leak there may bein the -vessel’s sides or bottom. Of course the vessel must bein a dry- dock, At a recent experiment at Gottenburg, a leakage which nad previously defied detection, was discovered in half an hour by the help of the apparatus, The time generally occupied in discovering a leak is estimated at from thirty to forty minutes in a vessel of 500 tons, and the cost of the experiment 4d. per ton.—Iron {London, } ee et ae ioe A return of the total of vessels belonging to the United States in June, 1887, shows that there were engaged in the fereign trade 989,412 tons. the smallest for the past 20 years; while in the coasting trade 3,010,635 tons were employed the largest amount during the same period. This is obviously due to the American protective system, American ships are unable to compete with those built in other countries: butia the coasting trade, which is restricted to American vessels the natural increase of trade causes an increase in tonnage. Besides the tonnage we have mentioned, there are vessels to the amount of 26,151 tons in the whale fishery, and 79,547 tons engaged in cod fishing. The state depart ment at Washington will soon send to David H. Sales, of Venezuela a handsome silver cup bearing the follow- ing inscription: “Presented by the presi- dent of the United states of America to David H. Salas, in recognition of his hu- manity and generosity in rescuing and sub- sisting the crew of the American schooner Cobannet, wrecked near Cumana, Ven- ezuela, in 1877.” Mr. Salas is a wealthy man and foralong time entertained the crew ef the Cohannet at acost of several thousand dollars, which he would not let this government repay. ‘The cup to be sent him is very valuable and is handsomely carved. Incoming vessels from the lower lakes and| north shore of Lake Superior report a heavy sea LAKE FREIGHTS. Transactions in lake freights embraced a few more charters for ore, but a large pros portion of the ore shippers clatm they are practiea'ly done shipping for this sengon, Many of them Say thatif they should have anything more it willbe an extra cargo of some sort beyond even late calculations, Charters yesterday were, steamers Neosho and Onoko, and schooner Neguaunee, all ore Escanaba to Ohio porta, $1,265; steamer City of Cleveland, coal, Buffalo to Chicago, $ steamer John Craig, coal Cleveland to Du- luth, 60c, Onicaao, November 14,—Grain freights remain uninteresting. The inquiry for room is light and the offerings not heavy. Rates remain easy at 2 cents on corn and 24 cents on wheat to Boffilo, The following engag- mente were made: To Buflalo—Jonn Ru- ger, H. J. Jewette, A, P. Wright, ©. 8, Parnell, R. P, Flower,corn. To Erie—Phil- adelphia, wheat; Conestoga, corn, To Og- densburg—John Pridgeon Jr., corn. Burrato, November 14 —Coal freights are unchanged, Charters: Tacoma, R. A. Packer, @. T. Hope, City of Cleveland, D. J. Foley, for Chicago, $1; Langell, Alle. gheny, for Milwaukee, 90 cents, Canal freights were dull and lower with wheat at 2% cents and corn ut 24 cents to New York, TouEpo, November 14.—Chartere: Fay- ette Brown, wheat to Buffalo 24 cents; C. B. Benson, wheat to Cleveland 1} cents, free of elevation. THE SUBVENTION OF MERCHANT STEAMERS IN AUXILIARY NAVY. With reference to the subvention of mer= chant steamers, possibly the following particu. lars woul/ not be uninteresting tosome of your ° readers as showing the assistance given to ship owners and indirectly to ship builders, as it represents not less than eighty millions of dollars paid to shipbuilders for one class of vessels only, by the British government; indeed it may be taken for granted that such expensive steamers as the City of New York City of Paris, the new White Star steamer Majestic and sister ship, each worth about $1,800,000, would hardly have been built were it not for the enormous subsidy paid by the government. bee The retaining fee for each of the new steamers amounts to over $30,000 per and the total cost o! ining reaches . if its people would but do their duty towards an industry that has ever gone hand in hand with the rising greatness of the greatest em- pires?—Joseph R. Oldham in Marine Journal. GENERAL O. M. Por furnishes the following statement of the commerce through St. Mary’s Falls canal during the month of October 1888, viz: DlCAM GIS) Srgvaras sane ec ec cet reeee 700 mall vessels Sle 22. Se yes A 244 Rafts and unregistere] craft.......... 48 PR OUAR va vo. Sacre tone oe aa pecan saree 992 Number of lockages.... .... 524 ‘Total registered tonnage... 741,660 tons Total freight tonnage._...... 885,659 “ Number «f passengers........ I, 206 Excess of registered tonnage over Corresponding month lastiryear dis. Seen eee ie Excess of freight tonnage over correspouding month Dash Veen ie rt a see ones 71,654 tons 90,801 tons Ty\HE LOOMIS SHIPYARD AT ERIE PA., IS OF- fered for sale or rent, including all materials, tools and good wiil. A first class opening for a ship- carpenter with moderate capital. Terms to suit pur- chaser. If not disposed of as a whole, will sell tools, matevzials, etc., in lots to suit. For inventory, terms, ete., apply at MaAriInr Recorp office, or to D, L, HUB- BARD, Erie, Pa. YROPOSALS FOR DREDGING, U.&, Engineer of- i fice, Buffalo, N. ¥., November 20, 1888.—Separate sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 A. M., eastern standard time, Decem- ber 20, 1888, for dredging at the followisg harbors: 1-- Wilson Harbor, N. Y..2--Olcott Harbor, N. Y., 8-Oak Orchard, Harbor, N. Y, Preference will be given to plant of domestic manufacture, conditions of quality aud price (including import duties) being equal. For specifications and all information, apply to the under- signed. E. A, MAHAN, Captain of Bngineers. U. 8, OR SALE— THE TUG C. D, MCKINNON. Her hull and ma- chinery are in first ¢lass order; measurement, 11 tons; engine, 14x16, Carries A ERE of steam and is a useful boat, Apply to LOUIS LEMON, 303 Atwater st., Detroit, Mich. OR SALE— iF A HANDY THREE-MASTED SCHOONER, well found and equipped, will carry 500 tong of coal, or 270 M feet of lumber. Rates, A 24%. Also, a two-masted schooner; capacity, 425 tons of coal, or 250M feet of lumber. Rates, A 214. Both these vessels have been well kept up and are a most desirable investment. Apply to PARKER & MILLEN, Detroit, Mich,, or to B MARINE RE- CORD, Cleveland, O. FOK SALE. Barge CcoL. BRACKET—She carries 260M feet of lumber, 420 tons of coal. $900 worth of re- pairs last season. Fit out good. Price $1,600. Men- tion this paper. ED, J. KENDALL, Port Huron Shipyard for Sale or Rent, : Lo estes Ca ee eat

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