Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 15, 1888, p. 6

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Paks Gat ee ora Bex SSO RR eaahs eae STARS AND PLANETS IN NOVE MBER, Boston Journal; The constellations which il- luminate so brightly our winter skies just begin to show themselves during the month of Novem- ber. Orion, their leader, can be seen during the la. ter half of the month at 9p. m,,a little to the gouth of west, near the horizon, This constella- tion is readily distinguished from the others by its prominent feature of three bright stars known as Urion’s Belt. These three bright stars form a straight line, and, when rising, are perpendic- ular to the horizon. Close to the southeast of these there are three stars of a somewhat less magnitude, called Orion’s sword, also forming astraight line. These point north and sonth, but it must be remensbered that this would make them present an angle of forty two devrees with the horizon. The northernmost star of the sword appers, even to the naked eye, to be some what hazy, while in the telescopeit gives a view rarely equalled by sidereal astronomy. A two or three inch telescope shows a trapezium of four small stars, which are described by Smyth as being pale white, faint lilac, garnet and red- dish, respectively. These stars are surrounded by what seems to be a brilliant cloud, This ne: pula was for a lung time supposed to consist of a great number of small stars, whose enormous distance gave the appearance of our Milky Way Although the Earl of Rossi’s great six- foot re- flector was directed to this nebula ne satisfactory evidence could be obtained that it was a star cluster. Huggins, however, proved, by means of spectrum analysis, that the nebula consists of incandescent vapor. The dimensions of this nebula must be enormous, since, notwithstand- ing ite immense distance, to pass over which light takes thousands of years, it occupies such a large space in our heavens, Aldebaran, which meaus in Arabic the hind- most, with its attendant Hyades, isa little to the west of Orion, but can be readily seen ou ac- connt of its wonderful redness, Cappela, astar of the first magnitude, isa little way above the horizon in the northeast. | It is an unusually bright star avd scintilates in amarvelous{manner, But when it approaches nearer the zenith it leaves this frisky movement and rivals the planets in its steady, white light. Ptolemy, who lived about 150 A. D;, speaks of this star as red; in 1850 Humboldt considered it yellow; in 1863 Kearney thought it was pale blue. Since many other stars have also been thought to bavye undergone changes in color, many have attributed it to the various periods in astarsage. Owing to this star’s distauce it tould become extinct seventy-two years before we should know it. This buge globe, which is able to send us such a large quantity of light from so remote a place, travels through space at the rate of thirty miles per second. TOO MANY BELLS. Serlous accidents have occurred in this bor within the past month which were due dings about the signals from ot the engineer. We are not , any of the accidents referred to above, j hem; we were not othing of the special 1e sinking of the Atlas, ad th to the Westfield, but we say, on general principles, that there aretwo many bell signals for the public safety, and two much room for whoever may be in fault to escape responsibility. There should be a national code of signals in use on every boat, and these should be established by the super- vising inspectors at Washington, just as the whistle signals for pilots are. If this was the case there would be no chance for divided responsibility, or fora culpable pilot to put an engineer in fault when he was not. An engineer is practically blameless in any event, for whatever happens, unless it can be shown that he did not do what he was told, and to establish this isa very difficult thing. On ferryboats there are two witnesses against one, that is, two pilots against one engineer and in such cases it is evident that an engi- neer’s testimony has only half the weight of the pilots’. As matters stand now, there are various systems of signaling to the engineer, and not only that, but there are several ways of trans- mitting the same system, An irritable ora scared pilot can ring bells in such a way as to confuse the most levelheaded engineer, by not giving any appreciable interval between one bell and two bells, or by striking three pells in such a way that they sound like one bell and two bells. “Stop and back’? signals come right ontop of each other of en, in case of emergency; and engineers know what is required of them intuitively only; intui- tions are unsafe to navigate crowded harbors by, and there should be a simple uniform code of bell signals established by govern- ment, and made compulsory on all boats navigated by steam—The Engineer, (N. Y.) >-—_— All the iron can and other buoys marking dangers to navigation in Lake Huron, Saginaw Bay and Straits of Mackinac will be teken up this week. Wooden spar buoys will be substi- tuted for the bouys removed, the former will be allowed to ren ain until carried away by ice. The St. Clair and Detroit river buoys. will be kept io position as late as the ice will admit, CATARRH CURED. A clergyman, after years of suffering from that loathsome disease, Catarrb, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prescription which completely cured and saved him from death. And sufferei from this dreud{ul disease sending a self addressed stamped envelope to professor J. A. Lawrence, 212 East 9th St., New York, will receive the recipe free of charge. EAGLE IRON WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF HE SIMPLEST AND BEST cl - oe = o .2oO a erhi A a Ec; a oS A nee eo — © co 2a & woe Sy CBee: = oS -— Bs) _e- oie se x (ore la fe Loans —— Duplex,Hoisting *Deck Engines "sioods Asay 0} pajgauu0) sjal -J2Q You! Ua) WIM sdwn O#FERED—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, SUBMERGED HUUK BOILERS Engines, Boilers and Pumps on Hand for Prompt Shipment CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. Woodbridge, Fifth and Co ngress-sts, Detroit, Mich, DETROIT DRY DOCK C0,, IS re = CONSTRUCTORS OF EI ae 8 Ss = eee = = == Zs ss ERY DESCRIPTION OF Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Ships. IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft, of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. S. 1b. SRI OOND, Tugs for Wrecking, Raft Towing, Etc. STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON, Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks. Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, Etc. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE ON DOCK, FOOT OF FIRST ST., OWNER OF TUGS ‘Winslow,’ ‘Leviathan,’ 'M. Swain,’ ‘Champion,’ ‘John Owen’ ‘Wm. A. Moor,’ and ‘Oswego. } Detroit, Mich. Also, Steam Barge MARY PRINGLE, with Steam Hoister and Wreaking outfit on Board. Fi g@-Orricr Open Day AnD Nicur. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.“@4 BRANCH OFFICES at PORT HURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH WRECKING TUG LEVIATHAN, CAPT. M. SWAIN, STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN With plenty of Wrecking Material on board and in Warehouse, Thomas McGregor, CENTRAL BOILER WORKS MANUFACTURER OF Marine and Stationary BOlhE RS, —ALL KINDS OF— Rendering Kettles, Tanks, —aAND— Ger; ited and. Advgress Bia, DUsnoUn on, SET ION ne a a a a NU A i ke a aa a RRR a NITED SPATES ENGINERR OFFICr 381 WEST , Congress street, Detroit, Mich,, Octover 2), 1888. Sealed proposals ior furnishing materials and labor and constructing a pier in front of Fort Brady at Saint Marys Falis Canal, Michigan, will be received, in triplioate, at this office until 2 p. m., November 19, 1888, and then publicly onened. Preference will be given to materials and plant of domestic production or manufacture. conditions of quality and price (im- port duties included) being equal. The goxyramment reserves the right 1o reject any or all proposals For further information apply at this office, or at the U. S. Engineer office, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. O. M. POE Colonel of Engineers, Bvt. Brig. Gen’], U. 8. A. : DIXON’S ‘Graphic Pipe Joing @rease’ for steam or gas pipes 4 makes a perfect joint that can be. opened with ease in three years or thirty years. Bolts, screws, etc., smeared with this grease will not rust even in the dampest places. Write to Jos, Dixon Crucible Co,, Jersey City, N. J., for circulars. NOWICE TO MARINE MEN, L4 TE official charts, showing the straight channel, now being dxedged, and soundings in bay and river are for sale nee * Quo. E. HARDY, Mayine Collector, 2%; Madison street,Toledo, Ohio NITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, 84 WEST Congress street Detroit, Mich., Ottober 15, 1888. —Separate seated proposals, in triplicae, will be re- ceived at this office until two o’clock p.m. Novem- ber 14, 1888, aud then. puldacly opened: 1, For dx g- ing wesi channel of Saginaw River along West Bay City, Migh.; 2, For dregfying bar at Mouth «£ Sagi- naw River, Mich ; 8, For @mstructivg revetment and beam wall and dredging at Carrollton, Sugmmaw River. Mich. Byreference will be given to materials an plant of domestic production or maamtsoture, condl- tioms of quality aii paice (import duties included) being equal, The government reserves the Yight! to reject any gr all pxoposa 6, For further mformation apply at this office, O, M. POE, Colonel of Pngineers, Bye. Brig-General, U. 8. A. ———— ROPOSALS FOR ROCK EXCAVATION AND DREDGING, U. 8S. Engineer Office, Cleveland, 0., October 80, 1888.—Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 12 o’clock m., Friday, December 7, 1883, at which time they will be opened in presence of bidders, for rock excavation and dredging at Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio. All in- formation ean be obtained at this office. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, L, COOPER OVERMAN, Major of Engineers. PRs FOR SAND, etc. U. 8. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N, Y.. October 1, 1888 Sealed pro- posals in triplicate will be received at this office un- til 11 a. m., eastern standard time, on December 1, 1888, for furnishing sand, pebbles, stone and cement, required in the reconstruction of the breakwater at Buffalo N. Y* All necessary information may be ob- tained on application to the undersigned, F. A. MAHAN, Captain of Engineers WILLIAMSON BROS. ‘GOR. RICHMOND AND YORK S¥S.| PHILADELPHIA, PA. | | HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP $TEERING EN- gines; with elther Frictional, Spur er Worm Gearof various patterns to suit all purjwses. 5 iy I Grummond’s MackinacLine STWR ATLANTIC, Gaptain ) R. dones. LEAVES CLEVELAND EVERY FRIDAY AT 8 P, M., CITY TIME, For Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, and way ports. For pas- sage or freight apply to ANDERSON & CO., Agents, Dock ft. of Superior-st. S, B, GRUMMOND, Owner, recking & Lighteting pay Ne Reduced Prices. The Steambarge Mary Pringle, with steam pumps, steam heister, and com- plete wrecking outfit, will be kept at S. B. Grummond’s dock, foot of Ist street, the balance of the season, ready ata moment’s notice, day or night. 3. B. Grummond, Owner. SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES Qopper, Brass and Sheet Tron Manufactory. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, and Orme Patent Safety and Relief Valve. No. 18 Ohio Street, Buffalo, N.Y. | J. W. GROVER & SON, SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL MAKERS AND RIGGERS IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Sire Rope, Manilla, ant Garred Goriage, Ounvas, Blorks, Oak- unt, Gar, Pitgh, Ours, Wns hors, Ohains, gly. 116 & 119 RIVERST., & 184 & 185 DOCK CLEVELAND, OHIO. M. M. GLEKLER, | MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Cigars . AND 'T'oraceo: 156 River-st., Gleveland, Phio, No one should leave port without a box of M. M. Glekler’s marine cigars. Travelers’ Informa ton Bureau. "Ocean, Lake 2224 Bank St, ‘CLEVELAND, 0 HENRY ESGH, Groceries.and Provisions, Fresh and Salt Meats, DRY GOODS AND CLOYAING. Special attention given to yessel supplies, Corner of Jay and 9th st... Manitowoc , Wis. SPLEGLE BROS, /MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ZGrocers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; hh & Salis Moat of alll Kimd, 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam boat Landing, and 184 Broadway. Telephone 112, First-class Merchant Tailoring g Done in the nobbiest style. aceording to monthly new fashion plates; made by none but first-class mechanics and none delivered unless to the entire taste or the Customer fa be sepa by Jos. L. Kohn, practical ailor and cutter at the tailoring depar of Kohn & Co., 213 Detroit biti canon door from corner Pearl kaown as Boston Dry Goods Store, Cleveland, O. In the rear of the above Store a fine stock ot the latest patterns of Cassimeres, Uloths Over Coatings, Silk Vestings, can be found and owing to the fact, that this young genius of a garment cutter Mr. Jos. L. Kohn does his own cutting, (which alone saves $80 per week) and has the appartment in the above Store free of any expense it enables him to Save the Customers from $6 to $10 on every Suit of Clothes. Convinee yourselt by call- ng at 218 Detroit street, second door from corner Pearl known as Boston Dry Goods Store of KOHN & CO., Cleveland, O Cleveland. Block Cb, MANU¥YAOCTURERS OF © Dena TackleBlocks \TAKING THE PLACE OF WOODEN BLOCKS FOR ALL PURPOSES. 159 River St., CLEVELAND, O JJotour Melephono Jjine, direct communication with WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH LINES and Frank Perry’s Tug Office SAULT STE MARIA. Complete towing and wrecking outfit always ready. TUG ANDREW J, SMITH and night. LOUIS LEMON’S TUG LINE. TUGS:= ONEIDA, C. D. McKinnon,Qu OKSTE: ame River and Harb _J. C. GOSS. Sail Maker anal LARGE STORAGE Boxman, B With new Maps ang A $. Dev, SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL 22 South Water street, Cle Established in 1871. Tele s.gns, Steering Balls, Liherty. tal Work ab pe 313, 315 and 317 Det Telephone 1638. Stationed at Detour. _ Office open day wo } ‘ ‘ 3 e t |

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