Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 15, 1888, p. 7

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* 85 aM 2 am| 8 50a M ase sseasenee ees ed a. n New York divepe eb slee] LADAY. | “Admiralty. gear dally on No, 10, leaving arrive Grand Centra! depot, ' on as to trains and counections ap- pe ore acre Bank and Su ilo Bae siti Mercan’ HE question has often been asked, “to what does The » © lavion?? The once answered this by the statement that “it has been fairly won, not by adver- tising schemes, but by thé excellence which characterizes it in every department.” In their announcements for the coming year the publishers state that t has always been - their desire to make The Century the one in- dispensable periodical of its class, so that _ whatever other publication might be desira- ble in the family, The Century could not be neglected by those who wish to keep abreast of the times in all matters pertaining to culture. And the unprecedented circula- tion of the magazine would seem to be the response of the public to this intention. With the November number The Century begins its thirty-seventh . volume. Two great feat- ures of the magazine which are. to continue throughout the new vol- ume are already well & ; known to the public, the Lincoln history and the papers on “Siberia and ; the Exile System.’”’? The ; first of these, written by } Messrs. Nicolay and Hay, ‘ President Lincoln’s pri- ; vate secretaries, contains | the inside history of the j dark days of the war, as : seen trom the White | House. ky THE, SIBERIAN PAPERS, | F by George Kennan, are attracting the at- ee tention of the civilized world. The Chi- { eago Tribune says that ‘no other magazine j articles printed in the English language just 4 now touch upon a subject which so vitally i interests all thoughtful people in Europe and America and Asia.” As is already known, i copies of The Century entering Russia have i these articles torn out by the customs officials i on the frontier. t DURING 1889 | The Century will publish the most im- ‘2 portant art feature that has yet found place in its pages. Itis the result of four years’ work of Mr. Timothy Cole, the leading magazine engraver of the world, in the galleries 4 of Europe, engraving from the originals the greatest pictures by the old masters. * Aseries of papers on Ire- land, its customs, land- will appear, and there are to pA Ley ee, be illustrated articles on Bible scenes, treating especially the subjects of the Inter- national Sunday-School Lessons. George W. Cable will write * Strange, True Stories of Louisiana.” There will be novelettes and short stories by leading writers, occa- sional articles on war subjects (supplement- alto the famous “War Papers” by General Grant and others, which have been appear ing in The Century), etc., etc. » The Century costs four dollars a year, and It is published by The Century Co., of New _ who will send a copy. of the full pros .s to any one on request, Century owe its great cireu- | FINE CYLINDER, a, 2 KING | BUFFALO, iy i MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ENGINE, LARD, BLACK OILS, WAT ER-PROOF GREASE PACKING & WIPES. RAILROAD, STEAM- BOAT AND ENGI- tionary & Portable MINING fg hae eh ae & CO., a ena tniverae’ iron Works, 314 10 326 Selita Street, fe nOIn micH, MANUFACTURER OF Piple Expansion Marine Engines, Three Cylinder and Fore and Aft and Steeple Compound Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS ‘| These wheels are ied for their extra speed and towing power or aproportionaie saving of coal, a/PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. (ed te Burning Slack. “| BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO., 20a, m, and} SUCCESSORS TO BAGNAIL & LOUD BLOCK CO. and PENFIELD BLOCK CO. BOSTON, MASS., and LOCKPORT, N W YORK., The Largest el Most Reliable Manufacturers i the Unitea States ot Bi er FY BOOKS. Ship-builders and Contractors. . Their Specialties are: Self-Lubricating Metaline Blocks: Self-locking Link Snatch Blocks: Self-adjustable Five Roll Roller Bush Blocks; Loud’s Pat ent Non-chokable Diaphragm Pumps will pump Sand, Gravel, etc., without in jury to the Pump, having no plunger. OUTFITS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. We make the most durable grade of Blocks to be obtained in the market Call for our SELF ADJUSTABLE FIVE ROLL ROLLER BUSHED STAR BRAND BLOCKS AND DO AWAY WITH REPAIRs, Gly SasiTaiat eS LORE Lea Easiest Working Pump in the Market — NMioney Well Spent 5 BY BUYING GOODS DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AT JOBBING PRICES: ee ES gp on) ew ls es oe ae SOLE gp Eee Seg OF WE STAND READY TO HAVE OUR GOODS TES- TED AGAINST ALL OTH- ERS, AND WILL CHEER- FULLY SUPPLY SAMPLE YA CAN OR BARREL, NOT TO BEPAID FOR UNLESS SATISFACTORY AT THE END OF THE TRIAL; TO BE PAID FOR AT REGU- its S WHEN THE GOODS ARK PRONOUN- NEERS’ SUPPLIES. CED SATISFACTORY. Yearly Contracts a Specialty. 29 South Clinton-st., Chicago, tli ARTHUR & BOYLAN, Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. pee Woks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND. OHIO. The manufacturers are the Chase Fog Whistle Machine Co., corner of Elm and Gro. Spruce streets, Cleveland, O. Yj 1 pot) hy Chase Fog Whistle Machine This machine has been placed on the following steamboats during the past year: SpokKANE, WALLULA, Kasora, CHar- LEMAGNE TOWER, Yak IMA, MissoULA, Sivka, F- AYETTE Brown. R. J. Hac ENNA, DEOAR Town Su J HOU fe) Fee a yp, MANNEY, arena Moor uC HAR ib KS ‘fi SHE WE Le Lb,’ Ira H.OWEN, FP CaMbBriA, Corsica, J, H. OurHWAITE, SAMUEL MATHER, R. R, RuopEs, O OLUMBIA, AURORA, Outo, Wm. Epwarps, 8, E, SHELDON, AUSTRALASIA, RALEIGH, BULGARIA, RoUMaNtIA, J. F. Eppy, Hiawarua, THos. Apams, A, P. Wrieutr, Gran. stone, KE. P. Winsor, Soo City, bk, FREYER AND Nortuern Li 1GHT, To the President and Board of Supervising Inspec- tors of Steam Vessels: Your committee to which was referred the ‘ Ghase Fog Whistle Machine” beg leave to report: ‘*That we have carefully examined the same and find that it blows at regular intervals, being worked by the engine, thereby insuring regular and continuous blasts for any length of time that may be required and would recommend it or similar device to owners of steam vessels as an addi- tional safeguard to navigation. H, 8. Lusppocg, H. Srariovox, | Commitie W. D. Roprnson, Forest Gily CIGAR STORE. TFHOM AS LIEGE, Prop’. MANUFACTURER AND JOBRER OF CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. 259 PEARLSTREET M. Pxcx, Roper lL. ‘Whe M Marine. i Betti -L F. HODGE MANUFACTURERS OF 4 TOLEDO, OHIO, \ MONTPELIER, OHIO. {OAR MILLS NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS DEGRAUW, AYMAR&CO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, Q9AKUM, WIRE ROPE CHAINS. ANCHORS, OARS, BLOCKS COTTON anp FLAX DUCKS, FLAGS BUNTINGS, RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY, Nos. 34 ano 85 Sourn Srreer, NEW YORK. TESTED CHAINS, Bradlee & €a., Kmpine Chain Works BEACH AND OTIS STS., Philadelphia. Ship's Cables and Marine Railway Chains. Chains for Foundry Cranes and Slings. “‘D. B. G.” Special Crane Chains. Steel and Iron Dredging, Slope and Miniag Chains. THE TNS GRATE. G. C. BARNES, Agt. This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt. Glob Iron Works. masufac’s,, Office and Foundry, corner of Elm and Spruce-sts, CLEVELAND, OQ. _ HH. Bo & & B. BURGER, _ MANITOWO6 DRY DOGK. Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set of Boxes in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 tons. large stock of SPARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. VESSELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TE MANITOWOC, WIS. DHMROIM BOAM WORKS. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF Olayk’s Patent Metallic Life Rafts. HIGHLY INDORSED BY THE pOARD OF SUPERVISING IN- SPECTORS. Life Boats" ** Steam and Hand Steering Wheels to Order. Shons ft. of ORLEANS ST., DETRO11 MICH. THOS. DREIN & SON BUILDERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all classe Governmentand PleasureBoats of Wood. Biock Cork Life Pre- servers. Sole manutacturer of Capt. JonatTHAaN CONE’s celebrated PatentLifeRafts | ‘Yatnal and Railroad W)miugton Del, Yaw i B oats in stock 14, 16, 18,20 and 22 feet long. 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. | Soe |Ship Chandlers, and Head-quarters for Best Steel and iron Tiller Ropes. 22 to 26 Market-St. near Randolph-St, Clricago Ill: J; E. SIMP SON CO0., GENERAL CONTRACTORS. AND BUILDERS OF SIMPSON’S PATENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK, NO. 85 BROADWAY, NEW YORK GMX,

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