Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 22, 1888, p. 1

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} t ; | to close up accounts. the firm of Parker & Detro is In the city today. E f of the Whitney Cleveland, last night. Tron Works Oo., is putting a yin Mr. Harkness steam yacht. tting their tonnage to- for the close of nav- ; at about 320,000 tons of ore e N. Y. P. & O. but it is ee . Palmer and others aul ona ae — Yosemite and Ohio, isin the after repairs to the for Soll ‘Samson takes the _ "poboouert @eough and Mary L i Haron ator they ill lay ON Devoe cos palling 2 ‘May Richards, Captain wn, has gone Into winter quar The captain is in the city today Pstrick Cummings, captain of schooner Camden, reports His yawlboat, twenty-two feet long and valued at $80, stolen from his vessel in the river bed last Saturday night. The steamer Atlantic, which has been run ning between Cleveland and St. Ignace, left this port for the last time this season yester- day morning. She, too, has had a fairly prosperous year. Mr. G. C. Barnes has put his Atma shak- ing grate on all the new steamboats that have been built at this port during the past year, besides those placed aboard new steam- ers from other ports. The tenth annual ball of the Seamen’s assembly will be given at Gesangverein hall, 174 Ontario street, on Monday even- ing, November 16. We hope the merry flat- foots will have an enjoyable time tripping the light fantastic with their own particular stars. The stearmbarge Messenger, Captain J. Baker, left here with his consorts the Senator Blood and the Genesee Chief, This makes the Messenger twenty-four trips to Cleve- land this season and she has been unusually fortunate under the skillful guidance of her master, Ouptain Baker, Af the Globe iron shipyard one of the Hill boats will be ready to launch in about thirty days and the other in six weeks. [he Lehigh line boats are progressing finely the first or No, 2 of the line is nearly in frame and the keel is laid and frames bent for the other, Chaplain Jones, of the Bethel has returned pome after his week’s vacation attending the missionary convention at Detroit. We be- lieve. that the faithful discharge of duty, and the energetic, charitable character of this gentleman would ba better appreciated if more widely known, We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Dracket, wife of John Dracket Jr, Mrs. Dracket breathed her life away Tues. day night surrounded by her, little family Mrs. Dracket was a daughter of Captain Richard Doty, an, old lake master. The remains will be taken to Toledo for burial The tug L, P, Smith, with-the. schooner John O’Neill in tow, collided with the lower Central Way bridge Monday morning. About sixty feet. of the hand rail on the bridge was wrecked and the bridge was otherwise damaged, the loss aggregating $100: The schooner was damaged to the extent of $150. SMessre. Ward & Jackson, shipsmiths, have closed contracts ‘for the iron work on the three steam boats to be built at Quayle’s Columbia wasih dock,fora new piece of keel, 100 feet of garboard etrake, recaulked and recavlked butts, and bottom searched up. Tug Wisconsin to tighten wheel, und some ealking. into dock to have » leak stopped around the stern pipe. ‘street two weeks ago, was found floating in the river near the Lake Erie Sind and ‘Captain Charles Stickney of the tug Allie Ma comp b mill in the yard} Piss obs - for the ves-; their business. .president,. and J.. H. Ball, secretary and:|, away into the spring, Mr J. A. Westaway of Detroit, chief engineer of the Michigan Central Ferry boats was in the city yesterday. Mr. West- away expresses himself as entirely satisfied with the new ferry steamer built by the Cleveland Ship Building Co., and says that as €00n as she is completed she will steam for Detroit, ice or noice. It is believed by Mr. Westaway that she will be ready to take her departure about the 1st of January, and he considers that no atnount of ice will be able to stop her, Ic has been said that the Marinet Recorp has been somewhat previous in naming this new ferry the Transfer, that the company has already a ferry named the Transter, but we are credibly informed that our prognostics are correct, inasmuch as the old Transfer was sold last Friday to a syndicate of Canadian gentlemen, Messrs, John Lane, Walker and oti.ers for $4,500. She will be dismantled, her machinery taken out and the hull con- verted into a floating drydock to be genes at Windsor, Ont. Meteorological: summary for the Week «ies November 22, 1888: Mean actual barometer... .._ Mean temperature,...... Mean humidity...._.... ‘Total precipitation... .. Prevailing direction of win Total wind movement... . ape) Av. ‘cloudiness. .-2 2. Av. state of weather. . Mx. temperature, highest Max. temperature, lowest.....0..-..-.- 28.0 W.H. HAMMON, Sgt. Signal Corpse. U.S, A, ASHTABULA HARBOR, OHIO, Special to the Marine Kevord, ; Business at our port is fast drawing toa close. Coal and ore hoists are being dis- mantled and dock and office forces are be- ing reduced. There is however a goodly fleet of vessels in port unloading ore; coal shipments have nearly ceased. The schoon- er Rhodes loads coal for Chicago and con- templates an ore trip from Escanaba to Ohio ports yet this fall. The J. T. Fay loads coal in Erie and catches the Rhodes at this point. The propeller Farwell loads coal for Chi- cago and will go into winter quarters there, The L.S. & M.S. R. R. have commenced work on their new docks, under the manage- ment of Contractor Fzink McKenzie. The improvement is quite extensive and will add very materially to their ability to do effi- cient and rapid work. Captain Devney, the shipbuilder, has the keel laid and partially in frame a new tug for Erie parties, the third one built by him for fishing purposes this season. Extensive improvements are rumored hy all firms handling ore at this point. The Variety hoists are nof a success yet, but have succeeded in doing’ some work but they are by no means satisfactory. They are still experimenting with them and intend to muke them aeuccess before leaving them for the winter. Diets w Bad iy as can be found at any port along the lakes and the work turned out is made to give sat- isfaction. At the Cleveland drydock the steamer searched up. The schooner H. P. Baldwin The steamer Yosemite will go Lhe body of Robert Cahill, who was re- ported as missing from his home on Leonard Gravel Oo’s docks Saturday morning by The remains were taken to Heffron’s morgue on Detrnit street and the coroner notified. Cahill leaves a wite. _ _ The Chase. machine company have about ed their new building on Elm street and.they will soon be ready to enter into the manufacture of the Chase fog whistle ia- ‘chine and do a general jobbing work in e officers of this new enterprise are G. C. Birnes president and general’ manager, James L. Chase vice treasuror. John Baker, the master of the steambarge Messenger, which carried deputy United States Marshall Eberman to Detroit a few weeks since while he was in charge of the boat, called at the United States district attorney’s office and. expressed a desire to plead guilty. Judge Welker has left the eity, and Captain Buker will be given an op- portunity to express his views of his guilt or innocence on Wednesday next, The River Machine Co. are adding new tools to thei~ already extensive plant, includ ing among others, a la) ge lathe, from a Cin- cina.ti firm, anda new steam hammer, which will strike 1,000 pounds. This company is now prepared to do all kind of marine work with promptness. The new crank shaft re- ceptly put in the Dudley has piven good satisfaction and as each member of the firm is a practical man in his department, good work may be_relied upon. Lighthouse inspector Gridley gives.notice that the removal for the winter of the buoys in that. portion cf the tenth lighthouse dis- trict embraced by Lake Erie and the Detroit riyey, will begin about the 19th inst., and probably be compieted by December 5th. Small secantling buoys will be lett to mark the more important Stations, as usual, in place of the buoys removed. The buoys in in Niagara river and the harbor of Buflalo wil) be left in position as long as possible, and on their removal! no small buoys will be left in these localities. The Brown hoisting and conveying ma- chine company bave just. completed three ot their cantilever rigs for discharging and handling iron ore on the old river bed and will commence another set of three more this week. This firm is now erecting four similar rigs in Duluth, Minn.,, also at Pitts- burg, Pa. They will also erect one of their patent cantilever conveying machines (on the crib waterworks to be used for con- ‘veying the sand, etc., dug out from the nea tunnel now in course of building. Foreman Johnson witha gang of skilled workmen will haye\charge of this work. - The Globe [ron Works Co, are’ building a triple expansivn engine for Captain Thomas Wilson’s ‘new boat, under’ contract’ at Quayle’s Son’s yard, 20, 31 and 52 by 42 inch stroke, and two Scotch boilers 11 ‘feet de- ameter and 12 feet long. Also a com- pound engine 30 and 56 by 48 incb.|.insured. The, Leland, . 236 tone, was buils stroke and .two boilers 10. feer diameter | at New Baltimore by, McLeod. in 1873 and by 16 feet long for the steamer to be built) yas classed. Bl; by the Cleveland Drydock Co. for H. John- CHARLOTTE, son and orhers. In addition to this work The tug stillon Graham’s Shoal the company has five boilers and machinery |/and is saidte be in bad shape.’ The Levia: for the boats previously mentioned ia thesé than left to release her, HURON, OHIO, The steambarge Leland, which arrived at this port Sunday afternoon, burned to the water’s edge at about 5 o’clock Tuesday morning. The fire was caused by the ex- plosion of a kerosene lamp. The boat was laden with about three hundred tons of coal, owned by. the Beaver Ran Coal Co., and 800, barrels of,apples. The, latter was the prop. erty of her captain, A. B. Slyfield, who is also the loser of two gold watches, a diamond scarfpin, a considerable sum of money and all bis clothing. His. personal, loss. will amount: to about $1,000. ,The Leland, was velued at about $18,000 and was owned at St, Clair, by Messrs. Siy field & Jinks, The amount, of insurance about $15,000. The George W. Robinson lumber company. sus tained. damages, to the amount of $700, fully DEVOTED TO NAVIGATION, COMMERCE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENGE. CLEVELAND. O.. NOVEMBER 22 1888. Son’s yard,one by tue Cleveland Drydock C». | columne, all of which will ud ep them busy one at Radcliffe’s yard. This firm has prob- ably as complete a set of tools for buat work, 73 | launched in July last. 9 Buffalo, and two boilers 10 ft 6 In X 16 ft 6 CHICAGO, ILL, Speial to the Marine Record. The Delaware and Hudson Coal Company and the Silver Creek and Morris Coal Com- bany will, it the threats of irate vesselown- ers go for aught, have a number of demur- rage suits to defend. These companies have been having coal sent them from the foot of Lake Erie withont regard to their facilities for handling the stuff. In conse- quence vessels with cargoes consigned to their docks here have been unable to un- unload, At Silver creek, with room for one boat to unload, there are the schooners Moonlight and Danforth, and then the steamship Neosho pulled in. At the Del- aware & Hudson the Parnell, City of Rome, Nevada, and J, M, Hutchinson are hemmed in with no prospect of getting freed of their cargoes. Tnere are over fifty schooners stripped and tied up here already. Most of these are lumber carriers. The water is very low and within a foot of, the 1847 stage... The splendid, steamship. Neosho,, arrived. here Thursday morning from Buffalo, with coal. consigned to ithe Morris: and’ Silver | Creek Company, at Elston ‘road, North|: She’ was ‘built at Quayle’s Son’s}| Branch. yard, Cleveland, for Robert Rhodes, ‘and fore ‘and aft compound engine 30 and 54X 48 stroké, built by “Trout,” Kine Tron works, in., each allowed 125 lbs steam, built by the Lake Erie Boiler Works, Buffalo. She is supplied with the American Ship Windlass Company’s Steam Windlasses, fore and aft and Williamson Brothers’ steam steerer. Her cabin and departments are fftted out elaborately and elegantly, vieing with any other wooden steamship on the lakes. Capt. W. H. Humphrey is in command, Chas. Cook 1st mate, Frank Newton 2nd mate, Christ. Castle chief engineer, Wm Lawrence second engineer. She isthe most complete and elegantly furnished wooden steamship that ever arrived at Chicago. The T. D. Stimson ran into Manitowoc last Friday under stress of weather and it was found that she bad losta_ bucket off her wheel. As she was laden too deep to be plnced in the dry dock, divers wers sent from Dunham’s wrecking and towing com- pany, Chicago, who succeeded in removing the opposite blude of the wheel and she left Manitowoc on Tuesday. Freight and passenger steamer India of the Anchor line which has been running be- tween Buffalo. and Lake Superior all the summer arrived here with a general cargo Monday morning. The. schooner Chas. J. Wyman, Capt. Alex, Smith, goes to Grand Haven to lay up. The steamship R. P. Ranney Capt. J. A. Holmes arrived here Monday morning with coal from Buffa'e, having on board her 20th eargo this season. She has made excellent time this season having made oue trip in 16 days one trip in 18 days and one trip in 19 days between Ashtabula, where she loaded coals for Duluth, thence to Ashland for iron ore for Ashtabula. She towed one schooner all the season and two, part of the time. The schooner Moonlight goes to Milwau- kee to lay up and will get new decks anda general overhauling during the winter. The propeller St, Paul, Captain °W. D. Wair, arrived Monday morning and closed her two year’s contract between the Central Vermont line and her owners Wickbam Bros:, Huron, Ohio. She has made a most successful season with her consort the Thos. L.. Parker, without accident of any kind, The steamship Sisquehanna, Captain M. Riley, arrived at 7:30 p.m. Monday Novem_ ber 19¢b, with merchandise, This is her first appeuranee at-this porc since she left here, October 9th for Milwaukee, to go into drydock at Wolf & Davidson’s ‘fora new rudder, the new rudder was placed’on her under the direction and s:perintendance of R. Learmont, chief’ engineer of the Anchor -was in dock for bottom calking. |. a 7 Bloecker, of. Grand‘ Haven, aces iol 92.00 Awmom Suraxx Chawzs 5 Omwns Line, and isa masterpiece of engineering skill. It is placed to stay. The propeller Nebraska, Captain Tom Burton, will go to Buffalo to lay up during the winter. She will have her wooden arches taken out and replaced with steel arches under her promenade deck, which will extend fore and aft. Her promenade deck will be lowered two feet and she will receive three new masts. At the Chicago Drydock Co’s yard the tug W.L, Ewing was infor new frames and outside plank, the schooner R. B. Hayes for a piece of new keel and calking and gen= eral repairs, the schooner J. B. Merrill re- ceived a new topmast, the schooner Andrew Jackson a new centerboard, the schooner Anna Maria and propeller Worthington some repairs. At Miller Bros.’s shipyard the propeller Portage was in dock for calking bottom, the steamer Pewaukee had her mast taken-out at.the derrick, the schooner Empire casi der,’ was here. Monday, returning: She is driven by a} k sively into building marine engines of all classes and sizes. The firm) are at present building a condensing engine 18 by 20 for Captain R. C. Brittainof Saugatuck, fora new steamer he will bulld this winter. The Chicago board of marine underwrit- ers fixed the trip rates on grain for the last half of November as follows: To ports on Lake Michigan, 75 cents; on Lake Superior $1,50; on Lake Haron, Sarnia and ‘Detroit river, $1,05; on Georgian Bay and Lake Erie $1,25; on Lake Ontario and Ogdensburg, $1,553 to Montreal, $3. The buoys on the reef off South Chicago, willbe replaced November 24, by spar buoys, that will be allowed to remain until carried away by ice. It is the impression amongst many vessel men that Captain W. H. Rounds would makean excellent inspector of steamboat hulls, in case Captain Cyrus Sinelair who now holds the appointment, should be called npon torresign when thechange of govern. ment takes place next spring. It is reported that the steambarge; Hubbell burned last{week, was insured against fire for $29,500. Her va.uation in Lloyd’s in- surance register was $30,000, : The decision of the [ilinois supreme court Thursday setting aside the legal arbitration in the case of the Vessel Owners’ Towing Co. vs. J. V. Taylor will tend to upset the future settlements of collision cases by arbi- tration instead of by an appeal to the courts One of J. V. Taylor’s schoorers in tow ot a vessel owners’ tug hada collision witha small schooner outside the Chicago harbor, The case was left to arbitration, as usual in such disputes, but when the arbiters de-« cided against Taylor, he appealed to the courts. The superior court upheld the ar- bitration, but Judge Tuley in the appolate court set if aside and found for Tay- lor. On appealtothesupreme court Judge Tuley was sustained. The question now arises: If legal arbitration in such cages is not binding what is the use of resorting to it? form themselves into a stock company with: $50,00 capital, when they will enter exten-. ad The owners of the Gazelle settled Mon. duy for the loss of the yacht Josie in 1885, Tt was in the sinking of the Josie by the Gazelle that Mrs, Wilson of Springfield was drowned. | The manifest of the Starucea’s cargo was received in Chicago. It consists of twent: eight safes; a large quantity of canne goons, tarred felting, whiskey, and supplies: for the mining revions, including ‘groceries, sugar, and whelbarrows,, The aggregate ¥a ue of the cargo was about $50,000, Wi.irAMs, *

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