Plarine Becort. Published Every Thursday at 144 Superior Street, [Leader Building] Cleveland, O. A. A. POMEROY, EDITOR AND PUB BRANCH OFFICE: ape South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Associate Editor. TERMS OF SUBSORIPTION: ne year, postage paid... sssesscee crreree «$2.00 Six months, postage paid. 1,00 Invariably n advance. THE MARINE RECORD can ve found for sale by the following news dealers : CLEVELAND, O,—G. F. Bowman, corner of Pearl and Detroit Streets. Evans & Van Epps, Superior street, Cleveland. R. A. Castner, 254 Detroit street, Cleveland. ASHTABULA HARBOR, O. so Large. CHICAGO, ILL,—Joseph Gray, 9 West Ran- dolph ‘Street. CHICAGO, ILL.—H. B. Hansen, 33 West andolph Street. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Miss McCabe, Elk Street, near Ohio. DETROIT, MIC H.—Connors’ Marine News 0. tar wabker, WIS.—T. S. GRAY, CO, 126 Wisconsin St. SAULT STE MARIE—J. P. Haller. ASHTABULA HARBOR—O. M, Kahne. ERIE, PA,—Reed Caughen, 816 State St. a DULUTH, MINN.—C. F. Johnson, 323 West Superior Street. MARQUETTE, MICH.—J. A. Vannier. | ESCANABA, MICH.—Wm, Godley. ESCANABA, MICH.—George Preston, SARNIA, ONT.—D. McMasters, OWEN SOUND, ONT.—J. Sharpe, Jr. KINGSTON, ONT.—F. Nisbet, corner Brcok and Wellington Streets. scene seanwenee caeeeeens TTT. RRR LST Subscribers and others are respectfully invited’ to use the columns of the MARINE RECORD for the discussion of pertinent topics. Entered at the Post Umce at Cleveland as second- elass mail matter. CLEVELAND, O., NOVEMBER 22. ¢LEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS’ ASSN ORGANIZED IN 1880. {Membership, 18871 Sixty-five steamers aggregating .....--....67,865 ons Ninety-five sail and consort, aggregating.60,089 ons; Maintains shipping offices at Cleveland and Ashta- bula Harbor. Regulates wages, protects crews, and es cognizauce of all matters in the interest of its mbers and of the Lake Commerce generally. , OFFICERS. j HM. Hanxa, - = - = ° + President HOP. Umumriwer; - - - .) Vice President B L. Pennineron, - ss phat st 7 ‘HD.Gourprr - - - 2 ae _Counse] Pace ake ae : Window, WD z. ‘Thomas: ¥, s, J. H. Palmer. J. W. Moore, W. C. Richardson, — SHIPPING MASTERS. . R. Rumsey, 98 dock, Cleveland; Fred Bennet. assistant, 98 dock, Cleveland; Wm, Reunick, Ashta- bula Harbor. MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER. PRIORITY OF LIEN. Recent developments of the American libel laws seem to point to the facts that neither a vessel or her owners can be held responsible for services performed in con- nection witb a versel’s business, unless they have an actual relation to the loading, de- livery, or the direct furtherance of the voy- age. Up to the present time, several important questions involved in a vessel’s expenses while in harbor, were ruled by the old time maxim, according to the usages of tbe trade, or the custom of the port, this clause being often inserted in charter parties, and bills of lading; also being understood and ob- served in other matters where vessel inter- ests were concerned. The port charges, however, for brokerage, transacting ships’s business, clearings, dis- bursements, etc., have been found to have no distinct standing io the United States admiralty courts, and the very fact of a per- son or firm negotiating a charter tor the employment of a vessel does not render the vessel or owners liable to recompense the negotiator. Unless documentary evidence of adifferent nature can be produced the person negotiating a charter can not libel a vessel for services rendered. Notwithstanding the above a charter it- self, when properly attested, is both legal and binding in the light of a maritime con- tract, and on these grounds alone have the admiralty courts jurisdiction over the char- terers, captains and owners. It is more than likely that a person acting as agent and be- ing instrumental in the placing of a char- ter would expect that he had every legal right on his side in levying and collecting a commission for services rendered to the ship and owners; yet such is not the legal aspect of the case, for in a recent de- cision in admiralty the court ruled that the business of negotiating a charter, was a preliminary and not in any sensea mari- time service or contract; hence, the court had no jurisdiction to award the broker compensation for his services. As has been t said, if the broker of a charter party be ad- f mitted, the insurance broker must follow the drayman, the expressman and all others Ehe Marine Record. who perform services baving reference toa) LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION voyage either in contemplation or exeented, andin the case of a dry dock, stevedores or shipkeeper’s services no maritime lien is created and the local fact bas been placed on record that a shipwright has no lien af- ter the vessel has passed out of his hands. Yet, on the other hand, no undue weight must be placed on the assertion that the ves- sel and owners are not liable; for supplies and all expenses necessary to fulfill an agreement once entered into; and while the vessel is prosecuting her voyage she is distinctly liable for all incidental expenses and other charges incurred with the view of bringing or taking the vessel to a port of destination, for even her bottom may be pledged, and a bottomry’ bond executed, with the gratifying knowledge that the last bond granted, must be the first paid as it is argued that whatever may have been laid out previously, it is the last advance that ultimately saves the'ship, cargo, and freight. Yet the question of preliminary services still remains in abeyance, and until our merchant marine becomes re-established, in sufficient numbers to carry on a large commercial intercourse, we presume that no legislation will be turned towards the present unsatisfactory state of the broker’s compensation, in a legal point of view. Of the few foreign going ships that we have now afloat, the masters in many cases may transact all of their land business, and on the lakes the owners have their property always at hand. SERS Et OS ee Se. THE proposed bridge across the Detroit river has practically had aset back, from which in the interests of navigation it isto be hoped that it will never recover, for no mat- ter how constructed, the fact remains that a bridge across the river at Detroit would prove an artificial obstruction to steam vessels, as well as sail, and many would be the casualties resulting from vessels coming in contact with pillars and posts during erection, and after the completion of the proposed bridge. We are gratified to learn that the efforts of this paper in decrying even the proposed winter bridge has met with succe-s, all interests practically agreeing that a tunnel would bet- ter meet the requirements of trade. With this end in view, a wealthy syndicate with a capital stock of $1,500,000 has been incorpor- ated under the name and title of the Detroit Tunnel Co., and preliminary steps~ will be taken at an-early -date, although it is not ex- pected that the direct work of excavating will commence until next spring. Luther’Beecher a wealthy capitalist of Detroit is reported as being a heavy shareholder in the gel ake oe fo ennai TO CONSIDEN AND TAKE ACTION UPON ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS RE LATING TO THE NAVIGATION ANDO CARRYING BUSINESS OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE WATERS TRIBUTARY THERETO, WITH THE INTENT TO IMPROVE THE CHARACTER OF THE SERVICE RENDERED TO THE PUBLIC, TO PRO- TECT THE COMMON INTEREST OF LAKE CARRIERS, AND PROMOTE THEIR GENERAL WELFARE* BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1888. Ifnomas MARTIN, - <= = ~- Oswego, N. Y. James ASH, - - - 2+ Buffalo, N. Y. W. BULLarp, - - - Bofelo, N. ¥ 8. D. Catpwait, President - + Buffalo, N. Y. E. T. Evans, - Buflalo, N. Y. W. P. Henry, - ° - Buffido, N. Y. P. P. MILLER, - Buffalo, N. Y. Frank Ji ares Vice ‘Present, - Erie, og cnt aaa - - Cleveland, O. i M. Han - - Cleveland, 0. THOMAS Witso%, View President, - Cleveland, A. W. Co Toledo, O. JAMES a “Msc, Ves. President, -Detroit, Mich, Eser Warp = - = Detroit, Mich. James DavIDSON, - = - = Bay Oty, Mic Jos. Ph me = «= = «© Chicago, Ml. W.M. Eaa - Chicago, Ill. Ira H. OWEN, “Vice President, + Chicago, Il. R. P. Frtz@@RALD, - Davrmp Vance, ALEX McDouGaLy, Harry MuRPHY, Seoretary, - Buffaio, N. Y. Jas. CAREY Evans, Treasurer, Buffalo, N. wy MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER. - = Milwaukee, Wis. - Milwaukee, Wis. Duluth, Minn. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. At tho request of President Caldwell of the Lake Carriers’ Association, the spar buoys in the St. Mary’s river will be left down this winter, and the iron buoys re- placed by, painted spars. In the St, Clair river the regular buoys will not be removed until it is necessary to do so to prevent their being carried away by ice and then the more important ones will be replaced by painted spare, for all of which our naviga- tors will pe thankfall. BOARD MEETING. A meeting of the Board of Managers ot the lake Carriers’ Association was held in the Committee rooms of the Merchants’ Exchange, Buffalo, to-day, at 2.30 P M., for the consideration of various subjects of importance to the association. FORE AND AFT. The New York canals will be closed at midnight November 30. It is said the repairs on the schooner Reuben Doud will raise her from A2'% class to A2, The Chicago seamen’s union paid the funeral expeuses of Captain John Kennedy, late master of the schooner J. M, Hutchin- son. Steamship Cambria will go on dock at Owen Sound to be cut in two and have 35 feet added to her, which will make her one of the finest palace steamers in inland waters. Harrow and others, the New Baltimore builders, will construct a new steamer this winter, using the machinery from the tug Quayle which {was burned at Ontonagon some years ago. Ferdinand De Lesseps, the great Isthmus oS usr as soon as the eastern arm of the Cley- canal bnilder, iseighty three years old to- eland breakwater is completed it will be in order to agitate the opening of a cut from the old river bed to the roadstead, Not only | would this opening cleanse the muddy waters of the Cuyahoga, a question of sufficient local importance to warrant the undertaking, but it would also facilitate the entrance and exit of the large and increasing iron ore trade, of which Cleveland. has such just cause to be ‘| proud. For several months correspondence has been kept up between the Dominion and British governments with reference toincreas- ing the defenses of Canada. Itis proposed to strengthen the frontier defense by the es- tallishment of garrison batteries and to in- ‘ crease the force in British Columbia, RULES OF THE ROAD. Mipiaxkez, Nov. 20. To the Editor of the Marine Record, While proceeding up Lake Erie the other night, under steam, we sighted a bright mast head light and although the weather was slightly hazy at the time no question arose in day, and as active as a boy of eighteen. He thinks that his Panama canal will be oe for traffic in ‘1390. The receipts of coal by lake at Bits pokes thus far this season are 912,000 tons, indi- cating that the total receipts tor the season will be 1,000,000 tons, or nearly 400,000 tons more than last year. The noted weather prognasticator, Profes- sor Stockmeyer, of Fort Scott Kas. an- nounces that a most disastrous and terrific gale and blizzard will occur onthe great lakes inside of forty eight hours. The schooner Buatherford, while on a trip to Sodus point with a large cargo of grain, struck a rock near Ruddock’s point, Lake Ontario, breaking a large hole in her ottom, Considerabie damage was done to the cargo. She managed to reach Charlotte. The Canadian government has raised the export duty on pine logs from $2 to $3. Canadian elm logs, which are used by all the stave mills in Wyandotte remain as be- fore, The Iron Chief and Iron Cliff discharged their last cargoes of iron ore at Wyandotte the minds of those on board our vessel as to| last Saturday. The Eureka Iron and Steel whether the light wasshown from a steam vessel or not, for the article of the steering and sailing laws expressly mention that a sailing vessel, that is, a vessel propelled by sail power alone, shall never carry the white light when under way, Judge then of our surprise on finding this white light visible all around the horizon, carried at the mizen lower mast head ofa large schooner with all sail set and appar- ently proceeding on the way to the Detroit river. No farther notice was taken and we soon left the lubberly and misleading light far astern; yet, on looking back and seeing the side light and masthead light clearly burning we could not but express a wish that a revenue cutter would happen along and sight this illegal light, to the complete dis- comfiture of the vessel showing it. If the master of the schooner was fulfilling the orders of his superiors he certainly ought to protest and make the matter known, fora private light so exhibited on the highway of commerce might lead to disastrous results, not only sacrificing property but valuable lives also, But, on the other hand, if the white masthead light was exhibited at the discretion of those on board, no censure could be too severe to apply in a case like this. Seeing the important nature of this. communication, I sincerely trust that you will grant the space for publication in the Marine Recorp, and as you have so earnestly attended all matters relating tothe navigation of the chain of lakes in the past, I wish you every success in the future, Davin A, Parton. works have received 22,000 tons of ore this season. Wayne Choate, an enthusiastic yachtsman of East Saginaw, will spend the winter at the office of the Wyandotte shipyard, acquir- ing a practical knowledge of naval archi- tecture, The boiler ona pile driver lying at the foot of Helen avenue in Detroit, exploded the other morning, and Charles Boston, Jr., was so badly injured that he died a fow hours later. The buoys on. the reef off South Chicago will be replaced November 24 by small spar buoys properly marked that will be allowed to remain ‘in place until nipped or swept away by the ice, Graham & Morton, of the Benton harbor line, positively deny the rumor that they were going to buy off the Cleveland boat, City of Detroit, which is to be run in opposi- tion to their line next season. . The remains of Edward Ostrander, Picton, sailor on schooner OC. Gearing, drowned at Oswego some time ago, was found on Mon- day in Baldwins bay, The body was very much decomposed. It has been forwarded to Picton for burial, The output of flour from Minneapolis mills the week ending November 10 was 149,800 barrels, against 150,600 the week be- fore. Many mills will shut down as soon as lake navigation closes, as the market is still dull and lifeless. The smallest steam engine ever made has just been completed, after two years of labor, for the Paris exhibition. It is composed of 180 pieces of metal, is a shade under three- fitths of an inch in height, and weighs less than one-ninth of an ounce. A watchmaker made it. Atthe morning session ot the National Board of Trade at Chicago last week resolu- | tions were adopted calling on coagress to take measures looking to a strengthening of our harbers and coast defenses, to reduce the revenue and to restrict immigration. Material is being hauled on the ground for Captain B. G. Yocum’s new barge. Na- poleon Grignon has the contract for build- iug her snd he promises to produce a boat which will be a credit to her owner. This will be the first boat built of wood in Du- luth. The great height of water in Lake Su- perior, at the present time, and the great rainfall in the country tributaries to the great lakes, indicate a high water season on the St. Lawrence next summer. The year 1889 will be as remarkable for high water as 1888 has been for low water. A. Kirby, shipbuilder of Wyandotte, and Tom Swan, keeper of a restaurant in Detroit, made a bet on the election that Mr. Kirby should pay $100 if Cleveland won and, on the other hand, if Harris6n was elected Mr. Kirby should eat, drink and smoke at Swan’s expense for a year to come. Kirby is now eating at Swan’s expense. Steamer Sorrento (Ger.) which arrived at | New York N ovember 21 1r1m Hamburg, : ports; October 26 lat 46.11 lon 44 hada northeast and west gale with tremendous high seas; kept the steamer two points off her course 39 hours; used oil with wonder- fully good effect, s0 much so that the pas- sengers came on deck during the storm with- out danger. Colonel C. G. McAwley, commandant of the marine corps, has submitted his annual report tothe Secretary ot the Navy. He states thaton October 1, 1888, there were 1,890 enlisted men in the corps, 925 being on board chips in commission, and 965 doing duty at the several shore stations. The commandant recommends five hundred ad- dstional privates, Secretary Swan, of the lumberman’s ex-' change, Chicago, reports the stocks on hand November 1, 1888, as follows: 664,598,999 feet of lumber and timber, 364,100,000 shingles, 58,448,450 pieces lath, 1,795,020 pickets, and 354,787 cedar posts, against 577,330,746 feet lumber and timber, 399,774,- 7£0 shingles, 49, 770,960 lath, 899,017 pickets, and 161,649 cedar po:ta November 1, 1887. New. York harbor has been the scene of a marine disaster in which a ferryboat ran down an ocean steamship. From the experienée” which ‘has “bed! gained' of: the most destructive vessels we possess the gov- ernment would be wise to build-its navy of ferry boats and coal <chooners and send them out to sink the navies of the effect mon- archies.—Sheboygan News. The steamers John F. Eddy and Servia are said to have been on the watch for each other all season, in order to test their merits as racers. On Sunday the Eddy was de- layed by a snow storm at the head of Lake Erie and the Serviacame along. Both pas+ sed Detroit at ten o’cjock Monday morning each towing a consort. The Eddy is handi- capped by having a broken wheel. A new one was at Detroit for her but she was in too much ofa hurry to put it on, so it was shipped to Chicago, where she will receive iton arriving. At Port Huron the Eddy was nearly four hours ahead of the Servia. Dr. Frank H. Field has been appoiated acting assistant surgeon of the marine hos- r-s “vice at Fairport. The important Lake Erie ports are all represented in the hospital service now. At Buffalo patients are cared for in the hospital conducted by Sisters of Charity, and at Erie in Hamot hospital. Tne surgeons at Ashtabula and Fairport have arrangements with boarding houses for the care of their patients, and the disabled of Sandusky and Toledo are taken in at the Good Samaritan and St. Vincent’s hospitals respectively. At Cleveland the genial Dr. Case divides his time between the old marine hospital, where sick sailors still receive kind attention, and his office in the government building. 4 a ge ees Rear ApMiraAL Balpwiy died at noon Saturday, The admiral was born in New York city in 1822. He was appointed a mid- shipman on April 24, 1888, and experienced his first sea service on the frigate Brandywine, During the Mexican War he was attached to the frigate Congress and distinguished himself in two important engagements. When the war broke out$he was appointed a lieutenant. On November 18, 1862, he was commissioned as commander. In 1869 he was commissioned as captain, and from that time to 1876 he figured conspicuously in nayal circles, The title of commander was con-| ferred on him on August 8, 1876, and in the| fall of 1879 he received the commission of | rear admiral. He was in command of the European station until 1885, when he was retired, At the boiler shop of the Cleveland Ship- building Co, they are busy on eight Scotch Arvuud the Lakes Continued from Ist Page.] DETROIT, MICH. Special to the Marine Record. The Detroit Drydock Co. have had the tug Torrent in for calking, and steel plate sheath- ing on the outside. SteambargeJ.S. Ruby for anew wheel and to stop a leak. Propeller Volunteer for repairs to stern bearing and minor repairs preparatory to laying up for the winter. The schooner H. W. Sage the company’s yard at Springwells undergoing entensive repairs. The schooner Iron State will have her masts taken out at the large sheer legs, and new spars will be stepped, when she will be taken to the yard at Spring- wells for a thorough rebuild during the win- ter months. The Manitowoc will be docked to stop aleak, after which the side wheel steamers City of Detroit will goin for exten- sive alterations. Thos. Thurston, the boit builder, has con- tracted to build a sail yacht for parties here and has considerable repair work on hand, Samuel F. Hodge & Co, have placed a new wheel on the Osceola, also a new wheel onthe Bessemer. ‘They have signed a contract to build Fitzgerald & Co., of Milwaukee, a fore and aft compound engine, dimensions 24 and 44 by 42. They will also furnish the boilers. J. C. Goss, sailmaker, is busy with a nom- bez of men fitting the canvas sheathing on the new City of Detrom. The propeller Leland, burned to the water’s edge, at Huron, Ohio, will prove a total loss. Insurance $15,000. The Eagle Iron Works have signed a con- tract to build a 14 by 16 engine, boilers, and outfit complete for ‘Tucker Bros., Mount Clemens, Mich. They are busy figuring on new work, and report the business outlook as favorable. ‘hey are also building a fire box for a marine type boiler, to the order of Eugene Robinson, railroad excavator, and they have just received an additional order frim the Michigan Sulphite Fibre company at Port Huron, for one of their 5 by 6 duplex hoisitng engines and a considerable order for shafting. pulleys and ete. The De'roit and Cleveland Steam Naviga- tio n company will run their boats justas long as it is possible to navigate. ‘ Mr. McGregor, of the Central Boiler Works is at Port Huron, superintending the fitting of machinery supplied by him to the Michigan Sulphite Fibre Works. — : The City of Detroit of the Detroit and Clev* eland Steam Navi gation company fleet is laid — up here and will go into the Detroit drydock at an early date. She will undergo a general and thorough overhauling, and refit modern appliances for comfort of passengers will be introduced, ine and elaborate din main pact The race between the ‘Alt ledo, and the City of the Stra’ took place last Monday. ‘ ngly a great relief. " Certain? y to have been a spirited Enright was hehind 45! 46” whic odds ever to be overcome and an end. BUFFALO, N. Y, The May Durr was doc Both she and th Bole The Windsor ably go to Detroit. i wheat. Coal shippers want to sen cargoes to Chicago and Milw rates, but they are held back on account of the blo cy ‘There is considerab'e tonnage it ore laden, which will be « ing. Ceaeae At the request of the pr 1 Carriers’ Association the lighth consented to leave all spar b ys river till the last boat has: tute for cans taken upsp: A serious marine accident river last Aoi, ee n running ber jibboon throug! cabin and ripped her. i bending. some of her 1 er’s stem cut down the | the water’s edge and the sc and jibboom were taken out. | two will amount to from $4,000 to unknown lay up in Tonawanda. ae and stern bearing on the type boilers, The furnaces for the first four |§ are about completed and the others will be under way in about thirty days.