Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 22, 1888, p. 6

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* > a ST, CLAIR FLATS SHIP CANAL. Definition—St. not only that portion of the work included be- tween the dikes, but also the improved channels of appriach above and below the dikes, Rule 1st—The movements of all vessels, noats, and other fl.ating things in the canal shall be under the direction of the custodian and his as- sistants, and their orders and instructions must be obeyed. Rule 2nd—The canal is for transit only,there- for vessels and boats are forb:dden to land at, or tie up to the banks unless on governmen: bus- iness, to enter the canal two or more abreast, to pass each other while going in the same direc- tion in the canal,-to.pass the canal in more than oné line going each way; to obstruct the canal in any way, or to intentiovally delay, by slow passage through the canal, or by any other means, the progress of other ‘vessels navigating the sawe, To hug the canal bank in passing, but must keep as near the middle ofthe canal as is con- sistent with safenavigation, ‘Lo attempt passing the canal ‘in face of run- ning ice, except at their own risk, und liability to make good any damage to the. canal or its banks which may result from such attempt. To pass the canal at a rate of speed exceeding five miles per hour, To throw anything into the canal. Rule 3d—Sailing vessels must not beat through the canal, but must either tow through or wait for a fair wind. Rule 4th- No vessel, howeyer propelled, shall pass through the canal with her sail, or sails up, except sail vessels rnuning with a fair wind Rule 5th—The aynilahle depth of water in the caval will be an.«u ced from time to time, in the marine columns of the newspapers, and vessels drawing more than this are forbid- den to attempt passing through. Rule 6th—To prevent blockades in the canal or its approaches, the custodian of the caval is anthborized to deiain any vessel at. either end of the channel, until in his oj inion a ssfe passage can be secured. Rule 7th—Rafts are forbidden to use, or to attempt to use the cana’, Rule 8tlz+Neglect to obey any lawful» order or a Violatiwn of any of the foregcing rules ‘and regulations will be construed as obstructing tne pavigation of the cana). WILLIAM C, eILORR; paaen of War. He Sec. 3. Any person wits shall willfully and unlawfully injure any pier, breakwater, or other work of the United States for the improy- ment of rivers or harbors, or navigation in the Clair Ship Canal comprises |” United States, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine Bi exceeding $1,000. ee ee ee * «* # _ «Sec. 7.—That it i be the duty of the Secre- _ tary of War to prescribe such rules and ‘ regula- tions in respect to the’ use and administrations of the Des Moines Rapids Canal, the St. Mary’s Falls Cana), the Louisville and’ ‘Portland Caual, and ‘the St. Clair’ Fla p Cenal as in his’ _may require, be ‘posted in blic; any person knowingly and willfully such rules.and. regulations shall be lia- @ fine not exceeding $500, or imprison- not exceeding six montns, to be enforced * = 8 < x er at oO. M. Por, : Col. of Engin’rs, Brey. Brig. Gen, U. 8. Army HISTORY OF THE 81. CLAIR WATERWAY. In connection with the above rues and reg- ulations the following short history by Col. Watson Fox will be of interest: “About thirty-five years ago the American and Canadiaz public were greatly aroused over the damage done to shipping in passing the River St. Ciair through Lake St. Clair to the Detroit river. In 1854 a public meeting was called in Buffalo, of which Millard Fill- more was chairman, to consider the matter. They appointed a committee to ascertain the amount of damage caused to American and Canadian shipping during the preceding sum- mer, and it was found to be between $600,000 and $700,000. In the spring of 1855 the Buffalo board of trade appointed a committee with Colonel Fox as chairman; to ra‘se a private su'scription for the purpose of dredg- ing the channel. This was before the goy- ernment had made any appropriatiens for internal improvement. Twelve thousand dollars are subscribed, but only $4,000 collected. Nevertheless work was begun in dredging the sand that had accumulated at the mouth of the River St. Clair. The sum raised was found to be wholly inadequate and the matter was brought to the attention of congress and the Canadian parliament, . Con- gress appropriated $50,000. “Oolonel Fox and John J.. Henderson, at that time a member of the Buffalo Commer- cial Advertiser company, interested the Hon. ‘George Brown, the Canadian minister. He presented the maiter to parliment, which ap- propriated £400 on condition that the center of the canal should be exactly on the bound- ary line. This condition, Mr. Fox. asserts, was not known to the United States authori- ties. he fearing to acquaint them with the facts for fear they would not consent to the loca’ lion. A canal 1,000 feet long, 200 feet wide; and 14 feet deep was built and the Canadian government, finding it to accord» with’ the prescribed intentions, paid over their share of the expenses, This canal remained in use for sixteen years, and is still employed by light draught vessels. It failed, however, to meet the needs of a great and growing commerce, conspicuous place for the information of } one see Wrecking, Raft pose. Ete. SHIP CHANDLERS, ‘another canal west of the old one ai d lying fore been somewhat ‘‘afraid of the cars’ ; 9 }desevesmuch commendation for the stand pope xX ON S iv has taken relative to the naval-reserve ; | ga: amare’ Mhe Marine Revond. EAGLE IRON WORKS ravage ’ =) WORM GEARED MANUFACTURERS OF "0 : SHIP STEERING ENGINE, Duplex,Hoisting «Deck Engines ‘ Szus S cao ice -— CO _ = {= P c> cD wn oO — a — = wo Ss = ao oS Aa Co = ee melt — ye —_ 2S ! — = a =e @ boca 4 se HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP “TRERING EN- fae} ‘—D rere ma 2. aia Farlous patterns to°eult all pufnores: oy. Eee SESE a 8 8 (=o G = ) Pr i TE vhioeeiend ~~ _, =|Grummond’sMackinacLine mie at "3 STM’R. ATLANTIC, a S = eP Gaptain Jd R. dones. LEAVES CLEVELAND EVERY FRIDAY AT 8 P. M., CITY TIME, For Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oscoda, and way ports. For pas- sage or freight apply to ANDERSON & CO., Agents, Dock ft. of Superior-st. S, B, GRUMMOND, Owner. Wrecking & Lightering ee Arps Reduced Prices. The Steambarge Mawy Pringle, with steam pumps, steam heister, and com- plete wrecking outfit, will be kept at S. B. Grummond’s dock, foot of Ist street, the balance of the season, ready ata moment’s notice, day or night. B. Grummond, Owner. SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES Popper, Brass and Sheet’. Iron Manufactory. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Bonen Amazon Boiler’ Compound, and Orme Patent: Safety and Relief Valve. THE SIMPLEST AND BEST OF FERED—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, SUBMERGED HLUE BOILERS Engines, Boilers and Pumps on Hand for Prompt Shipment CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. Woodbridge, Fifth and Congress-sts, Detroit, Mich, DETROIT DRY DOCK CO, CONSTRLCIOKS OF EVERY. DES O#IPLL OF Steel, Iron, Composite and ‘Wooden Ships. IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH Ey Docks ul ee Yard, ft, of Orleans- st., Detroit, Mich. oo) Pera tielo, Br. J. W. GROVER & SON, GAIT OWNER OF rien) -|SAIL MAKERS AND: RIGGERS 7 . IMPORTERS AND WHOLESA\, e DEALERS Lit G@ire Cordagg, Oxnvas, Blocks, Oxk- am, Gay, Pitgh, Ours, Ane gprs, Ohains, "| 116 & 119 RIVERST., & 184 & 185 DOCK ‘CLEVELAND, OHIO. M. M. GLEKLER, STEAM PUMPS, ROTARY AND WORTHINGTON. “Improved Horizontal Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks. Sub-marine Divers, Hawsers, Lighters, Etc. | WAREHOUSE AND OFFIVE ON DOCK, FOOL OF FIRST ST.,° OWNER OF TUGS ‘Winslow,’ ‘Leviathan,’ 'M. -wain,’ ‘Champion,’ ‘ D et ro it, Mi ic h ‘John Owen’ ‘Wm. A. Moor,’ and ‘Oswego. Also, Steam Barge M\RY PRINGLE, with Steam Hoister and bebe. Outfit on Board. g@s-OFFICE Oren Day and Nieur. SaTisFACTION GUARANTEED, “@a BRANCH OFFICES at PORTHURON & CHEBOYGAN, MICH| WRECKING TUG LEVIATHAN, CAPT. M. SWAIN, STATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN Cigars With plenty of Wrecking Material on board and in Warehouse. AND i obracco, 156 Rivera @leveland, Qhio. e should leave port without a box on M, M. Glekler’s marine cigars. Travelers’ Informa ton Barca, “Ocean, Lake and Railroad Thomas MeGregor, :=: CENTRAL BOILER WORKS MANUFACTURER OF Marine and Stationary Both RS, | —ALL KINDS OF— ‘Rendering Kettles, Tanks, SHEET [RON WORK. ROPOBALS FOR ROOK EXQOAVATION AND DREDGING, U. &. Eugineer Office, Cleveland, [OO alae 80, 1888, —S ued proposals, in duplicate, will be receivel ut this vitice until 12 o'clock m, Friday, December 7, 1883, at which time they will be Cor, Third and Congres~ Sts... DETROIT, MICH and abyut seventeen years azo the United States government built al is Own expens? wholly within the Uniied States limits. This | opened in presence of bidders, if0F: Tock excavation canal was 400 feet wide and’ 16 feet dee a and dredging at Ashtabula Harbor io n- P, &D4 } formation ean be obtained ‘nis office. Dae United i nd’ the right to reject any or all proposa Was built at a far greater expense and “more | (6 ie OVERMAN, Mijor of kngineers. securely than the old one, Colonel Fox who was in a position to know the facts about the building of the old canal, stoutly affirms tliat while that ‘is neutral territory, the one completed in 1871 is exclusively under ‘the control of the United St ites. Groceries and. Provisions, Fresh and Salt Meats, ROPOSALS FOR ea etc U. 8. Engineer , Poss, Buffalo, N, ¥ October 1, 1838. Sexled pro- yosals in triplicate will be receive dat this office un- til 11 a. m., eastern standard time, on December 1, 1888, for furnishing sand, pebbles, stone and cement, required in the reconstruction of the breakwater at Buffalo N. Y-» All BAO SENET information may be ob- lication to the undersigned, I. A. n of Engineers temed on MAHAN, Cap! | Tue New York Herald which has hereto 3 Special attention given Ao -vessel supplies: oi Corner of Jay and 9th ste. Méntionoe Wis.| - SPLEGLE BROS, bill, now before congress, and we trust it will continue in the work in conjuuction with western papers until the measure be- comes a law. No American citilen should doubt the efficiency or importance of this move, and all should unite in securing its passage. SILICA GRAPHITE PAINT, Durabie and Beautth Unaffected by heat or cold, dampness, salt air, rust oreven agids, For smoke stacks, boiler ironts, tin roofs er metal work this paint is far canis to any- i L thing made, For details send for cireulars. ©. | 80 & 32 River-st., opposi Jonee Dixon Orucible Co,. Jersey City,\N. J. Landing, , and 184 Lyn : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - cers. Bakers and Ship Supplies; |“. 15, First-class Merchant Tailoring No. 18 Ohio. ee Tae ope, Manilla, and: Garred| * MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN . ‘comer: suing . DRY GOODS AND co, VESSEI. WORK MARINE SUPPLY etait 7 a7 Rio h & & Done in the nobbiest style. avcording to monthly new fashion plates ; made by none but first-class mechanics and none delivered unless to the entire taste or the Customer, can be procured by Jos, L. Kohn, practical tailor anc entter xt the tailoring depariment of Kohn & Co., 218 Detrvit street, second door from corner Pearl kaown as Boston Drv Goods Store, Cleveland, O. In the rear ofthe above Store a fine stock | ot the lntesr patterns of Cassimeres, ¢ Cloths, Over Coatings, Silk Vestings, can be found audowing to the fact, that this -yonng genius of a garment cutter Mr. Jos. L. Kohn does his own cntting, (which alone saves $80 per week) and has the appartment in the above Store free of any expense it ennbles him to Save the Customers from $6 to $10 on every Suit of Clothes. Convirce yourself Fy cali- ng at 218 Detroit street, second door trom corner Pent] known as Boston Dry Goods store of KOHN & CO., Cleveland, O. Cleveland Block U0, MANU¥ACTURERS OF . lron Tackle Blocks \\"AKING THE PLACE OF ]}¥}) WOODEN BLOCKS FoR © ALL PURPOSES. ~ 159 River St., CLEVELAND, O Jetour Melephono Jjine, direct communication with WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH sbi Frank Perry's Tug Office SAULT STE MARIE. Complete’ towing and wrecking: outfit always ready. . § TUG ANDREW J. SMITH a Stationed at Detour. Office cpa day ae and might, ; OFrmoe 808 A | River | [Successor |

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