Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), November 22, 1888, p. 7

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te fe « sh tom —EEEE ee eee The Only 2hirt Factory in the City Where all kinds of Flannel and Cotton Shirts, from the cheapest 50° to the finest Custom mude fancy shirt [are made to order gpyead none but ourfB"own home made_ge}dearing our Trade Mark, cxn be found constently in ®tock ready made, is the Boston Dry Goods Store of Kohn & Co., 218 Detroit street, secona door from corner Peari, Cleveland, O, “All our Shirts 54 inch wide, 40 inch long and extra well sewed, - We also announce, that we are the only manifactnrer, vho can proenre the genuine U, 8. Navy s nnel, of which we mnke double and single breasted Sailor Shirts_gajaon-shrinkable, faney pleated Cloth Shirts mude in the Intest styles, Canadian Flannel Shirts, water proof Shirts and more especially Sea let Medicated Flannel Under Shirts and Drawers. (@~Call aleo for our Gustom made Jean Pants, Overs alle, Jumpers, cte., or leave your measure for. the same. Don’t forget KOHN & CO., 213 Detroit street, second door from corner Pear!, Cleve- laad, O. CATARRH CURED. A clergyman, atter years of suffering from. that loathsome disease, Catarrh, and vainly trying “eve ry kbown remedy,’at last found *a preseripion) which ‘completely eured and-saved him from death. And sufferer from this drexd{ul-disease sending a self addressed stamped envelope to professor « J. A. LUnlwrence, 212 Est 9:h 8, New York will receive the receipt free of charge ROPOSALS FOR DREDGING, U.&. Engineer of fice, Buffalo, N. Y., November 20, 1888.—Separate sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 A.M., eastern standard time, Decem- ber 20, 1888, for dredging at the following harbors: 1-- Wilson Harbor, N. Y..2--Oleott Harbor, N. Y., 38—-Oak Orchard, Harbor, N. Y. Preference will be given to plant of domestic manufacture, conditions of quality and pice (including import. duties) being equal For specifications and all information, apply to the under- signed. B.A. MAHAN, Captain of Engineers. U. 8. A. OR SALE— THE TUG C. D. MCKINNON. Her hull and ma- ehinery are in first class order; measurement, 11 tons; engine, 14x16. Carries 100 pounds of steam and is a useful boat. Apply to LOUIS LEMON, 303 Atwater st,, Detroit, Mich. OR SALE— A HANDY THREE-MASTED SCHOONER, well found and equipped, will carry 500 tons of coal, or 270 M feet of lumber. Rates, A 24. Also, a two-masted schooner; capacity, 425 tons of coal, or 250M feet of lumber. Rates, A 2}. Both these vessels have been well kept up and are a ‘most desirable investment. Apply, to PARKER & MILLDN, Detroit, Mich., or to THE MARINE RE- CORD, Cleveland, 0. NTED—A GOOD SECOND HAND MARENE ENGINE not smaller than 16x1@'nor larger 36x20. Address, with full pariiculars and bot- rice, E. W. HASKIN, East Saginaw, Mich. FOK SALE. BRACKET She carrics 260M feet o t coal Had $900 worth of re- ve Price $1,600. Men- eacnacapeodenecnn seven GJ.STARKEY, Grovery & Provision Store. Special Attention Given to Vessel Supplies. FATRPORT O iP WARD Fie 9 { AND A uci, ie ips Mw Lik i) ; All Kind of Forgings, Bolts and Truss Rodé for Building. ” 49 Main-st Cleveland Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Commencing Monday July 13,1888. The time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which is thirty-three minutes slower than Cleveland time proper. Eastward, No 4, Fast Limited Express........, No. GN. Y. & Boston Ex..... ‘ No8s,N. Y.B& A Express.........., No 26, Elyria Accommodation... . No 10, Toledo Ac’m via Sandusky No 10, Toledo Accom via Norwark | Arrive | Depart. #255 aml “2 554% ir, also Slee; 0, 10, lea’ er reat 7.20 a.m. a f information as to trains and counections ap- "oreo Union ticket aioe, acres Bank aad Supe- ‘SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO \ : BY BUYING GOODS DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AT JOBBING PRICES. ne ETE eR ERTS raat { Ev «one cot 4 | TOLEDO: OHIO. | | MONTPELIER, OHIO, J OAR MILLS NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS ’" DEGRAUW, AYMAR&CO, MANOF ACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF on oe ne. ue CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, etiona Ines, MINING MACHINERY AND Corron ce roak pocee ets PROPELLER WHEELS, — suntincs RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, Riverside Iron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, MARINE HARDWARE’ AND SHIP-CHANDLERS'GOODS GENERALLY. e Nos. 34 anv 85 Sour Srrezr, NEW YORK. S. 2 ~ TECTEN CHING ie TESTED CHAINS, IRON WORKS, Bratlee & s., Rmpine Shain Wanks BUFFALO, N.Y.., Sra He | | MANUFACTURER OF ND OTIS STS., Philad ia. » Tipe Expansion Marine Engines |Ship’s Cables and Marine Railway Bhaing sin Three Cylinder and Fore and Aft and Steeple Compound ““D. B. G.” Special Crane Chains. Marine Engines, Steel and Iron Dredging, Slope and Miniag Chains. High and Low Pressure Engines | THE A TNS GRATE. SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS |@- &. BARNES, Agt. These wheels are noted for their extra speed and towing power | This improved Shaking or aproportionate saving of coal, Grate Especially Adapt. PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. (ed tc Burning Slack, BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CoO., ith im Woris, nantes, 2 gp Offi by Vv, é SUCCESSORS TO BAGNALL & LOUD BLOCK CO. and PENF“ELD BLOCK CO.| Sprucests, CLEVELAND, O. Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, 0. | — n. HSIN MASS, a OGKTOT CULL. |B B, & @, B. BORGER, e Largest an os eliable Manufacturers in e Un! ates 0 ® ® ® ® ae) b)) 4 ae ACKLE BLOCKS. Ship-builders and Contractors. MANITOWOG DRY DOGK. Ww — Snatch Blocks: Self-adjustable Five Roll Roller Bush Blocks; Loud’s Pat Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet, OUTFITS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. he Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 toma A VESSELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, STAR BRAND BLUCKS AND DO AWAY WITH REPAIRS. Saved, SOLE MANUFACTURERS ent Non-chokable Diaphragm Pumps will pump Sand, Gravel, etc., without in Boxes in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 ton. A We make the most durable grade of Blocks to be obtained in the market : es MANITOWOC. WIS. Money = ~——s Money =| : ,) ° ° Olank’s Patent Metallic Life Rafts. oo - setae Jet eaeae | SO CO... SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF 0 WE STAND READY TO » HAVE OUR GOODS TES- TED AGAINST ALL OTH- ERS, AND WILL CHEER- .\ BULLY SUPPLY SAMPLE BLACK OILS, WAT CAN OR BARREL, NOT TO BEPAID FOR UNLESS = yf eee GREASE : SATISFACTORY AT THE ACKING & WIPES. a - Nig 4 a END OF THE TRIAL; TO Yawl : Boats in stock 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. RAILROAD, STEAM- yh aie BE PAID FOR A't REGU- [ jury to the Pump, having no plunger. Easiest Working Pump in the Market large stock of SPARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Call for our SELF:-ADJUSTABLE FIVE ROLL ROLLER BUSHED I a ee aa ST a Gained, Well Spent DETROIT BOAT WORKS. OF HIGHLY INDORSED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FINE CYLINDER, ENGINE, LARD, BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISI NG IN- SPECTORS. Life Boats *** BOAT AND“ENGI- Steam and Hand Steering Wheels to Order. NEERS’ SUPPLIES. nt. - : Shons ft. of ORLEANS ST., DETROIL MICH. Yearly Contracts a Specialty. —— THOS. DREIN & SON 29 South Clinton-st., Chicago, Ili BUILDERS OF ARTH UJ P g BOYLA N, METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all classes Governmentand PleasureBeats Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. ood. Biock Cork Life Pre- Woks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. JonaTHAN Conz’s celebrated PatentLifeR afts Chase Fog Whistle Machine This machine has been placed on the following steamboats —‘atnal and Railroad Wimiugton Do, during the past year: SPOKANE, WALLULA, Kasora, CHAR- LEMAGNE TOWER, JR, Yakima, MissouLA,, Sirka, FaYerre Brown, KR. J. Hackert, Forest Crry, SPARTA, HAVANA, VI- ENNA, OSCAR TOWNSEND, CITY OF CLEVELAND’ Henry Cuis- feu? «=«OLM, Superior, E. B. Havu, M. B, Grover, J.S Fay, R. P. y, KANNEY, SMiTH Moorz,Cuarvts J SHEFFIELD,'IRA H.OWEN Camparis, Coxsica, J, H, OUTHWAITE, SAMUEL MATHER, R. R, RuopEs, COLUMBIA, AURORA, OHIO, Wm. EDWARDS, S. E. SHELDON, AUSTRALASIA, RALKIGH, BULGARIA, ROUMANIA J. F Eppy, HiawaTua, TuHos. ADaMs, A, P. Wriaur, GrAD. sTone, E. P, Witeur, Soo Ciry, K, M. Peck, KopyrT L. FREYER 4ND NORTHERN Lieut, To the President and Board of Supervising Inspec- tors of Steam Vessels: BLAR RATES WHEN THE | 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. fee 2. GOODS ARE PRONOUN- pee OED SATISFACTORY. Your committee to which was referred the ‘'Ghase Fo; Whietle Machine” beg leave to report: ‘That we hava carefully examined the same aud find that it blows at regular intervals, being worked by the engine, thereb ar insuriog regular and continuous blasts for any lengt! of time that may be ired and ld : i TUL An ee Ne ee ee eal eee ’ eel an ron (tiller Ropes. H, 8. Lussocg, Gro. H. Stasinvex, | Committe, W. D. Rosinson, Forest City CIGAR STORE The manufacturers are the Chase Fo Whistle Machine Co., corner of Elm wt Spruce streets, Cleveland, O, J. E. SIMPSON & €0., MANUFACTURER AND JOBRER OF AND BUILDERS OF 259 PEARLSTREET NO. 8 BROADWAY, NEW YORK ITY, ihe seal OTe = a mE Re Rae Chains for Foundry Cranes and Slings. 22 to 26 Market-St. ear Randolph-St., Chicago Ill; THOMAS MEGRY, Prop. |CHEINERAL CONTRACTORS. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS.|SIMPSON’S PATENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK = 4

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