ns eS teas Le Co ee tn eh te at bs ee pra re Py oe th vel Pair Misti Fah UMASS Mal R A ta eis ee Bie eg ESL PANS pte Se Par IN sh UOIo ihe Mantas econ. ROBERT WALLACE, VICE PRES'T- SEC’Y. “IRON SEIPS. Manufacturers STEEPLE, FORE AND AFT COM- POUND & TRI- PLE EXPANSION MARINE ENGINES, WITH | BOILERS MODE INU, : = PORT HURON, NiFD BY ‘PHOENIX TRON WoRKS ~— (DOWNIE EUCALYPTUS Pi sah Reva PATENTED IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD, 3 VESSEL OWNERS AND AGENTS, ESTES & WALKER, Ship and Coal Brokers, VESSEL AGENTS AND OWNERS. Marine insurance and collections. R and Third National Banks. ee 602%4 Water street, SANDUSKY, 0. THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. MOORE, BARTOW AND GILCHRIS¥, Ship Brokers and Agents, No, 101 St. Clair Street, Room 15. CLEVELAND, - OHIO. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel' Owners & Agents, |New Bank Building, corner of Superior and - Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. C. J. MAGILL, VESSEL AGENT, Vessels Chartered, Bought and Sold, dae Freights and River “Tow Bills Col- lected and promptly remitted. 94 Board of Trude, Chicago, Ill. Cc. W, ELPHICKE, JAS, A* MYERS 9).,.W. ELPHIGKE& 6O,, Yessel Agents * AND MARINE UNDERWRITERS, 6 and 8 Sherman t., Parker Boek. CHIP AGO, pl ALEX McDOUGHALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, 2 ae cOnmners and masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes witb from this:port will do well to confer with me. rele to furnish he pettong nt in regard to car=- nished on stort notice ag nae rr) : loading and unloading all cara JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, Marine Insurance, Room 6, Exchange Building, Duluth, Minn, _ Ihave an excellent gang of Trimmers this sea- son, Captain Miller’s old Crew. Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, and seeing that they get dispatch in Port. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. H. J. WEBB & CU., Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and’ Agents. [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.], H. J. Wes « Co., will charter Vessels for Lake Trade, special attention, weiven to Chartering’Vesselsifin ‘the Lake‘Superior Iron Ore Trade, both for the season and Single trip, ARCADE BUILDING, 10! ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio, ~~ TELEPHONE {9:82. 38°" 2. WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, ROOM 10, Arcade B’ld., 101 St. Clair $t, CLEVELAND, OHIO. J. de HW. BROWN. EDWARD SMITH BROWN & CO., Ship Brokers and Agents. Special Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- ing and Settling Marine Losses. Exchange Building, 202 Main-st., Buffalo, N.Y. River Machine Coa., [Successor to G. R, GALE,] 177 River St., Cleveland, Ohio, Are prepared to Manufacture and do Gen- eral Repairing on Marine E neginek and all other Machine Work We have also # full line of pulleys and (gbatla and are prepared to do all kinds of Stone quarry Wor TEARE, WIGHT & co. ROBERT E. HILLS, 567 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, UL Telephone 3321. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings BNGINEER’S SUPPLIES, General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. CLEVELAND, OHIO. MULLEN &CO., DEALER IN a> 4p S Hue mith Manufactured by the COWNIE B. I. P. Co.| un smltling if il ti 204 MARKET-ST: SAN FBANCISCO.4ned trose-stLiverpoo1 This extract from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree, has been adopted and is now in use by most of the | VESSEL WwoRK A SPEC IALTY. American SS. lines, the U. 8. Navy, and the largest stationary plaptsin the country. Send for pampblet. 313, 315 and 317 Detroit-st containing letters from prominent engineeis, direetions for use, price, etc. ’ Telephone 1638. eveverano,o. | DELAFIELD, MORGAN, KISSELL & 00., Agts.. “Xzw xonx:” Docks at Government Pier, Whiskey Island, and South Main Street Bridge. Office, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main Street Bridge, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Telephone No.8. BOATS COALED DAY OR NIGHT, | | } | ia Sa anaes