g one Man ine Recon se ee 2 “at ie vith, | ayfialins | = Established in 1857. IF auld eae eae SSS; & bi \ AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS C0, Cordage, Wire Rope, Blocks, 7 ne Ji Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain Canvas, Anchors, Chains, Paints, Oils, Naval ed F i CEI DS ag Ne SS and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank and Steam Capstans, Wharf end Ferry Cylinder, Lard, Signal and Lubricating ' SS Big 4 we wSoeeialy. hos, B. Quayle, SS es eh oe Capstan Windlas3s Amerigun Ship Windlass Gampany * George L. Quayle, * @lavelar pel. € (( ©) peer ‘ hi oy G Capstan with a, single toy Rakes Bric and Ontario. | Wan. Ol. Quayle. 9 eaa whic as power and speed ar- SP Ally arsine bn nahi Some dis ERS, vi eae Importers of Nautical Instruments of Every sR aE Ri rangement entirely independen: of th 18, 20, 92, 24, & 26 Terrace. Lp, KE ERIE BOILER WORKS. ‘Windlass, and which makes a direct connection with the Windlass without cre st BRANC H gees gh wee shingtdn street (for- merly D. 5. Austin B uffalo. N.Y. ce [eet ae aI the intervention of any gearing to com- iis i. a ee plicate it and inc’ease the friction. etna wea ae In all their styles of Ste:m Wind- ‘ Automatic |njectors (- LL FOR STATIONARY, MARINE. PORTABLE lasses they make uw direct connection be- tween the engines and the windlass without counter shafts or dditional f AND LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. gvaring. This saves friction and liabil- : mo ity to break down, and conduces to dur- 2 cide \O coe ee 7 =} ability and ease in operating. They also E _© The b hest equipped plant in America for the manufac have a counterbalance for the engines = BS ture ot Modern Marine Boilers. ene qworm clit andr ame for worm z = e engines are - #| BUFFALO. NEW. YORK. (placed tezether i 65-1 = S : position. Th- above improvements and B ri a\ ee Bi) others too numerous to mention, but = re yh) AAAS A which ere familiar to Masters, Owners A Written Guarantee with each Injector. C. H. FREELEY & CO., Scieghous Ho sass. CLEVELAND, 0. and Builders, are covered by Patents ORE aw owned exclusively by this Company. NICKS For plans and information PRG Lae) Address, agra E Ss l Ss Agentsfor the Ameiican Ship Windlass % Williamson Bros. Steam aie Metallic Life Boat, . Sh te ee eayees|_159 AND 163 RIVER'S, CLEVELAND, 0. | ERANK 5, MANTON, ABUL P.O. lox 53, Providence R e FOR PISTON RODS, ALVE STEMS, Ete. H. M. HANNA, JOHN F. PANKHURST, LUTHER ALLEN. oe and in use by te pris acinal aE tron Worka PRESIDENT. VICE eet eu AND GENERALMANAGER, 4 SECRETARY AND T and 5 perk wi ig oo 3 x this and Foreign C0: ended rae flexible ony metallic packing - j for slip-joints on ican pressur ss oe h eee , oe t Boul 4 address i KATZENSTEIN «CO UIEL.DERs oe se , 857 West Bt., between Leroy and Clarkson-st, Ne ¥. - "CAPT THOS. WILSON, who ‘uses this packing on his Steam- ‘ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the AND VESSELS OF ALT DIMENSIONS, es. ——_______________ Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low McKINNON BROS. Ashtabula Harder, ®., M ARI Wwe AND ST ATION ARY ENGINE Ss Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters; Bicester ties Mebeincting hw ARI Re . STATIONARY s: PO thie BOK ££ and Burning Qils. BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, Blast Furnace and CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON,| Roling Mill Machinery, Compass Adjuster, Hoisting and Pumping COMPASSES. BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, y f Schooners con haye thetx Compasses Ad Engines, Portable Hoist- of repairs by stating hew much they are out on East or West Courses, and which leads, North or South of S uheee Cokie ing Engines. [60River St., Cleveland, 0. vuvroser | GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE aoe WORE ma : Marine Collector. Collections Promptly. Attended to. Machinists, Boiler-Mak ASHTABULA HARBOR, (HI0. | =» Wcders of : ersand Founders. — gall ORE See EN NS ~TEAMSHIPS ONOKO, {WILLIAM CHISHOLM, J. H. FFIOE & Wo Eln ee DEVEREUX, Bt’ RES, Spruc ; DETROIT & CLEVELAND URL D TRA Cee CHAS. J. SHEF- C8 and Streeta, te 7 y ; ti iy i 3 CA epee aaa : “ete Se ee eee ae N SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, foot of St GLEY BEN) & PETROL, |PASSEncne STHAM RE, Dan ou iio MAOKINAC ISLAND, ST.IGNACE, AL- CLEVELAND, : Q PENA, SAND BEACH, PORT HURON, IRON TUGS_INTKRNATIONAL AND RECORD. CHEBOYGAN, HARRISVILLE, Established in 1859, @#RBE ET be OLE, Hike level and DiyeDock (0, i: ii slaaes | OSCODA, ST. CLAIR, OAKLAND HOUSE AND MARINE CITY. HENRY LEOPOLD. PORT HURON, MICH. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of fine and plain For erate rates, tickets Sota ae, to FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY B. WHIT B, Gen” Pas Agt. Deti h. I turers’ 2 HB Nuwuan, Gen: Agi dlevelsa, 0 Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture | Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- |” mngines, steam and Wrecking pamps, | Travelers’ Inf ormation Bureau, Warerooms 70nd 800 Lorain-st, st, near Ful- _ pairing and a Making. age etary ath f 224 Bank St,, Cleveland,O. enavenn ta CLEVELAND, OHIO, 405 and ced Water es East. | oop | 4