Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), December 6, 1888, p. 2

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Z| THE MODERN MEETING HOUSE. In the columns of the MARINE Recorp of RR TT Se Ee Ghe Marine Record. lt tickled them as couldn’t sing and them as had to pay. June 1885 an article was written dealing with | The musio quit, the parson riz, they passed the the Seaman’s Bethel in Detroit, and showing ; how tne generosity of a certain ldy had been subverted from the original intention of the giver, toa more stylish performance of the religious ceremonies, suitable only for a select few. The question then discussed was the mariner’s church and the service required es- pecially for this class of citizens, and we therein stated that a bethel shou'd be in fact as well as in namea church where the sailor- man would be at ease while receiving the word of God, as it would be expounded by a sailor preacher, who understvod what his auditors were most in need of and who had the force of character necessary tv exemplify his teachings, otherwise the ropehauler would feel much likea fish out of water, and derive no more benefit from the service than the character whom our correspondent Royal has so faithfully portrayed in the following lines: How de do Davie, ’lite and hitch, there’s no one home but me; Thar a’int a man living sir, I'd sooner like to see % For Nancy and Liddy ’s gone to see a sick man on the hill And Jason’s gone to get a grist at Hiram Tur- ner’s mill, I was in town last Sunday, and my heart and me agreed To go to charch, and if you'll wait, I'll tell you what I seed— The bells war tollin’ lively on the balmy morning air 3 And folks seemed in a hurry, like the rushin to a fair. The meeting house was built of stone, the stee- ple pintin high The windows, they were painted all the c lors of the sky, And runving up the steeple, was a great long lightning rod I kinder tho’t the members lacked a confidence in God. The big bell sort o’hushed itself and then it rung some more z And people that came in carriages got ont right at the door, The women fixed their meant to make a call, Their faces showed they their souls at all. Well I stood and thought it wicked, 1 sepose dresses like they warn’t thinking of Some goto church to ciose their eyes, some to eye their close; I overheard the Mrs. Snell to Mrs. Stebbins say My daughter Becky’s dress wan’t done, she won’t be here to-day. I stood there hesitating like what sort of move to make I felt that I should go inside for my salva- tion’s sake, I started meekly in the house, I thought it _ war no harm, With my old broad brim hatin hand and - Jean’s coat on my arm, mongers "bout half way up the velvet car- The men and wowen shat their gates and then began 1o smile; sachs oH opeo just a bit, went in ‘and pulled wie oes, the banker, riz right up -_, said, this ’ere’s a rented pew. © I got right out of his rented pew and sat down next the door, Expertios for someune to say,this ’ere’s a rented eor; A fine dressed stranger, he came in, the mem- bers did’nt wait But every fellow jumped and opened wide his gate. ‘The parson riz and raised his hands, with cold and haughty air, And everybody stood and listened to his prayer I don’t know how it is with them, somehow I always feel I’m doing God injustice, when I get too proud to kneel, They all sat down and stared about, then at the parson’s face ‘When he put on his specks and said, Bing Amazin Grace.” “Let's An organ busted loose upstairs, the music it “hat around And when the deacon sot them down, the parson tock his text; He preached about two hours, ’bout the faith in God to keep, The women folks were nodding and their hus- bavds were asleep, One gal said to anotber, bean to-day?” She nodded her head and then looked back, the party hit, was gay; One whispered loud enough behind her fan for me to neur, “That bonnet Sophy Fay’s got on, is one she lad last year, “Have you seen my The parson quit and then sot down, the organ played again, I thought if that were service, God, they played were thine I’ve heard the band at circuses just play the self sa e air, The parson, when the organ quit, dismissed em all with prayer. the tunes Now, Davie, if the angels seed what I did, I be- lieve Thar wan’t a one among ‘em all but what laughed in their sleeve, ry For God don’t smile on Christians, who his blessings will abuse He ain’t no use for organs and he don’t like rented pews. He rings no bells to tell ’em that the Sabath’s come once more, The angels have no carriages to drive up to the door; Such Christians might as well look up to God and sweetly s. ile And say, I send ny soul, dear Lord,I’m com: ing after while. Our master up in heayen, Davie, sees and hears everything, He likes to see his. children kneel and loves to hear them sing, For whar he live. the angels sing and Chris- tians get theirdues, His music costs him nothing, and he has no rented pews, There ain’t no use of fooling ’long the road down to the grave, There is no way »f dodging when you got your soul to save; Fine churches, organs, rented pews and pelf Don’t come that Gay, it lays between your Maker and yourself, RoyYAL. J. R, OLDHAM, 6, E, Naval Architect, Maxime Imepegtor, SPECIAL EXPERIENCE IN DesIGNING, PRICES SELF-Trrmmina HarcHeEs, Coa SHures, AND Buakr’s Patent Borers, 32 Exchange Bid., BUFFALO, N. Y LOUIS LEMON’S TUG LINE. TUGS:* — C. D. MCKINNON, QUICKSTEP. »~ River and Harbor 9 Towing---RaftTow- ing a Specialty. OF Fick 803 Atwater St. TELEPHONE 514. DETROIT, MICH. Scott’s NewCoast Pilot Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, Witb new Maps and Illustrations corrected tothe opening of Nuvigation in 1888, Is SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER. CEORCE SCOTT, Ar 162 LARNED st., E, DETROIT, MICH. carriages, clothes, The Inte r Ocean Is Published Every Day of the Year, and is the LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE NORTHWEST. Price, exclusive of Sunday, by mail, postpaid Price, Sunday included, by mail, postpaid. .. . $8.00 per year . 10.00 per year THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. Is published on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and besides the news condensed from the Daily, it contains many special faatures of great value to those so situated that they can not secure the Daily every day. The Monday issue contains the sermons printed in The Daily Inter Ocean of the same date, THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. Is the Most Popular Family Newspaper published Westof the Alleghany Mount- ains. It owes its popularity to the fact thatitis the BEST EDITED and has the HIGH- EST LITERARY CHARACTER of any Western Publication, It is CLEAN and BRIGHT, andisthe able exponent of IDEAS and PRINCIPLES dear to the American people. While it is broad inits philanthropy, it is FOR AMERICA AGAINST THE WOKLD, and broadly claims that the best service that can be done FOR MANKIND IS TO INCREASE AND MAKE PERMANENT THE PROSPERITY OF OUR GREAT REPUBLIC. Conscientious service in this patriotic line of duty has given it an unusual hold upon the American people. THE MARKET REPORTS Besides, no paper excels itas a disseminator of news. ARE RELIABLE NEWS OF THE WORLD is found condensed in AND COMPLETE. THE its columns, and the very best stories and literary productions THAT MONEY CAN PURCHASE are regularly found in its columns. Among the special family: features are the departments—-THE FARM AND HOME, WOMAN’S KINGDOM, and OUR CURLOSITY SHOP. On the whole, it is A MODEL AMERICAN NEWSPAPER, and richly deserves whatit has, THE LARGEST C IRCULATION of any publication of the kind. in America. Itis the best paper for the home and for the workshop. For the socd#imodafion of its patrons the management of THE INTER OCEAN has CESSFUL PUBLICATION, SCRIBNER'S made arrangements to club both these editions with THAT BRILLIANT AND SUC- MAGAZINE, One of the best Literary Monthlies in America, and which compares favorably with any of the older Magazines in illustrations and literary matter. THE PRICE OF THE MAGA-~ ZINE 1S $3,but we will send THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN and SCRIBNER’S MAGAZINE, both one year, for THREE DOLLARS. Both publications for the price of one, THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN! and SCRIBNER’S MAGAZINE, both one year, for FOUR DOLLARS. In the political campaign that ended in the election of HARRISON and MORTON and THE TRIUMPH OF PROTECTION PRINCIPLES, no paper had more influence than THE INTER OCEAN. It has been first, last, and always Republican, and during the campaign came to be recognized as the LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE WEST. It will maintain this position, and will give special attention to governmental and political affairs, Remittances may be made at ourrisk, either by draft, express, postofiice order, express orders, or registered letter. Address THH INTER OCEAN, Chicago. is ona einer 5 ron First-class Merchant Tailorinf h & & Done in the nobbiest style, accorduig to monthly new fashion plates; madeby none but first-class mechunics and none delivered unless to the entire taste or the Customer, can be procured by Jos. L. Kohn, practical EAGLE IRON WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF Duplex,Hoisting «Deck Engines tailor and cutter st the tailoring depariment tc _ “oO of Kohn & Co., 218 Detroit street, second | oO 2o = i door from corner Pearl kaown as Boston ,QQ “© — 3 Dry Goods Store, Cleveland, O. | — -= Oo In the rear of the above Store a fine stock o = Pay loan) cD ~” of the latest patrerns of Cassimeres, Uloths, | w= - — — a Over Coatings, Silk Vestings, van be found = 20a cond = = and owing to the fact, that this young genius| TS CO QoQ = of a garment cutter Mr. Jos. L. Kohn does| @ #9 — . gs =n his own cutting, (which alone saves $30 per] = ao ome a | ° week) and has the appartment in the above co Lis @ wa = — Store free of any expense it enables him to = = i me | = cD Save the Customers from $6 to $10 on every | CG GD a= oO ve = Suit of Clothes. Conviree yourself by eall- > ‘te Oo @w oOo = = ng at 218 Detroit street, second door from | —— oc = = =—— a corner Pearl known as Boston Dry Goods wo] OQ csi ” racceesitiy Store of KOHN & CO., Cleveland, O. —_— - & ole ie sa Se al ah a | a Cp eee oO PR ROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION—U. s.En-| @ ao = gineer Office, Cleveland, 0 , Nov, 14, 1888. Sealed an =) proposals in duplicate, wil be’ recel ve" at this office] (Q = = UF. until 12 o’clock m,on Monday, the 17th day of De- mes 2 cember next, at which time they will be opened it THE SIMPLES? 2 : PE uKoO—Ss: ‘SCT .Y GUARAN the presence of bidders, for édnnnuctines 60 lineal ; NS ai ge et ea er dT, TION GU idan ie feet, more or leas, of the structure of east breakwater | 5 S at C ‘leveland, Ohio. Preference will be given to ma- Nal B > fh ee terials and plant of bomestic prodnetion or manu- A facture, conditions of quality and~ price [import du- 4 ties included] being equal. The attention of bidders ‘s invited to acts of congress approved Keb 26, 1885, and Feb 23, 1887, vol. 24, page 414, statutes at large, All information’ can be «btained at this offi e. The United states reserves the rizht to reject any or all proposals, LL. COOPER OVERMAN, Major of Engln- eers. Engines, Boilers and Ais on a for eat wie CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPT ICATION,. Woodbridge. Fifth and Congress-sts. Detroit, Mich, CORRUGATED FLUES FOR ALL SILES STEAM BOILERS, Mf mm Manufactured : . SOLELY IN THE AND WITH UNITED STATES OUR OWN PATENTS AND THOSE OF Samson. Foy, Leeds. England. WORE BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. ~ T HE NEW YORK BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY, a as aaC eh Vulcanized Rubber Packing of Every Description. FLANGED Take 1 10th or 8 1 =»: "THE CONTINENTAL IRON Warren Ey Hi, | Cuas. H, Cornett, } Vice Presidents, THOos. F. Rowianp, JR., Treasurer. from New Yorr to QREENPOINT. SS, ee eee |AUBBER “MATS AND STAIR-TREADS REPT SK | 8S OM ine RS ax Bog WY Reh oo aie For Halls, Floors, Decks and Companionways,| Seana ne Oe OOK XD ei oe Be ee es i. Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose. — =] =IRE TEST HOSE FOR STEAMBOATS & TUGS. = “ z J.D, CHEEVER, Dert. Treva.t WAREHOUSE: 15 PARK ROW, NEW Yo No, 308 Chestnut St., Phila, 203 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis. Post & Co, Cine’nnati, O. gr Lake St., Chi cago, 52 & 54 Sumn Cor. Wazee und 17th Sts,, Denver, Col. Arnett & Rivers, 17 & 19 Main Sr, ae Fra. cisco, European Branch—Pickhuben 5, Hamburg ro ii LIDGERWOOD MANUF’G COMPANY, * MAKERS OF HOISTING ee PERFUOKATED MAT, JOHN H. CHEEVER, Treas. Seinen td & Boilers C: maretieagelesrces Marine bol WHARF AND WORKS, SOUTH BROOKLYN, N, Y. RIVTKES, PRorpRikvToR, Gi Iniliana antl ManySt., Butfals, tee The Latest Improved Hycraulic Machinery USED IN ALL OLASSES OF WORK, Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomo. tive and ee een also, Salt Pane, omen re and wieayy ight Plate Iron Work of aT Descriptions. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN- OED. TO AT ENGINEER OFFICE, 84 iT Neer Detroit, wish October iby iss. fas @ sealed proposals, in triplicave, will be ceived at this office Lani eae 0 eo m., ber 14, 1888, and then p' oly opaied fou ie lof Saginaw West Bay | ¢ ETc eo eget eae naw River, inch relia oF oor ron toll: SaginewsEi very: beam wall and Mich, Cries ell a ae to materi lant of domestic af as or maakt ajar. 6 Fons of quality wha pr ce (import. a being equal. he pes Ho Fesorvas the ne reject any or all saree For furt Ce 0] apply at this office. | POR: Colonel of Engineers, Bvt. Brig-General, ws HENRY ESGH, Groceries and Provisions, Fresh and Salt Meats, DRY GOODS AND CLONING. ' Special attention given to vessel supplies. Corner of Jay and 9th st.. Manitowoe , Wis.

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