Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), December 6, 1888, p. 7

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Ihe Marine Recoril a : ; z ‘ ANE ENE TEC SAI ERO I ? HODGE & CO __, See Bo Stctionary & Portable Engines, MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, Riverside Iron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, | __DETROIT. MICH. ee Se TRO 9 KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y., Q MANUFACTURER OF Triple Expansion Marine Engines, Three Cylinder and Fore and Aft and Steeple Compound Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines Pceneenst ce SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, OU Ee ap PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS | Phese wheels are noted for their extra speed and towing power or aproportionate saving of coal, PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO., _UCCESSORS TO BAGNAILL & 1.OUD BLOCK CO. and PENFIELD BLOCK CO. BOSTON, MASS., and. LOCKPORT, N W YORK., The Largest and Most Reliable Manufacturers in the United States of Power SDLOUKS. Their Specialties are: Self-Lubricating Metaline Blocks: Self-locking Link Snatch Blocks: Self-adjustable Five Roll Roller Bush Blocks; Loud’s Pat ent Non-chokable Diaphragm Pumps will pump Sand, Gravel, etc., without in jury to the Pump, having no plunger. Easiest Working Pump in the Market OUTFITS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. We muke the most durable grade of Blocks to be obtained in the market Call for our SELF-ADJUSTABLE FIVE ROLL ROLLER BUSHED STAR BRAND BLOCKS AND DO AWAY WITH REPAIRS. ~ Money - Money Gained, Well Spent BY BUYING GOODS DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AT JOBBING PRICES. Moe: = oS DOL. 2c CO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF * p i Jc -? ce double and single I 89 1on-shrinkabie, Cloth Shirts wide in the latest nnel Shirts, writer proof re especially Sea let Medicated ‘Shirts and Drawers. ("Call ustom made Jean Pants, Over- ete.,, or leave your measure KON & CO., 213 Detroit oor from corner Pearl, Cleve- NY ATARRH CURED. ymun, after years of suffering Jonthsome disease, Catarrh, and ag every known remedy, at last mn which completely And drendful disease sending a imped envelope to professor 4, 212 Hist 9h S., New ive th> receipt free o him from death, R DREDGING, U.S. Engineer of- Y., November 20, 1888 —eparate ‘triplicate, will be received at this eastern standard time, Decem- ig at the following harbors: 1-- . Y.,2--Oleott Harbor, N. Y.,8--Oak | N.Y. Preference will be given to|- »manufacture, conditions of quality . MCKINNON. Her hull and ma- ass order; measurement, 11 tons; les 100 pound: of steam and is a IS LEMON, 303 Atwater REE-MASTED SCHOONER, well j aa ‘y 500 tons of coal, or ooner; ca pact » 4% tons of oflumber. Rates, i : eayone AeHY ty PARKER & tr to tHe MARINE RE- BRACKET—She carries 260M feet of ‘tons of coal. Had $900 worth of re- Fit out Price $1,600. Men- ). J. KENDALL, Port Huron: — § | MANUFACTURERS .| AND DEALERS IN FINE CYLINDER, ENGINE, LARD, 4Z BLACK OILS, WAT- ER-PROOF GREASE PACKING & WIPES. RAILROAD, STEAM- é BOAT AND ENGI- NEERS’ SUPPLIES. CED SATISFACTORY, Yearly Contracts a Specialty. 29 South Clinton-st., Chicago, Ili ARTHUR & BOYLAN, Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. | DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. Woks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Chase Fog Whistle Machine i WE STAND READY TO \ HAVE OUR GOODS TES- TED AGAINST ALL OTH- ERS, AND WILL CHEER- FULLY SUPPLY SAMPLE ZY OAN OR BARREL, NOT TO BEPAID FOR UNLESS SATISFACTORY AT THE END OF THE TRIAL; TO BE PAID FOR A REGU- @LAR RATES WHEN THE GOODS ARE PRONOUN: wy eres com eererenreremenses GJ. STARKEY. Grocery & Provision Store. Special Attention Given to Vessel Supplies. PalRPORT. O WARD ASN, Phipstth. All Kind of Forgings, , Bolts and Truss Rods for Building. 49 Main-st Cleveland Rj ae 4, pind Sa) yt << y AR Lake Shore & Michigan Southern. Commencing Monday July 18,1888. The time given in the figures below is the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which iv thirty-three minutes slower than Cleveland time proper. LA VER, J. 8 Fay, R, P. . ELD,'TRA H.OWEN, Campari, Corsica, J, H. Ournwaire, SAMUEL Maruer, R, R, Ruopxs, COLUMBIA, AURORA, OHIO, Wa. Hpwarps, 8. E. See | Arrive ‘T Depart. SEE DORM STR ALASLL, RALEIGH, BULGARIA, ROUMANIA, J. a Se, eS ~ #2 55 aml 2 Bhan F. {DDY, HiawATHA, THOS. ADAMS, A, P. Wricut, Grav. a eae aren EXPpress....s0s+4 PS Bs resi “ak stone, E. P. Wineur, Soo Ciry, KE, M. Peck, Robert L. - fh “i °8 504 M FREYER 4ND NORTHERN Liaut, To the President and Board of Supervising Inspec- tors of Steam Vessels: Your committee to which was referred the ‘Ghase Fog Whistle Machine” beg leave to report: ‘That we have carefully exanined the same and find that it blows at regular intervals, being worked by the engine, thereby elt 5 AM]... No 10, Toledo Accom via sorwark/}{11 05 4 M No, 24. Buffalo Accommodation...) ........./f 7 00a m No. 10.New York&Boston, “Flyer”) ........-. *11 504M No 12, N ¥ & B Fast Express..__. 2 35 pM| 38¢ 45 PM No2, Night £x via Norwalk....| 940 Pp m|fl0 00P mu No 22, Night Ex via Sandusky..| +9 40 PM No 26, Couneaut Accommodation| }4 25 P a 1. bf MOLINE by bE soctined bud could eee Westward. | Arrive. | Depart. or similar device to owners of steam vessels as an addi- No 1, Fast Limitea Express......... 1912 15a M/*12 154M tional safeguard to navigation. No. 23, Cleveland Express...... 2 154M H, 8. LuBpocx No 8, Chicago Express via © 2530am| 5454m|_ The manufacturers are the Chase Fog a 8. igri) See : No 25, Mich Accom Norwalk........|..-.--.:.e| {5 454M] Whistle Machine Co., corner ‘of Elm and Eo. H. STARBUCK, ¢ Committee, No 2), Toledo Ex via Norwalk...| 18 20P™| Spruce streets, Cleveland, O. W. D. Rosryson, No 6, St Louis Ex via Sandusky.. 50a M/*10 554M : : No 9,Chi Pac Ex via Norwalk..... SPM) “7 15PM ‘0 81, Elyria ac to Elyria at Fe No27, Conneaut Accommodation! {8 1 Sunday train for Nottingham—Depart 9 and 1; yForest Gily CIGAR STORE. THOMAS LIEERY, Prop’. | MANUFACTURER AND JOBRER OF 20 a. m Pp. ™,; returning, arrive at 9:20 a, m, and . m. rence marks—* Daily, ¢ daily, except Sunda @daily, except Monday. % R A local Cleve'and and New York sleerer, also sleeper for Boston, and dining car datly on No, 10, leaving Cleveland at 11604 M.; arrive Grand Central depot, TOLEDO, OHIO. OAR MILLS MONTPELIER, OHIO. NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS DEGRAUW, AYMAR&CO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, WIRE ROPE, CHAINS. ANCHORS, OARS: BLOCKS COTTON and FLAX DUCKS, FLAGS BUNTINGS. RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. Nos. 84 ann 35 Sourn Srreer, NEW YORK. TESTED CHAINS, Bratlee & €o., Kmpine hain Marks. BEACH AND OTIS STS., Philadelphia. Ship's Cables and Marine Railway Chains. /Ship Chandlers, and Head-quarters for Best New York, 7.30 a. m. ‘or full information as to trains and counections ap- ply atthe Union ticket office, corner Bank and Supe- jor sreets, under Mercantile Bank. M.E..GAUL, City Passenger Agent. J,H. SMITH, Gen'l Pass, Agt., Lake Shore Block Chains for Foundry Cranes and Slings. “D. B. G.” Special Crane Chains. Steel and Iron Dredging, Slope and Miniag Chains. THE ATNO GRATE. G. €. BARNES, Agt. This Improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt. ed tc Burning Slack. Glob Iron Works, manufae’s,, Office and Foundry, corner of Elm and :; Spruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, 0. Hh, B. & & B. BURGER, Ship-builders and Contractors. MANITOWOG DRY DOGK. | Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set Boxes in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 tons, large stock of SPARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. : RS VESSELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, ae MANITOWOC, WIS. Leo DETROIT BOAT WORKS. — SOLE MANUFACTURERS @lark’s Patent Metallic Life Rafts. HIGHLY INDORSED BY THE sOARD OF SUPERVISINGIN- SPECTORS. Life Boats *"™ Steam and Hand Steering Wheels to Order. Shovs ft, of ORLEANS ST., DETROL1, MICH. THOS. DREIN & SON BUILOERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all clos Governmentand PleasureBoats of Wood, Biock Cork Life Pre- =3 servers. Sole manutacturer of Capt. 3 JONATHAN Conk’s celebrated in stock 14, 16, 18,20 and 22 feet long. Yawl Boats ee 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. FatentLilenats H. CHANNONDO., Steel and fron Tiller Ropes. 22 to 26 Market-St. near Randolph-St., Chicago Ill: J, E. SIMPSON & €O., ChNarAL CONTRACTORS. AND BUILDERS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCOS.|SIMPSON’S PATENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK 209 PEARLSTREET | NC. 3 BROADWAY, NEW YORK GITY,

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