| Seca tote Marine ord OBICAGO, ILL, Collins Bros., the vessel supplymen have to 81 Canal street, corner of Canal ison, the Marine RecorD will be | found there always to be read by stewards and shipkeepers. The steamship Germanic, left Chicago for {Buffalo Friday night, December 7th, with 57.500 bushels of corn, The fine steamship Roumenie, arrived we! Saturday morning, from Buflalo, with The fine steamship Australia arrived here Hight from Milwaukee, Saturday evening. he loaded 75,000 b ishels of corn for But- ‘alo and left Chicago at 4 p. m. on Monday. James Corrigan, owner of tLe steamships i Roumania and Australacia, was in Chicago r the interests of his splendid Saturday evening with coal from Butfalo. The fine steamship J. Emory Owen, Cap- | tain Young, with her consoit Michigan, ar- ved from iffalo, with coal eit Thureday sage November \ Mein any insurance. and} ‘The Solin Emory Owen, started out June “Mr. Schumaker, engineer of the propeller Aurora, owned by J. Ourrigan, is loud in the praises of this fine bot. He says that it is no trouble for her to take her tow along through the water at the rate of eleven mile- per hour. Her engines, built by the Cleve- lund Shipbuilding {Company, run as easy as asewing machine. The recent fire at the Globe Iron Works shipjyard has proved Jess disastrous than was at first supposed, for aithough machine shops 400 feet in length were burned, yet, by the skilful management of the firm, the contracts in hand will not be delayed by evena few days. Already nine fires outof twenty-four are busy, and about a dozen ma- chines ,including a set of rolls are at work. By early next week one of the large fur- naces will be in operation, and the material for new buildings is now on the ground. It would seem as if the loss of the moulds and drawings were the greetest loss in so far as time is concerned. The result of the fire has been greatly magnified by newspaper ac- accounts, and to people at a distance it has been made to appear as _ if the entire plant would have to suspend operations in- definitely, we take grea" pleasure in stating that inless than twenty-four working$hours after the blaze over 1,000 men wore emp!oyed, and remain eo, while a person unacquainted with the buildings at the yards*wiuld never miss the line of shops, and this is the cn'y indication of what was said to be a tremen- deus blaze. The firm has a $1,200 fire outfit at the yard, and the city has five fire plugs in addition, so that the fiercest fire could be controlled at short notice. These precau- tions were considered necessary when over a million and a half dollars were laid out, as is the case at present. Much credit, however, isdue to the energetic and workmanlike spirit of the principals of the firm in keeping their workmen all busy as usual, and settling direct with the insurance companies at figures resembling $17,000. Meteorological summary for the week ending December 11, 1888: | | | Mean ectual iphc tens cccgtece 49-97 Mean temperature, » 436.2 Mean humidity... 74.6 Total precipitation...... tetas bat § 61 Prevailing direction [of wind ... Sw&Nw Total wind movement 1408 Ay, cloudiness....-...-- +--+ ----+--- is Ay, state of weather. --- Cloudy ee etatere oP aS-5 Owest......---- ---- Wi. Ts Pausini eu, soa. 2nd this year and has made 8¥ trips be- ‘tween Lake Superior and Lake Erie ports and Chicago and Lake Erie ports and has proved herself a sp’endid business boat. At the Chicago Drydovk Co., the propeller Escanaba, was in dock for bottom calking new stem and other repairs, the tugs Crow- el], Tarrant and Chicago for general repairs and re calking, the schooner James Mowatt and Mary D. Ayer and barges Shawnee and Ashland for general repairs. Captain H. W. Hart, of che fine steamship Fannie C. Hart, was around the lumber mar- ket Tuesday offering to bet trom $3001o $1,000 that no lumber barge hailing out of this port could beat his steambarge on a 300 mile run on Lake Michigan, but he could not find any takers. The schooner Hershell, Captain James Clark, arrived Jatt Saturday with lumber from Manistee. She left Chicago on the 1st. of December and made an excellent trip. At Miller Bros. Drydock’s the rteambarge A.D. Haywaid was in dock for leak stop- ping, the steamship Ira H. Owen to have her shoe fixed, the tug Wolf to have a leak stopped, the barge Mary B. Mitchell is hay- ing her top sides calked the steamship Siberia is in dock for bcttom calking and other repairs, the barge J. H. Rutter had her decks calked, the schooner D. P. Rhodes wae in dock for calking bottom part new center board and new prick post, the steam- ship Jessie H. Farwell is having her decke repaired and calked, the steamer Spinner is receiving necessary repairs. The stearabarge Maggie Marshall, took on fuel at Richar@son & Co.’s, foot.of market street and left for Manistee, Monday night to lay up. Captain David Dal), is giving bis tug D. L. Babcock, new deck frames and deck anda new house. The stea mbarge Fayette, Captain Disher, has had a very good season without accident of any kind. W. H. Horn and Captain Disher, her owners, are well satisfied with herseason’s work. She will go into drydock and receive new bulwark: stanchions and stem and new cabin which will! be placed aft instead of forward, as at present, The model steambarge Albert Soper, Cap- tain J. Hogan, was Jaid up last week. Sie made 86 round trips this season, 81 between this pert and Muskegon, 3 to Menominee and 2to Manistee, proving that her worthy cap- 6 | tain was no slouch, Captain John A. Connelly, is placing his steambarge the Thos. R. Scott, in winter quarters. He has made the best record of all is undergoing a complete rebuild. gelling, Duby OLED LO NA FIGATION, COMMERCE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. CLEVELAND. O.. DECEMBER 13 1888. trips between this port and Muskegon this season. The schooner Emily B. Maxwell arrived last Thursday morning from Murkegon. She experienced some rough weather and carried aw»y her foretop mast and had her deck load shifted. ; Captain James Dav dson’s fine steamship Germanic, in command of Captain Morris, left here last Friday night with 57,000 bushels of grain for Buffalo. BUFFALO, N. ¥, Special tothe Marine Record. Work at the Union dry dock is brisk- The keel plates for the new steel steamship building, to the order of Messrs. Kelder- house, Maytham, Drake, and others, are about half laid and ina few days a larger force of men will be engaged, and the build- ing pushed vigorously forward. The Gardner, owned by Connolly Bros., She will have several new spars including a mizzen Jower mast, and fore, and main topmasts, The old lower masts are being reduced 4} inches in girth, and 10 feet in length. Two | new steel arches running the entire length of the vessel, 183¢ inches, and through bolted from the stanchion heads amidships, down through each timber to her keelson. She is also having two new bilge keelsons of oak eight inches square, new timbers and share, par! art He i works in her stern, new quarter deck, rud- der post and several strakes of oak planking five by six inches. Twelve new waste gutes are also to be placed in her balwarks to carry off water. The Eagle Iron Works, Robert Dunbar and Son, have furnished to Captain David- gon of Bay City, one of their compact ma- chines for deck hoisting, and hauling pur- poses. Looking at this new machine from a ve-sel point of view, there are several items Of merit, In the first place each drum works independently so that lines or falls led from both ends of the vessel may be worked at the same time, and a winch-end or barrel is placed on the outside haying the same re- versing power as the drums, a cog wheel and messenger chain can be connected for working main and bilge pumps. A seperat> lever operates each ‘drum so that only the steam for the actual work being done is re- quired, and all parts of the machinery are covered in. The size of the hoister 18 also in its favor being six feet long and three feet nine inches wide, and two feet ten inches high. At the dry docks of R. Mills.and Co., the propeller Wyconring is receiving the repairs mentioned in your last issue. The propeller Butftalo, new steam pipe, repairs on fender strake, and bottom cleaning. Propeller A. P. Wright is at the large derrick for taking on board new boilers, and is having slight repairs done to‘her upper works. Work on the new boat now building is being pushed rapidly along. Brown and O©o,, shipbrokers and agents, have bad a fair season’s business and con- sider the outlook for the future as being favorable. Mr. Bradley, Cleveland vessel owner, is in the city and expects to return home on Friday. The Maytham} line tug T, M. Moore, re- cently purchased by Mr. Cowley of Cleve- land, left here on Tuesday afterno m {to be delivere1 to htr new owners. In conversa- tion Captain Maythatn expressed the wish that the Moore will be as successful in the future as she has been in the past. The Lake Erie boiler works have recently shipped two of their boilers to parties in New Orleans, L»., and one to a firm in -Wil- mington, N. C. The business of this well kiown firm is only limited by their already extensive plant, and we would not be sur- prised to see large additional works being erected in the near future, The marine hospital department has had 690 cases nder treatment since last July, Liha sine: ie Sieiiaiia. ‘baetag si run 75 successful ‘in addition to 170 casea sent to the hospital during the same period, Now is the busy season for boiler makers, engineers, mechinists, and iron workers in general and Buffalo has a fair share, judg- ing from the hum and xctivity witnessed around sll of her works, even the smaller plants giving and taking the refusal of con- trxets, which under different circumstances would be considered tulerably lucrative. A large colored chart, or graphic history of the rise and fall of the American mer- chant marine from 1789 to 1888, has just been completed for W. W. Bates of this city. The date and plans for this grapbic history has occupied the attention of Mr, Bates for a considerable length of time, and the clerkly skill of J. R. Oldham’s staff has been put on its mettle in producing this master- piece of fine scale drawing, an account of which will be published in our next issue We may mention however, that the lines of imports and exports, the amount of tonnage from foreign ports, the American tonnage, and percentage ot foreign trade and trane- portation, the volume of tonnage engaged in the coastwise trade, the number of ves- sels built for the foreign trade, of population, } and several other important results, the whole extending over the past century as | ‘a means of educating the minds of our legis- braces the epitome of maritime knowledge in so concise and correct a form. The mind grasps more clearly the years of prosperity and decadence by viewing the chart, and for our own part half an hour with the graphic history was more instructive than a weeks reading of the subject so ably and pre-eminently handled by the autnority mentioned above. Captain Henry, manager of the Lehigh Valley line of bouts, leftin the EK. P. Wil- bur for Cleveland. From there he will go to Chicago. David Bell will fit out the tug recently purchased by him from Patrick O’Day with an engine eighteen by twenty, and the boat will be put in good shape for next season. Mr, Brainerd, a member of the firm of Curtis & Brainerd of; Toledo, O., was in the city Monday. He states that there will be no material change in the Curtis fleet next season. One of the new boilers was put on board the propeller Cuba on Monday. Dimen- sions 75 feet by 8 feet 6 inches. Capt. Henry Burdy, of the Gospel ship, Glad-Tidings, is in Buffalo to raise $1,000 as a part of the $8,000 which will be raised in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Racine and Milwaukee to build a new Gospel steam- boat in place of the sailing schooner just sold. He has raised so far $730 in Baffalo, Asa means of affording Capt. Bundy a comfortable and easy living, the scheme is to be commended. It is doubtful however, whether ag much can be claimed for the Christian influence of the venture, Capt, Bundy labors among the inhabitants at the lower end.of Lake Michigan. The propeller Nebraska ot the Tyler fleet is undergoing extensive repairs. She is at the Union yard and her big wooden archer, that freight handlers object to so much, are coming out to make way for less conspicu- ous ones, No further changes will be made than are nece-sary to make a first clase freight boat of her. No o:her vessels of the fleet will be repaired unless it be the Coffin- berry and barge Uranus, and it is not de- cided what will be done with them. Derroit, Mica, In a fair race from Escanaba to this port the propeller Corsica beat the propeller Cam bria one hour. AMHERTSBURG- During the past week a number of tran- sactiong in realestate have taken place in Ambhertsburg, ‘which promise toadd some- lators in the fluctuations, and the rise and 11, fall of the American mercantile marine and |! ave T2/0PER Aso SinciE Coriss 5 cents what to the prosperity of the town. Capt. Stephen B Grummond, of Detroit, on be- half of himself and others, hae purchased the dock property next toJ. G. Mullen, on which the stone warehouse is situated, and which runs up to and ineludes the li- brary building on Dalhousie street from J. B. Caldwell for $1,500. The same gentleman has alzo completed the purchase of the old Heard tactory property and water front for about $8,000, although there issome hitch in the matter owing to a bargain made by Leighton & Onellette. with James Campeanu for partof the lot, without water front, on which the warehouse sat, for $500. to which the latter proposed to move his plan- ing mil), Mr. Grummond is also negotia- t.ng for the purchase of the Walker water lot, next to the Heard property. The pur- pose of all these purchases is not fully dis- c'osed, but a pork packing factory is men- tioned in connection with the Caldwell property, anda dry dock and coaling sta- tion for Grummond’s tugs are mentioned for the rest. Among those interested is Collece tor Gotts, KINGSTON, ONT. tity of grain transhipped Vokwardlig Co. are the atduiflex Soutid anid evnsorts, St. Lawrence Maynard, Islander, Maud, Niagara, Van Allen, Hero, Kathleen, and the schooners Jessie Breck,’ Singapore, Annie Foster, Philo Bennett, Julia, Queen of the Lakes, White Oak. The Niagara and Van Allen will have their éngines com- pounded during the winter, and the steamer Maynard will get a new hull. The funeral of the wife of Captain Geo, Abrine, which teok place 9th inst., was very largely attended. All the mariners in the city attended in a body, showing the respect in which he was held. conducted the service. DULUTH, MINN. The last boat through the straits a year ago was the propeller Northerner, which made the passage on December 9. Captain Inman is figuring on a consider- able improvement to the Ossifrage during the winter. She wil be refitted and her cabin accommodation so much increased that more than double the present number of staterooms will be furnished. The captain expects to run her three times a week to Porr Arthur instead of twice as heretofore. The last of the Inman fleet is now being laid up for the winter. The fleet will not pro- bably be enlarged next year, the captain having tugs enough to handle a tremendons business. J. B. Williams & Co., the Lake avenue sailmakers, Saturday filed papers at the dis- trict court by which an assignment was made to Emil A. King. The assets are put at $548.15 and the“ liabilities at $976,76, Shields, Brown & Co., and Robert Bros., of Chicago, are the heaviest creditors, MILWAUKEE, WIS. As to the progress of the survey for thé Canadian Australian cable, we learn that the surveying vessel Egeria has obtained two’ very deep soundings in the South Pacific, oneof 4295 fathoms, and the other of 4480 fathoms, or five statute miles. C8WEGO, N. ¥. Tuat Greenland has been crossed by Dr: Nansen and bis party, though considerably south of the line originally intended, is now certain. The explorer’s letter, published in Copenhagen, ‘says:—‘*We reached Godt- haab on Oct’ 8rd, and dre all in good health.” Godthanb is rot to be confounded with God- haven, the Danish colony on the south-west of Disco Island, Greenland. Rev. J. Houston -