HOWARD'H. BAKER ACO.) safiias 5 ~Elubnchel SST hip Chaar & Sl Makers i on las , 1s emt . AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS.CO, Cordage, Wire Rope, Blocks, ee ae 6 Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain Canvas, Anchors, Chains, > ae — > and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank Paints, Oils, Naval Stores. nag ‘ae and Steam Capstans, Wharf and Ferry ee ont ibe tes, B Canis, Sx Drops. Their Capstan Windiasas AGuNTS FoR THe Gancee Onayle have a Power Capstan with a single © Aimuenigun Ship Windlass Company “Wm, Ml. Quayle. > " Glavalansié ©, head which has power and speed are stn fy : a cee | - rangement entirely independent of th 18, 20, 22, 24, & 26 Terrace OLA KE ERIE BOILER WORKS. Windlass, anth the Windices wien wap etn es ree Oar aT the intervention of any gearing to com- ~ iuffalo, N. Y. Seas Bee | ‘at poe ss plicate it and incr aa the frictions oN Bs In all their styles of Steam Wind- | lasses they make uw direct connection be- — tween the engines and the windlass — without counter shafts or dditional — gearing. This saves friction and liabil- — ity to break down, and conduces to dur- — a ability and ease in operating. They also — The hest equipped plant in America for the manufac: bave @ counterbalance for the engines — ture ot Modern Marine Boilers. and an automatic lubricator for worm _ and worm gear. and the engines are BUFFALO, NEW YORK |placed together in the most accessible — position. The above improvements and others too numerous to mention, but which are familiar to Masters, Owners A Written Guarsnteshwith enoh Injector and Builders, are covered by Patents C. H. PRESLEY & CO., ROPK Gua? owned exclusively by this Conner panos ce. sux, CLEVELAND, 0. 17 PRICES For Dee ae ee KATZENSTEIN'S “159 AND 163 RIVER-St, CLEVELAND, 0. | FRANK §, MANTON, Agent. P. 0. box 53, Providence, } SELE See METAL FORE PISTON RODS, H. M. HANNA, JOHN F. PANKHURST, LUTHER ALLE waaop Bs opie ad ne Inseby PRESIDENT. VICE ey yc rs AND GENERALMANAGER.4 SECRETARY AND @ prixicip: and $i teams, "Goma poo vite a : a iso sexe tubular met: for slip-! aang on sprog pressure ant oe ofall pa x Houlare ‘snd refer BUILDERS oF L TL RATZEXSDEDS & CO “ems IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHI pein oni ite we an are Agents fr Cleveland ard the AND VESSHIS OF ALI DIMENSIONS, ~ rakes. = CC ple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low F McKINNON BROS. pl : P , Ashtabula Harbor, O., MARIW E AND ST ATION ARY ENGINES, Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters; oes", MARINE, STATIONARY & PORTABLE BOILI Engineers upplies, Ibubricating | and Burning ils. BUSINESSPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, Blast Furnace and CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, Roling Mill Machinery, Compass Adjuster, | Hoisting and Pumping COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LO@6 Sets toes teu bare tosis Comper | > Engines, Portable ‘Hoist: | | ! | { | { | ———) PENBERTHY’S IMPROVED we he luisa injectors) (@ capone FOR STATIONARY. MARINE, PORTABLE \G AND LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. —> > it | } ———— 8 = J A DURABLE. ACT “GEL OL 96 dONVY "RELIABLE, ‘LHAd 06 LALT TIM SIMPLE ‘a . E . leads, Comrie, Peomth otahors Co Courses ing ngim es. [61River St., Cleveland, 0. eS Si — — JoLN P. DEVNEY. GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE IRON WORE cotati Promyly Aen iachinists, Boiler-Makers and Founders. ~ ASHTABOLA HARBOR, OHIO. IRON Lat ome Lane Lait toe ST By OFFICE & WORKS, Spruce and Elm g : ss DETROIT & CLEVELAND oraz speaupns sroses, conn, cuas, ee recta, Steam Navigation Co., ERN LIGHT, NORTH / CORSICA. CORONA, ‘Noun N SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, foot of St Paul. | : : [Office, on wharf, 23 River Street.) E. P, WILBUR, 8. SWAIN. BETWEEN ee Y laid : icy |PASSENGER STEAMER DARIUS | Oke AND STrEAM eSib) i) GEV BLAND & DETROTT, STORE THe CLEVELAND, OHIO. es MACKINAC ISLAND, ST. IGNACE, AL- IRON TUGS INTERNATIONAL AND RECORD. ; oo PENA,SAND BEACH, PORT HURON, aay eeneeeeneerse eet CHEBOYGAN, HARRISVILLE, Established b in , 1859. . : : Thomas Thuru U O9C0DA, ST. CLAIR, OAKLAND HOUSE] FTENRY LEOPOLD. ‘Cleve a PAREETON % COPE, } ae AB Le i as ie, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of fine and plain ant DiyeDock Co, Port Huron Machinery & Supply Depot, ae: ; f E. Bo Til TODA Gch ree Baines Deiraht? Me FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, ike bccn nee in Boilers, f TF. NEWMAN, 1, Gen. Agt. Clevelind, 0 Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re-| engines, steam ana wrecking pumps, 7 Travelers’ Informatzon Bureau, Warerooms ate Ra eta st., near Ful- | pairing and Spar Making. et tee 5 “ee Ratios 2 Reais es 224 Bank St,, Clevetand,O. pr ebay darabonarag re CLEVELAND, OHIO. 405 and 407 Water st . East.'\)) 2s avwaterStrest, :