Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 3, 1889, p. 2

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OIL UPON THE WATERS. Much has from time to time been said of the good effects resulting from spreading oil on the surface of water during a st rm. It is prebable that next season considerable NAVAL RESERVE BILL Following resolutizns were unanimovsly passed by the new York’ board of trade and transportation, October 10. 1888: Whereas, The New York board of trade aod practical cemons'ratin vil be made on the} transpertatiou, in October, 1887, nnarvimously Jakes of this matter, Crosby & McDonald, marine insurance agents jat Chicazo, some time since stated: adopted a resolution approving the proposition to organize a naval reserve for the United States Next year we will make a| to consist of officers and men from the mercan- reduction in the insurunce rates on a!) sailing | tile marine, yachtsmen, ex-nayal and ex-revenue vessels, barges and towing stexm+rs which we insure s:fficient to cover the cost of oil andthe applimnces fr its use. In cases where vesses refuse to adopt viland their | conditi ns are such as we think they need it we shall exercise our own judgment about | marine officers and watermen generally, and of vessels to be built with reference to their use io the time of war as auxiliury to the regular navy and, Whereas, ‘She committee on naval affairs of the house of representatives has, by an unani- mous vote, reported favorably a substitute for taking the risks, Ag ‘insurers we don’tcare| yp. yin), 1847, which suostitute bill fally pro- how meny boats go down. The more there vides for the enrollment of a naval wilitia and are of th m the greater the pre niums we get, ! naval reserve forces for the United States, as our rates ‘go up correspondingly. Vessel Whereas, In anticipation of national legisia- men do not understand this part of the tion providinga oaval reserve for the United question fully, Every lJo-s’ the insurance companies suffer means higher rates next 8a son for the other owner:. The introduction of anything to prevent wrecks and save pro- perty must in tne end lessen insurance rates. It is asimple proposition that any one can fig- ure outifhe take the time. Of the adapta- bili'y of vil fo™ service on the lakes there can not be the slightest doubt. 80 faras known but one trial of oil has ever been made [with a tow onthe lakes. It was when the Anchor )ine steamer Philadel- phia had the schooner Annie Sherwood in tow against a heavy head wind, The Sher- wood was nearly buried inthe seas which broke over her. Captain Reilly hesitated what he shou'd d>. At last he thought of oil and filted upas'mple contiivance to get a svpply on the seething water. ‘] he comb- ers disappeared, anu only a long heavy swell remained when the sea reached the schooner. The news of the success of this «xperiment got as far as the Anchor line office, and re- culted in its boats being thereafter ordered to carry oil fur use in case tney happened to have tows. As far as ocean service is concerned, there is plenty of evidence of the efficacy of oil in reducing to a minimum the dangervus effect of heavy, breaking seas. It can be used with good results when scudding, when ly ng to, when wearing, or when lowering or hoisting boa’s iva dangerous sea. ‘She thick and heavy oils are generally be-t for this purpose. Fish, lard, sperm, lin-eed,*{colzi, pine and cocoanut oils have all been the means of sav- ing vessels and the lives of their crews. Only last month the German steamer Sor- rento arrived at New York from Hambu'g, States, the State of Massachusetts has au*borized by a recently enacted law, the organization of her naval militia, and itis publicly announced that other states, appreciating the value of or- ganized trained bodies wh» may be readily util- ized in defense of their exposed coasts and sea- ports, ure taking similar steps to make effective the proposed United States naval reserve law, toerefore, Resolved, That the president of the New York board of trade and transportation appoint acommittee of five members'to consider this question and report thereon to this board, if deemed advisable, by bill for introduction in our state legislature at the coming session, or in such manner as in thefjudgment{of the commit- tee will best, promote the end proposed, Therefore be it resolved, That the New York board of trade and transportation heartily ap- proves the bill reported by the committee on naval affairs of the house of representatives, known as the naval reservebill, and respectfully urges the attention of all the representatives to the necessity of fixing the earliest day possible for its consideration, in order that ils’ passage by the present congress may not be jevpardized. Resolved, That copies of the foregoing pre- amble and resolution be sent to the president and members of hi- cabinet, to members of con- gress, and toa'l the ecmmercial organizations of the country, A STEEL STEAMER FOR PARRY SOUND. We are sure that our readers will be pleased to learn that the Parry Sound Lumber Co. have given to the Polson Iron Works Co. a contract to build for them a magnificent sieel steamer for the lumber and grain trade between this and other Jake ports. The new vessel wil! be 200 feet long, have 34 foot beam, and a hold depth of 13 feet. She will be fitted with triple expansion engines, with after encountering a ‘errible gate with high} cylinders, 17, 28 and 46 inches diameter respec- _ with wonderfully good effect, so much so seas. Her master reported that he used oil| tively, with 30 inch stroke. She will have two steel boilers of a firet class kind, capable of car- ‘that the passengers vame on deck during the rying 150 pounds pressure, and will be fitted tear Pieter d 5 ed that in raft t»wing on Lakes yo and Erie oil is carried by all Alger, plenty of time to spread. with steam stearing gear and windiasses, The hull will be built on the company’s slip at Owen Sound, but the machinery will be con— structed at the works of the Polson Iron Werks »’3 steamers. It is (found useful} Go,, of Toronto. In view of the high pressure wentinz the waves from breaking over | to be attained by the boilers, 160 pounds to the _ Of conrse the rafts go slowly and] sqnare inch, new hydraulic machinery for riv- etting purposes will have to be erected. Her When Jake vesse! owners, find itto their} net tonnage will be 1,000 and eross tovnage 1,- practical interest to curry oil abourd ship and | 500, and Ler carrying capacity, if lumber, §00- - use it properly when «casion may require, | 000 feet, and if grain, 44,000 bushels. The ma- there isa fair chance that tl ey may equip | chinery will be shipped to Owen Sound and fit- their floating p-operty with this additiona!) | ted in before the launch, which will probably safeguard. A NOVEL scHEME IN HARBOR DE- FENCE. According toa recent report in xome of the Philadelphia newspapers, a large com; any, backed by millions of dollars, has proposed to Kirkpatrick, M. P the secretary of the navy astrikiog and possibly effective scheme for the defense of that barbor or the harbors of otter cities from the attack of an enemy’s fleet, by shooting ignited petroleum atthe unfriendly ships from the bot:om of the river and burning them up, The rear admiral bas been directed to study fa close the harbor of Philadelphia and i's ap- proaches. The petroleum defense seheme, the Recenrmied originators of which have induced the govern- ment to 1 ake their preliminary examination of the Philadelphia harbor isa brilliant one in more respects than one. A company has been take place about the ist of July, 1889. She is expected to attain a speed of 12 knots an hour. The name hasnot yet been decided upon.— Parry Sound Advocate. WRECKING COURTESIES., It will be remembered that last session Mr, , introduced a measure pro- viding for reciprocity in wrecking, uoder whieb Cunadian wrecking vessels could go to the assis- tance ot vessels wrecked in American waters, and vice versa. It was considered impolitice at the time to invlude the coast waters in the meas- ure, and the inland waters only were referred At the time of the introduction of the bill it was doubtiul whether the fisnery treaty would in the United States or not, and the conservative leaders implored Mr. Kirkpatrick to w.thdraw the measure, The ex-speaker how- ever, after pointing out the justice of the bil) insisted upon a vote being taken. Accordingly organized at Wasbington to develop the plan the house was divided and the bill was thrown aud to show its practicability. It is proposed to sink perforated iron pipes in the river bed and the anproaches to the harbor, through which petroleum can be forced to the surface of the river by machivery and at a high out; although few conservative members and all the liberal members with one exception voted tor it. Mr. Kirkpatrick isin town to-day, and was asked whether he intended to re-introduce his pressure. In this way a fierce stream of blazing bill oil can be sent down on an enemy’s fleet to de- stroy it or drive tt away. Itis claimed by the projectors that a flame can be produced in this way as high as ashiv’s mast and sent with ter- rific force on the attacking vessel many miles “Yes,’’ said Mr. Kirkpatrick, '‘I do.” “Do you expect to carry it?” “Yes,” “What makes you so confident?’” “Lrely upon the jusiice and reasonableness of from the point where the oil is supplied to the of the measure.” system of submerged pipes, Iron vessels could **Does anything in the changed relations be- notiass through this lake of fire, because it tween Canada and the United States also lead could be made to extend many miles along the you te that belief?” river. An experiment in connection with the “No; only these points which I have men- scheme will be made at Fort Miffin within a few tioned,” weeks, The necessary apparatus is almost ready at the present moment, and great things ot are expected from the test,—Scientific Ameri- ean. OO oOo The report of the commission appointed to discover ways and means of improving the League Island navy yard at Philadelphia is now before Secretary Whitney for his con- sideration.. The recommended expenditures amount to $4,000,000. There is now on hand the sum of $550,000 for the construction ofa “Do you contemplate the introduction of any her measures?” “Yes; but I have not yet had time to think the details out.”’—Kingston News. 4 a ee TORONTO, ONT. Special to the Marine Record. The annual meeting of the],Canadian Marine association will be held at the Waiker house on, Wednesday January 9th, at 11:30 a. m., the business being of more than ordinary faterest, it is expected that it will extend a second day. , The Inland Marine Mutual Insurance Associa- drydock, and $75,000 for the, building of a| tion have given ;notice of intention to apply to wharf or sea wall, locations for both of which | the Ontario legislature for an act of incorpora- are suggested by the commission. ~ tion. EAGLE IRON WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF uplex, - = CATARRH CURED. A clergyman, after years of suffering from that loathsome disease, Catarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prescription which completely cured and savel him from death. And sufferer trom this drend{ul disease sending a self addressed stamped ens elope to professer Hoisting *Deck Engines - J. A. Lawrenoe, 212 Eust 9th S'., New York will receive the receipt free of charge PROPOSALS FOR DREDGING.—Engineer Office, Cleveland, O., Dec-mber 17, 1888. realed propo sals, in duplicate, will be receiver at this office until 12 o'clock mM, on Thur day, the 10:h day of Janu- ary, 188%, and then he opened in presence of bidders, for excavating 214,000 cubie yards, more «r less, of material from Sandusky Bay, along line of proposed straight chaonel, for Sandusky Harbor, O. Prefer- ence will be given to materials and plant of domestic production, or tanufacture, conditions of quality and price (import duties included) being equal. The attention of bidders is invited to acts of Con ress ap- proved February 26, 1885, and February 23, 1887, vol. 23. page 332, and vol. 24, page 414, statutes at large. All information can be obtained at this office. The United States reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. L. COOPER OVERMAN, Major of Engin. eers. — pa ———— LL __ FOR SALE. g Sail, Hois isin Line etc., etc. pecially adapted for Boat © 0} pajgauuo) sya ing Anchor, Pulling in To uses, Ra J ARBOR TUG for sale, cheap. This tug isi d oF 5 rE KE SAT ‘ACT ‘f a repair and will be sold shone {or Sach that ic, eee ne ek Oe ee ‘on oe RANTEED, * $4,600, Engine 1x20, boiler 5 fet 6 inche= by 11 feet, and allowed 100 pounds of steam. Fur further | particulars inquire av 113 Franklyn avenue, Cleve- lend, O, CAPT. E, DAHLKE. A 8 UBMERGED RLUE BOILERS: Engines, Boilers and Pumps on Hand for Prompt Shipment Woodbridge, Fifth and Congress-sts, Detroit, Mich FOR SALE ARINE ENGENE nearly new, includes bil x T VE. hand Baap and fie cainerot gelindae (hs CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION, by 20. Willsell cheap. Addre<s, K. BOX, Record Office. CORRUGATED FLUES FOR STEAM BOILERS, AL oI] ——at oe Coll Manufactured SOLELY IN THE AND WITH FLANGED UNITED STATES — UNDER OUR OWN PATENTS OR AND THOSE OF Was ( \\ \ Ai) 7 ¢ Samson. Foy, : ys : = > Leeds. England. cr ra LHE CONTINENTAL won IRON WORKS. aecaoeeeee -1-YoYo) KLYN, NEW YORK Tuos. F Row.anb, Jr., Treasurer, eo 5 3 Vulcanized Rubber Paeking of Every Description. 0 ad RUBBER MATS AND STAIR-TREADS€ For Halls, Floors, Decks and Companionways, Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose, —JFIRE TEST HOSE FOR STEAMBOATS & TUGS. ~~ JOHN H. CHEEVER. Treas. cae . IPD.ciisivst, bop. hes} WAREHOUSE: 15 PARK ROW, NEW No, 308 Chestnut St., Phila, 203 Nicollet Ave, Minneapoli ine’nnati ' 5 polis. Post & Co, Cinc’nnati, O. 151 Lake St., Chi Cor. Wazee und 17th Sts., Denver, Col. Arnett & Rivers, 17 & 19 Main St, San Francisco, ae is ee “+ European Branch—Pickhuben 5,0 sess (Frei! h LIDGERWOOD MANUF'G COMPANY, & me : MAKERS OF HOISTING En FOR VESSELS AND D DECK HOISTS » s» from New Yorx| to GREENPOINT | Sent aAX, =, SSAA PAT AMATASAPATATABACAY PERFORATED MAT. fi Mt : e€ Oc WHARF ANO WORKS, SOUTH BROOKLYN, ER WORK i), RIVER, PRorgikvoR, a Cnr. Indiana and Many $t.,Butfalo, N. ) The Latest Improveds z } Hydraulic Machinery & rae * ALL CLASSES OF WORK, arine, Stationary, Portable, no- tive and Upright Boilers; pith . ! Pans, Smoke et and Heavy aie: and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions, = = gill REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN- ' DED .70.5 3 ‘cal a Mii ) lant Bock Co, Groceries and Provisions, | Fresh and Salt Meats, DRY GOODS AND CLOWHAING. ' Special attention given to vessel supplies. Corner of Jay and 9thst.. Manitowoe, wy LronTackle Blocks \\TAKING THE PLACE oF |! jj WOODEN BLOCKS FoR | ALL PURPOSES. EVELAND, O| — eC eepy F ’

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