Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 3, 1889, p. 5

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ndent of the 9th distriet, Amul ly him tor this po- ake Carrier’s association Ner ern King, Northora Queen. and the Northern Wave, and the one to follow will be the North Star. The next Northener will probably be launched about February 18, completing a flet of six steel steamers, of which it may be said that no finer or bet- ter finished boats are afloat on fresh water, The Globe Iron Works shipyard represents alength of nearly 1,500 teet, the whole Space of which has been ovcupied, and will be kept co for some time to come, in filling orders for building, already in hand, and ‘their system is not according to the old- jtime Eastern style of buildiug by the mile and cutting off by the order, but it would seem that they push out a completed section and continve the line. eAGhe WINTER MOORINGS. ‘The Toronto Empire publishes the follow- ‘Inglist of vessels laid up at different Canadian ports along the lakes. It will be valueble a8 a means of reference to all vessel men, us by it they can tell just where any vessel is stationed. ‘Chere are a few ports not yet accounted for, but they will be published a8 soon us received: TORONTO. Schooners—Dundee, Captain Kelly ; Jessie Drummond, Captain Jackson; Snowbird, Captain Beard; Flora, Jesse McD nald, British Queen, Brothers, Emerald, Captain Colahan; Acacia, Captain Coates: Clara Yovell, Captuin M. Troy; Maple Leaf, Helen, M. A. Hall, Starling, Captain Me- Donald; Speedwell, Captain Williams; W- |T. Greenwood, Captain Ure; H. M. Bal- Jeu, P. F. Young, Mary Everett, J. G. Worts, “aptain Williamson; Eric Stewart, St. Louis, Captain Gribbon. Propellers and steambarges—Rosedale, | Captain Ewart; Bruno, Captain Clifford; | Schickluna, Captain Jackson; Alma Munro, | Captain Hume; Cuba, Captain Vaughn; | Erin, Captain Snllivan; Clinton, Captain | Maidand; W. B. Hall, Captain Kane. Steamers—Chicoutimi, Captan Parkinson; 2? | Chicora, Captain McGiffin; Cibola, Captain r 1| McCorqnodale; Hustings, Captain Boyd, ‘ hol Rupert, Captain Tripp; J. M. -Steinhoff Arlington, Gertrude, J. L. McEdwards, Captain F. Lyman; Greyhcund, Captain Donaldson. Been Togs—Frank Jackman, Captain Jackman; _| Dolphin, Captain Jackman; Ed. Blake. L cure as strong a dele- le to give our great lake in. and prominent showing in the ‘here is too much at stake to fault, — bed . EAMER, THE STEEL st { RN WAVE. ies ago, sailed on un- of new worlds amaze us Any new worlds left for us to goin iron steamers and oe a ships, some of which ty tons burden, sailed nned milk, or electric moking room, or any poker or bet on the » in fact, without any ea ii each other, They really this, especially when it when they got through a ring, and went home and re- kings who ewned them, they 28 putin prison, or had their ‘rain exempli fies the present does the fact that notwith- iron yard of the Globe Of Al- a Can nada Luke Superior Transit Company; the Alderson of the Georgian Bay Transit Company; Cook & Co.’s supply steamer Meteor; the government s‘eamers Bayfield and Cruiser, steambarge Kincardine and the tugs Athens, Nellie Reid, Siskiwit, Alpha an! Heather Belle; and the steam yacht Mocking Bird. It is a remarkable fact that there is not a sailing vessel in port and there is little likelihvod of there being any this winter, Dredges No. 4and No. 9 with scows ' will also winter here, The Cambria is now on the drydock, cut in two, and is haviny 36 feet added to her length, and when completed will make one of the staunchest crafts on the Sault ste Marie route. Owen Sound struck a genuine bonanza when it secured the establishment of the Pol- son shipyard. Mr. Polson has three hundred and twenty men engaged at the present time, and hasjust taken an order for a new gsteel steamer for the Parry Sound Lumber Com- pany, which will keepa full staff busy all next summer. A by law granting $15,000 to the Polson Iron Works Co, to assist them in purchasing the Owen Sound drydock was voted upon on Friday and carried bya large ma- jority. The Polson Iron Works Co. hasa very large plant for the building of iron and steel steamships, yachts and launches and marine engines and boilers; also the Brown automatic engine, which is said to be the most ecenomical in the market. ‘The head- quarters of the works are in Toronto. OAKVILLE. Oakville harbor presents a very busy ap- pearance, quite a number of steamers and sailing vessels laid up forthe winter: The Doty line of Toronto ferry steamers, viz: The Sadie, Canadian, Mascott, John Hanlan, Queen City and Luella are on the west side or the harbor. Oo the east side are the schooners Giimsby, Albacore, Highland Beauty, Rover and Hope. Captain J. Quinn, who owns the Highland Beauty, hus had her hauled out put in good shape and launched, and is now hauling out the Rover. James Andrew, ship builder, is giving the Grimsby and Albacore a thorough overbaul- ing, and we expect some more here to be re- paired. There is some talk of building a dry- dock here. The yachts Aggie Marlatt and Armstrong are removing the iron from her keel and are going to replace it with five tons of lead. ana ie Ashburn had the honor of chris- Northern Wave, which was done in a - graceful manner, in the presence of, and as— y, Mrs. A. S, Gilman, Miss Clarke, liss Poole and the pretty little Miss Gacie Gil- n. ‘The ladies were kept strictly under the convoy of Mr.Luther Allen,secretary and treas— arer of the Globe Iron Works Co. - Evidently Miss Carrie has secured a corner on christening, as this is the fifth boat she has _ been the official at the important ccremony, ach time evincing firmness and composure Suitable to the occasion. We notieed a larger number of our marine friends present than usual, all of whom seemed proud of the splendid specimen of skill and werkmanship, exhibited in the completion of this fine boat, and remarks congra'ulatory to} her builders were heard from all quarters. It would seem, looking along the vessel’s side, as if she had been moulded together in a mass, for not a rivet head, mark, or abrasion could be distinguished. More especially were the Onlookers pleased at the prompt manner and the exact time at which the boat s'arted from the ways, and the usual running, hammering, Wedging, and bustle so frequently witnessed was conspicuous by its entire absence. The launch was approprirtely fitted out with new bunting, having the union jack at the stem, the house flag at the fore, the burgee at the main, and the ensign at the m.zzen. When the Northern Wave took her grand virgin plunge it was Moticed that she was marked up to16 feet, her draft of water being 3 feet 7} inches forward and 7 teet half inch att, ora mean draft of 5 feet 4 inches. Her dimensions are 312 feet over all, 298 teet keel, 40 feet beam, and 24 feet 6 inches moulded depth. The engines,which will be run by 8S. Miller, and are already placed in the vessel, are triple expansion} cylinders 24, 38, and 61 inches by 42 inches stroke, indicated horse power 1200, sectional wheel 14 teet in diam- ter and 17 feet pitch, her two steel boilers, weighing 40 tons, are 12 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 7 inches, and they will be placed on board at an early date. Among the large nnmber attending the faunch may be mentioned Mr. Haskell, from Ogdensburg, N. Y., Captain Holmes and daughter, Messrs. DeWolf, Wright, Fitz- patrick, Captain Nicholson, one of the oldest dnsurance inspecters for the mercantile eompany, Captains Murch, Mack, Jack and Thomas Lowe, Doville, Brown and many engineers. Also, among the witnesses of the launch were Messrs. Mark Hanna, and H. M. Hanna, accompanied by ladies, The respective names of the steamboats of this line are Northern Lighl, North Wind, ‘ HAMILTON. The following vessels are now laid up at this port for the winter: Propellers Celtic and Michiyan at Mackay’s wharf, where also lies the Macassa (Hamilton Steamboat Com- pany;) propellers Canada and Myles at Mc- Ilwaith’s wharf; propeller Acadia at Zea- land’s wharf. The schooner Gulnair is at R.} Ghe Marine Record. Mv les? dock, and the Ela Morton at Morton & Rils The schco: er Lavra ot Windsor is at McGee’s wharf; also schooner Undine, The propeller Ontario has been soid by her owners (Mackay & Son) toan American firm for $5,000 cash, and is laid up for tke season at Charlotte. ; PORT ELGIN. Navigation at this port has closed after a most successful season, the harbor master reporting a larger number of arrivals than for any previous year. The splendid pro- tection afforded vessels while loading or un- londing, and. tor wintering, baa been pro- nounced by lake captains to be the best on the eastern shore of Lake Huron. The com- pletion of the breakwater and beacon. will add greatly to its protection. The following craft are wintering here: Steambarge P. Crese, tugs Jas. Clark, Juno, A. Chambers, Engle, schooners Eairline, The schooner H. Baird is being hauled out for repairs. Sea BS WHITBY. The. vessela wintering at Whitby are: Schoonér Flora Carveth,, Captain Sam E. Phil; schooner Wm, Jamieson, Captain Joseph, Philp; schooner John We ley, schooner Coral. : The season hae uot been a favorable one to vessel owners here. There has been a large increase in the quantity of grain, almost ‘altogether barley, handled wholly by the railroads from interior pointe, thus damaging the carrying trade from a ha bor having railway terminal facilities such us is the cuse here, GODERICH, The Canadian vessels in this harbor at present are: Sehooners J. N. Carter, Jane McLeod, J. G. Kolfage, H. N. Todman, Pina- fore, Goldhunter, Mary S. Gordon, and the Evening Star, to be repaired, and the On- tario, which is being thoroughly rebuilt by Mr. W. Marlton. g Mr. Marlton is also going to build this winter a new schooner, «f about 17,000 bushels capacity. There are aso here the steamer J. H. Jones and two tugs, Acadia and William H. Siebo'd. ‘ BELLEVILLE, The following is a cull list of the vessels wintering here: Steamers’ Annie Gilbert, Nellie Cuthbert, Omega, tug E. Bouan, steambarge Water Lily, schooners D. Free- man, Rainbow, Restlesr, Friend; sloops Em- press, Hattie Ann, Svvereign, Gla:gow, Minerva; barge Unwald; yachts Norah, |Dauntles:, Lolanthe, Angelo, Agnes, Belle; ‘steamlaunch Lenga. . ‘ Betas PORT DALHOUSIE. bea The following vessels are tied up here: Steamers Enterprise, Sir S.-i: Tilley, Te- cumeeh, Mazeppa, Metamora. Solis, Ante- lope, Albatross, A. Majo, Kate Eckles. barges M. C. Cameron, Cavalier, Benson, Russell; tugs Maggie Mitchell, Sam Perry, Harry Neelon, James Norris, Joe Mack, Rambler. ¢ 8T, CATHERINES. The following: are laid up here: Steam- ers Ocean, Persia, schooners T, K. Merritt. J. N. Benson, H. M, Neelon, Detiance, Gleniffer, Huron and tug Charlton. BRIGHTON. Wintering here are: Schooners EK, R. Proctor, Fleetwing, Rodney, Alice and Mary, Eugene, Keewatin, Garibaldi, Yacht Ar lan- ta, Dredge H. B. Hawill, 'ng J. J. Hunter. FRENCHMAN’S BAY. Vessels wintering here are: Stonebook- ers Madeline, North west, John Weasley, Jes- sie Stewart, Bismarck. BOWMANVILLE. Schooners Tiade Wind, John Shaw; & J.Collier, Robert Snetsinger. TRENTON. The only vessel wintering here is the steamer Verona. PORL BURWELL. Laid up here is the sehooner Sarah. DESERONTO. The schooner Picton is now tied up for the winter. On the ship yard hauled out lor repairs this winter are the stramers Quinte, Southero Belle, Ripple, steambarge Reliauce, dredge Munson and a pleasure yacht owned by Mr. W, W. By- ington, of Albany, N,Y. Thesteambarge Nile, the sckooner W. Y. Emory, owned by D. W. Allison and James Savage, are to undergo re- pairs, The elevator barge Industry is also on the drydock. At the east end are the steamers Armenia, Deseronto, steambarge Resolute, tug Rescue, schooners Picton aod Pilot, barges Isis and Bedford, and sloop Bungeye. The steamers Geneva and Ella Ross are also anchored near the ‘restle dock with the barge Puritan and the schooner L, D, Ballock, of Napanee. The fleet that winters here is a lurge one, and on nearly every vessel sume repairs will be made during the season, which will keep the shipyard works busy the entire winter. The steambarge Nile, Captain Daly, was the first to go on herg route, on April 23, and made the lougest season, guing into winter quarters on December 10, The steambarges Reliance and Resolute, plying be- tween here and Oswego, N. Y., have principally done a amber traffic, and reporta business in excess of former years. The different bay steamers report 3 good business in freight, and during the summer time didafair excursion business. S. COLLINGWOOD, The season of navigation for 1888 has closed, and the last boat of the season isin port. The entire fleet of the Great Northern Transit com- pany, consisting of the steamer Baltic and the propellers Pacific, Atlantic and Northern Belle, are in winter quarters at this port. : PORT HOPE. The vessels win are as follows: Schooners Echo, Captain John Breen; Ocean Wave, Captain Wm. Martin; Gar- ibaldi, Capiain Carson; Mary Ann Lydon, Cap- tain George Robinson; Two Brothers, Captain McCrimmon; Flores Emma, Captain Thomas Fox; Anaie Minnes, Captain James McVinney; Marie Annette, Captain Robert Henning; Wave Crest, Captain Chas. Wakely; Oliver Mowat, Captain James H. Peacock; Vienna, Captain Joseph Braund; Caroline Marsh, Captain Wal- ter Caldwell; W.J. Suffell, Captain Robert Rankin, Steamer Norseman, Captain Dunlape. government dredge Ontario; government tug John A, The Great Western, Captain James Hadden, owner, has been hanied out at the yard and will undergo a thorough rebuild. The yacht Irene, R. C. Smith owner, has also been hauled out, and will havesome slight re- paitiog done to her before being launched in the spring. KINGSTON, The crafts wintering here, other than boats of the§M..T. and K. ‘and M. forwarding compa- nies, are the steamers Scotia and consorts, St. Lawrence, Maynard, Islander, Maud, Niagara, Van Allen, Hero, Kathleen and the schooners Jessie: Breek, Singapore, Annie Foster, Philo Bennett, Julia, Queen of ihe Lakes, White Oak. The Niagara and Van Allen will have their en- gines compounded during the winter, and the steamer Maynard will get a new hull. MILWAUKEK, WIS. Special to the Marine Record. Mr. Jas, F. Farwell. harbor master of Milwaukee, reports to the authorities as fol lows: Permit me to present to your notice, as one interested in the lake marine commerce of the port of Milwaukee, a report of the number of vessels, steam and sail, now in winter quarters at this port, also other items of interest to you in your interested position ag a citizen of Mi'waukee. Grainsteamers 19, grain schooners 12, lumber steamers 15, lum- ber schooners 62, excursion steamers 2, goy- ernment s eamer 1, harbor t) gs 10, total 121. Steam tonnage 29,573, sail tonnage 18,358, aggr gate tonnage 47,931, Aggregate number of arriyils and depart- ures 10,532, aggregate tonnage of arrivals and departures 4,930,182. Total receipts of coal for the season of 1888 by Inke— Anthracite 732,446 net tons, bitumin ous 236,726, grand total r-ceipts 969,172, in- crease receipts of anthracite over 1887 247,418 decrease receipts of bituminous from 1887 15- 045. Loh agen : Receipts by lake for the season of 1888— lumber, feet 171,772,000, wood, cords 101,116, | *" bark, cords 45,154, iron ore, net tons 31,209. _ Receipts of salt by lake for 1888—barrels 410,236, sacks 2,630, tons in bulk 4,700, cases 425. } ‘ 1888 has witnessed the solving of the great aggravated sanitary problem of the Milwau- kee river by the introduction of the flushing tunnel, which is acknowledged a decided success by all parties. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Special to the Marine Record, Steamers und schooners moored in Mil- waukee for the winter of 1888-1889. STEAMERS. Helena, Veronica, Brittunic, R. P. Flower, H. L. Vance, Progress, ‘nos, Davidson, W. H. Wolf, Geo. H Dyer, Omaha, John Rugee, Mahanr, John Pridgeon, Jr., W. M. Egan, Simon Langell, Massachusetts, Manbatcan, Merrimac, Minnesota, Roanoke, Westover, J. H. Shrigley, Coilin Campbell, Susie Chipman, G. ©. Markbam, Robr. Holland, New Erie, Wm. Rudolf, C. H, Starke, Joys, Gen. Burnham, Arcadia, Mary Groh, Hilton, Allmendinger, Rand, W.J. Gordon, Imperial, Vesta, V. TUGS. Welcome, 8. 8. Coe, J.J. Hagerman, F. C. Maxon, Dexter, E. D. Holton, J. B. Merrill, John Evenson, H. F. Bues. REVENUE STKAMER. Andy Johnson. SCHOONERS. Moonlight, J. I. Case, J. B. Merrill, Saveland, Erastus Corning, Delaware, Porter, G. G. Houghton, M. E. Tremble, H. M. Scove, J. B. Jonea, Elida, Rob Roy, Conquest, Maggie Thompson, A.B C. F. M., Lewis Ludington, Penobscott, Experiment, Ruby, W. H. Chapman, Challenge. Evelyn, L. A. Burton, James Garrett, E. Sevill, Active, Wallahalla, J. A. Traverse, R. P. Mason, M. L. Collins, Madona, ‘Transit, City ot Erie, M. Caproa, Boaz, J. W. Wescott, Onida, J.C, Bauer, Scarke, Surprise, Wa. Aldrich, Annie O. Hanson, Black Hawk, Pride, LaPetite, Fearless, L. M. Perry, Artic, Leo, Guide, Vermont, Arrow, A. M. Beers. scows. Nellie Church, Salina, J.B. Prime, M. N. Dunbam, Dan Mabee, L. May Guthrie, Sassacus, Agnes, Mary Ludwig, 8. Thall, Green Bay, R. H. Becker, Silveri),Cloud, south Side, tering at Port Hope this vear i Trio, Mary and Eliza. BARGES, Metacomet, Mirvy Woolson, Allegheny, Middle-ex, Grace Grummond, James H. Trowext, Harbor Master. MT, CLEMENS, Special to the Marine Reeora. The river was frozen over last week and all are in winter quarters, A list of those laid up here are: Steambarges J. S. Ruby, Sakie Shep- herd, City of Mt. Clemens, passenger steamer Nellie, steam yacht Roberta, tow barges Jen- nett, Alvina and Eugene Vesta, scow T. H. Moore. A vew tow barge being built by the Tonawan- da barge line, at Captain Wm. Dulce’s shipyard is well along; she is all plankea and deck beams allon, The dimensions are as follows: Keel 178 feet, beam 32 feet, depth of hold 12 feet, over all 185 feet. She is built of first class oak and iron strap, Mr. Arehil S:ewartisthe build er. She isto be ewployed in lumber trade be- tween Ministee and Tonawanda, her carrying capacity of lumber will be eight hunared thou- sand feet or, one jhousand ton of iron ore. She will have three masts aid schooner rig, and will be ready when navigation opens, MARINE CITY, MICH. They have the bottom of the new steamer at Holland’s yard, planked The new steamship at Morley’s yard is nearly in frame ‘The -teamer New Baltimore brought in a raft of logs trom near Algonac, for Robert Holland’s ship yard, on Sunday, Captain J. A. Ward and M. P. Lester have been in Wallaceburg, Ont., f r several days the first of the week buying oak timber for the T &8. T. Co.’s ship yard. J.C. Miler has purchased the barge Sea Gull. and he will aul her out and give her a thorough rebuild, and convert her intoa steambirge Workmen are now engaged in hauling her out, near Baird’s salt block. ‘The marine beneficis] association held their first meeting of the season on Saturday evening next, at Freiderich’s hall. ‘Lhere aren w ninety-two boats onthe lakes which were built in this city. A complete list wil: be given in the issue of J anuary 10, 1889. te Iv arecentissue of the Marine REcoRD. we published an article under the heading of Fifty Years of the North Atlantic Pas Trade, trom Joseph R. Oldhan thousand tons of freight may distance of five hundred miles, or fuel the :ate shou'd not exceed three hun dred and fifty tons of freight transported a distance of one mile for one cent. ‘a THE phenomenal weather we are now hay- ing in this locality, and in f ct over the lake s ates, should meet with anunusually keen ate tention from our signal service and weather bureav statisticians. There are evidently powers ut work thar the economy and theory of natura! science‘ought to be in a po-ition to elucidate. Many men who from the na- ture of their calling etc., have been and are obliged to watch closely the various changes in the season, speak of this weather as being inexplicble. to have been rath+r disappointed with the results of their observations taken during the recent so- lar eclipse January 1, the low altitude ren- dered the observations of less importance than usual. Astronomers seem : Tug Uncle Sam. Length 60 feet, beam 14 feet, depth 7 feet, draft 8 feet, engine 17 by 17: steel boiler 12 feet long, 5 feet 4 inches diameter, of %{ths plate, allowed 100 pounds ofsteam. Huli rebuilt in 1887, Price $5000. Tug J. C. Ingram, Length 54 teet, beam 15 feet 6 inehes, depth 7 fee’, engine 17 by 18, boiler 10 feet long, 544 feet diameter, of 34ths plate, allowed 60 pounds of steam. Rebuift in 1885. Price $5000. Apply to the DUNHAM TOWING & WRECKING CO., 234 South Water 8t., Chicago, Tl. ANTED—TO BUY TWO TOW BARGES of about, 500,000 capacity, or two A 2 schooners, Address, CAPTAIN A. FLAGSTAD, Montague, Mich, FOR SALE, HE FINE FRAME BUILT scow xate Grant. is offered at $950. She is only eight years old, and cost $2,800 to build. She has been well salted, and taken ‘eare of, and is now in perfect condition Any one requiring such a bottom would do well to inquire fer farther particulars to her owners. CHARLES L. WINNE & CO.* Port Clinton, Ohio, FOR SALE. CHOONER FRANC MINER. Her dimensions are as follows: 68 feet keel, 17 feet beam, 5 feet hold, she hastwo masts and is three years old, in ood shape, outfit and all, I also have a ¢ mplete out- fr for a tug or barge, engine 18 by 20. boiler 6% by 14, shaft wheel and all complete For particulars write to L. NAU, Green Bay, or CAPTAIN J. A. CUSICK, Fort Howard, Wis. BOR BALE. TEAM BARGE PASSAIC. and feur consorts. Ca- ~ S pacity, 4,300 tons eoal or 2,400,000 feet timber, Boat now Jaid ap at Buffalo. For terms and price, inquire of J. M. JONES, 52 Griswold St., or C..C. BLODGETT, 242 Woodbridge St., Detroit, Michigan, pi Sarid att Mtoe barr ic BRIS NS \HE OWNER ofa one third shareina fine hand T steambarge 200 tons net, wishes to dispense of bi interest. She is in good order and conditien, and FOR SALE, was doing work up to the middle of December. Her present valuation is $13,000 classed B. 1. For further particulars, inquire, MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, 0.

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