Me Marine Record. MARILIME LAW. MARITIME LIEN—REPAIRS—PERSONAL CREDIT —WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES WILL RAISE A PRESUMPTION OF. U. 8. District Court, Southern District of New York. Libelant, a ship wright in Jersey City, called at the office of the owner of the James Farrell and asked if he bad any work to be done, and the boat was afterwards ‘ent to libélant at Jersey City, where repairs were prit upon the vessel, to recover for the valve of which this suit was brought. A no‘e was given in New York for the value of the re- paire, which was once renewed. Prior to the commencement of this suit, the boat had passed into the hands of another owner, an- der foreclosure and sale of a mortgage upon her. Held, that the facts that the work was originally, sought by the libelants at the office of the owners representative in New York; that his bill was rendered them; that ano e was then twice taken for payment; that the vessel wus frequently present and subject to suit, but that 9 wonths after and when the vessel had virtually passed into dona Jide hande, indicated that the work was intended to be done on personal credit and not on the credit of the boat; and that the libel should be dismissed. The canal boat James Farrell was owned in New York by the wife of E, M. Parker; her husband attended to the business of the boat and had an office in this ety. Io March, 1887 the libelant, a shipwright in Jersey C ty, called at Mr. Parker’s cflice and inquired if he bad any work to be done in his line. Mr. Parker afterwards sent for him to look at the Farrell, and give an estimate for repairs, which was done, and Mr. Par- ker said that the boat would be sent over soon, Not long after, she was sent over in charge of the cxptain of the boat, and re- pairs were put upon her to the amount of $289.66; |he captain remaining in charge of the boat and keeping the time of the work- men. The work was completed on the 10th of May, 1887. for which at Parker’s request, his note was taken tor the bill, which was once renewed, but not paid; and the boat was libeled on the 29h of December. The return of the note was tende ed the libel- ant on the trial. On September 19, 1887, the claimants took a chattel mortgage from Mre. Parker covering a coal yard and a half interest in the Farrell, with some other property as security for coal previously fur- nished, and for coal afterwards supplied on the faith of the security. The evidence in- dicates that the description of a ‘'half in- terest?’ in the vessel was a mistake, and that the who'e was intended to be mortgaged, and by asubseguent oral agreement was under- tood to be covered by the morgage. For de- " : e mortgaged property, in- ought in by the claimant he debt secured. The le on personal credit, and er the absequent mort- slos' Siena) ee no one circumstance in this case. be deemed sufficient to exclude amaritime lien, yet taking all the facts together, 1 think the work must be held done upon the personal credit of the owner and not upon the credit of the ship. Under the decisions, I should have upheld the lien, had there been no adverse circumstances save the previous negotiation for the repairs by the libelant with the owner's representa- tive in New York. For the repairs were in fact made in another state, while the master hen was in charge of the boat, and hence they were received by the master for the use of the vessel. The Solis, 35 Fed. Rep. 545; the Hiram R. Dixon; 33 do. 297; the Chelmstord, 34 do. 399, and cases there cited; the Huron, 29 do. 183; the Argonaur, 36 do, —the Christopher North 6 Biss. 414. The mere fact that the original negotiatious were made with the owner in his own state, may not afford a presumption that an exclusive personal credit was intended; cr that the material man in furnishing the iepairs or supplies to the vessel and to the master in another state, intended to waive the security of the maritime lien that the lex loci ordi- narily affords for such benefits to the ship. See, however, the observation of Judge Butler in the case of the Chelmsford, supra. Here the further circumstances that the work was sought by the libelant at the office of the owner’s representative in New York; that the bill was rendered there; that a note was twice taken for payment; that the vessel was frequently present and sub ject to suit; and that, nevertheless, no libel was filed, nor any lien upon theship claimed until between 8 and 9 months after the work was-done, and after the vessel had virtually passed into bona jide hands seem to me to re- quire that the work shculd be done on per- sonal credit and not on the credit of the boat. The Camilla, Tancy, 400; the Norman, 28 Fed. Rep. 388 the Transit, 4 Ben. 557; the Sea Flower, 1 Blatch, 361; the Suliote, 23 Fed. Rep. 919, 924, 927 (uffirmed on appeal ;) the May Morgan, 28 Fed. Rep. 196; the Clement, 34 Fed. Rep. 402. On that ground the libel is dismissed, but without costs, November 1, 1888. William J. O’Connor, the champion oars- man of America, will start for San Francisco with George W. Lee in two weeks to row Jack Gaudaur for $2,000 and the champion- ship. O’Connor said that he would leave for Australia on Maich 7, to row Searle, the champion of the world, for $5,000 a side and the cup. ST, MARY’s FALLS SHIP CANAL. St. Mary Fall’s ship canal and Iccks were formerly closed to traffic ‘Tuesday evening, Deccmper 4, The closing was not enforced by rigorous weather cr freezing, but simply on account of there being no more vessels to come down or go up. As tar as weather is concerned this might have been the latest closing of nuvigation at the Soo, in the bis- tory of the canal, The first boat through the canal this sea- son was the tug Clara Hickler, clotely fol- lowed by the tug Annie Clark,, both local touts and both passed through on May 7. On May 8th the Kaliyuga paesed through, recording the first passage of a boat from below. The lust boat belonging . below that passed through was the Spokane on December 3, while the very last was the lo- eal tog John Hickler. December 4. The canal was Open just 212 days while in 1887 it was open 216 days and in 1886 the season of passage was 224 daya. The total approx- imate value of fieight tonnage for 1888 is $82, 156. 019,97 as against $79,031,757.78 fr 1887; $69,080,071,95 for 1886 and $53,413,- 472, 18 for 1885. Thus it will be seen that the percentage of increase for 1888 is not up to that of furmer years which is explained by the fact of a shirt wheat crop and tle holding back of unusual quantitics of whi at for use at the Minneapolis mills, on account of the abnormal fluctuations of the price of that artic e caused by Hutchinson’s corner and other circumstances, in Octcber. This accounts for the shortuge in wheat ship- ments by water and a difference in, valua- tion amcunting to over $4,000,000. This, however, is only temporary and the usual percentage of increase can be safely anvici- pated for 1889. Minneapolis mills enjoyed one of their most active seusons and the re- sult is shown up #n increase cf{.39 per cent, } in the flour shipments, over those of 1887. The freight tonngge for 1888 sbows an in- crease of 17 per cert. while the number of vessels in the Lake Snperior trades show a decrease :f 17 per cent. proving only too clearly that the cairying trade of the greatest lake is to be done in big bottems, to the al- most total exclusion of smaller cratt. The decrease of fifteen per cent. in manufaetured and pig iron is vau ed by the falling off of HOISTING MACHINERY FOR DOCKS AND ON SHIPBOARD. We wich to direct the attention of ovr} readers to the improved hoisting machinery manufactured by the weil-khown Lidger- wood mvnu'‘acturing company, loca'ed at 96 Liberty street, New York city. The illus tration on this p»ge represents their improv- ed doubie cylinder patent friction drum hoisting engines, which are very populer along the lakes, being especially well adapt- ed for coal yards, docks, warehouses, steam lightere, barges, steamboats and sailing ves- sels of all kinds. A speci.1 feature of these engines jis the improvéd patent friction drums, patents fcr which are owned and ‘held by the company. ‘They are far sup-- rior to any other design, either of clutch or railroad building in the northwest, while the decrease of twenty-two per cent. in the number of passengers is accounted for by the fact of greatly increased railway facili- ties. Silver ore shows the greacst tpercent- age of increasc—867 per cent, while. the friction drums, as will be readily perceived by #n insp’ction of their construction. They are quick in operation, easy to handle, and will s'and a lsrze amount of hard work wtthour perceptible wear, and therefore do not require continus! repairing, which canse delay, anroyancé, and expense. The fric- tion is of the cone trpe, and is composed of sectors of the hardest kind of hickory, bolt ed to the spur wheel, and turned off to suit the flange of the drum with which it engages when in gear. ° The dru‘ is loose on the shaft on which it has long bearings, and is free to revolve on same without s*nsible 1e- sistance. It is thrown into gear by a small end motion along the shaft, which is effected by means of a Jever, screw, cross key and collar; the extreme bower of this arrange- | tim {Pes ‘0 (0 i; jammin ment is sch thata very slight pres-ure will bold the drum in gear against any load the engine can hoist. The friction wood, being secured to the spur,wheel Ly bolts and nuts can always be kept tight witheut trouble The end thrust eaused by applying the frie- tion istaken up by a thrust bearing and screw col’ar. These drums are extremely durable, having bien in constant use for many years without requiring renewal. ‘Thesee ngines have double cylindcrs, to- gether wiib the described patent friction drums, and are adapted for all general hoist- ing purposes, as well as the special-ones al- ready enumerated. They are very compact and simple, and, having no centres, are easily bandled and are always ready to start. They are we'l adapted for ue on steamers and sailing ves- seis, for huisting cargo, sails, etc., and’also for driv- ing ship’s pump. For this latter purpose a grooy- ed wheel is gen- erally put on the drum shaft next the spur wheel if rope be used, or sprocket or chain whee! if chain is to be ued’ for dri- ving. Tne cylin- der cocks of both cylinders are con necied by rods, and are opened or elosed simul- taneously by @ lever. This de- vice is also of service in back- ing downa heavy load against the steam. ‘There is a winch head on end of drum. TheLidgerwood manuf’, compa- ny turn cut at their works, ftof D keman and Par ition sts., Brook- lyn, N. Y., great variety of hoist. ing engines and over 5,000 are in successful opera- tion. Catalogues cheerfully furn- - ished. M.A.B. SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES most surprising increase is that of iron ore. Salt, coa), building stone and lumber show healthy increases: Nothing is so good a thermometer of northwestern trade as the annual report here given. All freight ton- nage passing thorugh the canal is accounted |_ for in detail, except unclassified freight, which is only about five per cent. of the 1o- tal. This shows the thoroughness-of the canal management, and further still, the ac- curacy with which the valuation of the ton- nage cen be approached, The Neweastle Chronicle says: In ship- building, there are not so many new orders as there were. There is abundance of work for months yet—in one or two instances un- til about August. next year; but there are not additional orders being pliced yet. The tonnage to build is very heavy, as it includes so many ‘“‘liners” of great size, here wnd on the Clyde. There are very few small or moderate-sized versels being built, and a representative of One of the leading firms of Tyne shipbuilders expressed to us the opin- ion to-day, that with the heavy losses of this class of steamers, there must be orders torced into the market in the course’ of a few monthe, which may enable some of the ship- builders to continue the activi‘y that is now known for some time after the demand for very large vessels falls off. T bere is a demand for s«cond-han¢ steam- ers of medium size just now which is forcing Qopper, Brass and Sheet Iron Manufactory. IRON PIPE_AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, and O:me. Patent Safety and Relief Valve. No. 18 Ohio Street, Buffalo, NW. TZ, River Machine Co., [Successor to G. R. GALE,] 177 River St., Cleveland, Ohio, Are prepared to Manufacture and do Gen- eral Repairing on Marine Engines and all other Machine Work. We have also a full lire of pulleys and shafting and are prepared to do all kinds of Stone quarry Work, TEARE, WIGHT & CO. SPIEGLE BROS. \/ MARINE SUPPLY STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rocers, Bakers and Ship Supplies; Rresh & Sale Meat of alll Kimd, | 30 & 32 River-st., opposite Detroit Steam boat Landing, and 1$4 Broadway. Telephone 112, ——<—<— << thon Buread. Ocean, Lake up their value considerably. Negotiations for the sale of are taking place, and the increase in the value is very remark:ble when contrasted w-th that of » few months or a year ago. These second-hand steam- ers are giving good returns just now, and] u« that and the fewness of moderate sized steamers building is influencing their mar- ket price. A novel kind of sailing ves-ls called the Seafarer has recently been tried at S ub. ampton with such success as to lead to. the belief that it may cause some revolution in boat building. Its new features are confined to tbe bull, which presents many peculiari- ties. The vissel is thirty reet long, with a beam of seven feet, while her submerged part of draught is only twenty inches, in- elnding the keels, and this with a ton of lead on board to serve as ballast. At first sight the Seafarer does not seem to differ from other boats, and itis only when her submerged parts are examined that the noy- el points are apparent. Instead of having a section of U or V shupe, as have other ves- sels, the Seafarer is shaped more like a W. with the angles well rounded off. As before indicated, she posseeses two keels, and these are of brass and are hollow, so that the water flows through them from end to end. The vessel possesses remarkable buoyance and is easily steered by a rudder, which also presents many new features,—Chambcr’s Journal. J. ©. GOSS. sil Makerand loge, 20 amd 22 Woodward Ay., DETROIT - - MICH | Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings LARGE STORAGE ACCOMMODATION FOR VESSEL OUTFITs. Covering Bollers and Steam PipesaS ecialty Scott’s NewCoast Pilot Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, With new Maps and Illustrations corrected tothe opening of Navigation in 1888, Is SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER, | GCEORCE SCOTT, At 462 LaRneEp st, E, DETROIT, MICH. Travelers’ Informa | 2224 Bank St., 'CLEVELAND,O oe 3 rf y M. M. GLEKLER, MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Cigars AND 156 River-st, Gleveland, Mhio No one should leave port without a box of M. M, Glekler’s marine cigars, ROBERT E. HILLS, 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Tl. . Telephone 3321, STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, ENGINEER'S SUPPLIGS, — Torpaceo. i Thomas McGregor, GENERAL BOER WORKS — MANUFACKER OF : Marine and Stationary BOER Rendering Kettles, T —aND— SERRY ROW 1 Forest City GIGAR §T THOMAS EIGER] MANUFACTURER ANU JOBRE CIGARS AND , 259 PEARLS Pe x HAVWE CUSTOMERS FOR sever steam and tow, and would be eit we , draught of water, it 1 n and age of boiler, size Correspondence solicited dizect fsoth owner, not divide commission: — #o Rater: . By 0 Agentaad Ship Brokers Bay Clty, ‘ TUGS FOR SALE, 7 feet by; allowed Yor oanet neis an extra smart 20 by 20, in General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. a te Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works JR, OLDHAM, 6, B, Naval Architegt, ~ Maxime Inspector. | — SPECIAL ExPERIENCE IN DEsiGNInG, PRICES SeLy-Trooone HatcHss Coal SHUTES, AND Buage’s Parent Borers, 32 Exchange Bid. | ae BUFFALO, N.Y 7 feet 8 inchea built last winter