Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 17, 1889, p. 5

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# een called upon and furnish re- ao home, and one ere saloonkeepers> one or alcoholism of poo~ femilies. | eleven services 3 than five are held ed by his helpers, Tose for prayer. We e number of conversions, ersions and relief fur- to bea fruitfui branch aman must be in when ila his own life and sends his the presence ot God, who brist is the advocate with propitiation for our sin; but 1is presence, instead of his sing to God, who has prom- ive us our sin and to cleanse us all unrighteousness because he delights mercy. The line of thought reached one his congregation, who rose f:om a pri- “vate to the captaincy of his company during “the late war, but by indulging in the intox- é ieating cup heat last found himself so re- duced and miserable that he was contem- plating committing tuicide that very morning. But with inspired hope he de- sired to come to God for help, and then and there he soon experienced that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and ever since has been one of the best workers in our mission, and is giving good satisfaction to one of the largest business firms in the city, who took an interest in him and set him to work after hearing the chaplain state his case. His prayers and the earnest _ words of his redemptiou are inspiring to al who hear him. “Our city mission work is making very large demands on our chaplain, who ghas entered his twenty second year of mission workin this city, where he has visited thousands of sick, reachiug al! parts.of the “¢ity. In some homes he has buried grand- parents, parents, and grandchildren, which gives him access to people that can’t be reached by ary other means but years of la- bor. Letters are constantly being sent and Messages by visitation of the friends cf the sick pleading fora visit to the sick bedside. This will show why we have visited twen- ty-six different wards the past year. By day and night he responds to their call, We relieve any extreme case of sickness by sending medical aid when they have none, and procuring medicine, fuel, and other necessaries of life, without calling on sany- body else, but we use the means that many years of experience give to satisfy ourselves that we are not doing the work that some other organization has takenin hand, and - we have refused to furnish relief in a num- ber ofsuch cases. The visiting of the sick and the burying of the dead, among the poor non-churchgoers is not as extensively done by any other mission in our city. Treasurer W. H. Doan reported a favor- able condition of affairs. There is now only about $700 of debt on the newly pur- ehased property of the aseociation and it ibishen be paid doring the coming year. The - entire corps of officers were re-elected to serve for another year, as follows: Captain _ Thomas Wilson, president; Captain George _ Stoneand Stiles H. Curtiss, vice presidents ; W. H. Doan, treasurer; Samuel Barker, sec ‘retary; Rey. J. D. Jones, chaplain and super~ y he'desperately and:de-| | Spectat to the Marine Record. | r rain’ George: Seon; Stiles H. tise, and C, O. Scott. The directors are: Villiam Lacey, Captain Thomas tiles H. Curtiss, Captain George ptain C. Rewell, Hon. George H. can, Samuel Barker, Samuel . Scott, W. D. Rees, F. O. Ly- . J. D. Jones. round the Lakes ‘Continued from 1st Page]. MANITOWOC, wIs. ~The shipbuilding firm of Burger & Burger are building a very fine passenger and |freight screw steamer for the Goodrich | steamboat company. ‘The steamer is 208 feet | keel, 220 feet over all, 35 feet beam with 244 _ | feet guards on each side making her 40 feet wide and 13 feet hold. She wili havea fore and aft compound engine 28 and 50 by 36 which is being built by C. F. Elmes Chi- | cago, and will be one of the finest, and two boilers of Otis steel 9-16 thick 60,000 Ibs. tensile strength 9 by 16 each, and allowed 125 Ibs, steam, the boilers are here and one has been put on board. They were built by _|Mohr & Son, Chicago and are very fine specimens of boiler work. She is diagonally steel strapped ou'side, and has a steel cord 10 by 5g under the deck beams, and steel arches 10 by 34 under the promenade deck running down intothe hold. She will have |a splendid cabin 188 feet long, which will be of mahogany and contain 53 state rooms; there will also be a cabin between decks be- hind the engine room 80 teet in length, the fall width of the boat with state rooms fer the accommodation of about 50 persons. Te sleeping accommodation in the cabins will be doubled by the use of telescoping or sliding berths, which will be run into the state rooms when not needed and be covered up by the panel ontside the state rooms, which when open will torm one sid of the sliding berth, the other side and end being covered up by curtains hung from rods, which also slide back into the state rooms when not in use. Passengers will have to thank Mr. Hureon, the Goodrich company’s manager, at Milwaukee, who is the inventor of the slid- ing berths for providing them with private comfortable berths instead of cots, In the cabin there will be pillars about 11 feet apart, 18 inches outside the state rooms to support the roof, the cabins and state rooms will be elegantly furnished with all the modern improvements and will be lit up by electric lights and she will resembie a float- ing palace. The steamer isa very fine model and well and strongly built and with her powerful machinery and beilers she will no doubt be very speedy. Our good wishes for her success is with her owners and builders, who, we hope will place many more such splendid steamers on Lake Michigan. Burger & Burger are also building for Jewathan Boyce of Grand Rapids a steam- bange 185 feet keel; 147 feet over all, 30 feet beam, 11 feet hold, her engine will be fore and aft compound 19 and 26 by 36, building by the Montague Iron Works and boiler 9 by 16 by the same firm. She bas nearly all her plank on the outside and deck frames in, and is a very good model, and well and strongly built. Ste wiil be put in the lumber trade atthe opening of navigation. The steamer C. W. Moore owned by Hart Bros., is in drydock getting new deck frames from stem to front of the boiler house, new decks all over, new boiler combings, steel arches 54 by 16 running tore and aft, supplied by Donaldson Bros., Chicago, new wheel stem pipe and stern bearings, re-fastening and re- ealking all over and general overhauling. The tug Joe Harris is also indrydock getting about 24 new frames, one half new outside plank, 24 new ceiling all new deck frames and deck plankshear rail and re-calking all over. The steambarge City of New Yorkis| receiving new frames forward and aft, new keelsons and steel plates on same 18 by 5%, new deck frames and deck, some new ont- side plank, steel arches 18 by 5ths, a new cabin and a general overhauling and calking. The schooner C. H. Hackley is on the boxes getting new frames forward and aft, new floor ceiling, new bilge strakes forward and aft new keelsons and assistant keelsons new center board box, stern pust and rudder, stanchions, plankshear, stringers, transom and rail, deck frames and deck, new pawl post and timber head and a new cabin, 3 strakes of outside plank and re-calking; she will also receive 3 new masts. Captain John Botcher, who is locking after her rebuild, thinks he will havaa first-class schooner when she is completed, and we wish him good luck with her. The steamer Menominee was in dock and received new wooden arches in her hold, re-calking and re-ironing, The tug James McGordon, will go into dock for a new wheel and shaft and recalking. The steamer Hunter will go in dock and receive new holding down bolts, the steamer St. Marie will go in dock and receive a new stem and re-calking. WILLIAMS. BUFFALO, N. ¥. The recent hard blow played greater hav- Oc with the shipping here than at any other port on the Jakes, tag and vessel men hav- ing to start around pretty lively, yet on the whole there has been very little damage done. The propeller Germanic swung ton st., and her wheel was caught ona row of piles, several of them having to be pulled ont before she could be released. She is not in any way injured. The tugs were at work all day on the Jewett in the Union dry dock. She was patched and partly pumped out before the day was over. The Nebraska in the other dock, was al3o being patched and will be pumped out. The schooner C. B, Jones was released from the shore very eevsily. She remained so evenly balanced on her bilge that it took but a short time with a jack screw to place her right side up. Captain Perew’s propellers, the A. P, Wright and the Jchr B, Lyon, further up the Blackwell, are not in bad shape, The propeller Donaldson, is ashore in the Ohio Basin. Most of the vessels at Coit slip were straightened out. The Seaman’s Union, has restricted its membership to American citizens. And so it appears that the Cyclone eleva- tor has come down to the last ditch. She has lain tied up at the foot of Genesee street» where she first stopped on arriving from | Clevelanag, thirteen months ayo. Her in- ventor has done what he could to get her at work, but people have not, for some rea- son, been taken with the idea she embodies, and she some time ago began to figure on the sheriff’s bill-boards, though the sale has been postponed from time to time. Now she is advertised by a pawnbroker for sale on a chattel mortgage. At the meeting of the Firemen’s Beneyo~ lent Association the followtng officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President James S. Murphy; vice president, Thomas E. Emerson; treasurer, Charles A. Butman; at- torney, James C. Fullerton. FRANKFORT, MICH. Special to the Marine Record. Propeller Sanford is still in commission making occasional trips to Manistee. Tug L. A. Rawson has fitted out and will engagein winter fishing. She set her first gang of nets January 9th, near South Mani- tou island. > Tug Maggie Lutz is fishing here also. She sets her nets about five miles southwest of the harbor. Truman & Cooper of Manitowoc have se- cured the contract to put in two cribs to Frankfort pier next season. Frankfort harbor is open, No Kee ie this vicinity. Charles Sutherland, our village marshal» “rang the bells” a couple of trips on the pro- peller Sanford, !ast week, in the absence of the captain. © Char'es is an old tug man, and likes to'get a whiff of fresh lake’ breeze ¢ occa- | siona!ly. Through the courtesy of Lieutenant J. H, Rogers, assistant inspector of life saving sta» tions at Chicago, we have received the report for 1887. The showing of the eleventh dis- trict is a very good one. ‘The number of disasters within the scope of the service num~ bers 94, of which only eight became total losses, with loss of property of $47,000; and 86 were saved, amounting to $689,905. There were 472 persons on board of these imperiled vessels, all of whom were saved; a splendid record. he eleventh district (Lake Michigan) has now 22 stations scattered along its coast, but more are needed, espe- ciully at Sleeping Bear point, South Manitou island, and the foot of the lake, and we hope that ‘Vongress will appropriate sufficient funds for the erection of at least six new sta~ tions for this district the coming season. All mariners and others who are interested in saving life and property should urge that the appropriation be made at once. Captain Peter McGregor, of tug Hull of Ludington, is spending the winter with his family in Frankfort. BURMEISTER, AT MARINE CITY, MICH. Special to the Marine Record. The new boat on the stocks at the Morley yard isallin frame and stem and stern posts | up and floors and bottom laid. It is said that this boat has been sold, but no details are at hand at this writing to warrantus in making that assertion. Robert Holland, at his thipyard, together with Captain John Pringle, is building a good one. She almost closed in and work is progres- sing finely under the supervision of Captain J. Priugle. The machinery for this steamer is be- ing built by the Phenix Iron Works Company. Mr. Holland has hauled ont the Canadian steamer Foster for a rebuild, and the intention is to make her into an American bottom. The Toledo & Saginaw Transportation Oom- pany are offering for gale the following boats: C. F, Curtis, tow Fassett, N.©. Holland, Isa- bella Reed, Miami, tow J. R. Edwards, Minaie Orton, W. A. Young, Tempest, tow Katie Brainard, Dayton, Troy. Thisisa good fleet, and should bring satisfactory prices. Captain Miller has hauled out the barge Sea Gull and intends to puta steamboat stern on her in order to make an orthodox steambarge of her. A gang of carpentersis at work on her and she willcome outin the spring in new guise, The Marine City Transportation Company has one boat in the water and the machinery is ready to gointo her. This compony has an- other steamer on the stocks, which is allin frame, The work that Marine City is showing up this winter will surprise many of our lake men and conduce to the comfort of many families dur- ing the winter months, All the yards are busy and the three boats under construction will be among the best turned out at any shipyards on the lakes. The dimensions of these three boats will be given hereafter. Captain Dr. Parker, son of our noted citizen, is giving the D. F. Ross, Boscobel, Buckeye State, and Marine City a thorough overhauling under the direction of his superintendent. The steamer Mary, the noted racer, Captain Sam Burnam, is making regular trips up and down the river, and there is no prospect of any ice to impede navigation. Cc. PORT HURON, Special to the Marine Record. Both dry docks at this point are very fall of business. At Dunford & Alverson’s dock the Nelson Bloom’ received new arches and other repairs tothe amount of $7,500. The ferry Grace Dormer thoroughly rebuilt at the cost of $4,000. The steam barge Mackinaw new arches, railing, stanchions, and other repairs to the amount of $2,000. Tie schooner Sligo received two center board boxes, keelsons,railing,stanch- ions, and other repairs, $1,600. The schooner Atmosphere is receiving new frames at both ends, railing, stanchions, ceiling, and three new masts, and other repairs, at the cost of $7,500. 8, B. Pomeroy is receiving new deck and other repairs at the cost of $900. The schooner D. P. Dobbins is receiving a thorough rebuild: stan- chions, railing, frames, keelsons, decks and deck beams, ceiling, cabin, and other repairs to the amount of $2,200. The tug George R. Aland is receiving new stanchions, frames, decks, ceiling, railing, and house at the cost of $2,000. Stea~barge George L, Colwell is re- ceiving an overhauling, and schooner Lamb railing, covering bourd, stanchions. Atthe Wolverine dry dock the steambarge St. Joseph is receiving a new stern and outer repairs at the cost of $1,200. The tug Sweep- stakes is receiving new decks, stanchions, frames, deck frames and outer repairs at the cost of $4,000. Mr. Botstord and Captain Frank Hebuer, both of this city, have purchased the steamer Osceola; price paid for her $62,000. Captain Charles Swartwood, of Lorain, is in this city looking after the rebuilding of the tug Sweepstakes. Love & Scofield are ouilding a boiler for Simon Langall’s new barge. They are also building a boiler for the tug Castle, James Corrigan has purchased the big steam- ship W. B. Morley of W. B. Morley; the price paid was $140,000. It1s also reported that Mr. Corrigan has purchased the Louisiana and the new boat Mr. Morley is building for $385,000, MICH, Mr. Corrigan cau be congratulated on tis good | luck in getting’ them, as there were ioor ones parties after them, Lynn, the well-known marine cdporten’ tug «nd vessel agent, has purchased the burned tug ‘George R. Hand of Gratwick, Smith & Freyer for $2,300... Mr. Lynn will have three first-class harbor tugs next season. Captain Sid Scott is in the a. toorins a ser his vessel business. 5 The ice tug Merrick is fitted oat itor the win- ter’s work. The well-known dry dock firm of Dunford & Alverson will begin work on their new dry dock in early spring. The dimensions of their dock are 450 feet long, 100 feetcn tup, with 18 feet of water over the winter sill. Captain Charles Hughes was appointed mas- ter of the stoamer Dean Richmond. Captain George Buzzard left for Kansas City last week on a visit. Carpenter, the coal dealer, has purchased the wrecked steamer KE. M. Foster from Captain Currie. He will make a steambarge out of her to carry his coal from Toledo. Mason & Co,, Bust Saginaw, purchased the steambarge Oscoda from Woods, Jenks & Co., of Cleveland, the price paid for her is $38,000. LINN. ST. JOSEPH, MICH. Special to the Marine Record. Weather here is quite fine, Mr. Ed Heath, of St. Jozeph, Mich., is building a fine litte steam boat 155 feet keel, with a compound engine. Sheis to run in the passenger and and freight trade, between Holland and Chicayo. Captain P. J. War- ers, her owner will command her, and Mr. P. Naggs will be engineer, She is expected to be very fast, will be ready early in May. Graham and Morton are doing a great deal of repairing to the steamer Puritan aud City of St. Joseph, as they expect to get their share of the passenger and freight business the coming seasou, LAVIER, CLAYTON, N. Y. The catamaran which has been building at the shops of the St. Lawrence Skiff Canoe and Steam Launch company, for New York parties was shipped to that city Saturday, The craft isa beauty and isacredit to thebuil- ders. The steamer Rambler, fora number of years afamliar craft on the river at this po‘nt, and which has for the past few years been plying asa ferry in the vicinity of Ot- tawa, isto be taken apart and replaced by a new boat, The Rambler was the first boat built for the purpose of carrying pleasure | parties among the islands, at the time when the river was not a summer resort. 8ST. CATHERINES, ONT. Captain T. A. Horne, a well known retired mariner, who resides on a farm in Stamford township, was the last Canadian to cross the suspension bridge that went down in the gale on Thursday morning. He came from the American side at midnight and describes the motion of the bridge at that time as similar to that of aship ina rough sea. He would not have undertaken the trip had he not known that his family would be alarmed at his ab- sence, MILWAUKEK, WIs. : During the past season eight steamers and six schooners were purchased at Milwaukee; the tota) sum paid was $700,000. A Milwaukee propeller, which netted her owners $35,000 in 1887,{cleared last season $21,000. KINGSTON, ONT. The steamers Islander and Maynard are receiving extensive repairs at the Ports. mouth dry dock in Kingston. Folger Bros. have eighteen men now engaged in whe work, SAULT STE. MARIE, The 800 is evidently not the coldest place on the chain of Iskes, tor we are enjoying picnics on the river, still. The ferry Flora Holden, isrunning between the two Svo’s with Captain Wayne Hursley at the wheel, and Csptain Jay Hursley at the engine. A MARINE FREAK. The ‘‘whale” which was killed by the crew of the revenue steamer Bearin Oakland Creek some time ago is attracting considerable atten- tion just now. They have discovered that the creature is not a whale at all, but that itis some hitherto un- known denizen of the sea, and ig presumably ashark, though it has several of the character- istics of a whale and a sea elephant. The create ure has been carefully examined by old whale- men, by a delegation from the United States Fish Commissioners’ steamer Albatross and by the local fish commissioners, and they all agree that the like of it has never been seen. It is about thirty-two feet in length, and is about as large proportionately as a shark, the body being quite small in girth. The head is that of a shark, except that there is a small pro- boscis like that of asea elephant, The mouth, however, is about four feet wide, and extends clear around the front of the head. The crea- ture has no teeth, nor anything approaching whalebone inside the mouth. There are two fios like a shark’s on the back, two flippers, and curiously enough, two bony protuberances be- hiud that might be mistaken for rudimentary legs. They are about four feet in length. The body is rough, +o that the resemblance tos shark again holds good. The tail, however, is that of awhale. The fluke lies horizontally, as in all whales, while sharks’ tails are placed ver- tically. As the thing most nearly Approaches & shark, the commissioners have decided thata shark it must be, though it is not known Ie whether it is warm-blooded or not. ‘ ay fle R.I. hase: now on ‘tha the amount of $100,000 for prising ire ‘more eauedielin as. "ahi owners and masters are continually s praise of the excellent workmanship and service ‘obtained by the use of these fine pieces of mech- anism on all lake crafts. ' beats We take pleasure Mount Olive Erasive Liquid, manufactured _ by Captain D. A. McLachlin, for cleaning varnish and painted articles without injury to the polish. Price 40c per gallon. Address the Captain at No, 633 Trumbull ave., De+ troit, Mich. Meteorological summury for the week ending January 15, 1889: Mean barometer... 2. ...., . cass cee e200 30.06 Mean temperature,. 3i.t Mean humidity..... 76.0 Total precipitation....-........- -37 Prevailing direction of wind._.. ... -. S.W. Total wind movement .... .........2.-. 17-77 Averag cloudiness. ....... 2... .-sese-. 8.0 Average state of weather...........-... Max. temperature, (highest) Min, temperature, (lowes’) 25,% W. H. Harmon, Sergeant Signal Corps. Ee © 2 Berbers By all first-class Steamship Lines at lowest rates. Call on or address, A. J. JACKSON. 100 Public Square, CLEVELAND, OHIO, FOR SALE. Two Tags aud Three Marine Boilers, Tug fincle Sam. Length 60 feet, beam 14 feet, depth 7 feet, draft 8 feet, engine 17 by 17: steel boiler 12 feet long, 5 feot 4 inches diameter, of %ths plate, allowed 200 pounds ofsteam, Hull rebuilt in 1887. Price Tug J. C. Ingram, Length 54 feet, beam 1 feet 6 inches, depth 7 feet, pastel by Is, boiler 10 feet long, 54 feet diameter, of Stn plies allowed 60 pounds of steam. Rebuift in 1 Price $5000. A Martne Steel Boiler, 17 feet long. 7 feet diameter, allowed 110 pounds of ee, 6 anne old, in good condition; price $800, A Marine Iron Boiler, 14 feet long, 7/4 feet diameter, allowed 80 pounds of steam, in good repair; price $400. yine Iron Boiler, 14 feet long, 5%4 feet diameter, allowed 90 pounds steam, in good condition; price $300. Apply to HAM sd Sirs & WRECKING CO. ne South Water 8. , Chicago, ILL, rr in récommending aie -

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