| y ‘ es 4 : oe OUR MERCHANT MARINE, The subject of our «erchant marine is 80 vast aud important that few know its wagnitude. What Americais to-day compared with what she was in 1456 is not flattering. In 1856 the American vessels took the lead in earrying from and to American p rts, while her vessels for speed, symmetry, and durability were equal to anything aflvat. So well conducted was our marine that in 1356 our vessels carried 76 per cent of exports and importsuf the United Btates, The depredations of the Alabama, etc., were 60 great that in 1863 we only carried 11 per eent instead of the 76 as in 1855, fro 1 which we have not since recovered. In 1868 we rose to 35 per cent and declined again until 1870, when our perceutage ot carrying rose to 35,6, Again we fell lower aud lower, uvtil in 1887 our down- ward course had reached 13.80, almost as bad as when the Alabama was scuuriug the seas. What is the consequence of this? The conse- quence is that America pays to foreign ship- owners $150,000,000 annually for the trausporta- | tion of her merchandise, Since the war $3,000, - 000,000 has been paid out, which is more than our natioval debt was, This drain eontinues and increases, which 1s depleting our resources and taking away that which ought to be a’ded to them and enrich us, instead of being ; aid other nations for that which we are able and ught to do for ourselves. The steamers of the United States above 100 tons are 379; those of Great Britain 4,906, which enable Engiand to penetrate into every corner of the earth wnere there is any trade or likely to be any trade, The loss which is accrued, from what may appear an experiment, is large- ly covered by the government in subsidies or the vessel is sent there by the government itself. What is paid by the government is not a loss, but goes to her subjects, The money paid only changes bands, The Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., (Cruci- bles, Graphite Paints, Pencils and Lubri- cante(, Jersey City, N. J.,, writes us: The year 1888, which is closing, is chiefly notuble with us for the large-increase in the business of graphic specialties made by us, such as silica graphite paint, graphite pipe joint grease, graphite ‘grease, and this veri- fiesa prediction made by us years ago, that graphite would prove to be one of the great- |’ est smaller articles in the arts. The total amount of business done by the Dixon Co., in 1888 is larger than in any previous year We have bad to increase our plant by put- ting in one large new black-lead mixer, one large paint mixer, and one 100 H. P. steam boiler. We are heating a large portion of our‘buildings here by exhaust steam; having equipped for that purpose. ‘We see no reason why 1889 should not| geverybody in the United States good here a nation of sixty million wide-. awake, ‘energetic people are gathered: to- f er under a million and one faetory roofs, aged chiefly by younger men, educated best scientific schools, it - “promises | for the future, ns of shipping. were tes. In 1811 147,000 : nched, and in 1812 the firet sent p that was constructed on Ameri- dan waters was launched, and yet we are without an ocean mercantile mar ne to-day. The Lidgerood Manufacturing Company, New York, have just issued their new cata- logue for 1889. It is a beauty and a credit to this enterprising concern. The book con- tains fully a hundred excellently ex+cuted engravings of their superior hoisting machi- nery, boilers, etc., and will be forwardcd to those making application. Speaking of the McComber mine near Tower the Iron Journul cays, It is expected now that the McComber property will ship ore during the coming season. This is what the owners claim, and they give good sub- stantial reasons for the assertion. The main line of the Iron Range railway adjoins their property almost—in fact a good track could be laid to the McCombre inside of one month. Sufficient ore is said to be in sight to justify the shipping theory and we hope so. If it does chip it ought to be able to get away 20,000 tons at the least, as itis well located for general work. The New York Belting and Packing Com- pany, New York, have just Issued a new pocket catalogue of their well known yul canized rubber specialties, which will be cheer!ully furnished 10 those making applica- tion for the same. It'is very neat and hand— somely gotten up, with illuminated cover printed in six colors, roo Tux Suez canal cost less than one bun- dred million doliars. Two hundred and seventy-five miilions of dollars have been expended upon the Panama canal scheme, and the prospect is that the entire project | - will have to be totally apandoned. CATARRH CURED. A clergyman, after years of suffering from that loathsome disease, Catarrb, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prescription which completely cured and saved him from death. And suffere: from this dreadful disease sending a self addressed stamped envelopeto drofessre 8. A, Lawrence, 212 East 9th st-; New York will receive the receipt free of charge. A Specialty. Rs he Marine Record. NTAGUE IRON WOK Montague, M ch., MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGI) AND BOILERS, of Hvery Style and Size, PROPELLER ‘WHEELS and Heavy Castings Send for Circular and Prices A BRIEF synop-is of the weather forecasts for the year 1808 would now bein order, to show .the average success of the weathe bureau’s predictions... The sooner a de |ig computed having these particulars set forth, the more reliable will the prognosti- cations be considered by the marine world. InsrEAD of iron, steel is more used for ‘shipbuilding, ‘and wheu it is con- sidered that steelis more buoyant, and stronger, besides carrying from five to seven | | and a half per cent more cargo, the increased preference for steel hullsis not to be won- dered at. A Tecent issue of the Scientific American contained an exhaustive description of the corrvgated boiler used in the celebrated Strong locomotive, A.G. Darwin. The Con linental Iron Works, Greenpoint, L. I., are the sole manufacturers of corrugated boilers in the United States. GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT GREASE FOR STEAM OR GAS PIPES makesa perfect joint that can be opened with ease in three years or thirty years. Bolts, screws, etc., smeared with this grease will not rust even in the dampest places. Write to Jos, Dixon Crucible Co Jersey City, N. J., for circulars. J. C. GOSS. Sail Maker and Rigoer, 20 amd 22 Woodward Ay,, DETROIT - - MICH LARGE SVORAGE ACCOMMODATION FOR VESSEL OU!FITs, Covering Bollers and Steam Pipes a § eclalty Shipyard for Sale or Rent, TAR LOOMIS SHIPY ARD AT ERIE PA, IS OF fered for safe or rent, including all mutorials tools ay.d good will, .A first class opening for a ship carpenter with moderate capital. Terms to «uit pur chaser. If not htapanad of asa whole. will 41 tools, mates als, fifi in ots posite For inven oy te joan | ete., apply at MARINE Rxecorp oflive, or BARD, Erie, Pa. eek Scott’s NewCoast Pi lot Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, With new Maps ia Tilustrations corrected tothe opening of Navigation in 1888, IS SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS AND BY THE PUBLISHER, CEORCE SCOTT, | Ar 462 Larnep st., E, DETROIT, Neier thon Burean, Ocean, Lake 5224 Bank St, CLEVELAND, 0 ROBERT E. HILLS, 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Ill. Telephone 3321. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings ENGINEER’S SUERLIGS, General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works J. R, OLDHAM, G, E,|: Naval, Architect, Marime Imspegter. SPEcIAL EXPERIENCE IN Dusianine, Prices SeL_¥-Trimmine Hatcuzs OoaL SHUTES ° AND Buaky’s Parent Borers. 32 Exchange Bld. BUFFALO, N.Y *, %. Denies, SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, 22 South Water street, Cleveland, O. Established in 1871. Telephone 210. S.gus, Steering Balls, Liherty Caps, Orna- mental Work ab pevialty in Cabins, MM. M. GLEKLER, MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Cigars AND Tobacco, 156 Rivenbot, Pleveland, Phio No one should leave port without a box of M. M. Glekler’s marine cigars. Travelers’ Informa Thomas Mobregor, DENTAL BOILER WORKS - MANUFACKER OF 45). EAGLE TRON WORK Duplex,Hoisting *Deck Engi = pecially adapted for Boat ses, Raising Sail, Hoist- ing Anchor, Pulling in To Line etc., ete. S uU Srivivan Boilers and Pumps on Hand for. ett CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATIO Woriri. Fifth vant | ours j Vceatn CUSTOMERS FOR Bt te barges, both’ steam and tow, and wou neoaiare to hear from laden and every owner ha ‘or sale, givi Baines greet draught : me preci ML team, @ 2 ole 2 Sorte nd rete SSE alg owe as wi not divide commission? Address, Agent and Ship ar