Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 31, 1889, p. 8

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SS ene er na) . Si tee Raras Srey Ihe Marine Record. oo” (1) NANG Established in 1857. | : AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. ————— Towne w berate Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers Cordage, WireRope,Blocks,| * Canvas, Anchors, Chains, | Paints, Oils, Naval Stores. Ouayi Builders of Steam, Messenger Chai and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank and Steam Csepstans, Wharf and Ferry Drops. Their Capstan Windlas33 ES ———— @ ylinder, Lard, Signal and Lubricating : OSS aa eee Olle a Spactatty: . Oc Theos. BH, Quayle, 2 have a P C t h Oe | ASEH EN HOR THE oe SOCE Re ee OUATEE, é ower USpean i ee oe American Ship Windlnss Company] yyy. ee leye head which has power and speed tore ton Ketkes Pirie and Ontarivg “~*~ |\rangement entirely inde b Importers of Nautical Instruments of Every : penden: of th ge or terrace LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS, | Windlass, and which makes a direct See rape pet taste 28 om a connection with the Windlass without Caen ¥. the intervention of any gearing to com- eS plicate it and inc ease the friction. WILLIAMSON BROS. In all their styles of Stexm Wind- “COR. RICEHEND PND YORK SHS, lasses they make w direct connection be- : PA. tween the engines and the windlass | without counter shafts or dditional g:aring. This saves friction and liabil- i Sip -Ose"§ ity to break down, and conduces to dur- ae Jel |abiity and ease in operating. They also The best equipped plant in America for the manufac: have a counterbalance for the engines ture ot Modern Marine Boilers. ne ae ap ecleege at isa aaly for. WORme rm gear. and the engines ar BUFFALO. : NEW YORK placed together in t .e most sadealit bh — position. Th: above improvements and “SHIP CHANDLERS, | Re vA in others too numerous to mention, but De gare AND niccets ‘ele! Vattd AJ& |which ere familiar to Masters, Owners and Builders, are covered by Patents : amet aah AND WEOLESALE DEALERS IN ‘ J Wie Reve, Soi, Sure SKhh €OoOD ROPRK Guay owned exolnarely by this Company. aun, Ban, Pi "Ours, [te : I I : or plans and information oe f gies Mies, ne Agents for the _ YG PRICES Metallic Life Boat 4 Address, . toa 10 nivinst a 124 99n0cr| 159 AND 163 RIVER-Sts CLEVELAND, QO. FRANK §. MANTON, Agent. P. 0. Dox 53, Pro KATZENSTEIN’S SELF-ACTING METAL, cae PACKING | i 4 4 ; Sti 4 FOR PISTON RODS, ‘| iF j ( A VALVE STEMS, Etc. ‘ ; : Adopted and in use by : Bi ‘ m the priacipal Iron Works i f 3 i and steamship Compa ‘ r 4 yearsin this and Foreign 4 coun rmactelie packing BUILDEARs oF ng for slip-joints on steam eS pipes and for py arenie ‘ pressure. For full por. ticulars and references : address L KATZENSTEIN & CO Fee eT THOS, WILSON, who AND .VESSHLS OF ALL DIMENSIONS, uses this packing on his Steam: | Wnt nle Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low Pressure ers, and THE MARINE RECORD pe eaetaaten MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES, cKINNON BROS: | MARINE, STATIONARY & PORTABLE BOILERS. hea i fA HOISTING ENGINE! P STEERING EN- gines;with eli er } rictional, Spur cr Worm Gearof Sedo patterns to suil al! puri ores. J. W. GROVER & SON, —~— H. M. HANNA, JOHN F. PANKHURST, LUTHER ALLE! RESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER.) — SECRETARY AND TR) 2 Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters ; = sa: jolts {ikl vidlba ti Blast Furnace and == “4 Ps — = S ee ve carts Qile. es ss 5 i i : 4 Steam Pumps, Steam BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Roling Mill Machinery, ee land Hata Wi dl 4 ee ay as indlasses, CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON.|’ Hoisting and Pumping ats | : Winches, and Marine Compass Adjuster, COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS Engines, Portable Hoist- § / Appliances of Every AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Schooners con have their Compasses Ad = = gees justed for Local Attraction at the time . = = At { ef repairs by stating how much in En mes = =< a 1 ‘ a they are out on East or West ® = Ee =, Descri tion Courses, and which way it —s Za a p e leads, Nor. h or South of abov Courses (6ifiv.r St. Cevelan.0. Gow eR AT, SHEET AND PLATE IRON WORKERS, ‘ | E. L, PARRISH, Machinists, Boiler-Mal Ship Chandler ders of -Makers and Founders. . “ Buil : ; IRON sTEAMSHIPS ONOKO, SWILLIAM CHISHOLM, J. H. OFFICE & Wo a Sail & Awning Maker. uses DEVEREUX, we ie » Spruce and Elm Streets. Ae SSE ES STEEL STEAMERS SPOKANE. CAMBRIA, CHAS. J. SHEF- Sera § Days Bon Rone, Bononand/THliatp tea OWHA, CORSICA, CORUNA, AGRIC N SHIP YARD, Old River B sOC a ds eur & uc F, N i 3 tT NC ‘ ’ N », N ’ 7 N r N ;, ios staal HRN OE OWILBUR, 8 SWAIN. ’ ver ed, foot of St. Paul & j oe Stake PASSENGER STEAMER DARIUS COLE, AND STEAM 05.57 Main a= BUFFALO, NY. ee AL CLEVELAND, OHIO. Ld TELEPHONE NO 314. FOR SALE, = _ 7 enn ra = —— — sis — YG DREADNAUGHT is offered by the under- Established in 1859. { Soe A, mn fe ae EERO RS LAS AMDRES 01 eae — i ica atteciiorsiae meee! TIENRY LEOPOLD ‘ley | q ( } ah CAREETON %& PPLE, | nery is as ood as can be made. e OL 4 . re) . I i> i | fF l ly: 0C 0, Port Huron Machinery & Supply Depot, | Shipyard for Sale or Rent, ers ure allowed 10 steam. i 2 owed 10) pounds of steam. Inquire of Manufacturer and Dealer in all kindsof fine and plain CAPTAIN THOMAS DOWLING, 48 Clinton at., Cleveland.0. | FURNITURE & UPHOLS TER 1 PORT HUKON. MICH. a ee lh 144 : Manufacturers’ Agents and D 2, rp HE LOOMIS SHIPY ARD AT E: ; FOR SALE. i gents and Dealers in Boilers, | | fered le { including all materiale / YHE OWNER ofa one third sbareina fine handy Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- Engines, Steam and Wrecking pumps, | JL tere orate, i A first class 0 ening lor a ship * T Steambarge 200 tons net, wishes to dispose of his A SPECIALTY. ee j Engineers Supplies, and Fit-oute | carne beg moderate ssph:al ae ail: at ae ‘ She “ vir wditie i ser. disp. * eis ae aoa rt a Eg? wh oxe-7 ane sce aa Warerooms 798 and 800 Lorain-st., near Ful- nalring and Spar Making. for Steamers and Vessels. Gvaiuiials, e10:: in lots to suit. For inven ry, terms - Valaatl Bi F cas Factory 10 Wiese ete., apply at Manivg Buconp offize, or lo DL, HUB posal Valuation Io G8, 008 eleers Tp, Cleveland, O. CLEVELAND, OHI 405 and 407 Water x. East parjiculars, inquire, MARINE RECORD, Cleveland, 0 CLEVELAND, OHIO, 4 ° oO. 3 a* + BARD, Erie, Pa. ; *

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