he final climax Weguelin inter- his sympathetic «ms to current diseussions, ye made of the sustained interest tory,” by Aunie Porter, aod of rst installment of Constance olson’s ‘Jupiter Lights;” of the anship in the Ballad of the di ” by Graham R. Tomso», and of the munion with the povst’s spirit, accompanying illustrations by F, P. Wells writes on ‘The Bea- Cook oa ‘Russian Bronzes,’’ Jr.,oa “The Ancient City of Geach, Ph. B., ex-president ty of Amateur Photographers, New English,” and Charles 1 is studies of the oner Neelon, ilway is said to be e of steel steamers be- peor — next Season. teel steamer at Owen er from England, Alberta or Athu= r Bt uric odor. it are preparing to leave, ple are of the opinion that has burst from a vein ystery sorrounds the mis- ry of a nomber of English ‘Nevada, from Liver- ; re Sir M. Macgregor, 1G. W. Waters, Flag-Lieuten- F. Trowbridge. The report ipping circles that the bound for Hayti, to look after GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT GREASE % # FOR STEAM OR GAS PIPES makes a perfect joint that can be opened with ease in ~ three years or thirty years, Bolts, screws, etc., smeared with this grease will not rust even in the _ dampest places. Write to Jos, Dixon Crucible Co Jersey City, N. J., for circulars, ‘ FOR SALE, TEAM BARGES—Two barges, vessels, and tugs. Also a side-wheei steamer, iron hull, allowed to earry $25 passengers, For information and particu- lars addreas, DAVISON & HOLMES, 234 South Water st., Chicago, Ul. FOR SALE, ARINE ENGINE nearly new, includes bilge pump, hand pump and force pump, cylinder 17 by 20. Will sellcheap. Address. : K. BOX, Record Office. 4 FOR SALE. ; FUABBOR TUG for sale,cheap. This tug isin good repair and will be sold cheap, for cash, that is, $4,600. Engine 18x20, boiler § feet 6 inches by 11 feet, and allowed 100 pounds of steam. For further Tticulars inquire at 113 Franklyn avenue, Cleve- ae hy 0, CAPT. E. DAHLKE oor ee rere : = BG FOR SALE. In service but four months, Engine 9 by 10, M48 feet long 11 feet beam. First classin every respect, Address, H. BOX, Record Office. FOR SALE for sole cheap, 914 feet shell by 16 feet long for $1,000 each, 44 down ‘balance one yeir, by C, H. LANE, BUFFALO, N. Y, FOK SALE ARGE COL. BRACKET—She carries 260M feet of lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $900 worth of re- airs lastseason. Fit out good. Price $1,600. Men- n this paper. ED, J. KENDALL, Port Huron: FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE. OR STEAMBARGE, A NEW PASSENGER steam- er, will carry 75 tons freigh', allowed 115 passen- Will sell on er terms or exchange for steam . Address, OX 90, Petosky, Michigan. TUGS FOR SALE, Piatt, draw Length 78 feet, beam 16 feet, depth 1 8} feet, drawsg feet, Rebuiltfrom ube keel up 884. Is an extra fine looking boat and an excel- lent sea boat. Boiler 7 feet by 13 feet, built of 14 inch steel in 1887, and allowed 107 pounds steam. En- eis an extra smart 20 by 20, in perfect condition. copper steam andfexhaust pipes, Engine wasover- hauled and lined up last winter. She is an extra good towing boat, a fast runner and is very economi- eal, in fact she is a compjete tug boat. - H. DOANE, Length 50 feet, beam 12 feet, draws Tieet 8 inchea Built in 1881, Boiler and hull re Duilt last winter. Boiler 434 by 9 feet, allowed 110 pounds steam” Engine 14 by 14. Reeeived new @rank shaft and wheel and was over-hauled and ed up in October. Is a very handy little boat. th boats are bargains, Reason forselling; we want to get out of the business aud buy an interest in a steambarge. tion, address, ectinge HARDY BROS, Toledo, Ohio. Piniseen TUG suitable for light towing, New, | a) , is burning |. +ho arrived in New York on | * | ] 1 | | | } ‘WO MARINE BOILERS 7 years old in good order | | Ghe Marine Record, CONSEKLOLUAS OF BVLAY DESORLELLUN OF Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Ships. IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft, of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Stcetionary & Portable Engines, MINING MACHINERY AND PROPELLER WHEELS, Riverside Iron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street, SAGE DETROIT. MICH. KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N.Y., MANUFACTURER OF Three Cylinder and Fore and Aft and Steeple Compound Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS These wheels are noted for their extra speed and towing power or aproportionate saving of coat. PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK C0., (Successors to BAGNALL & LOUD BLOCK CO.) BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED ER self-Adjustable Five Roll Roller Bushed ((¥ aoa C1 } which for LURABILITY and STRENGTH, are far ahead of any other make. One trial will convince any one of their GREATER PURCHASE. Be sure and call for the STAR BRAND in ordering your Blocks. f o>"! etteation to our DIAPHRAGM PUMP, which will pump |, ‘stroke and work easier than any other make in the |-(/A a trial, YORK STORE, 33 South Street, FF. BALDWIN, Manager. specialty of furnishing the handsomest style of for Vachts, with special designs to suit the place. ARTHUR & BOYLAN. Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night. DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL, Woks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov ernment Pier OFFICE 130 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Chase Hog Whistle Machine This machine has been placed on the following steamboats during the past year: SpokaANE, WALLULA, Kasora, CHAR- LEMAGNE TOWER, Jk, YAKIMA, MissouLa, Sirka, FaYeTrr Brown, K. J. Hackett, Forest Crry, SPARTA, Havana, VI- ENNA, OSCAR TOWNSEND, CITY OF CLEVELAND’ HENRY CHIS- HOLM, Sureriog, E. B. Have, M. B. Grover, J. 8. Fay, R. P. KANNEY, SMITH MoorE,Cuaries J SHEFFIELD,'IRA H.OWEn, Camsria, Corsica, J, H, OurHwalItr, SAMUEL Maruer, R, R, RuopeEs, COLUMBIA, AURORA, OHIO, Wa, EDwarps, 8, E, SHELDON, AUSTRALASIA, RALEIGH, BULGARIA, Roumanta, J. F, Eppy, HiawatuHa, THos. ApaMs, A, P, WRIGHT, GuaD. STONE, E. P. WiLeuR, Soo Crry, E, M. Pxck, ROBERT L, FREYER 4ND NORTHERN LIGHT, To the President and Board of Supervising Inspec- tors of Steam Vessels: Your committee to which was referred the ‘ Ghase Fog Whistle Machine” beg leave to report: “That we have carefully examined the same and find that it blows at regular intervals, being worked by the engine, thereby insuring regular and continuous blasts for any length of time that may be required and wo recommend it or similar device to owners of steam «Js as an addi tional safeguard to nvi to, H. 8, Luspocg, Gro. H, STARBUCK, W. D, Rozryson, Ween We also make a blocks im the market — ¥ The manufacturers are the Chase Fog For prices and further’ informe- Whistle Machine Co., corner of Elm and } Com mittee. Spruce streets, Cleveland, O. Triple Expansion Marine Engines, | TOLEDO, OHIO, MONTPELIER, OHIO, NEPTUNE ANCHOR WORKS, DEGRAUW, AYMAR&CO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF CORDAGE QAKUM, WIRE ROPE CHAINS. ANCHORS, OARS; BLOCKS COTTON anp FLAX DUCKS; FLAGS BUNTINGS, RUSSIA BOLT ROPE: MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY. Nos. 34 anp 85 Sours Srrrer, NEW YORK. THE ATNO GRATE. G. C. BARNES, Agt. This improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt. 2d tc Burning Slack. Glob Iron Works, mannfac’s,, Office and Foundry, corner of Elm and , Spruce-sts, CLEVELAND, OQ, R. DUNBAR & SON, —MANUFACTURERS OF—— Hoisting Engines, Single and Double Drums FOR VESSELS & DOCKS. Accompanying Cut shows our Double Drum Hoister, operated by ONE engine. Two hatches can be unloaded at onee. Two machines in one, at low cost, Send for descriptive circular. R. DUNBAR & SON, BUFFALO, N. Y. BURGER, and Contractors. eas MILLS GEE ELIE : LL Zee, De ie ti 5 i. B. RG. B. |Ship-builders Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set J Boxes in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 350 ms. 0 large stock of SPARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND .34 ee VESSELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, tee | MANITOWOC. WIS. 1" DETROIT BOAT WORKS. | SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF Clark’s Patent Metallic Life Ralts. = : sa HIGHLY INDORSED BY THE sOARD OF SUPERVISINGIN- SPECTORS. Life Boats ** Steam and Hand Steering Wheels to Order Shons ft. of ORLEANS ST., DETRO11 MICH, THOS. DREIN & SON BUILDERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all classes Governmentand PleasureBeats of Wood, Biock Cork Life Pre- servers. Sole manutaeturer of Capt JONATHAN CoNk’s celebrated PatentLifeRafts ‘atnal and Railroad Wilmington, Del in stock 14, 16, 18,20 and 22 feet 1. . Yawl Boats A, ee ee 16, 18, 20 and 22 feet long. ——— Ship Chandlers, and Head-quarters forB Steel and iron Tiller Ropes. 2 2 to 26 Market-St.‘ near Randolph-St., Chicago, J. E. SINPSON & CO., Gen Blea: CORN rae hae ee ae eee AND BUILDERS OF SIMPSON’S PATENT. IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK NO. 8 BROADWAY, NEW KORK GITY. oe est MANITOWOG DRY DOGK, ~