Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), February 7, 1889, p. 8

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HOWARD H. BAKER & CO. Ship Chandlers & Sail Makers. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cordage, Wire Rope, Blocks, ESTABLISHED 1847 | Fa SE in 1857. J[fhouis boi ii Sons, ©*. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS: . ‘Builders of Steam, Messenger Chain ~ mo %, if FFICE 2 za" & WORKS 5 CENTRAL icn| | Buu ‘ Se Canvas, Anchors, Chains, = me G [pu > © %\and Hand Windlasses, Power, Crank — Paints, Oils, Naval Stores. ay ED git < Z and Steam Capstans, Wharf and Ferry © Oylinder, Lard, Signal and Lubricsti") no. Bp Quavie, PS Zz Drops. Their Capstan Windiases etes non a | George Le Quayle, > — have a Power Capstan with a single Amenigun Ship Cindlass et Wan, AM. 0 Quayle. " @ley sale INE © head which has power and speed ar- toy Rakes Erie ae Aiba Desc xin tton rangement entirely independent of th i, Dee ——" |) AKE ERIE BOILER WORKS. Windlass, and which makes a direct 18, 20,, 22, 24, & 26 Terrace. BRANCH STORE foot of Washington street (for- merly D,S. Austin & Co.) suffalo, N. Y- ») fe] WORM GEARED HIP STEERING ENGINE, HOISTING ENGINES AND SHIP STEERING EN- gines; with eltler krictiovual, Spur or Worm Gearof various patterns to suit all purnoses, J. W. GROVER & SON, SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL epee aoe RIGGERS Gire bi: anita, we Gurred Gorduge, Ganvas, Blocks, Ouk- um, Gan, Pitch, Ours, Ane ghors, Ghuins, gtq. 416 & 119 RIVERST., & 134 & 185 DOCK ‘ CLEVELAND, OHIO. KATZENSTEIN'S SELY. eine METAL ZA end Steamship Compa ee yearsin this and aun countries. Also flexi tubular metallic Be ict for slip-joints on steam A pipes and fox "Ral paw c Ss aoe For full par- . L KATZENSTEIN & CO 857 West St.. between Leroy and Clarkson-st, N. Y. CAPT. THOS. WILSON, who uses this packing on his Steam- ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the Lakes. McKINNON BROS. Ashtabula Harbor, Oe» Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters; ALSO, DEALERS IN Engineers’ Supplies, Ihubricating and Burning ils. BUSINESSPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON, Compass Adjuster, COMPASSES, BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Schooners con have their Compasses Ad justed for Local Attraction at the time of repairs by stating how much hey: are out on East or West Courses, and which way it leads, Norih or South of above Ceurses 161River oT Cleveland, 0. 0. Hy, PARRISH, Ship Chandler, Sail & Awning M Maker. Sewell & Day’s Boston Rope. Boston and THEGLOBE I connection with the Windlass without gearing. This saves friction and liabil- ity to break down, and conduces to dur- ability and ease in operating. They also \ y) it gt = canine ~ met ni the interven tion of any gearing to com- ta Et ‘, |plicate it and increase the friction. = og SZ NG V-S> | In all their styles of Steam Wind- a” i J L a smn 7 |lasses they make a direct connection be- (’ > hoe FA \ { tween the engines and the windlass OI OITO without counter shafts or .dditional A @y Sy The hest paninnee Hat in America for the manufac: have a counterbalance for the engines ture ot Modern Marine Boilers. ane an automatic supe for worm | and worm gear, and the engines are BUFFALO. NEW YORK |placed together in tae most accessible position. Theabove improvements and others too numerous to mention, but which are familiar to Masters, Owners cS the 3 Ces ey nag 5789 and Builders, are covered by Patent SK. ! 00D ) ROPE IX ary owned exclusively by this Company. arn PRICES: For plans and information Agentsfor the American Ship Windless Co, ; hore _159 AND 163 RIVER-St., CLEVELAND, O. | FRANK §, MANTON, Agont P. 0. Dox 53, Proven 2 f ae HANNA, JOHN F. PANKHURST, : SIDENT. Sac ee een AND GENERAL MANAGER,’ SECRETARY AND = AND VESSHILS OF ALL DIMENSIONS,» Triple Expansion, Compound, High Pressure and Low MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINE MARINE, STATIONARY & PORTABLE BO! Blast Furnace and Roling Mill Machinery, Hoisting and Pumping Engines, Portable Hoist- ing Engines. GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE IRON WORK ss Builders of Boiler-Makers and Founders. IRON sTEAMSHIPS DRORO, (EOLA CHISHOLM, J. A. OFFICE & WORKS, oad zn : Lockport Block Company’s patent 5-roller Bushed Blocks. _ 85-37 Main st., - BUFFALO, N. Y. TELEPHONE NO. 814. FOR SALE. J ae DREADNAUGHT is offered by the under- signed for salecheap, She is in good condition, has double engines, and it is well known that the ma- chinery is as good as can be made. ‘The _ boil- ere are allowed 100 pounds of steam. Inquire of CAPTAIN THOMAS DOWLING, a einen ofa one third shareina fine hand steambarge 200 tons net, wishes to dispose of bis interest. She is in good order — itien, and | Warerooms 798 and 800 Loraip-st., near Ful- nairing and Spar Making. was doing work up to the middle of cember. Her present valuation is $13,000 classed B 1 For further seeeeaaen inquire, Maines RECORD, Cleveland, O Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of fine and plain 248 Clinton st., Cleveland, 0. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, FOR BALE, Mattrasses and Vessel Furniture Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re- |" Engines, Steam and Wrecking pumps, STEEL STEAMERS SPOKANE. CAMBRIA, CHAS. J. SHEF- FIELD. LRA H. OWEN, CORSICA, CORONA, NORTH- N SHIP YARD, Old Ri B CLEVELAND, GE = rx ERN ag el NORTH WIND, NORTHERN KING, PERE TOT & PORE, Cleveland DiyeDock Co, nousesinason,|Shipan or IRON TUGS INTERNATIONAL AND RECORD, Established in 1859, iF HENRY LEOPOLD. PASSENGER STEAMER DARIUS POLE AND STrEAM PORT HUKON, MICH. YACHT TWILIGHT. Manufacturers’ Agents and Dealers in Boilers, ‘Peeicoue Engineers Supplies, and Fit-outs for Steamers and Vessels, 405 and 407 Water ts fate A SPECIALTY, ton. ,.Factory 10 Willet-st. CLEVELAND, OHIO, ‘ CLEVELAND, OHIO,

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