$ Co. have , rn, North Dover, was in the a visit. He will sail in is Beason. ; thern line steamer North Star | from the yards of the Globe esday, 12th inst, — ) nith, late engi neer of the Hope, chief engineer of the pro- een of the Northern Line. of East Saginaw, L. Peck for the sea- it lumber company, to ee-story brick building attached extensive structures of the Works Co. is now completed and ne is being put together. There space for four engines to be erected ametime. | “boiler pan forthe Bradley & Grover “2 oa ‘dont building at‘Radcliffe’s yard was com- nf: pleted today: The Cleveland Shipbuilding shipped two of Tyler’s feed water purifiers to Chicago to-day, and will have two others finished this week. Captain A. L. Fitch, of the firm of R. H. Fleming & Co., vesell agents, and freight contractors, Chicago, Ill., was in the city last week on business. We note th t the members of this enterprising firm are makiug con- siderable ripple in marine circles this year. We take pleasure in recommending the Mount Olive Erasive Liquid, manufactured by Captain D, A. McLachlin, for c e«ni: g varnish and painted art cles with ut injury tothe polish. Prce40c per gallon. Address the Captain at No. 633 Trumbull ave., De- troit. Mich. Captain Jones, of the Wilson line propeller Spokane, says that the Providence windlass placed aboard his vessel by the American Ship Windlass Co., is the finest, strongest, and best working windlass that he has ever been ship- mates with, and thathe finds no trouble in getting 75 fathoms of chain and his anchor to the hawse in 20 minutes. Captain C. A. Richardson, Alpena, Mich., the well known tug owner, and master, was in | the city last Saturday on his annual visit. He has been along the shor s of Lake Onta- rio, and stopped off here for a day, on his way to Chicago. We were pleased to find the captain enjoying h's usual robust health, and sociable qualities, characteristics by which he is well known to a Jarge cirele of marine men. Captuin Richardson’- rudder holder is one of the best appliances known to marine men. The following isa list of the Cleveland yacht fleet: Above 35 feet waterline—Peer- less, steam; Winifred, steam; Wasp,and a new boat building for Judge Longworth, of Tren- | The judge is aresident of Cin-} ton, Mich. cinnati, but will keep his boat in Cleveland, Between 30 and 35 feet—Susie, Silvia,Camilla. Between 10 and 25 feet—Ida, Rover, Henry Gerlach’s new boat, G. Parish’s new boat, Wright & Overbek’s new boat. Between 20 and 25 feei—Eole, Petrel, W. Sly’s new boat. Below 20 feet waterline—Unique, Lady Ida, GC. W. Kelly’s new boat, Lyman Bro.’s new boat, Growler. The Globe Iron Works Co. haye taken a contract t6 build a new steel propeller, dimen- sions 276 feet 6 inches over all, 252 feet keel, 38 feet beam, and 23 feet moulded depth, for Ira H. Owen, of Chicago. This eteamer is to be a duplicate of the steamer Ira H, Owen, launched by the Globe Iron Works Co. in July, 1887, and is to be completed by the first of August. In conversation Ira H. Owen was heard to remark that he wanted no better boat in point of speed and economy than the Ira H. Owen has proved herself to be, and itis safe tosay thathe will be entirely satisfied with her duplicate. THE LAKES. to this city. Terms | DEVOTED 10 NAVIGATION, COMMBRCE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. dock Tuesday, after receiving a thorough caulkiug. The steam barge Sparta will dock next for repairs etc., due notice of which will be given in our next issue. Work on the new J hnson boat, building by the Cleveland Dry Dock Company, was en— tirely suspended yesterday, on account of the cold. William Keith, an old sailor man and rig- ger, formes in the employ of Upson, Wal- ton & Co., died last night at the hospital. He had no relatives or friends in the city. The firm of Bassett, Presley, & Train re- port their manufactured iron business fairly brisk, and are figuring closely on new con- tracts, particulars of which we hope to be ina position to print in our next issue. Two coils of steel wire rope valued at $496 was recently imported here by the firm of Upson, Walton & Co., the duty on which amounted to $250. It is to be hoped that so large a protective duty will soon foster and encourage a similar industry here. ; Messrs. Upson, Walton & Co., shipchand- lers, are as busy as they can possibly be, ‘and will send the cutfits for two new steamers to Detroit for the vessels building at Wyandoite by the Detroit Dry Dock Co. They will also fit out the boat building for Pennington and’ others at Craig’s ship yard, Trenton, Mich. John O’Donncil, torwerly engineer of the ste.mer W. L. Wetmore, was injured by an iron plate filling on him yesterday, at the yards of the Cleveland ship bulding compa- vy. I isgratitying to learn however that the injury received isnot serivue, and we hope to see him around again in two or three weeks, Work at the Cleveland Shipbuilding Co.’s yards is progressing steadily, large gangs of men being kept regularly at work on the two steel boats building for the Cleveland Iron Mining Co., and their machinery, ete., will be all ready as soon as the hulls are completed. Two boilers measuring 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet in length, and all the machinery, was forwarded to Quayle’s Sons’ shipyard for the new wooden boat now being built there. Meteorological summury for the weck ending February 5, 1889: Mean barometer........... Mr an temperature, Mean humidity.... Total precipitation... _. Prevailing direction of wind_... Total wind movement, miles Averag-cloudin ss.... .......... Joo Average state of weather.-....... Ci’dy Max, \emperature, (highest)... .. <2 309 Min, temperature, (lowes )..-..--..--. 12.0 W. H. Harmon, Sergeant Signal Corps. Willie Humphrey, son of Captain W. H. Humphrey, died this week. Willie was six- | teen years old and one of the brightest boys that parents ever had. He gave promise of | | ecoming a man of wisdom and business qual- ifications such as his father is noted for. Ic was understood that Willie Humphrey, the deceased, was a protege of R. R. Rhodes and that Mr. Rhodes took great interest in his ca— reer, Deep gloom settled upon the stricken family,and Master Willie was consigned to the tomb on Tuesday. The funeral was largely attended, and among the closest male relatives who attended we find Mr. Sturtevant» president of the Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association. EAST SAGINAW, MICH. The steambarge William Cowie is receiv— ing a thorough overhauling, and extensive repairs, incluing new frames, ce ling, all new decks, rails, windlass bitts, hog posts, and new bed for e: gine, etc. The John Werner it having new ‘pars, a new suit of canvas, uud a general overhaul- ing. ALPENA, WICH. The S H. Lathrop is undergoing extensive repairs, receiving new ceiling, several strakes outside planking, new decks, stanchions, cov— ering board, building solid to the rails, and a thorough calking. The Garden City is re- ceiving all neceesary repairs, and having her boilers overhauled, Special to the Marwne Kecord. 1seid you the following: sc’ ooner John T. Johnson is having a set of -teel arches put in by Doneldson Broth:rs, 18 by } inches hick. «1d 5 bolis t» each frame. She will have anew rudder, cau king, and all ot! er necess ry repairs; putting hr in Al con- dict on at a cost of $2,500. She will be com— manded by Uap'ain Johu Mulvaney, who con mance! her last season, The t+amer May Durr has been b ught to tow the John on and one o!ler. She has been putin Al order. In Buffalo she had a new opcylind-r put on by H.G. Tro. t, of B ffalo, engine «)l th roughly lined, and everything put in first class irdir. This boat is one year «ld this cou ing spring. She is Al with as ar, and valued at $55,000 hy the Inland Ll yds, and wili be command d as follows: ( aptain G. W. Flood master; An- thony La F ure chief -enginet r; And:ew Ol- su mate; William H, Fl od second mate. These b ats are owned by the Jo!n Spry lumb r company snd G. W. Flood; Spry owning four fifths and G, W. Flood one fifth of each. ‘th ir carrying capacity is 66,000 bushels of gr:in, 13,500 fect of lumber, 1,800 tins of iron ore, t king down fre'gh s und b ing ba:k lumber for the Johu Spry lumber company. ; S Captain Richasd. CnsppeShip’s hushand thé Whitney fleet, was in the city last week on business with the boats. Captain Albert Stewart, vessel owner of Detroit, and Mrs. S ewart, stopped off here to visit friends, while on their way to Ground Island, Nebraska, Mr. Stewarw’s pleasure visit west, will probably occupy about thirty days. Judge Blodgett decided the admiralty case of Alfred Millr et al., owners of the schooner Two Fannie, against the propeller Tecumseh, a Canadian boat owned by the firm of McArthurs. The propeller in 1884 ran into the schooner, which was lying ata dock in the river St. Clair, whilea heavy gale was prcvailing. The master ofthe propeller paid $800 in sett ement of the damages, which was accepted. The owners of the schooner afterward filed this libel for $3800 for demurrage. The court beld that tbe payment of the damages was unde! 800d to be in full of all claims, that being the custom in such cases, The libel was therefore dismissed with costs. The fcurteenth annual ballof the Marine epgineer’s association held at Brand’s hall Wednesday evening, January 30th, was a great success, und was very largely atrend- ed. The grand march was indeed grand in proportions as well as in the general make up of those tuking part in it. Nevan’s or- chestra discoursed come splendid music, and a quartette sang some excellent songs at intervals between the dances. F. Wel Whiiehouse, chief of the floor committee, with hi- assistants, William N. Eddy and George T.Galavan ard others kept things moving very lively, aud did their very best to see that every one had partners for the various dances. All present including your correspondent spent a very bappy time, and hope that we may all meet again next year. The Cuicago Dry Dock Co., are caulking the top sides and giving a general over- haulirg to the barge Annie Sherwood. They ure also doling some repairs on the propeller Escanabs, and schooner James Mowatt. The schooner Nicholson, has been loaded with corn, and the schooner R. B, Hayes partly loaded. The barge John J. Johnson, will have steel arches placed in her, at Miller Bro’s., ship yard, . $2.00PER ANNUM SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS P. J, Nevaugh. Argonaut, captnia, Wm. Chamberlain, chief enginver, Mr. Tilden, Rhoda Ewily, captain, J. W. Brion, chiet engineer, W. J. Burns. ‘The Owen Line appointments: SteamshIp Ira H, Owen, capiain, J. Q. Owen; chiet engineer, Charles B. Calder assistant en- gineer, Eli B., Barry. A sister s'eel steam- ship to the Ira H. Owen, is being built by the Cleveland Globe [ron Woiks Co,, to be ready by August next. The Delta transportation company’s ap- pointments are as follows: steamer Soo City, captain, Byron Armstrong, chiet en. gineer, T. J. Rees, clerk, F. J. Carlio. Steamer Minnie R, captain, J. B. Mondor, ehief engi. eer, A. .B. LeaFranier, clerk, F. M. Hubberd, steward, Wm. Biker. Ira H. Owen went to C eveland last Thurs- day, and was in Detro‘t Tuesday, attending’ the annual meeting of the E-canaba and Lake Michigan transportation company. W. Bu!lard, manager of the Union steam- boat c »mpuny, was in the city Tuesday, The barge E. T. Judd of the Marinette Baige line, has received new stanchions, covering board and rail, said four s'rukes ot outside plank, under the superintendence of Captain J. C Perrett. Ei We are pleased to learn that Captain Thos. Chron will, the coming season, again com-} ‘and’ the steamer’ J.C.” Perrett with John Murphy as chief engineer. C, H. Hackley, lumber merchan’‘, and Cap- tain Seth Lee, of Muskegon, were in this-eity last week. Captain Wm. Johnson is giving his schoon- er Clara new decks, plank shears, stanchions- rail, chocks, pawl posts, tow posts, timber heads and partner;s her beams and frames and her plank inside and out are in splendid condition, and when repairs are completed she will be as good as new again. It is with feelings of deepest regret that we record the death of M. T, Maher, aged 38 years, which took place at his residence, 1524 Milwaukee avenu', early Tuesday moining, February 5th, after several months of severe suffering from lung disease, which was borne with great fortitude. He was formerly for several years chief engineer of the propeller Coffinberry, and was always very enterprising and energetic, aud a very useful member of Society. He l:avyesa widow and four sons and very many friends to mourn his loss, He was a member of the Chicago No, 2, Lake Ma- rine Brotherhood, of which he was one of the founders, and the members of the Brother- hood will attend his funeral, which will pe pro- vided for by the Masonic society, of which the deceased was a member, He will be buried at Graceland cemetery. A very fine painting of Miller Brothers splendid sloop yacht Minnie M., by Chris- Poulsen, artist, is on view at Miller Brothers’ officet at H.) Channon Co.’s ship chandlery. The picture was taken last summer, when the Minnie M. was racing with the cutter Verve and Captain John Prindiville, who was sail-’ ing her, looks very life like at the wheel. WILLIAMS, BUFFALO, N. Y. One of the first important business changes of the present year is the dissolution of the firm of Felthousen & Russel, manufacturers of wrought iron ranges, signal lamps, ete ,"at numbers 189 and 141 Main street. The bus- iness will be continued by Messrs, A. J, Rus- sel and Hiram M. Watson, under the firm name of Russel & Watson. Mr. Russel is the son of William C. Russel of the dissolved | firm, and for the past eight years has been engaged n the hardware business with Wal- bridge & Co, Mr, Watson isason of the the late 8. L. Watson, for years one of the The tugs Morford and Green, towed the) most prominent figures on the docks. Both Anchor line steamer Wissahickon to an ele | young menure well known in the commu- vator to load corn on Moaday, and tle steamer Lehigh on Tuesday. The E-canaba and Lake Michigan trans- portation company have made the following appcintments to their steamers: Escanaba, captain, George E. Merritt; chief engineer, nity, and bring to their new callirg the re- sou ces of a practical Lusiness training and all those other qualities which usually lead on to a brill ant succes. General-Manager Bullard of the Union Steamboat Comyany, who is contemplating a _ | as last season. trip to California, has, it is learned, arranged his appointments of masters for the coming season as follows: steamship Chemung, Cap- tain Samuel Shannon; steamship Owego, Cap- tain, Walter Robinson; Steamship Tioga, Captain John Byrne; steamship H. J. Jewett, Captain A. A. Phelps; propeller’ Rochester, Captain William Fletcher; propeller New York, Captain Stephen Lyons; propeller Avon; Captain David Bordeaux; propeller Portage, Captain William Garden; propeller Nyack, Captain Robert Rhynas. Captain William Thorne, who last season was on the Rochester and had been in the Union line for many years, intends to re= tire from sailing, it is understood. Cap- tain Garde,r formerly in the Anchor Line, is the new master. Last year Captain Fletcher was on the New York, Captain Lyons on the Avon, and Caytain Bordeaux on the Portage. These are the only changes, Engineers have also been named for the stenmers, the list being practically the same At the meeting of the Fir lent Associa ion the foll chosen for the ensuing 8: Murphey; vice ney, James ( d _ The approach of spring ia the unnouncement of the selection of x ters for vessels. One Buffalo fleet is already provided for. Captaja Wilson. McGregor, who sailed the propeller C. J. Kershaw last. season, will sail the propel’er W. H. Bar- the Keystone last season, will sail the T. W. Palmer; the schooner David Vance, conaort of the Palmer will be sailed by Captain Holdridge, who was in MeDougall’s barge 101 last season; Captain William Souther- Jand willsail the propelier Araxes, Captain Victor Bonnah, jr., the L. W. Drake, and Captain George R. Bonnah the American Giant. , Captain David Vance of Milwaukee, was in Buffulo on Tuesday, on his way to Europe. He is the general agent of the Commercial union, and it is suspected that he will lcok for a second company on the other side. From hints let tall by him it is be- leved that he has virtually sold the propel- ler M. M. Drake, which was thrown on his eompany by Captain Green. It is reported that Hingston & Woods& have taken the contract to dredge out a channel 200 feet wide and 18 feet deep, near Strawberry Island and also to improve the Emerald channel at the mouth of the lake by the removal of rock. Thomas Lester and others of St. Clair, have bonght the barges Katie Brainard and! Minnie E. Orton, and J. A. Ward andM, Lester have bought the Dayton. The barges Troy and W. A. Ycung ot the Toledo & Saginaw transportation company are as yet unsold. The American Steel Barge Company, ap- pears not to be a Jocal concern except that it seems to te the intention of some of the incorporatore to make this a port of hail for the vessels, Tbe name of Alexander McDougall, of Duluth, among the incorpo- rators gives some clew tothe movement, His cigar-shaped barge was the wonder and to some extent the derision of marine men, yet he has always believed in the util- ity ofbis invention »nd has it patented, The present move appears to have been to enlist capitalists in the scheme and build a fleet of ecimilar boats, The document on file at the county clerk’s office was received by wail from New York and nobody con- nected with the enterprise appears to have been here. The name of McDougall is the only one known to the marine men here, It is learned at the county clerk’s office that Colgate Hoyt, whose name heads the list of incorporators, isa prominent man in New York. (Continued on 5th Page.) num; Captain Duncan Buie, who was in Z t > 4