eared | 23 ola ROBERT WALLACE, WM. M. FITCH NTT Ra Ratti ied; Or igs PRES'T. ° SECY. Us ay BENHAM | ; om | DEALER IN bP BS tee ‘ | ‘ GROCERIES, Wit ee VAG |e PRIVESEINS : - ‘tI J j We ps Green Canned goods, : ues me ; & ° ee - and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, 2 ens "edoos aay {21 River-st., Cleveland, 0, Telsphone 745. IRON SHIPS.) Tews oo | gs Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. | ——_—— PE SRN | MOORE, BARTOW AND GILCHRIS®, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 St. Clair Street, Room 15. CLEVELAND, ° OHIO. PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel' Owners & Agents, oh New Bank Building, corner of Superior and ~ Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Freights and River Tow Bills Col- 8 owing Engines and Steam Hammers, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Yessel Agents 6 and 8 Sherman St, ee Parker ‘Riek CHIP EE, [plp ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Manufacturers STEEPLE, FORE AND AFT COM: POUND & TRI: PLE EXPANSION MARINE ENGINES, WITH BOILERS ma! yoy ns, 79 ~ PORT HURON, F¢ JAMES T. ROSE, Marine Insurance, Room 6, Exchange Building, Duluth, Minn, Ihave an excellent gang of Trimmers this sea- son, Captain Miller’s old Crew. Special Attention Paid to Chartering Vessels, and seeing that they get dispatch in Port. > MD By CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. prox | 4.J. WEBBECU, [RON WoRKS Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners and Agents. ——- [ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) H J. Wess & Co., will charter Vessels for Lake Trade, special attention ,given to Chartering Vessels in the Lake Superior Iron Ore Trade, both for the season and single trip, ARCADE BUILDING, 10! ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio, ~~ TELEPHONE {2203.82.92 50s. WARNER & BECKER, | Vessel Agents andBrokers, ROOM 10, Arcade B'ld., 101 St. Clair St, GLEVELAND, OHIO. J. dH. BROWN, EDWARD SMITH BROWN & CO., Ship Brokers and Agents. Special Attention given to Surveying, Apprais- ing and Settling Marine Losses, Exchange Building, 202 Main-st., Buffalo, N. Y. GO: 4. RING General Stevedoring. Discharzing Load- ing and Ore Trimming Vromptly At. tended to. A Large Force of Men always on Hand. Information in regard to DEPTH’ OF WATER OF ALL DOCKs IN ASHLAND HARBOR . gladly furnished, Quick dispateh guaranteed, Patronage Solicited, Cc, A. KING. Ashland Wis, aor \ ty WM. H. DeWITT, Sas et Geer O S Le eB ed Site WEEE: Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty. az iL fect = nee ROOM No. 6, BLAUKSTONE BLOCK. = : 5 a =] CLEVELAND. OHIO. MULLEN &CO., DEALER IN "ED- J. KENDALL: | ggorce Saat’s SON. \DOWNIE EUCALYPTUS rie ere ee sa PA\ENTED IN ALL TIIE. PRINCIPAL ( OUNTRIES IN THE WORLD. and South Main Street Bridge. : The Marine Reporter coper-smihing of all Kinds. Manufactured by the COWNIE B. I. P. Co. One® ar ge CLEVELAND. OHIO. — =h= Branch Office, DO4MARKET-ST. SAN FBANCISCO.aned tresestliverpoo! | poaTs COALED DAY OR NIGHT. are emittance Collections Made and Prompt Remit . sits ; 5 ; i fth : A ; > , W A A T Y This extract 1xcm the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree, has been adopted and is now in use by mostof the BOR TUG FOR SALE. Orders Tromptly Delivered with Small | VESSEI ORK SPECI L ‘ rere eure finer the Uk Navy. and ‘be largest totic nary plantain the country. Send for pamphlet. HARBOR oa i a -ontaining le “ sinen q eis dive ns for ure, price, ete. MYRTLE, of Sandusky, Ohio, for sale Boat Day or Night—Refrrence 313, 315 and 317 Cetroit-st- pe tach a a cag eh eRe RSMEANS iak Ns bhp Peas in first-class condition. Kor particu Port Huron Savings Bank, | Telephone 1638. CLEVELAND, 0. DELAFIELD, MORGAN, KISSELL & CO, Agts., Ld oe lars write to FRED GKOCH, Sandusky.0. [eoppwueon - - - - MICH. t 2 ¥ oy a : * eat apa 3 y Soe ae p t SS eER! $e a % ry Pact: mee’ Cam Sa ee ccllla e elmnc S e VESSEL AGENT, 7 ' rT. ee ; . | = - : ; ; i Vessels Chartered, Bought and Sold, Lake 3 eee aes lected and promptly remitted. : TANT HS | | 1) B ()| | | | S 94 Board of Trade, Chicago, IIL ‘ UL 9 9.,.W. ELPHIGKE&GO,, MARINE UNDERWRITERS, Vessel Agent and Broker,