¢ ? LB Ce OA Tt occ ttn tee nna ee i ae ae ae ae Wim, McCormick, of looking after the rg? to carry lumber. ho has sailed the @ that any more ore way. The $1.25 declared too low. rsary of the order sr has purchased the schooner right. He has added Mr. three fourths to the ecretary of War has appointed Gen. Poe, Maj. H. H. Adams, Maj. ©. J. of the engineer corps, a commission to gate as to the advisability of bridging j the Detroit river. with the Chicago towing company, 10 cortect ai ertor which appear in our last issue. We stated that the barge being built for Pennington and others, was located at Trenton. We have since learned that R. W. Linn, Gibralter, Mich., is the builder of this vessel. Captain M. M. Drake, and Joseph R. Old ham, civil engineer, are in the city acting as inspectors for Inland Lloyd’s register. Un- der the eyes fof these gentlemen, vessels of all classes will get the rating due them and nothing more or less. We take j;Jeasure in recommending the Mou it Olive Erasive Liquid, manufactured by Captain D, A. McLachlin, for ce ni: g varnish and painted art cles with. ut injury to the polish. Price 40c per gallon. Addre:s the Captain at No. 633 Trumbull aye., De- troit, Mich. It is also understood that Wolf & Davidson of Milwaukee have on hand a contract to move 100000 tons of ore from Escanaba to Ohio ports, the freight being $1.10. This is | 10 cents better than the rate on the first con- tracts made last season, but it is not up to the price which had been looked for by carriers. Meteorological summ..ry for the week ending | Feb uary 12, 1889: Mean barometer......... sedec aes heey 30500 M- an temperature... Lies 201 Mean humidity.... 2... 2.2.2... 78.7 Total. precipitation... .......... 38 Prevailing direction of wind.... ... West Total wind movement, miles............ 2244 Pepe -CLOUGIN BS. coo. cn was. 6 Average state of weather... . eueel MOuay. Max. temperature, (highest) ............ 33 8 Min, temperaiure, (lowes )......-..-.. 1,2 W. H. Harmon, Sergeant Signal Corps. F It is learned that one of the largest iron- ore companies has made a contract with a line of steamers to carry a big block of ore from the head of Lake Superior to Lake Erie ports at $1 25 a gross ton. The name of the éarrier is not given, but it is believed to be James J. | Hill, manager of the Northern steamship com- pany. That company owns six large steel steamers, two of which are not yet finished. All, however, will be ready for business by the opening of navigation. This rate, $1.26, is the same as was paid on the first contracts made one year ago, but it is lower than vessel men had figured on for the coming season. The keel of the new steamer which the Globe Iron Works Co., have contracted to build for Ira H. Owen, will be laid at once on the blocks which the North Shore has just ya- cated. The dimensions of the new steamer are, keel 262 feet, over all 276 feet, beam 38! feet, molded depth 23 feet. Compound en- gines, cylinders 28 and 50 inches, with a 42 inch stroke, boilers 9 feet 6 inches in diame- ter, length 16 feet. As announced ina pre- vious issue she will be ready by August Ist, soe Ss CLEVELAND. 0... FEBRUARY IA. 1889. Mr. Henry Leopold, who established busi- ness in this city in 1859, as a manufacturer of furniture upholstery and mattrasses, and who has since made a_ specialty of supplying vessels, has grown into prominence, as a leader in this line of business, that 18, fitting out vessels. If masters of vessels, steam or sail, want good service in upholstery, comfort, or convenience, they should call on Mr. Leo I $2.00PkR ANNUM | Srna.e Copms 5 ceuzg BUFFALO, N. ¥, Special to the Marine Record, The steamship Roamania is having some calking done here, Captain J. R. Cowley, who is now in this city, will command her the coming season. Engineer Welch, who was garia last season, is also here. He will go on the Roamania next season. Captain Joseph Hulligan, last season on the up keeping a channel open. Foreman Phil- lips and Captain Welch have been well | pleased with its work, they having succeeded in breaking through eight inches of ice. The ice inthe canal will be kept open as long’ a§| these docks the Eastern | possible, and when compelled to lay up the with Captain Crowley on the steamship Bul-| boat wlll be held at the Commercial slip, from whence a large territory can be covered, W J. Sandrock has been appointed agent during the season of 1888, owing to an exs tremely mild winter, although the Lehigh and the Northwestern will use the larger half of their last years receipts. In addition to railway is having built two docksiwhich will be the largest coal docksin the world:2100-ft long, with a slip be-~ tween 145 feet wide, the one on the east 355 feet wide and the other 300 feet which, it is pold to have their work done. <A visit to the oh cabins of the Philip Minch, or the recon- | Steamer Grand Traverse, started Tuesday eve- structed Specular, will convince any one that ning on a pleasure trip to New York and the work of this firm cannot be improved up-| Boston. of the companies held by David Vance & Co. | estimated, will hold 1,000,000 tons of coal Mr. Vance is expected to bring back from! One half of each of these docks is to be ready Europe the general agencies of several com—| for the receipt of coal by June 1, this year, so panies. Captain Demus Sullivan will go| that the outlook now is that the coal receipts on. The offices, manufactory and warerooms of this firm are at 794 to 800 Lorain street. Any one wish ng to get estimates on furni- ture and mattrasses for vessels or house work, will do well to call on Mr. Leopold as he as- | sures us that with his facilities for doing work somewhat cheaper than any of his competi tors, it will be to their advantage. Remember the place, 794 to 800 Lorain street, city. CHICAGO, ILL. HC, Felthousen and wife, started for Cal- if ornia !ast Friday on a pleasure trip. W. ©. Russel is confined to his residence with a badly sprained knee. J.J. H. Brown, vessel agent, and wife are in Washington on a pleasure trip. The steamer T. W. Palmer of Brown & Co’s fleet, has been re-named the “Samoa.” | Monday afternoon Reuben Dolph, a carpen- ter working on the Delaware and Lackawana with Vance & Co., as marine inspector. None of the Lehigh Valley captains will be dropped, so Manager Henry says, but two new ones will be appointed on acconnt of the addition of new boats to the fleet . The Board of managers of the Lake Car- rier’s association met last Friday A resolu- tion was adopted, asking for the resignation of Captain James W. Millen of Detroit as a will be about 900,000 tons or an increase of about 25 per cent. The Lehigh company are operating a plant of 50 coke ovens which will be increased to 200 this summer and it will take at least twenty full cargoes to bring up the necessary fire-brick etc., for them. The Lake Superior Oil company has established a depot here and received 1100 barrels of ‘oil last fall before the close of navigation and IN babtar'th the ah aera: Co,’s new coal shutes at the foot of Erie street, manager, on account of his connection with expect to receive large quantities this sea- the Peninsular Bridge Co., which has in view | son, The St. Paul, Minneapolis and Mani- The tug L. B. Johnson owned by Jacob Johnson, has received a thorough rebuild. She will receive an engine 22 by 22, Her | boiler is having a thorough overhauling, and when completed she will be as good as new and rate Al, ; : Captain J. B. Carter, last year of the tug Wau Bun, is in Buffalo on business connected ™Bwo dredges are being constructed for the improvement of the Calumet river by the government. The work ot deepening and widening the stream will commence in May. The schooner Adirondac, owned by the T. W. Harvey lumber company, will be thor- oughly overhauled under the superintendence of Captain Stubbs. Jay Norton & Co., are about to remove their salt docks from the Calumet river to Chicago. The excessive charges of the Belt Line for freight carrying constitute the cause of the removal. L. T. Sullivan, G H. Berriman, and Capt. E. Winchester, of Toledo, have bought the | Manitowac schooner C. C. Barnes for $17,000, | She is laid up here. Captain Winchester will sail her. WILLIAMs, DETROIT, MICH. Captain Millen, when shown the dispatch from Buffalo stating that the Lake carriers !association had asked his resignation, said: jl expected it. I’m notin sympathy with the |; association in a good many things, in fact huve been opposing it in almost everything lately. To begin with the members wanted to send a man with asalary of $5,000 to Wash- ingtop to lobby for the association. I opposed that. Then came the winter bridge matter. I spoke very forcibly in its favor. There is no reason from a common sense standpoint, why that bridge should not be built as proposed with 1,000 feet clear passageway through it during navigation, and counting the draw on the Detroit side, 1,800 out of 2,600 feet. “The time is coming when the Detroit river is going to be bridged. It has got to be done, }and the sooner the better for Detroit. The association wanted to prohibit rafts on the lakes. I wanted only to restrict their size. I, too, opposed lighting the Sault river at night as the river is too dangerous to be navi- gated except by daylight, so that [am genver- ally on the opposite side, you gee, and when a notification reaches me that my resignation | is desired it will be forthcoming ’’ Detroit river will be eminently satisfactory to everybody who wants a fair, just, and able re- port. As to those who want any other kind of a report, it is immaterial whether they are satisfied or not. | Truman, Moore and others of Lorain, O., the schooner H. W. Sage, the consideration being fell from one of the shutes and was instantly killed; his neck being dislo- cated et igen a pean Pea We regret to know that Captain J. Bourk- land who commanded the schooner David Vance last season, is suffering from a bad attack of pneumonia. _ $ ay, Referring to the statement of Captain J. W. Millen tht he was o oe the Lake Car- “| rier’s assoditition sending 8) Sera: Wash= ington, Captain W. P, Henry says: “The Lak® Carriers never had any idea of sending a man to Washington to lobby in their behalf. Con- gressmen and senators know very little about lake transportation, its importance or its needs. A competent, reliable man was sent there by the lake interests to watch legisla- tion bearing on them, and to explain to mem- bers such matters as they did not understand. No such thing as lobbying was thought of. The presence of our representative has had a salutary effect. Captain Millen at that time was in favor of a bridge over Detroit river, and it is understood that he was then in Washington working in ‘ts behalf.’ Captain Henry is one of the managers of the Lake Carrier’s association. Captain Millen has been a manager since its organization, but his resignation is now asked for on ac coun of his advocacy of a low winter bridge over Detroit river. He says he is perfectly wil- ling to resign. The annual meeting of the Inland Lloyds was held at the office of Manager Bates, and all arrangements for the coming season were made in a spirit of the utmost harmony. The usual assessments were made and the register will be issued about the first of April without change of style. The agents in attendance represented all the interests directly connected ! with the publication of the Lloyds. They were Messrs. O. T. Flint, Townsend Davis, H. 8. Sill, and P. W. Bullard of Buffalo, the lat— ter representing David Vance & Co., of Mil- waukee; ‘Ihomas G. Crosby and C, W. El- | phicke of Chicago; J.!J. Clark and,Eugene Har- brecht of Detroit, the latter being agent for the newly admitted Michigan Fire and Ma- rine Co., and George Tisdale of Cleveland. No change whatever was made in the arrange- ments and the meeting was largely a matter of necessary form. The election replaced all the old officers as follows: President, O. T. Flint; vice president, Thomas G. Crosby; sec- retary, and treasurer, Henry 8S. Sill; manager, 'W. W. Bates; executive committee, Townsend The appointment of Gen. Poe on the com.| Davis; chairman, H. S. Sill, O. T. Flint, G. mission to examine into the matter of bridging | W. Franklin, J. J. Clark. | The Union Dry dock company has taken a contract to build a new steel steamer for | Fletcher & Gilchrist of Alpena. She will be 200 feet long and 37 feet beam and will be adapted for the general lake trade. Work D. Whitney of Detroit has sold to Captain | will begin at once and the steamer will be fin- ished as soon as possible, John Kumbach and others of Toledo, have $26,000. She has been thoroughly repaired bought Thomas M. Ryan’s schooner, George /since her collision last fall with the steamer | Clinton of Buffalo, for $5,500. Lansing She carries 1,400 tons and will be commanded by Captain Moore. The ice in the creek has become so thick that the crew of -he fire tug have had to give the bridging of Detroit river. At the recen annual meeting in Cleveland of the Lake Car-| rier’s ascociation, a unanimous vote was hai against this bridge echeme. Captain Mi there argued that no hindrance to navigs would result from a bridge, but as : other members differed with him ox ter, he did not vote when the ais Same Meee Se g The managers. adopted a vigorous protest t ater fro! ay | exhausted by against t' e passage of the Saturday holiday bill now before the Legislature It was held that the closing of the banks from Friday afternoon till Monday morning during the busy months of June, July, August and Sep- tember, would entail serions loss to the ship- ping interests. The Union dry dock company have con tracted to beild for Gilchrist & Fletcher of Alpena, a steel steamer, 200 feet keel, 215 feet over all, 37 feet beam, 14 feet hold. She will have a fore and aft compound engine, 26 and 46 by 42, and Scotch type boiler 12 by 12} feet. She is to be completed by August | next. The fine steel steamship building for Kel- derhouse, Maythain and others, by the Union Dry Dock Co.; is in frame and more than one half plated. She is 275 feet keel, 293 feet over all, 40 feet beam, 24 feet hold. She will have a fore and aft compound engine 28 and 53 by 48, tobe built by Trout, King Iron works, and two Scotch type steel builers 12 by 12 each, to be built by the Lake Erie boiler works, She will be completed about June 1st. The steamer Nebraska is in oneof the Union company’s dry docks receiving a rebuild, and will receive new steel arches inside, to replace her wooden arches, The steamship H. G. Jewett is in dock where she has received some new steel plates to repair the damage done by collision with the steamship Veronica last season. Captain Harry Richardson, who has been attending to business connected with the building of Gilchrist & Fletcher’s new steel Buffalo Wednesday night. WES? SUPERIOR WIS. Special to the Marine Record. The chances for lake freight from this point may be ofinterest to your readers at the present time. Last season the receipis of coal at West Superior docks was 755,000 tons, 25,000 barrels of salt and several thousand tons of railroad iron wire also received, the shipments were between six and seven mil- lion bushels of grain. During the present season we cannot expect to ship as much grain by one half, owing to the failure of crops in Dakota, but the Manitoba railway by its Lake Superior terminal branch, the Eastern Railway of Minnesota, will ship more than enough flour to compensate for the loss of the wheat, besides making arrangements to handle considerable package freight, As to the coal shipments here the old docks (the Lehigh, 350,000 tons, the St. Paul and Pacific, 225,000 steamer, by the Union Dry Dock Co., left, tons, Northwestern Fuel Co., 120,000 tons and , the Ohio Coal Co., 60,000 tons) will not re-| ;ceive much oyerone-halfof the amount taken bring it to an abrupt clo i) = : ERIE, PA. ‘ ts A painful accident occurred to an ice. load of government employes Saturday C.ptain Clarke, superintendent’ of the ‘life’ saving station, and lighthouse keeper Coyle were the principal v ctims. The boat, which | was flying atu high rate of speed, struck a cake of ice. (aptain Clarke’s injuries were of a very dangerous character, being about the head and body His arms and legs were also injured. Mr. Coyle, who is a one-legged sol- der, had the other leg broken and was other~ wise injured. MARINE CITY, MICH. ‘The annual meeting of the Marine Transit company was held at the office of W. C. Rob- erts at Roberts’ landing on Tuesday. The old corps of officers were re elected, the number of directors being increased from five to seven and M. Sicken and John Drawe elec ed. The capital stock of the company was increased from $50,000 to $100,000, The «ompany will continue building at their yard in this city, putting on another boat as soon as the present one is launched. The annual ball of the marine engineers occurs on Wednesday evening, February. 20. The boys have the reputation of getting up one of the most suecessful entertainments of this class ever given in this city, and they are making special efiorts to make this surpass all previous balls given by them. They have ar- ranged for a supper at the Commercial house, and have placed the bill at 75 cents, with sup- per at 75 cents per couple additional. It is expected that delegations wiil be present from Port Huron, St. Clair, and several other paces. : & PORT ARTHUR ONT. Dur ng last season of navigation the C, P, R. brought into this port 83,000 tons of coal. In the season of 1887 they brought in about 50,000 tons and were much short. This year less than 30.000 tons of the 83,000 will be used | and this will make a tremendous difference ' to the vessel trade in the coming season, It is possible that the C. P, R. will ges in no coal this year and certainly 20,000 tons will coyer the amount. ALEXANDRIA BAY, ONTs W. H. Visger is putting in two large docks for C. J. Singer of Chi ago, on his island. Today while drawing stone for Singer's dock, Henry Hunt and team broke through the ice. They were soon rescued only losing the stone. [CONCLUDED ON FIFTH PAGE], AY ROR Sia get