ver, Ohio, anew ions 29 feet 8 ‘dimensions are jane 26 feet on water line beam 9 feot draft al -already for this ‘season. Captain Geo. B. Cox, one of our oldest ma~ rine friends, passed his sixty-eighth milestone “yesterday. The captain promises to give us some of his remininscences in the near future which will probably be interesting to many of the older mariners on the !akes. Captain Hewitt left for Detroit last night to testify in the case of the Mackinaw Lumber Co. vs. Minch and others. The case is one of damage caused by raft towing in the St. Clair river and the outcome will be watched closely by vessel men and others interested. Wetake ;Jleasure in recommending the Mount Olive Erasiye Liquid, manufactured by Captain D. A. McLachlin, for cleuning varnish and painted articles without injury to the polish. Price 40c per gallon. Address the Captain at No. 633 Trumbull., ave De- troit, Mich. Thesloop yacht Alert is under going general repairs at Coit’s beach. The sloop yacht Sylvia has also had considerable work done on _ her, a 3-ton iron shoe having been fitted, and cabins improved and she is having a new suit of can- vas; she will be in perfect racing trim for the coming season. We have been shown a blue print of the machinery for railroad round houses designed for this city and Younstowa, all the iron work of which will be done by the Chase Fog Whis- tle machine works. This job requires close figuring and if the above named company cannot do it at an approximate cost we lose our guess, Meteo! ological summ»ry for the week ending February 19, er: Mean barometer. . - 29.26 Mean temperature... 248 Mean humidity... 75.0 Total precipitation............ 46 Prevailing direction of wind... West Total wind movement, miles 1853 Averag~ cloudiness.... .... 2... 0200.0. 5. Average state of weather... pee Gay Max, temperature, (highest) . atee: AOS - Min. temperature, (lowest)............ 9.5 W. H. Harmon, Sergeant Signal Corps. A suit against the administrator of. the estate of the late Stephen V. Harkness, began by Ole Anderson, was put on trial before Judge Lamson Monday morning. The suit is for $10,000 damage and is based on the fol- lowing allegations. June 23, 1887, Anderson "was employed as a sailor on board Mr. Hark- _ness’ yacht “Peerless” and was subject to the orders of Captain Avery. That day the yacht was engaged in towing a scow and Anderson was sent on board the scow to keep her off the yacht. While he was engaged in so doing the _yacht without warning,to him increased her speed and his hand was caught in the ropes and torn off. Globe Tron Works Co, will not’ be able to com- , toward improving Cleveland’s facilities for 3} new boat launched for the Northern line has | DEVOTED 10 NAVIGATION, COMMERCE, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. CLEVELAND. O.. ).. REBRUARY QI. ABSI. $2.00Pzr ANNUM | SINGLE COPIES 5 cERTg ‘ilson Transit Line, is now on a visitto Flor- ida with his family. Captain Wilson will probably extend his vacation for a couple of weeks yet. Captain John Connors of Chicago has pur- chased one eignth of the schooner Thomas P, Sheldon from Captain H, Cummings consid- “| eration private. Captain Joho Connors will sail the Sheldon himself this season, Captain Connors is in the city and expresses himself well pleased with his purchase. Owners and shippers are very quiet at this | writing, and no new developments are reported by vessel owners, agents, or brokers. The | reason for this apparent inertia is said to be chietly on account of the interests concerned not being ready for business, yet at the same | time there is an underlying current which people are watching closely. The Chase Fog Whistle Machine Co. have 8 orders for their automatic whistle for the boats building in Buffalo and Cleveland and are constructing many others for different ports this company is also doing good business in general repair work. It is possible that in the course of time they will take up the business of pipe fitting, plumbing and general machin- ery work and engineers’ supplies. We wish to contradict the report that has now gone the rounds of exchanges that the plete the new boat building for Ira H. Owen. The facts are as we stated three weeks ago that the steamer willbe finished by August 1, and nothing rushed about her either except the Usual hum which is characteristic of the Globe Iron Works shipyard. The ore merchants aud vessel owners are interested in the report that the Cleveland & Pittsburg railway company will make ex— tensive improvements on its docks before the opening of navigation. General Manager McCreary and General Superintendent Taylor were in the city Tuesday in consulta. tion with General Agent Smith and other railroad men. It is proposed to spend $800,000 in enlarging the docks and placing in new machinery. Itis very probable that the work will be done. The Cleveland Shipbuilding Co. is now prepared to take contracts for two more steam- boats, inasmuch as the first of the Cleveland Iron Mining company’s boats will be ready to launch in thirty days and the other very soon afterward. This company is building iron ves~ sels and rush along the work very rapidly. The best of workmen are employed at this yard and those who have had vessels constructed express themselves as being well pleased with | construction and machinery and speed, also | carrying capacity. The railroad companies here are again making promises regarding dock improve- ments and it is probable that something will be done before the opening of navigation handling ore and regaining a part of the busi- ness which Ashtabula and Fairport haye| taken from the city within three years — past. The latest promise is from officers of the | Valley railroad company, who say that before | spring their company will bein a position to | handle more than double as much ore as at present. We are pleased to say tothe readers of the Maxine Recorp, who understood that the last | been named the North Star. It has occurred to many people that there is nothing in a name but we insist that there is, Last week | we published an article giving details of the! launch of the North Shore. Are there any sug- gestive qualities ina steel steamboat built by the Globe Iron Works Co. which would call for such a name (the North Shore) we under- stand that the Northern Line, under which cognomen these boats will trade, are Ameri- canized. The managers of the line haye con- cluded that the name applied by the Marve | ReEcorp two weeks since is much more appro- riate than that under which the boat was aunched, ard this fine steel steamer will sail out of this port under the name of the North Star. We congratulate the managers of the} line on the common sense that induced this change of nomenclature. Captain Thomas Wilson, manager of the |. | last Thursday. BUFFALO, x. Y Special to the Marine Record. At R. Mills & Co’s shippard there is being built for R. Mills & Co., and others, the same parties that own the Wyoming and R. Mills, a steamship 262 feet keel, 276 feet over all, 40 feet beam, 24-feet depth of hold. She will have a triple expansion engine 20 and 32 and 52 by 45, building by H. G. Trout, King Iron Works, and two steel boilers of Scotch type, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 2 inches each, to be allowed 160 pounds steam pressure, by M. Riter Eagle boiler works. Shé will also have the Providence windlass from the American ship windlass Co., also steam windlass cap- stans, from the same firm, and Williamson Bros’ No, 117 worm geared steam steerer. She is ceiled, has her deck frames partly in place, all the plank is on her bottom and she is being calked; the plank on her sides is being put on rapidly. She is exceptionally strong built, has an upper steel cord 9 by $, steel shelf attached to same, 30 by 3, lower steel cord 15 by }, diagonal steel strapping all over outside 4} by 9-16, steel plates on each side of the main keelson from stem to stern post 18} by #. Sheis edge boltedinside all the way up and square fastened with $ her as strong as it is possible to build a vessel of wood and iron, ete , will be fitted up with the best and most modern furniture and fittings. She is to be launched in April. At R. Mills & Co’s., shipyard the steamer Badger State is in dock receiving new wooden arches, plank sheare rail, bulwarks, fenders and deck calking, at a.cost of about $15,000. The steamship John B. Lyon was in dock for calking all over, the steamship Lycoming for calking, and repairs to her arches. The steamship ‘I, W. Palmer, now Samoa, was docked and received repairs to damage done in collision with the steamship Gladstone, amounting to some $6000; the steamship A. P. Wright was in dock for repairs to her stern bearing, shoe and new buckets to her wheel, the steamer Cuba received two new boilers and repairs to her upper works. ‘She will go in dock later for a new wheel; the steamship Wyoming is having her ceiling calked, the steamship Robert Mills her deck calked, the steamer Buffalo is in dock for a new wheel and stern pipe and her shaft straightened. J.8. Dunham, of Chicago, was in Buffalo He was on his way to Troy and New York. ‘The firm ot M. Riter, Eagle boiler works, have all the work they can handle, with a force of 125 men who are making considerable over time, and they haye been compelled to refuse considerable work which they could not possibly get done at the time requir ed. They , are building two fire box marine bvilers 9 feet 6 inches diameter, 14 feet long, each, for a steamship building at F. W. Wheeler’s ship- yard, West Bay City. Two Scotch type ma- rine boilers 11 feet 6 inches diameter, 12 feet 2 inches long, to carry 160 pounds steam, for jthe steamship building at R. Mills & Co’s | shipyard. Two Scotch ‘type boilers 11 feet 6 inches by 13 feet to carry 150 pounds steam, one fire box marine boiler 9 feet 6 inches by | > 16 feet, to carry 115 pounds steam, one up-— right marine boiler 3 feet diameter, 6 feet high, and one upright marine boiler 3 feet 6 inches diameter, 6 feet 6 inches high, all for James Davidson, West Bay City. Two tire box marine boilers 7 feet 6 inches diameter 14 feet long each, for two tugs T. Maytham is building here. One Scotch type marine boil- er 5 feet 6 inches by 7 feet, to carry 135 pounds’steam, to be placed on the canal and lake steamboat company’s canal steamer Ve- nus. Two Scotch type marine boilers 6 feet 6 inches diameter, 10 feet long each, to carry 170 pounds steam for the Maumee river steamboat company, Toledo, O. Two tubular boilers 6 feet diameter, 16 feet long, for the C. J. Wells elevator. They are also arrang- ing to build two boilers for the Watson eleva- tor, the style and dimensions of which will be decided on in the near future. They are also doing all the necessary repairs on the boilers bolts: and 9 inch spikes, and it is calculated to make’ Her cabins, officer’s rooms | of the Union steamboat company’s and Weet- ern Transportation Co’s steamer laid up at this port. |i is $2,000,000, | canal between Lake Michigan and the north branch of Chicago River. The capital stock They will also construct and L. W. Cheeney, superintendent of May-— operate docks, piers and harbors in connec- tham’s tug line, and wife, left for New York | tion with it. The incorporators are Alfred Monday. They contemplate a visit to. Eu-| Cowles, Jr., John C. Mason and Frank W. rope. The firm of Sutton Brothers are very busy Nelson. It is gratifying to learn that the top of the building two 21 by 24 marine engines for T,| Washington street tunnel, at Chicago, is to be Maytham’s two new tugs; one 13 by 14 marine} Owered three feet, a sufficient depth to ac- engine for Owens and Beck’s new tug build—» commodate our largest. vessels. ing by O,Grady & Maher; one 10 by 12 ma- rine engine, and a 5 by 6 Scotch type boiler to C. T. Yerkes, the street railroad magnate, has decided to ‘pay the cost of the improvement. Evidently be sent to Santiago, and placed ona steamer. the petition of the Lake Carriers’ Associa- They shipped on February 15th, a 11 by 12 marine engine for F A. Barnhart’s new tug building at Massina, N. Y. O’Grady & Maher are building for T, May- tham’s tug line, two fine tngs 75 feet keel, 16 feet 10 inches beam, 10 feet hold, to be ready by May Ist. E. L. Parish, shipehandler and sailmaker re-opened his sail and rigging loft on Mon- day, with a full complement of sailmakers and riggers, who will have their hands full to gev ready the various orders on hand’ by the open- ing of navigation. E. L, P. has been doing good business at his store since the close of. navigation, and has quite a number of sails] ; 8 | branch, and as far as Bridgeport on the | said to have helped itself most tion has had considerable influence in bring- ing about the desirable settlement. A. H. Burley, city comptroller of Chicago, has unearthed from among the city archives, some old maps and records showing that four- teen miles of a strip of land running from six to thirty feet in width has been appropriated by property owners along the banks of the ‘Chicago river, on both sides of the north branch. A certain railroad serporstion) i the river for a considerable di city will bring suit to determin : and outfits stowed away in his extesiye sail th loft, some of which will require renewing repairing. He has received the contract to fit out the new steel steamship building at the Union dry dock companys’ yardfor Kelderhouse Maytham, and others, also the contract for the outfit of the barge M. J. Wilcox, to re-convert her into a three mast schooner. H. G. Trout, King Iron Works, is full of work, and is keeping employed 260 men. He is building for a steamship bnilding by F. W° Wheeler, shipbuilder, West Bay City, a fore and aft compound engine, with cylinders 28 inches high pressure, 52 inches low pressure, 42 inches stroke, For the steel steamship building at the Union dry dock company’s shipyard a fore and aft compound engine, 28 and 52 by 48, For the steamship building at R. Mills & Co’s shipyard, a triple expansion engine 20 and 32 and 52by 45. For a steam- ship building by James Davidson, ship build- er, West Bay City, a fore and aft compound engine 22 and 40 by 40. Three hundred and sixty -five of Trout’s celebrated propeller wheels were sold during the year 1888, and for the month of January jast, five more were sold than in Jannary, 1888. Captain Tom ‘Burton, will be very proud in- deed of the propeller Nebraska, when her overhauling and rebuilding is completed. She will be so much improved that if she could but receive a uew name she would not be recognized as the Nebraska. Howard H. Baker & Co., ship chandlers, 18 to 20 Terrace, have the contract to supply the new steel steamer at the Union dry dock, and the Mills & Co, steamer, with their an- chors, chains, Providence steam windlasses and steam capstans, and Williamson Bros.’ steam steerers complete. They are also fur- nishing the steamer W. B. Morley with new steam capstan, of the American ship windlass company’s make, costing about $600. Edwin B. Sintzenich, of Rochester, has con- tracted to place on the Western Transit com- pany’s steamer Syracuse, a balance valve, a counterpart of one he placed on the steamer Albany two seasons ago. The balance valve on the steamer Albany’s engine, when carry- ing 115 pounds steam, relieves her main slide valve on high pressure cylinder 10 tons{weight. | It has proved highly successful on the Alba- ny. , It can be attached to any ordinary slide valve engine. Captain Thomas Maytham has made the following appointments for his fleet: North- erner, Captain James Todd; Newburg, Cap- tain Kiah; Waverly, Captain Murphy. Cap- tain Gibson, one of the owners, will bring out the new boat being built at the Union docks. WILLIAMS. CHICAGO, ILL, The Chicago River, Canal & Dock Co., of | this city, has been incorporated to construct a fine public docks and might be erected at different poin river, and more clean and sightly embank— ments take-the place of the present neglected and dilapidated looking structures which are an eyesore and disgrace to a large city; and in this connection it would be well to notice that the owners or occupants of a wharf or dock is compelled, according to the federal law, to use reasonable care, and to inform themselves of the condition of their structures, for should there be any injury to vessel property through adefect or obstruction, such asiron bolts sticking out or the carrying away of insecure mooring posts, or from any cause which the owner of the dock ought to have guarded against and had not done so, then he renders himself liable for the amount ofdamage done to the vessel laying, discharging, or loading at his dock; at least such has been the decision of the judges on several occasions where liti~ gation was resorted to. MT. CLEMENS, gpecial to the Marine Record. Capiain William Dalac is building anew steam yacht ut his yard, with dimensions as fol- lows: keel 48 feet, beam 11 feet, depth of hold 4 feet, over all 53 feet. She is made of the best of vak and is a handsome model, She will be used as a pleasure boat and also do sume towing. The Eagle Iron Works, of Detroit, will build ber engine aid boiler, Herengine is 10x12 stroke and high pressure,a d her boiler is 5 diameter by 6 feet long, wade of best of steel. She will be ready for spring work, Mr. Joseph Longsbay & Co., owners of the steambarge Sakie Shepard, bas given a contract to the Eagle Iron Works, of Detroit, for a new boiler for their boat; diameter: 64x12 feet, It is tobe made of ¢ steel, the best, and well braced; price $2,000 put in the boat, Tonawanda barge line is making minor pairs on<their tow barges at Dulac shipyard, The Jewett is getung I) new bulwarks aud through fastenings and her top sides calked. LECROIX. | ré- SAULT STE. MARIE, Engineers are engaged in the survey of the approach to the Sault Canadian canal, The recent extreme cold weather has thick- ened the ice on the Sault river, The ice is wade more solid owing to light snow with which it is covered. It is now from 18 to 20 inches thick in Mud Lake, with prospects of increasing. Last year at this time it was two and a half feet in thickness. The present stage of water in the Sault canal is about six inches lower than it was last summer. The mean depth of water, as given by official figures taken at a point aboye the canal, shows that for the month of January, 1889, as compared with the same month in 1888, it has increased four-tenths of a foot; a very pleasing statement for all vessel owners and shippers. Bese Risa aS Bast sees