Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 7, 1889, p. 1

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_ CLEVELAND. 0. O.. MARCH 7. 1889. ‘ be feet of the finest class of steam- ahes now lines the river front, ready tolaunch atan eatly date. The Cleveland Iron mining company will have two of the finest boats it is ‘possible to produce, if eminent skill, and ex- cellent material is to be counted in the result. Work at the Globe Iron Works is being ied on with their usual briskness, and the | machinery for the new boats now under con- ‘struction by the firm, furnishes employment for a large number of skilled mechanics. At Ba shipyard their efficient superintendent n' Mr. John Smith, keeps the busy hum alive, regularity, and discipline, being the order of ___| the day during the hours of work, s,from the American Ship Windlass 9, of Providence, R. L., for Rhodes’ new building at Quayle’ s Sons’ shipyard have arrived here, also the Williamson’s steam steerer for the same boat. Messrs. Bassett, Presley & Train. Iron and Steel warehouse. report a brisk outlook, and ademand for sheet iron, boiler iron, and tubes, rivets, and general ship iron, and spikes; while bar iron, and material for agricultural implements is quoted as being quiet. At Quayles’ Sons ship yard, the boat build ing for R. R. Rhodes, is well along, being nearly all planked, and her machinery all on board, the finishing up about decks and the joiner work is going on regularly, and from the present outlook she will be ready to launch about the middle of April. The work of surveying the lake fleet so far as necessary to make a report for the Lloyds Register is now complete for Lake Erie, and a week or two will be sufficient to finish the whole survey. As this work was continued all through last season it is a comparatively easy task now. Captain Frank Brown, of the schooner May Richards, has just returned from Lorain, hay- ing completed repairs to his vescel, making her now a single decker, and one of the finest on the lakes for handling cargo. Captain Brown will proceed to Buffalo to repair the schooner George Clinton, recently pnrchased by Murbach and Folger. The boat building for Captain Thomas Wilson is now having her lower deck frames, iron arches, aad straps in place, and the work on her is progressing rapidly, in spite of the soft weather which we have been having this. winter. The boat building for J. C. Lock wood, of Milan, Ohio, is now about two- thirds in frame, and steady work is being done on her from day to day, G. A. Matthews, last season engineer of the steamer Egyptian, has built a boiler shop on the ground formerly occupied by the Ameri- can paint company’s works east River street: In addition to boiler making, and repairing. Mr. Matthews is prepared to do steam fitting | and plumbing ,and deals in engineers supplies. | He is open to contract for any work pertain-| ing to marine engineering. Captain N, Bartlett, “the good man at the} wheel” from Ashtabula, is at home to all his friends on board his fine ship Uncie Sam. He} is very happy; being sole owner, and monarch of all he surveys, as he has a bona fide title of the ship. Captain Mulholland and family paid him a visit Sunday, and made him a present of a few luxuries. The Clevelend shipbuilding company’s shipyards, and their extensive machine, and The appointments credited in our last issue as follows: The Port Huron transportation ‘| company have made the following appoint- ments for the season of 1889: Steamship Gog- ebec, Wm. Neil; the new steambarge Pawnee Captain Al. Neil, sr; Nelson Mills. Captain John Sims., should read, steamer Gogebic, owned by. the Mils transportation company, | steamer Pawnee owned by the Pawnee boat company, and the steamer Nelson Mills, owned by N, Mills and Co., of Cleveland. At Cleveland dry dock the barge Sumatra of | the Orient line is undergoing a thorough calk- ing, and being generally overhanled. The tug Thomas M. Moore, had a leak stopped, and bows ironed, having been slightly . in- jured with ice, she will come out of the dry- dock to-morrow, also the Sumatra. TheS. E. Sheldon of the Bradley fleet will then be docked for re fastening and calking. Work on the new Johnson boat is progressing rap— idly, her four pole masts are allready, and fitted with the iron work, two of the sticks are 90 feetin length, one 92 feet, and one 76 feet. Alfred J. Russell, of the firm of Russell & Watson, Buffalo, was in the city on Tuesday last. We believe that the firm of Russell & Watson, or what was until recently, the firm of Felthousen & Russell, is the only manufac- tory on the chain of lakes where signal lamps and lamps of all classes are made. ‘The supe- riority of their work has given them a pres- = tige in the marine would second to none, and | weshould like to see the new members of this old established house, prosperous, and main- taining the excellent reputation won by their predecessors. We have heretofore noted the improvement being made by the Globe Iron Works com- pany. It is now the.time to make mention of the sequel. The new offices are completed, warmed and lighted, and every one happy. We are not good at details, leaving those to the “Lord to low ambition and the pride of kings. But. we desire to say that no one can dispense hospitalities in a better manner than that of Mr. J. H. Parkhurst’s, at the meeting last Saturday “a louse warming’’ in the old style,—that is, the host could not pay too much attention to guests. We join with many in wishing much prosperity to a com- pany that remembers these things. Captain Ira Mansfield, last season on the steamer Christie, says that the Providence windlass, manufactured by the American ship windlass company, Providence, R. I.. is the best windlass ever placed on a vessel, in so far as his personal experience is concerned, and is more than pleased that the Germanic. the fine steamer which he is part owner of and which he will sail himself this coming season, is already fitted with the Provicence windlass. In conversation Captain Mans— field remarked that on one occasion off White- | fish Point he had hove in 60 fathoms of cable chain, catted, and fished his anchor, and wss under weigh, before a number of other vessels with inferior windlaeses had hove short. Meteor ological summary for the week ending March 5, 1889: Mean barometer. . Mean temperature... Mean humidity... . Total precipitation... .... 2... Prevailing direction of wind Total wind movement, miles. Average cloudiness. Average state of weather............... " ovay Max. temperature, (highest)............ 40.3 Min. i ae ey (lowes!)...-.---.2-. 29.0 W. H. Harmon, Sergeant Signal Corps. Mr. E. C Chambers of bere of Reknktort, Mich., vessel owner, was in the city Wednesday. The graduates of the nautigal school, which has been held in the Seyy/-ar block during the pant few weeks, gradyjved the following officers: John B. Hall, last year on the Co- rona; E. Mooney, last year on the Cambria; W. W. Dawley, of the Wilson Transit line; James W. Higgins; Wm. Megarvey; Harry F. Holmes, last year mate ef the 8, E. Sheldon; all received first class certificates. Samuel C. Allen, wheeleman on the Ranney; Thomas S. Fagan, also wheelsman on ihe Ranney; C. R. Baker wheelsman on the E. B. Hall; Henry B. Brock, mate of the Schnoor, All of these certificates are for steam and sail, and we congratulate the candidates, A nauti- cal schoul is a matter long desired, and while Captain Bradford, the teacher, who returned to Buffalo Tuesday, has not become. very wealthy during his sojourn in Cleveland, he has made several gocd navigators. In case Captain Bradford should find it convenient to retarn to this city next season, we trust he will find a larger c!ass, and therefore more profits A. fortnight ago the Leader published an article upon the iron ore interests of Cleve-| land, in which it was shown that the ore car— ried out of the city as freight was handled, | for the most part, by two railroads—the N. j Y. P. & O., and’ the Cleveland & Pittsburg, the former tranefartt ing. io its ears 600,000 tons of ore, and the latter 300,000 each year. The difference in favor of the N. Y. P. & O. road was due to the use of improved machinery. The grand possibilities of “Whiskey Island,’’ where the ©. & P. ore docks are located, were recognized, and the fact reported that that railroad had decided to expend $800,000 in improvements upon them. The fact that Ashtabula led Cleveland last year as an ore port, and as many believe, be— cause of its superior equipmeurt of improved machinery and hoisting facilities, suggested a field of enterprise to a number of Cleveland gentlemen, the first fruit of which was pro- duced at Columbus yesterday. Certificates of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state for the Cleveland & Pittsburg Dock Co., of Cleveland, with a capital stock of $250,000. ‘The incorporators are Calvary Morris, M. M. Hobart, Charles H. Cole, J. E. Newburn, and William J. Nevens. The money is to be mostly furnished by Calvary Morris, of Cleve land, and J. W. Ellsworth, of Chicago, mem-— bers of the firm of Morris, Ellsworth & Co., coal dealers. These gentlemen are to build docks on Whiskey Island, where they have have leased the territory of the C. & P. com— pany. They are to invest several hundred thousand dollars in hoisting machinery, and will do the handling of coal and iron ore, for— merly done by the railroad company. M. M. Hobart, Esq., the counsel for the company, told a reporter last night that every thing for the enterprise was arranged and work would be begun at once, on a large | scale. BUFFALO, N. ¥. Special to the Marine Record. Mr. W. G. Scott, who has beep for several years in the ship chandlery business, repre- senting some of the best houses in Chicago and Detroit, has moved here from West Bay City, and will carry the banner in the inter- estsof Howard A. Baker & Co., during the coming season. Mr Scott is well known to | the marine community, and we wish hima full measure of success in his connection with | the extensive firm of Howard’ H. Baker, & | Co. The schooner Erastus Corning has. been | sold to the Lorain syndicate that bought the H. W. Sage for $17,500. Buffalo men were after her, but were too late. She was built in Tonawanda N. Y.,1867, measures 791 tons, rates Bl, and is givena Lloyds valuation of $18,000. ERIE, PA, Bpecial to the Marine Recora. W. J. Bates, shipbuilder, is doing neceesary repairs to the Anchor line steamers Alaska, Delaware Gowan, Campbell, and Susquehaaa. Captain L. Davis is getting some calking and necessary repairs to his schooner F. W. Gifford, and she will come out in the spring as good as new, upon the tug Grace and Ella, | ted for fishing purposes. | steam for Yougheney Co $2.00PER ANNUM SINGLE Coprms 6 cENTs ASUTABULA HARBOR, OHIO, McKinnon Brothers are very busy getting out new dock machinery and iron ore buckets. They have gone into the boiler business, in connection with their machine shops, and are doing considerable repairs on vessels’ boilers laid up here, They, have purchased consid- erable land adjoining their present works, with 226 feet frontage on the river upon which they will, inthe near future, erect larger works asthey find bnsiness increasing. J.8. Sheldon & Son have removed their meat market about fitty feet in the rear of the old stand; their market will now face the river. They were compelled to move to make room for the new bridge. J.G. Laiard is putting new ceiliug and hatch coamings in the schooner Negaunee; caulking the steamer Kittie M. Forbes from the water’s edge up; has caulked the barge Mabel Wilson’s deck; put new ceiling in the steamer Jim, Sheriffs; doing necessary repairs He has just added to his ship, yard an eighteen horse power engine, jigsaw, and planer, to enable him to do all work expeditiously. He is to commence building a fishing tug 45 feet keel, 50 feet over all, 11 feet beam, 4h feet | depth of hold, for William Tallman. Weare pleased to note that Captain W. W. Starkey has nearly recovered the sight of his left eye, so that he can easily tell an. ‘from a shoal of sharks. He is sabout t to bu a three story brick building on the old site| - where he was burnt ont in January, 1886, and hopes to open up his new siore in July, next. Captain W, W. Starkey’s business has so in- creased at Ashtabula Harbor that he found it neeessary to have his son, J.C., give up his store at Fairport and join him at Ashtabula Harbor. The King Bridge Co., of Cleveland, have | contracted to build a new iron steam bridge in the place of the wooden structure now in existence. It isto be completed by July next. It will have aspan of 120 feet, and will be 20 feet wide; it will bea very fine structure. ‘he old bridge will be placed a short distance down the river to accommodate passengers until the new one 1s completed. The Lake Shore docks are being very greatly improved and added to by rebuilding, repairing, and new machinery. The Mutual Transportation Co., of Cleve- land, are making extensive alterations and im- provements on their dry docks, by putting in seven new legs forhoisting purposes. McKin- non Brothers are doing uearly all the work for the company. Four new brick stores will be erected this | spring, on Bridge street. Captain George Ford and Redhead’s two new stores will be removed to the eastward to make room for the new bridge. James P, Deyney’s ship yard, Ashtabula Harbor, has given the barge Wayne new rail and monkey rail all round, all new hatches, and part new stringer under the rail. Wheeler, caulking outside from light water mark to the rail, ceiling, between decks, with four threads of oakum; decks on each side of hatches, new gaff and stem. Barge Genoa, four new hatches, 150 feet new rail, and part new monkey rail. Pickands & Co’s scow At- lantic, lengthening 30 feet, caulking all over, Steamer | | new gunwales for rail track for hoisting ria- chine torun on. Two new tugs, length 60 feet, 11 feet beam, 4 feet and 6 inches depth of hold, good model and well adap- , length 125 feet over | ali, 30 feet beam, with six gunwales, planked throughship deck to run fore and aft, with track for hoisting engine, and to use for pro— pelling the same, 12 by 12 inches, wheel 48 inches; she is to be ready by the middle of June. The steambarge Jim Sheriffs is hav— ing her boilers raised and repaired by the Cleveland Machine and Boiler Works Co, | Eight men have been sent by the company to do the work. WiILLIAMs, POKT HURON, MICH, Special to the Marine Record. The tug Porter is in Dunford and Alver son’s dry dock, receiving new ceiling, frames New scow with | and upper works, and she is having her stem renewed five feet. The Porter will be in first class shape when she comes out of the dock. The barge. Ida Corning is also in the same dock receiving new ceiling, frames, and other repairs. The schqoner Skylark, and Barge Hale, are engaged in transfering grain from P. B. Sanborns elevators to his Sarnia elevator. Love and Scovefild shipped on Monday, the boiler for Simon. Langell’s new steambarge building at St. Clair James Karnehan has been appointed stew- ard on the steamer Darius Cole, for season of 1889. Mr. Kernahan has made a great num- ber of friends, on the river route by his oblig- ing ways. i The steamer A.J. Wright, is having her engine overhauled. James Reid. of Bay. City, was in this city Monday, looking after his vessel interest. Captain Thomas Currie, of this city, has purchased the. tag get Nu Brady, from Fisher, . i ake ia Samuel Vv. Parsons, of | J. M. Jones, of Detroit, are looking over the aR losses on the ‘burned propeller Colorado. CLAYTON, N, ¥.. i Editor of Marine Record, _ Grorge M. Tilton goes chief engit.ecr of the steamer Argonaut, now at Ozdensburg. M. W. Allen goes second engineer of the. steamer Sheffield. Captain Ben Cilhoun has a gang of car- penters at work on the schooner Montana, giving ber a general overhauling. The s'eamer Juniata is being rebuilt from the keel up; new cxbins etc. Captain Rat- tery will have a fine bout when finished. Minor repairs are being mada on the svhconers Hartford and Cornelia. MT. CLEMENS, The keel of a new tow barge,was laid down last week, atCaptain Dulac’s ship yard, for the Tonawanda Barge Line; the dimensions are just the same as the last one sold scme time ago. Keel, 178 feet; beam’ 32 depth of hold, 12 feet; over all, 185 feet. is to be made of the best of oak, and has already some frames up. She is to be ready for business by July first, and will be employed in the lumber trade from Manistee to Tonawanda, Mr, Archie Stewart, of Port Huron, isthe builder. She will carry 800,000 feet of lumber, or 1,000 tons of iron ore, The work on Captain A. Tucker’s new boat is going on rapidly. She is all planked in- side and out, and deck beams all on; she will be ready for the opening of navigation, Captain J.S. Ruby isdoing minor repairs on the J. S. Ruby. , Mr. Edward Smith, df Forester, ae sent a petition to have captains and owners sign for a life saving station at that place. Hight een signatures of captains and owners were obtained and seut. William Winmill goes mate of the Chen- ango. feet; She CHARLEVOIX, MICH, Special to the Marine Recora. No ice in sight, but small driftings of ice, Weather very warm the last week. The Pine Lake passenger boat, Clara Belle, is being lengthened 16 feet. The scow Lottie Mason, receiving new plank share, new cabin, deck frames, decks and stanchions; schooner Fleetwing, new frames, lining and fore mast; schooner Peoria, new main mast, top mast, and new lining. H. LORAIN, OHIO. ‘The Erie street bridge has been completed, and we now have 20 feet more in the draws than there was before. Vessels frequenting thisfport will find the increased facilities a great assistance,

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