Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 14, 1889, p. 1

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CLEVELAND. On ae The Haley bill to provide for the issuing of | $25,000 bonds for the purpose of opening | the old river bed channel into the outer har- bor, has met with no opposition at Columbus. ts wisdom and propriety are too self-evident to permit anybody to stand in its way. . Captain Richard Cu-cn, Detroit, ship’s | busband for the Whitney ficet, is in the city | calling on vessel men, Crptain Cuson has been aitending to the calking of the FW. Wh: eler, at Ashtabula,and leaves tor Detroit 7 night. f acod. _ DETROIT, MICH. Sprit to the Marine Record. me} J.C Goss is haying lots of work done in ‘his sail making, rigging, flugs and awning ly opened by. departments, all running fuil capacity, with vad — his usual share of fitouts for new vessels ‘since its building at this and other ports. _ Captain Alex Ruelle’s tug Carrington, has | heustived «Hew boiler 7 feet 2 inches: diame- ter, 12 feet 6'inches long, built by the Detroit | dry dock boiler works. Captain G. E. Mapes has been giving his schooner, Smith and Post, a new stern and *| other repairs, and re:fastening and re-calking all over, at a cost of about $1000. Teuton, McWilliams & Oo., and John Fran. entered into a contract with F, W. them a schooner 185 feet keel, 35 feet beam, ‘eet will be consort to the ange RW Safer. The steamer F. R Buell, has received a new high pressure engine 29 by 36, this win- ter, built by S. F. Hodge & Co. The steamer F, R. Buell, Captain D. Mil- len, and consort Ellmore. Captain C. Tucker, are chartered for 75,000 bushels of corn for Kingston, at 3} cents, free of canal tolls. The Ellinore loaded 29,000 bushels at the Union elevator last week, and the Buell went to the same elevator last Thursday to load 46,0L0 bushels. J. & T, Hurley are rebuilding the schooner Mysiic Star. The schooner Groton is being rebuilt by Captain John Christie. Captain Frank Welcome and wife, are here | | from Buffalo, visiting Captain J. W. Millen. The steamer Minneapolis, was in one of the Detroit dry dock company’s docks last week for a general overhauling and repairs. The barge Iron State, having undergone a rebuild at Springwells, is now at the Detroit dry dock company’s upper yard, where she will receive new masts. The steamer B. W. Blanchard, was in dry dock at Springwells. receiving steel arches, and re fastening and re-calking all over. The steamer Raleigh is expected here from Cleveland iu afew days, for the purpose of going into dry dock for a general oyerhaul- We: take a in recommending the - Mount Olive Erasive Liquid, manufactured by Captain D. A. McLachlin, for cleaning varnish and painted articles, without injury tothe polish. Price 40c per gallon. Address the Captain at No, 633 Trumbull avenue, De- troit, Mich. ! The new boat building at the Cleveland j ‘shipbuilding company’s yard, had her wheel shipped yesterday, and she will soon be ready to launch. Cuptain Lowe, whofwill command her is superintending the finish ing wo:k and altending closely to the de- tails which havea practical bearing on the handling and work'nrg of a vessel. The Cleveland elevator company have in hand, and completed, anumber of contracis for Saginaw Mich. Among others one for E. Germuin, Brown & Co,, Linton Manu- factering Co., Stenglin Manufacturing Co., all of which are for extensions and additions totheir plant, showing a healthy and prom- ising outlook for the futmre, The Detroit & Cleveland steam navigation company intend starting the season on March20.- from Detroit. The time of leaving here wlll be altered to 930 p. m, instead of 9 p. m., stand- ard time, and the change will prove beneficial allround. The comfort and safety of passen- gers are considered paramount, and the ser- vice is the best afloat. We wish the Detroit & Cleveland steam navigation company their usual full measure of success, during the en- tire season, Captain Manson, of the schooner Erie Belle has arrived here from Toronto, to re- pair his vessel. It will be remembered that the Erie Belle went ashore off Ashtabula last October, and was towed into Cleveland, where she had bottom calked, and was laid u for the winter. We are pleased to note that the anxiety of mind consequent upon the lossand damage to his vessel has not robbed the captain of his hearty and genial manner. *He is now hustling around » having repairs | made and expects to have the Erie Belle. bein ship shape order for the opening. of T. W. Noble, sailmaker, is busy making new sails and repairing sails belonging to the sixteen yessel fitouts stored in his loft- He expects to be very full of work as the time jogs along for the opening of navigation. The Detroit and Cieveland navigation com- pany’s splendid steamer, City of Clevelad, is ready for the coming season’s business, and will probably leave here on her first trip on the 20th of March. Captain George Lindsay, last season in the P Toledo, will take command of.the new Perche- ron steam navigation company’s boat, Thom- as W. Palmer. Samuel F. Hodge & Co's winter’s work fol- lows: Triple expansion engine for F. W. Wheeler, 20, 32 and 54 by 42 stroke, with two, 11 by 12 feet Scotch boilers for 150 pounds : steam. ‘Two triple expansion engines for De- reat Grchmnary foc.theuwedk-andi troit dry dock company, 20, 32 and 54, by March 12, 1889: *Y foe ihe week ending) 42, with two 12 by 11 feet Scotch boilers for mepemrmmrometer. 20,55 29.89} 160 pounds steam for each boiler. ‘Triple ex- phe Cees -- 31.8} pansion engine for Craig ship building com- Total pecans ei gee J 70.6| pany, 19, 30 and 50 by @0 stroke, with two Prevailing direction of wind... 11 by 12 feet Scotch boilers for 150 pounds Total wind movement, miles....... 22... abe steam, Fore and aft compound engine for es Res 6.7| Simon Langell and Sons, of St. Clair, 26 and Max. temperature, (highest) ............ 47.0 ¥ | 48 by 40 stroke, with one 12 by 16 feet fire box Min, temperature, (lowes')............ 23.5 ‘ boiler, for 120 pounds steam. Fore and aft W. H. Harmon, Sergeant Signal Corps, compound engine for Milwaukee ship yard é ie me | which will have asplendid appearance under ARCH 1 44, 4889. company, 24 and 44 by 42 “with two ‘8h by 14 eenple' expansion engine 20, 32, 54 by 42, pany’s Hivet, feet fiire box boilers for 120 pounds steam. Fore and aft compound engine for Riebold: Walters & Co., Sheboygan, Wis,.24 and 44 by 42, with two 8 by 14 feet fire box boilers, for 110 pounds steam. Fore and aft compound engine for T. W. Kirby of Grand Haven, 19 and 36 by 30 with one 10} by 15 feet fiire box boiler for 110 pounds steam. Fore and aft compound engine for Ira H. Owen, of Chicago, 16 and 30 by 28 with one 8} by 13 feet fiire box boiler for 125 pounds steam. One marine engine for propeller F,R. Bu- ell with cylinder 29 by 36 stroke. Fore and aft compound engine for Fletcher & Gilchrist, of Alpena, 26 and 48 by 42 with two 8} by 14 feet fiire box boilers for 125 bounds steam. Steeple compounding propeller H. 8. Pick- and,sand furnishing new fire box boiler 9 by 15 for 110 pounds stewm. — Last August the steamer Kittie M. Forbes, towing the schooner Mabel Wilson down past Marine City, got her tow line across a raft, also bound down, and caused the Wilson to collide with the raft. An hour later, opposite Harsen’s Island, the Forbes did the same thing, and on this occasion the raft was broken in two. ‘The Mackinac lumber company, to which it belonged, libeled both steamer and schooner, claiming $6,000 loss for 4,000 telegraph poles, and for ex-— einen raft. »- Judge’ Brown, on Friday, decided in favor of the lumber company and referred the matter to commissioner Davison to assess damages. Mr. C. L. Barron, chief engineer of the passenger steamer City of Milwaukee, has left this city to rejoin his vessel at Grand Haven. This makes the third season for Mr. Barron on the City of Milwaukee. Captain Grummond’s steamers Flora and Atlantie will run as usual the coming season from Cleveland, Toledo and Detrost, stopping at Marine City, St. Clair, Port Huron, Lexing- ton, Forrester, Forrestville, White Rock, Sand Beach, Port Hope, Oscoda, Ausable, Aarrison- ville, Alcona, Black River, Alpena, Crawford’s Quarry, Roger’s City, Cheboygan, Duncan City, Mackinac and St. Ignace, Freight and paesengers {carried at as low rate as by any other line, Please order your freight spipped by Grummond’s Mackinac Line The new steel side wheel steamer, City of Detroit, recently built at Wyandotte, is at the Detroit dry dock company’s upper ship yard receiving her finishing touches, and will be completed by the first week in April. She is 297 feet over all (14 feet longer than her sis- ter steamer City of Cleveland), 42 feet beam, 72 feet over guards. Her two compound beam engines, by Fletcher & Co., are high pressure, 44 inches diameter of cylinder, 8 feet stroke; low pressure, 68 inches diameter of cylinder, 12 feet stroke, and four Scotch type boilers, by the Lake Erie Boiler Works, Buffalo, are 12x11 feet 6 in. each and allowed 110 pounds steam. She has the American Ship Windlass company’s steam capstan and windlass forward, and steam capstan aft. A three decker and has 188 © state Her feathering paddle wheels are 26 feet in diameter. Her cabins and state rooms are being fitted out in mahogany, and the panelg inthe main saloon will be filled in with embossed leather; the roof of the main cabin will be filled in with lincrusta- walton. he will have mahogany furniture upholstered with variegated uncut plush, carpets of best Wilton the color of the uphols- tery, carpets will be old gold, blue and olive, rooms. the electric lights, four hundred and thirty of which have been placed on board by the Brush company to light up this splendid floating palace. She is owned by the Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation Co., and | will, when completed, have cost them $350,000 | and will be the finest side wheel steamer on fresh water. There is building at the Detroit dry dock | company’s upper yard, for Eddy Brothers, Saginaw, asteamship 279 feet and 9 inches | keel, 299 feet over all, 41 feet and 10 inches beam, 23 feet moulded depth. She will have | did steamers, built by 8. F. Hodge & (o., two Scotch type boilers, 12 by 11 each, allowed 160 pounds of steam, built by the Lake Erie Boiler Works, Buffalo; the American Ship Windlass cOm— pany’s steam capstans and windlass, and Wil- liamson Brothers’ steam steerer. She will be launched next month. A steam— barge for the Sulphite Fibre Company 195 feet keel, 212 teet over al), 37 feet beam, 15 feet 3 inches hold. She will have a com- ‘pound engine 22 and 42. by 86 and boiler 10 fee: 6 inches by 11 feet 6 inches, to be al- lowed 120 pounds steam; the engine and boiler building by the Detroit dry dock company’s engine ard boiler works. At the company’s yard at Springwells, a s'eam ship is being built for R. P. Fitzgerald & Co., Milwaukee. She is 262 feet 4 inches keel, 280 feet over a}), 40 feet beam, 28 feer hold, She will baye a v;mpound engine 28 and 52 by 40, by the Detroit dry dock engine works, and 1 marine boilers 9 feet 6 inches diameter, 14 feet long each, by the Detroit dry dock boiler works, and the American ship windlass company’s steam capstars and windlass, She will be launched in about | three weeks, James Purvis, last season on the desea, will this season take charge of the new boats building at the Detroit dry dock company’s ‘Pibre~com~| 5 yard: at this city forthe Sulphite pany. John B. Purvis, president of the M. E. B. A. No. 3, of Detroit, will leave here on or about the 18th to take charge of the machin- ery on the steel steamer ( orsica. J. R. Me- Grath will act as his first assistant. At the ci mpany’s yard at Wyandotte, the composite steamship T. W. Palmer is being fitted out ard will shortly come up to De- troit to make room for the new composite steamship to be called the Manchester, which the company are building for the In- ter-Ocean steamship company. Her dimen- sions are 280 feet keel, 299 feet over all, 42 feet beam, 22 feet 6 inches hold, She will have a triple expansion engine 20, 32, 54 by 42, by S. Hudge and. Co., and two boilers of Scotch type, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet each, by the Lake Erie boiler works, Buffalo. The American Ship Windlase Cv’s steam wind- lass and capstans, and the William-on Bros’ steam sieerer. Ste is to be launched in about two weeks. ‘hey are also building for the owners of the T, W. Palmer, a sister ship to the latter, and of the same dimen- siors, but constructed of steel and wood, instead of iron and wood. She will havea triple expansion engine 20}, 33, 55 by 42, by the Frontier Iron works, and boilers 11 feet 6 inches by 12, by the Luke Erie boiler works. Also a steel steamship for the Cudi- le Transportation Co,, of the same dimen- sions of hull as the Manchester, with triple expansion engine 21, 33, 56 by 42, by the Detroit engine and boiler works, 12 feet 6 inches by 11 feet. WILLIAMS. CHICAGO, ILL. Daniel Rice, engineer of the fireboat Chi- cago, lying in Sampson’s bridge on the south branch of the Chicago river, saw a dark object floating on the water near Main street bridge. It was fished out and found to be the body of a woman, about forty five years of age, five feet and two inches tall and weighing one hundred and thirty pounds. The splendid side wheel steamer City of St. Joseph which will arrive bere in May next in command of Captain Duncan MeLachlan, is being fitted up in first class shape. She is of the composite type and is one of the best sea boats the Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay- igation Co. own, and that is sayinga great | deal, as they are the owners of several splen- During the winter she has been in dry dock and the Georgia pine with which her bottom and sides were formerly | Planked was remoyed and replaced with five- inch oak plank, which makes her stronger than she was when new. Her dining room, kitchen, pantry and help quarters haye been placed below the main deck, similar to the modern style of the balance of the com- ‘|extensive r $2.00PER ANNUM SinoLe Copms 5 dantg She is having an electric light plant placed in her which will furnish light throughout the entire steamer. She is being entirely refurnished and refitted and when ready to goon her route will be second to none of the company’s fleet. She will make daily trips between Chicago and Saint Joseph, and during the montha of July and August two round trips daily. She will run from the L. M. &L. S. Transportation company’s dock at Rush street. The D.& ©. N. Co.’s new wharf and warehouse at Saint Joseph is nearly completed and the Chicago & West Michigan railroad Co. have promised to have the new bridge at the mouth of the river at Saint Joseph completed by May lst, the old bridge not being of sufficient width to admit the passage of this fine steamer. Fif- teen hundred persons can ride on her with- out any discomfort, and as a fine hotel will be built at Saint Joseph for their accommodation, no doubt a vast number of our citizens will be glad to avail themselves of this splendid op- portunity to recuperate their health and ~ Wiirtas. spirits, : TOLEDO, ‘OHIO Special to the Marine Record. The M. I. Wilcox Cor company are busy in their sail new sails under the m: Ww. ene. Sab. FR Gilmore, shipbaider Townsend, in his dy dock, the cost of which will amount to about $12,000, The a steamer Monohansett will goin dry dock for general repairs as svn as the Townsend goes out, and several other vessels, scows, and dredges will follow. Gilmore is also building a large dredge 75 feet long, 22 feet wide, 8 feetdeep, and is doing considerable work to the barge Fred Kelly. Toby & Dailey, ship chandlers, are de- voting themselves almost wholly to the requirements of vessel business. They have had the steam launch, Parkman, en- tirely rebuilt in their large store house, and lengthened her 16 feet; she is now 48 feet and 6 inches over all, 9 feet and 6 incher beam, 3 feet 6 inches draft, and will be used in connection with theic business and for the benefit of their patrons. E.G. Ashley, the vessel supply man, has purcha-ed a steam launch 85 feet over al), 6 feet Ginches beam, and 5 feet depth of hold, for use in his business of delivering supplies to vessels. Captain Charles Tiedt- kee will have command of her, and John Beigh chiet engineer. E. G. Ashley now owns the whole of the schooner Brooklyn, h- ving this winter purchased Captain Kel- ly’s interest. The barges Willism Case and H. OC, Sprague have received new deck beams, decks, hatches, plank shear, stanchions, new Windlass, cabin, mas's und recaulking. The schooner, John Schut'e, received a bnew mizzen mast, some new rail and gen- eral repairs; the schooner St. Peter anew mizzen mast; the schooner W. H, Rounds new plank shear, stanchions, rail and other repairs; the schooner Halloran, consider- able repairs. It is reportedin marine circles that the sister steamship to the George G. Hadley, now building by J. Davidson at West Bay City, will be named the George H. Ketchum and it is probable that she will be owned by the sume parties as the Hadley. Mr. Bowe is building, for the Maumee River Steamboat compsny, a side wheel steamer after the style of the Mississippi river steamers. She is 165 feet over all, 28 feet beam, 50 feet ontside of guards, 5 feet depth of hold and to draw 2 feet of water. Her two engines have 17 inch cylinders by 6 feet stroke, und two boilers, Scotch type, 64 by 10 feet; she will be elegantly fitted out and will have electric lights. She wil) be used agan excursion steamer on the Maumee river and will carry about athou- sand passengers. Witiams, SANDUSKY, OHIO, Captain J, C. Estes bas appointed Cap- tain Lewis Stone to hig steamer Obio, ad Detroit aa Pb teenie

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