Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 21, 1889, p. 2

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PETROLEUM FOR FUEL. In speaking of petroleum as used in the} United States for fuei, Engineering says: “America, which waited so long to be taught | by Russia how to use liquid fuel on a large scale, has at length rushed into the business with ardor, and promises before another year to forge ahead of her rival. Why the United States should have lagged so long is capable of easy explanation. When the oil industry was origanally developed, their fuel was every where cheap, and no necessity ex- isted for a rival to wood and coal’ Moreover, the American raw petroleum gave so large a yield of kerosene and lubricating oils that no particular balance of refuse was left inviting utliization. It was for this season that the Americans looked coldly on the liquid fuel progress of Russia, and made no attempt to beat it. A few years ago, however, quantities of oil were found in the state of Ohio, not very well adapted for refining pur- large poses, although many efforts were made to/ render the distillation of kerosine a paying | operation. At length the Standard oil com- pany, to prevent competition in the refining trade on the part of the Ohio refiners, bought the whole of them out, and then proceeded to utilize its monopoly by making arrangements to pipe the oil to Chicago for fuel purposes ’’ | This line is 270 miles long, and .the oil is supplied through an eight inch pipe As the use of oil is far preferable to the use of coal | in some industries, there was an immediate demand for the fuel as soon as it was offered | at Chicago. Appliances for the consumption of oil were at once introduced, some of them copied from the Russian type and some mod- ified and construction, in order to meet the requirements of the local some original in factories. The three methods most generally employed for the combustion of the petroleum is the distilling the oil in a gas plant untilitis re- duced to a gas, after which it is burned under boilers to natural gas. Another method is forcing the o'l in a spray under the boiler by compressed air. Perhaps the most} ysual method, however, is spraying the oil in- similarly to the furnace by an injector operated by a jet of steam, where it becomes vaporized and mingles with the air which is also thrown from the injector. a LAKE ERIE HARBORS, Major L. Cooper Overman, who is in charge of the improvement of the harbors on Lake Erie, west of Erie, Pa.,fyesterday opened the bids for continuing the dredging of the pro- posed Toledo harbor straight channel through Maumee Bay from the mouth of the Maumee River to seventeen feet natural depth in the lake along the line of the straight channel, incuding the crib range. The straight chan- nel, when completed, will be about seven and three-quarters miles in length, 200 feet in width, and the depth below low water must be seventeen feet. The specificatious for the work upon which bids were asked this year called for the dredging of 920,000 cubic yards of matter from the channel at Toledo along the line of the straight channel. This is the fourth time bids have been invited, the fig— ures given on the three former occasions not having been accepted. Hingston, French & Rogers, of Buffalo, N. Y., offered to do the work at 224 cents per cubic yard; William St. John & Son, of Toledo, for 22 cents per cubic yard; and James Rooney, of Toledo for 20} cents per yard. The contract if let will pro- vide for the excavation of 20,000 cubic yards each month, and for the completion of the work before November, 1890 Major Overman also opened the bids for furnishing material and doing work for pro- posed repairs at Huron harbor. B.S, Horton, of Vermillion, offered to do the work for $4,— 716 85; C. H. Strong & Co., of this city, for $5,042.50; and Stang & Kerr, of Lorain, for $4,685.20. A number of dredgers from Buf- falo, N. Y., Toledo, Detroit and other places met at the Weddell House, for the purpose of combining interests in bidding upon the work of excavating the channel ai Toledo. The contract being a large one it was agreed that the job was too heavy for one man to attend to. Eight or nine dredges, it was thought, would be needed. The contractors had bid too high on the three previous occasions, and although they claimed that the figures given before were not exorbitant they decided to drop half a cent per yard. This was done, and the contractors sent in their bids. It is estimated tnat the work will cost between $150,000 and $200,000. Among the contractors present at the meeting were E J. Hingston, and William Richardson, of Buffalo; E. H. French, James Rooney, W. E. Rooney, and J. W. St. John, of Toledo; and R. J, Crane avd Thomas W. Hubbell, of Detroit. If contracts are let, the harbor at Huron will be repaired, and the excavation of the straight channel in the Toledo harbor will be pushed forward. The dredging of the pro- posed straight channel at Sandusky, from the city docks to the deep water near Cedar point, will also be carried on. This channel will avoid the three corners of the pressnt water way and will shorten the route to the ‘open lake about three-fourths of a mile. It will be about two miles long, 200 feet wide, and 17 feet deep. About 600 feet of the eastern breakwater will be constructed in the Cleve- dand harbor. Over 1,110 feet of the eastern arm of the breakwater is now built and | into the water. |to dump the earth into the water they must | build cribs to hold it, as that is the only way |week and the government relative to canal Mhe Manine Revonil about 1,800 feet will have been finished this coming fall. The eastern arm will be 5,500 | feet in length and about 3,700 feet will re- main to be constructed after this year. The |expenditure the coming summer will be in |the neighborhood of $88,000. Donnelly, of Oswego, has the contract for the crib work and that will cost $68,000. The Kelly Island, Lime and transportation company, of this city, will furnish the foundations at a cost of about $5,000, and A. Lecour, of this city, has the contract for the iron work. The iron contract will call for an expenditure of $8,000 or $9,- 000. “It seems strange that the water front has not been used. There was some talk of building docks a few years ago, but nothing came of it. The property fronting on the water is owned by New Yorkers, the Lake Shore Railway, and the 8.8. Stone estate. I believe terms could not be made with the New York people. I have learned recently that the Lake Shore and Cleveland & Pittsburg companies will construct docks in the harbor lof refuge. JI have supervision over the mat- ter only as far as to see that the harbor is not | | filled up, and that slips are not extended be- | | yond the dock line established by the secre- tary of war. The railway people I suppose | have secured the water front from the New | York owners, for I was asked recently if they | could dump earth excavated in digging slips | I replied that if they desired | provided by the government for fiilling for dockage purposes.” CANAL TOLLS AND ENLARGEMENT. Saturday’s Mail gives a lengthy account of the interview between the deputation which waited upon the Dominion government last tolls and canal enlargement. It speaks of it | as “one of the largest and most influential that has visited the capital.” representatives | deputations The from the Canadian marine association and the boards of trade from Montreal, Kingston* Hamilton, Pert Arthur, and Winnipeg, and also representatives of the leading ocean steamship lines. ‘The subjects of canal tolls andthe enlargement of the St. Lawrence ca— nals were very fully and ably discussed. Mr. Thomas Marks represented Port Arthur and made a good speech. He is reported as given below: Mr. Marks, of Port Arthur, was the first to introduce the subject of deepening the canals. If the canals were made of an uni- form depth with the Welland canal, so that vessels of that draught could proceed from Lake Superior to the sea, the problem would be solved. No other route would have a chance to compete with the St. Lawrence route. Then the whole merchant marine of the United States would pass down that route. Tt would solve the problem of interprevincial trade, for vessels could carry coal from the Nova Scotia mines and lay it down at Port Arthur for a dollar and ahalf per ton, and could return with flour and other agricultural products of Ontario at equally low rates. THE CRUISER VESUVIUS. The trial for rapidity of fire of the guns on the cruiser Vesuvius, which was intended to take place during the past week, was deferred because of existing trouble with some of the air valves. Itisnot thought, however, that the delay will be of more than ten days’ dur- ation, and with the’ remedying of the diffi- culty the little cruiser will be runa_ short distance below Philadelphia, and her battery given its test. The loading apparatus has been given a thorough preliminary test, and has proved itself satisfactory to the designers. It was found that a projectile could be loaded jn less than one minute, thus giving a rapid- ity of fire of one projectilea, minute from each gun. It was also found that from the three guns a shot could be fired once in every thirty or forty seconds. The contract calls for a rapidity of fire from each gun of one shot in every two minutes. But if, as it now looks from the loading facilities, a fire can be maintained from each gun of one shot» per minute, the contract specifications will be largely exceeded, Since the performance of the Vesuyius there has been some painstaking scrutiny of foreign vessels by members of the nayal in- telligence staff, and the data now at hand is in such shape that comparisons between the dynamite cruiser and vessels of her class can be made with all respect to actual figures. Regarding the Vesuvius as a torpedo vessel, there are of what may be termed “sea going torpedo vessels” only six in existence with which she could be compared. These vessels are the Ijin, of 600 tons; the Tripoli, of 800 ions; El Destructive, 850 tons; the Sharp- Shooter, of 735 tons; the Rattlesnake, of 550 tons; and the Bombe, of 320 tons, though the latter is almost too small for such rating. —— gentlemen comprised A gentleman interested in the production of half a million tons of ore yearly states his opinion of the ore market for 1889 as follows: “Jt makes no difference what the Marquette, Menominee and Gogebic ranges do, we shal! push the Vermilion, and shall mine nearly 900,000 tons. The smaller mines producing at grexter cost and a less valuable ore, will have to. stand back this year. The Chandler alone will have 100,000 tons on stock piles at the opening of navigation, while the Minnesota and other mines will have 260,000 tons out by May 1.” SIGNAL LAMPS For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS2 PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS These Lamps give a more brilliant light than any Signal Lamp now in use. Mi They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers. Over Twelve thousand now inuse. WE ALSO MANUFAGTURE THE CELEBRALED French wrought iron ranges and broilers of all sizes for steamers and hotels. Steamboat Copper. Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers Russell & Watson, SUCCESSOR TO FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139 & 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. WAR} |BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK C0., (Successors to BAGNALL & LOUD BLOCK Co.) BOSTON, MASS. AND . - MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED JA KS Self-Adjustable Five Roll Roller Bushed BOOKS s- Sipsmith, All Kind of Forgings, which for DURABILITY and STRENGTH, are tar ahend of any % Bolts and Truss Rods other make. One trial will convince any one of their GREATER PURCHASE. STAR BRAND in ordering your Blocks. Be sure and cali for the ~ call attention to our DIAPHERAGM PUMP, which will pump a, more -stastroke and work easier than any other make in the a for Building. m vket, Gis 3 a trial, NF YORK STORE, 33 South Street ‘ SS eed 49 Main-st Cleveland F. BALDWIN, Manager, : We also make a specialty of furnishing the handsomest style of blocks in the market for Yachts, with special designs to suit the place. ~ EAGLE BOILER WORKS. i. RITE, PRorRIKTOR, or. Indiana and Many $t.,.Buffalo, N. ¥ The Latest Improved _ Hydraulic Machinery IN ALL CLASSES OF WORK ue Stationary, Portabie, Locomo™ tive and Upright Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN DED TO. CORRUGATED FLUES FOR STEAM Mace in sizes from 28 to 60 inch. in diam. WITH FLANGED PLAIN ENDS. Take 10th or 231] Street Ferries BOILERS, Manufactured SOLELY IN THE ul : Tuos F. Row.anp, President. rom New Yorx, Warren E. Hint, } Vie Presidents, G REENPOIN, Seah: H. Corser, THos. F, RownanD, JR., Treasurer, BROOKLYN, NEW 1 YO THE NEW YORK BELTING ANDPACKINGCOM Sead Vulcanized Rubber Packing of Every Description, £ RUBBER MATS AND STAIR-TREADSA For Halls, Floors, Decks and Companionways| a ee Se Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose. He = Se ee FIRE TEST HOSE FOR STEAMBOATS & TUGS si HN H. CHEEVER, 'Dreas., J. D. CHEEVER Dept. Tree. | WAREHOUSE: 15 PARK Row, NEW Yo Branches:—W. H. H. Peck & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. — W. D. Allen & Co., Chicago, Ill. : . D. Edwards & Co, Detroit, Mich. uae & Bost & Coe » 8. Nott Co., Mingpapalia, Minn. er, Ripley & Bronson, St. Louis, Mo. Hall Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. | _D. P. Dieterich,’ ae ae mies & Rivers San © —s Cal. (G8"EuropeanBranch: Pickhuben 5. Hamburg (Freihafengebist), seb | MAKERS OF 4 OL eee eee BES q IP 333 Yeeyee yee) 3333 Ses ROO SR OS: oe ok Zs ol a AZZ SAF AAA, SATAS, So; Ba BS 0, soe 2 Ae oe Saacoe oe SX 0 RK SRK RRO SSO OO ee SS 5R58585352% 9333005308 0. aut? we 33 eee ia FY: | i $6 FOR “VESSELS AND E DECK HOISTS Data cM RTE EEL I

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