Bil arine Recor. Pubiished “Every Thursday at 144 Superior Stweet, [Leader Building) Cleveland, 0, A. A. POMEROY, EDITOR AND PuB BRANCH OFFICE: 2052 Somth Water Street, Chicago, Illinois, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Associate Editor. THERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Ine yea,, postage paid......... see es eaevbeT Sir. moriths, postage paid....... ied topaz bly n advance. THE MARINE RECORD can be found for sale by the following news dealers : CLEVELAND, O,—G. F. Bowman, corner of Pear] and Detroit Streets. Evang & Van Epps, Superior street, Cleveland. R. A. Castner, 254 Detroit street, Cleveland, ASHTABULA HARBOR, O,—C. Large. CHICAGO, ILL.—Joseph Gray, 9 West Ran- dolph Street. CHICAGO, ILL.—H. B, Hansen, 33 West andelph Street. BUFFALO, N. Y.—Miss McCabe, Elk Street, near Ohio. DETROIT, MICH.—Connors’ Marine News Oe ATLWAUKEE, WIS.—T. S. GRAY, CO, 126 Wisconsin St. SAULT STE MARIE—.. P. Haller. ASHTABULA HARBOR—O. M. Kahne, ERIE, PA.—Reed Caughen, 816 State St. DULUTH, MINN.—C. F, Johnson, 323 West Supetior Street. MARQUETTE, MICH.—J. A. Vannier. ESCANABA, MICH.—Wm. Godley. ESCANABA, MICH.—George Preston, SARNIA, ONT.—D. McMasters, OWEN SOUND, ONT.—J. Sharpe, Jr. KINGSTON, ONT.—F. Nisbet, corner Brcok and Wellington Streets. : ibe: hers are respectfully invited way opal] 8 the MARINE RECORD e discussion of pertinent topics. Errored at Gye Post Uthee at Cleveland as second- ciaas mail maar. OLEVELAND, O., MARCH 28. CLEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS’ ASSN ORGANFZED IN 1880. (Membership, 1888.] Righty-three steamers, ageregating...... eee 93,186 tons Fighty-eight sail and consort, aggregating 54,664 tons Maintain shipping offices at Cleveland and Ashta- bula Harbor. Regulates wages, protects crows, and takes cognimnce of all matters in tbe interests of the members and of the lake commerce generally. OFFICERS, nepioe ..P resident . Viee President Seoretary and Treasurer -Gounsel ~ BM. Hanna...... . P, Iaturseiver L. EB. : “MANAGERS OR ADVIBGRY BOARD. HH. M. Hanna, M. A. Bradley, P. @. Minch, H. ?. Lil- libridge, Geo. P. McKay, J. H. Palmer, Thos. “Harbor. — MARINE RECORD—OFFICIAL PAPER. The Cleveland Vessel Owners’ association is pre- pared to receive applications for admission for 1889, onsame terms as lastyear, viz.: 3 cents per tonon teamers,and 4 cents on sail and sonsort; old custom Shouse register. The time during which tonnage may be admitted’ expires May 15th, but it.1s desirable that ali crafts intending to come in should apply before the opening of navigetion, and have the benefits of the entire season. Address, B. lL. PENNINGTON, Sec’y, 112 Water 8t., Cleveland, Ohio, WHAT IS ‘SAILING FREE.” The recent decision of Judge Blodgett in the admiralty case reported in our columns last week, where the owner of the schooner Morning Star sued the owner of the schooner Stafford for damages in a collision, which oce curred off Cat Head Point, Lake Michigan, 1887, is of considerable importance to mari- ners. Judge Blodgett, it appears, undertakes to assert that-a vessel is not sailing free until she has the wind abaft the beam, and the Chicago Inter Ocean suggests that this ruling is in accordance with the custom on the ocean, adding, that this is the first time for the rule to be so construed, and for the future it will be understood to mean as Judge Blodgett has decided, simply that a vessel is not sailing free until she has the wind abaft the beam. The main question in this case, however, was to solve the meaning of the fog signal rules provided for sailing vessels when nayi- gating in a fog, and the result of the delibera- tions of the judge was certainly in accord with the international rules of the road which says, “that in fog, mist or falling snow, whether by day or night, a sailing vessel un- -der way shall make with her fog horn at in- tervals of not more than two minutes, when ‘on the starboard tack, one blast, when on the port tack two blasts in succession, and when with the wind abaft the beam three blasts in succession;’’ hence, it being clearly proved in evidence that the Stafford had the wind on the starboard side and abaft the beam, she ought to have been * blowing three blasts instead of one; therefore, we hold that the de- cision was a righteous one in this particular ease; but, a decidedly wrong one in constru- ing the international rules of the road and the customary or ordinary practice of seamen on the ocean. In this connection we feel con- fident in asserting that as soon as the wind will permit a vessel to steer her course, she lias a fair wind, and if the wind favors her by freeing one degree,or ten degrees,she has a free wind, nor need she wait until the wind is large and abaft the beam before it is discov- ered that she has a free wind, and is there LAUNCH OF THE FRONTENAC, The fine new steel steamship Frontenac | was successfully launched fiom the yards of the Cleveland shipbuilding company, last Saturday precisely at 3 p. m., the time set for the launch to take place. The yards of the Cleveland shipbuilding company being centrally located, and in view from the via- fore sailing free. To farther illustrate our | duct, a large number of people witnessed the meaning, we may instance a New York pilot boat with the wind at south and close hauled on the starboard tack, heading her course launch from that place, while crowds thronged the banks of the river, and the property ad- jacent to the shipyard. The usual interest south-east by east, she would then have a fair} was manifested in witnessing the virgin plunge wind, and if the wind veered one half point to the west, she would have the wind just that half point free, or in other words a free wind, becaus+ she was permitted to pursue her course freely; yet, because the smart fore and aft rigged vessel had a fair wind, or even a free wind, the fact would not argue that all other vessels in the immediate locality, who were endeavoring to reach the same point, had a fair wind also. A square rigged vessel, especially of large beam, would hold the south wind as a head wind for ten to twenty degrees after the pilot boat was sailing free, on account of her not laying so close to the wind; hence, the fact that a certain class of vessels may have a free wind when steering at an angle of say fifty-five degrees from the winds eye, while another wouid not have a free wind when sailing at an angle of sixty- five degrees from the wind, the illustration going to prove that as soon as a vessel can lay even one degree better than a clean rapt, full on her course, she then has the wind one de- gree free. JLolding these views, it may be clearly seen that any vessel, if constructed according to the present mode of shipbuild- ing, would have a free wind before the wind had arrived at an angle of ninety degrees from the path the vessel was heading when steering a course, and consequently the ruling, that a vessel was not sailing free until she had the wind abaft the beam, is entirely errone— ous in point of fact and general seamanship. Therefore, instead of judgment being given because the Stafford had the wind free, which decision would have been equally true if the wind had been twenty degrees forward of the | beam, a more correct result would have been obtained if the judge had ruled that she was culpable on account of haying the wind abaft the beam, and sailing large, while blow- ing the signal for the starboard tack, when the wind was actually blowing from the uext quadrant of the compass, and those on board of the vessel rendered themselves liable, ang amenable to the law, through negligence, and gross carelessness, in not determining the direc- tion of the wind previous to the collision. In the event of a sudden shift of wind being proved, the case would have presented a different phase entirely, but the Stafford had been apparently running along ignorantly, expecting that a vessel close hauled on the same tack to windward, or a vessel clos> lof this fine steel structure, and according to ‘the proper order of this important ceremony \the ladies were conspicuous in enthusiasm and numbers, while the splendid spring weather permitted a fair showing of elegant costumes, expensive milinery, ribbons, flounces and fixin’s which the ladies were pleased to exhibit on so momentous an occasion as a christening in the turbid waters of the Cuy- ahoga. We are pleased to say that every one present seemed to thoroughly enjoy their experience, and obtained an excellent view of the whole proceeding. We also noticed a number of our local marine friends present at the launch, and among the spectators who were ona visit to the city, we may mention Capt. Wallace, Lorain, O., Captain Valentine Friese, Milan, O,. and Mr C, A. Barr, manager of the ore docks at Escanaba, Mich All of the officers of the Cleveland ship- building company were on the ground and when the preliminaries had been carried out, the word to cut was given, and this fine speci- men of marine architecture started to move from the spot where her hull had been reared, of her builders, and owners The ways have a good pitch and the hull moving slowly and regularly, gained momentum as it approached the edge of the dock, the next instant she struck the water fair and square, every plate in her bottom cushioning into her natural element, and with a couple of rolls to port and starboard, as if to shake off-the effects of ‘he immersion, she steadied herself, (assisted by the check lines forward and aft), amid the din of steam whistles blowing from the river craft, and the neighboring manufactories, and the involuntary cheers of the large concourse of sight seers, who beheld with wonder the immense floating hull moved with such appar- ent ease from the pvusition which it had so lately occupied in the builder’s yard, to the bosom of the element, “Which from time henceforth” as the parsous say, must become her only means of support both literally and financially. The Frontenac is the first of the two steel propellers contracted for by the Cleveland iron mining company, to enter into the Lake Superior ore trade, Her draft of water when launched was 3 feet2 inches forward, and 5 feet 7 inches aft, showing a mean draft of 4 feet 43 inches. She is marked up to 16 feet, hauled on the port tack should give her the right of way, and insisiing on this prerogative by sounding her fog signal in direct violation of the rules of the road. We believe that the dec sion of Judge Blodgett will have a bene- ficial effect, however, on mariners who con- sider that they have nothing else to doin a fog but keep sounding the horn to warn those vessels who may be in close proximity to keep clear. They ought certainly to realize that if there isa point of collision on the path, or line on which the two or more vessels are proceeding, it is the duty of some one to keep clear by giving way in conformity with the established rules, knowing full well that the vessel having the right of way is handicapped by the rules in having to keep her course subjectonly toimminent qualifications while a vessel empowered to give way, may do so in any manner it is considered advisa- ble, and is consequently in a better position to avoid trouble. It would be equally as foolish for a person in charge of a deck, to say when close hauled on the starboard tack, that no lookout was necessary, for every thing must give way, where actually he would be in the position of greatest danger, inasmuch as the law insists that he must keep his course, in- active up to a certain point, and trust entirely to the vigilance and skill of the person in charge of the deck of an approaching, or a passing vessel. Not only does this question affect sailing vessels, for in case of a steamer becoming disabled and obliged to utilize her sails as a propelling power, she would then come under the rules of the road as applied to vessels under sail only, and it would be a primitive rig indeed if the temporary arrange- ment would not allow the vessel to sail within eight points of the wind, or to have a free wind before it had reached abaft the beams and at an angle of more than ninety degrees from the line of keel. OOOO OO THE following is a list of the lake vessels to which official numbers were assigned by the bu- reau of navigation, treasury department, Wash- ington, D. C., during the week ending March 23, 1889: Steamers, Joe, Grand Haven, Mich., official number 76,791, tonnage, gross, 38.30, net 30.88; John Mitchell, Buffa'o, N. Y., official number 76,792, tonnage, gross, 1,864.92, net 1,491.99; Juniata, La Crosse, Wis., official num- ber 76,793, tonnage, gross, 98.10, net 98.10; Scotia, La Crosse, Wis., official number 116,224, tonnage, gross, 31.57, net 31,57; Thistle La- Crosse, Wis., official number 145,508, tonnage, gross, 103.45, net 103.45. Sail, Schooner Tokio, Port Huron, Mich,, official number 145,507, tonnage, gross, 1,385,49, net 1,316.22, and has acellular, or girder bottom, and is built according to the highest requirements of con- struction in steamships. Her estimated ¢ar- rying capacity is 2,500 tons gross, and she will be ready for business by the opening of navi- gation in order to facilitate the loading and Pense. It is only by the most persistent | efforts of the harbor master that blockades are discharging of freight, she has hatches specially constructed with this end in view. Tine general appearance of her hull, and the arrangement of her main deck fittings call for laudatory remarks from all who have in- spected the vessel. Much credit is du eto Captain James Lowe, who has ably assisted with his practical suggestions in enabling the builders to locate the deck fixtures to the best advantage, and to the entire satisfaction of her owners We have ona former occasion given the dimensions of the hull. We may now re-produce them as the measurement of | new steel steamship Frontenac. Length of Ihe Marine Reconil. f shioned and completed, to the satisfaction | THE OLD RIVER BED. Ata meeting last week of the Cleveland | Vessel owners Association, which includes and represents practically all the vessel own- ers of this district, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:— | Whereas, there is now pending in the Leg- islature of the state a bill authorizing an ex- | penditure by the city of Cleveland of a sum | not greater than $25 000 for the purpose of opening the old river channel in this harbor, or the “river-bed,” so called, tu the lake; Resolved, that every effort should be used to further the movement for opening up_ this | channel, and that the delegation from this i county in the legislature be requested to use | all proper efforts to secure the passag of this bill Resolved, that the opening of this channel will be of great benefit to the shipping and commerce of this harbor, and to all vessels which, in the course of their trade, are re- quired to make use of this harbor, That for the following reasons: The har- bor of Cleveland consists of the Cuyahoga river and the old river-bed. That when the new cut which forms the present entrance to the harbor of Cieveland was put through a good many years ago, the natural mouth of _ the river was permitted to be closed up, be- cause, considering the number and size of | | vessels then employed on the lakes, the en- ‘trance as then established afforded ample facilities for the purpose. Vessels in that day were small, the largest, with the exception | of a very few passenger steamers, being not | over 150 feet in length, about 26 feet beam, and 10 or 11 feet draft when loaded, while the average size was very much below this. During the past ten years most of the vessels | built have been from 250 to 300 feet and over lin length, with a breadth of about 40 feet, and a hold of over 20 feet; andfall the water- | ways on the lakes, including our harbor at Cleveland, have been deepened, so that ves- sels now carry a draft, when loaded, of 16 feet, and sometimes over. ‘The river-bed is | almost wholly lined with coal and ore docks ; ou both sides, and an immence number of these large craft. go up into the river-bed for | the purpose of discharging ore and loading |coal, From the present entrance tothe har- | bor the course into the old river bed turns at aright angle making a bad piace for those long vessels to turn, especially when they are without cargo and consequently high out of water, a difficulty which is greatly increased when there isa strong wind. Owing to the , narrowness of the river bed and the fact that vessels lie on either side loading or unload- ing cargoes, it is impossible in most instances to turn one of these long vessels around when | she has once entered the river bed, thua ne- cessitating that aftera vessel has gone in head first she must be pulled out by tugs stern first, with very little command of. her own ! movements, and the result is that, without the | greatest care, blockades would be of frequent occurrence under the most favorable condi- tions, and are inevitable in windy weather. This condition ot things leads to delay, fre- quent demage and considerable additional ex- not of almost daily occurrence near the junc— tion of the old river bed and its entrance in~ to the main riveras now used. By actual count in the month of July last, 1,396 craft mouth of the river, this number not includ- ing rafts, flat boats, harbor tugs, lighters, and pleasure and other small! boats. — if the old river bed channel is opened out or the lake as proposed, vessels entering the river bed from either end will be enabled to pass on through without having to be pulled backwards, as above described, and the pressure will be relieved at the present en- keel, 271 feet, over all, 291 feet, beam 39 feet 6 inches, molded depth 24 feet. The wheel, manufactured by the Cleveland ship building company is 12 feet 6 inches in diameter, with 16 feet lead. Her machinery, all constructed by her builders, are as follows: ‘Two boilers of the Scotch type, dimensions 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet, engines triple expansion, cylinders 20, 32 and 52 inches with 40 inch stroke, steam windlass and steam capstan, from the American Ship windlass company, of Provi- dence R. I., and steam steering gear, from Williamson Bros’ Philadelphia Pa, The cost of the Frontenac will be $185,000, and Capt. Samuel Murphy, last season master of | the Charlemagne Tower, will take charge of this valuable piece of floating property, with Mr. Thomas Kelley as chief engineer, The namesof the other officers could not be learned atthe time of the launch, but they will be given in a later issue. > The entire staff of the Marmxe Recorp witnessed the successful launch of the Fron- tenac, and join issues with the other enthusi- astic spectators in wishing the Frontenac all of the success which it is possible for her to have during her career, and that she may substantially endorse this good opinion by |. causing her owners and builders to goon du- plicating the latest addition to the splendid fleet of the inland maiine.. : eC Se Seo Senator Black well’s resolution asking for the survey, under the direction ot the secretary of war of the United States, for the construction of a ship canal connecting Lakes Michigan and Superior, and saving to the general government great expense in nayal operations in the upper lakes in case of war, passed the senate, _ trance, and these two results, working to» gether, will afford relief to shipping here of which it now stands very seriously in need. Bureau or Navigation, Wasuinton, D. C., March 23, 1889. To the Editor of theMarine Record. This office is informed, through the Ger— TreAsuRY DEPARTMENT, } man legation here, that a three-masted vessel, | of American build was driven upon the reef north of the entrance to the lagoon of. Tara— way, in the Kingsmill group, early in Sep- yember 1888; that it was impossible, owing to the shortness of the stump of the mast, to determine whether there had been any yards at the maintop or not; that the vessel went} 20, 1888, | to pieces subsequently to Sept mb and that the cargo consisted of petroleum the cases being marked: “Refined _ petroleum | Atlantic refining company, Ward Trow and Co., agents, Philadelphia.” Respectfully» | yours, C. B. Monroy, Commissioner. THE government of Japan desires to in. crease their navy by building four or five first class ships every year, in order to be pre- already posesses a nayy of thirty-five ships avd 8,000 officers and men, ‘ engineers are at present in America inspect - viding for the cons of | the upper lakes,to | a lighthouse at Chicago, ing our newest war ships, with a yi riers to the plan for bridging in time fcr the meeting of the be engineers in Detroit May Ist. the result of his labors, advantage ef continued 2 the vessel men, The association is al centrate the experience of its separate. passed through the railroad bridge near the 2 LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSOCIATION 10 CONSIDER AND TAKE AGTION UPON ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS RE LATING TO THE NAVIGATION AND CARRYING BUSIWESS OF THE GREAT LAKES AND THE WATERS TRIBUTARY THERETO, WITH THE STENT TO IMPROVE THE CHARACTER OF THE GEMPACE RENDERED TO THE PUBLIC TO PRO- TEST THE COMMON INTEREST OF LAKE CARRIERS AND PROMOTE THEIR GENERAL WELFARE: BOARD OF MANAGERS, 1888. aoe 38. Meee, s awms ASIt... sa 10. Lay: ARD... ores ~ Battal. rE . CALL WELL, Presiden uw .X. B.T Evans.... Buffalo, N. Y. W. P. Hexry Buffalo, N. ¥, P. P. Minver... Buffalo, N. Y. Baaxx J. Firt Erie, Pa. ‘ M. A. BrapLey Cleveland, 0. H. M. Hawwa.. Cleveland, 0, tsaomas Wiison, Vice President...... Cleveland, 0. A. W. Courow..... .. Toledo, 0. . M, N. Ina H. Owen, Vice President. R. P. FitzGRRacp.... Davip VANCK..... ‘uex McoDoveatt . Frepericx ALMy, Secretary But Jas. Cargy Evans, Treasurer.. Chicago, IIL MARINE RECORD—OFFICAL PAPER. LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSQGIATION, Special to the Marine Record. The board of managers of the Lake Carriers’ sasociation held # meeting in Buffalo, March 20, 1889, President Caldwell was in the chair, The amendments to the by-laws submitted at the Jast meeting were uoanimousiy adopted, Before the amendment the constitution con- tained no provision as tu what should consti- tute a quorom at board meetings. As amended, four shall constitute a quorum, and the presi- deot may, in his discretion, call for a vote of the members of the buard by mail on any question. By the other amendment vacancies occurring in the board of managers may be filled by a vote of the board at any meetiog. Under the ;ower given by this amendment Wiliam Livingstone, jr., of Detroit, was elected a manager to fill the vacaney caused by the resignation of James W. Millen. James Carey Evans’ resignation as treasurer, on accou.t of his change of residence from Buffalo to Chicago, was nos accepted, In regard to the circular issued February 19, suggesting the maintainance of all necessary private lights from acommon fund to be raised by assessment on the members, until the goy- ernment can be induced to maintain them, the answers received showed such a difference of opinion as to the advisability of the plan that it was decided to drop the matter for the pres— ent, leaving the private lights to be maintsined as before by individual subscription, The secretary was instructed to a statement of the objections of th of Mr. R. (©. Parsons, the Cleveland atto: who has represented the Lake Carriers’ as Appropriation In addition to | president March THe average cargo