Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 18, 1889, p. 3

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ain th “rendered the ver bed less objectionable | re tare ty the sand and mud may be mada to pay all it cosis to eneral government may ed to construct the opening st arm of the breakwater, and ire the construction of outside Ve feet or more, to pre- urrents in entering. This is all al government can properly he : ae f Ww pene’ ie line of the lake, to the line teen feet water in the harbor hing like twelve hundred feet. , and both sides of a channel, say ers or wharves will have to I ed. There may be some right and obligation of congress the navigation of the lake unim- an enabling act of the legislature on of congress the city may piers, and if the city owns the space it may lease them with the mtal that would more than pay of their cost and their maintenance. pace belongs to adjoining land ity may tax them for the cost of rom the old river bed to the e of the lake the city may establish 1es as they do those of the river river bed and assess the costs of ex- upon the adjoining property, at least of it as they do upon the cost of river. ilroad, as an adjoining owner, would struct the channel through their ; the distance. The space between ore line and the line of fourteen-foot ter in the harbor of refuge is of little or yalue in its present condition, but filled up id occupied with ore and coal docks and man- facturing and commercial establishments, would be of far greater value than the cost of the whole improvement. ‘his, Mr. Editor, is a brief re-statement of a paper read before the Society of Civil Engineers of Cleveland several years ago, entitled: “Our Lake Front and its Possibilities.” It is a subject that will never grow old until accomplished. When it is accomplished it will place Cleveland in the very front rank of manu’acturing centers. This reclaimed land will’ amount to‘tot less than one hundred acres. At the meeting place of ore and coal, of navigation and rail communication, and the same system may be carried east and west to an almost unlimited extent. The dredgings from the harbor may be dropped in this reclaimable space and be worth more than all it may cost to remove it and keep it from being dropped in the lake to form bars to the great damage of navigation. J. H. Sargent in Iron Trade Review. ONLY SHIRT FACTORY IN- CLEVELAND, OHIO, h OF e & & at man- which sells direct to the consumers urer’s prices, thereby saving two profits, with which they are taxed in any other retail store. (GS"Geniune Home made Shirts, &) all 54 inches wide, 40 inches long, full sleeves, extra well sewed, from the cheapest 50 cent cotton shirt to all kinds of Flannel Water proof Cassimere Satrts, is conducted by the well known Boston Dry Goods Store, of Kohn & Co., 213 Detroit street, 2d door from corner Pearl street. Through a Government order, supplying Life Saving Stations with genuine Regulation SAILOR SHIRTS, we are the only Shirt fact- Cleveland who procure the (@™ real U.S. ory in Navy Flannel _4} guaranteed never to shrink nor to fade and have them constantly on hand ready made or made to the. cus- tomers order without any extra charges. All our (337 own Home made Shirts gy if not suited after purchased, can be returned and we make others to order ©) instead, The same rule applies to all (3 our own Home made _g&? Overalls, Jumpers and Ken- tucky Pants. Kohn & Co.’s Shirt factory, 218 Detroit street, 2d door. from corner Pearl, Cleveland, O DIXON’S GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT GREASE FOR STEAM OR GAS PIPES makes a perfect joint that can be opened with ease in three years or thirty years. Bolts, screws, etc, smeared with this grease will not rust even in the dampest places. Write to Jos, Dixon Crucible Co Jersey City, N. J., for cireulars. THE ui : er else may happen in the change | ' SFI DETROIT SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS, Marine Coppersmiths, Pipe Fitters and Metal Workcrs, Manufacture and keep in stoc! Bran dead lights, all brass locks, spear indicators, windsails, head light frames and flue cleaners, - Whe Marine Recon. sa “= Kk the most approved designs in heads, pilot house tops, whistles, motion AGENTS FOR WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS. WOKKS 64 TO 72 ORLEANS 89... DERN OIT, wien. CAPT. GEO. A. SIMPSON. Compass Adjuster, -GOMPASSES, SAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS AND MARINE GLASSES REPAIRED, Schooners con have their Compasses Ad justed for Local Attraction atthe time of repairs by stating how much they are out on East or West Courses, and which way it leads, Norih or South of above Courses (61Riv.t St., Cleveland, 0. = © Ee EUROPE! By all first-class Steamship Lines at lowest ates. Call on or address, | A. J. JACKSON. | 100 Public Square, CLEVELAND, OHIO NOTICH OF REMOVAL. The Marine Ricord having secured commodious uarters at i81 Detroit street, near the corner of j apply to BEDDING SUPPLIES FOR VESSE Q ‘a A pone eas ee oy furnished as: Comp ri les, Biunkets, Tablelinens Towelx Sheets. Pillow Cases ete. which the latter, we sew to order at shortest notice, by the well known Boston Dry Goods Store of Kohn & Co. 218 Detroit street 2d door from corner Pearl, Cleveland 0. We prove to any customer that we cun save them 20 percent., which no big expensive establishment can afford to. Kony & Co. Sid Sy FOR sALE. | fT Ee sold our steamer City of Rome we are now offering for sale the BARGH H. R, NEW- COMB. Sheis well equipped. capacity 50,000 bushels of corn or, 1,350 tons of ore, op 1444 feet draft. She is now lying at Cleveland. For further particulars | SMITH, DAVIS & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED. STEAM-BARGE WANTED, capacity not less han one thourand tons. Address, stating priee, | J. 1. MATHEWS, Toronto, Ontario. A: ete. FOR SALK. FIRST-9LASS PASSENGER steamer with power to drive her 12 milrs an hour; 100. ‘eet a | | over all, 18 feet beam, draws 7 feet of water and car- Pearl, invites all stranded mariners to calland be lightered. ries 100 pounds of steam, Enquire at the Recorp office for further particulars. ——<—< IRON WORKS: MANUFACTURERS OF Hoisting «Deck Engines “EAGLE Duplex, ee co . — S-22 = oO 3 oO o ¢> iq) oat ay oS LO A atid ~ ao Oo 4 = mw ; 2 oes 2x £ > eS a a co Au be > co lO wo 2 = sais Seos naz co — . =. 'S GH a oe SB pe y THE SIMPLES)’ AND BES? OF FEKRED—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, SUBMERGED RUUE BOILERS Engines, Boilers and Pumps on Hand for Prompt Shipment CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION, ‘Woodbridge, Fifth and Congress-sts, Detroit, Mich. Forest Gily CIGAR STORE THOMAS LIGERY, Prop'r. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS CIGARS AND TuBACCOS. 209 PEARLSTREET Grummond’sMackinac Line STM R. ATLANTIC, Capt. J. R- JONES, LEAVES CLEVELAND EVERY FRIDAY AT 8 P, M. CITY TIME For Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Cheboygan Alpena, Oscoda and way ports. For pas- sage or freight apply to Mrrcuants’ Forwarping Co., Agents, dock foot of Superior-st. §, B, GRUMMOND. Owner, ERIE RAILWAY. The favorite and pic uresque route to New York, Boston, and the Hast. The shortest and quickest route to Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore, and the southeast. 4 New Central Depot South Water st. and Viaduct. Change of time yoes into effect March 31, 1889. Central or ninetieth meridian time, 33 minutes slower than Cleveland city time. Until further notice trains willleave from the new FOR SaLk, Se SCHOONER, brand new, complete with Ly the ex eption of canvas and running gaar. Len gt 65 feet over all, beam 17.4, depth 5 feet, tonnagel.5u0 ‘Terms $1,000 cash, Address. MAKKHAM & MARKHAM, |. Manitowoc, Wisconsin. WANTED. GOOD MARINE ENGINE, 20x22, with or with- out boiler. ete, Address box 1, branch office Maiine Record, 252 South Water st , Chicago, Il. GEO. RANDERSON & SON, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FRE@H AND SALT MEATS nee Depot, South Water street and Viaduct, as lows: ae DEPART. No. 62, Mahoning Valley Ac om. 6 00 a m No. 72, New York Express - *8 50am No. 72, Fast Pittsburg Expre 8 30a m No. 64, Pittsburg Express ..... *3 00pm No. 66, Accommodation... 4 20pm No. 68, New York Expres 710 50 p m No. 68, Pittsburg Express t10 50pm No. 70, Pittsburg Local E . T11 40a m No. 74° Youngstown .¢420pm ARRIVE. No. 65, Fast New York Express No. 61, Pittsburg Express No, 67, Pittsburg Express. No. 65, Pittsburg Expres: No. 6:, New York Expr No, 6.. Pittsburg Expre: No. 69, Pittsburg Local FE: No, 73, Mantua Accom.... *Daily. Daily except Sunday. 49-This is the only route by which passengers can reach Cory, Elmira, Binghampton, New York City, and intermediate points without change. No change to Boston and New Kngland cities. | Baggage checked through to all points Fast. Through tickets and information regarding the route can be obtained at office, 141 Superior street, and at depot UHrie railroad, South Water street and Viaduct, Cleveland. A. M. TUCKER, Gen. Supt., Cleveland. L. P. FARMER, Gen. Pass. Agent, New York. W. ©. RINHARSON. A. G. P. A, Cleveland. M.L. FOUTS, Passenger Ticket Agent, 141 Superior street, Weddell House. Cleveland. J. R, OLDHAM, 6, E, Naval, Archifec¢t, Mariime Imspecgtor, SprcIAL ExrPERIENCE IN DESIGNING, PricEs SELF-TrRiMMING HaTCHes Coal. SHUTES AND BLAKt’s PATENT BorLens. 32 Exchange Bild., BUFFALO, N..Y NEW CHART OF THE GREAT LAKES, Showing the fluctuations of the water sur— face and rainfall for the past thirty years; also their areas, tides, discharge, etc., com- iled from official data obtained from the uake Suryey and War Department, with ex~ planatory notes by - CHAS. ‘CROSMAN, MILWAUKEE, WIS Price, One Dollar, For sale by SHIP CHANDLERS, and sent post paid by CHAS. CROSMAN, MILWAUKEE, WIS. "+900 pm * 7 25pm From G. Hurson, Secretary and Agent Good- rich Transportation Co. “Your chart contains valuable information to all marine men for all the lakes, and to all persons doing business on che lake shores and rivers connected with the lakes.” NITED STATES ENGINEER'S OFFICE, DE- TROIT. Mich., April 11, 1889.—The board of en- gineers appointed to consider the practicability and necessity for bridgidg Detroit river at Detroit. Mich., will meet at this office at 10 a. m. May 1, 1889, All persons interested are invited to be present and toex- press their views upon the subject. Written commu- nications are especially desirable. O, M. POE, Col- onel of Eogineers, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. 8. A, Vessel Orders Promptly Filled Telephone 1732. No. 236 Detroit Street, CLEVELAND, O. E. L. PARRISH, Ship Chandler, Sail & Awning Maker. Sewell & Day’s Boston Rope. Boston and Lockport Block Company’s patent 5-roller Bushea Blocks. 35-37 Main st., BUFFALO, N. Y. TELEPHONE NO 314. M. M. GLEKLER, MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Cigars AND Ts WaAceo, 156 River-st., Vleveland, Mhio No one should leave port without a box of M. M. Glekler’s marine cigars. J. C. GOSS. Sall Maker anc Rigger 18 Woodward Ay., DETROIT - - MICH SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BUNTING, FLAGS, AWNINGS, ETC, J. W. GROVER & SON, SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL MAKERS awe IMPORTERS AND WEOLESAI.E DEALERS IN Wire Rope, Manilla, and Garred Cordage, Canvas, Blocks, Oak- un, Gar, Pitoh, Ours, Aus ghors, Ofains, ¢tq. 116 & 119 RIVERST., & 134 & 135 DOCK CLEVELAND, OHIO. FOR SALEOR EX HANGE. OR STEAMBARGE, A NEW PASSENGER steam- er, will carry 75 tons freigh’, allowed 115 passen- gers, Will sell on easy terms or exchange for steam barge. Address, JX 90, Petosky, Michigan. FOR SALE. Two Tugs and Three Marine Boilers, Tug Uncle Sam. . eee ne cena eta y 17: steel er 1 | FOR SALE 4 inches diameter, of %4ths plate, allowed tiated ice $5000. WO MARINE BOILERS 7 years old in good order | %8t-2m Hull rebuilt in 1887. for sole cheap, 934 feet shell by 16 feet loog for $1,000 each, 4% down balance one yewr, by C. H. LANE, BUFFALO, N. Y. ¢ Length 54 feet, beam 15 feet 6 inches, | FOR SALE, engine 17 by 18, boiler 10 feet Jon: ASSENGER PROPEILER GOLDEN FKAGLE, | of %4ths plate, allowed 90 pounds of Thoroughly over hauled this spring, “sutton” | iu 1885. Price $5000. *) Engine 14X14, 100 pounds steam, ruus 14 miles an |~ 3 ; a ees: rf A Martne Steel hour easily, and earrys +00 ple. Owner has no reute for her and will sell for what she is worth, Jt 17 feet long. 7 feet diameter, allowed 11 {team, 6 years old, in good cond: + pric A Marine tro é East Saginaw. Mich. {4 feet long, 744 feet diameter, allowed 80 pounds o steam, in good repair; price $400. Maine Iron Boiler, © 14 feet long, 544 feet diameter, allowed 90 pounds steam. in good condition; price $300. Apply to DUNHAM TO FOR SALE, ARINE ENGINE nearly new, includes bilge pump, hand pump and force pump, evlinder 17 by 20. Willsell cheap. Address. K. BOX, Record Office. : FOR SALE. aS eS DREADNAUGHT is offered by the under- signed for salecheap, She isin good condition, has double engines, and it is well known that the ma- chinery is as good as can be made. ‘Lhe boil- ers are allowed 100 pounds of steain. Inquire of CAPTAIN THOMAS DOWLING, 248 Clinton st., Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE, ENTER BOARD YACHT NORDEN, 42 feet keel, 15 feet beam, 5! feet head room in cabin, can be arranged to accommodate twelve persons for cruising. Fast and staunch, cost $2,700 to build, will sell if pur- chased soon for $900, F, W. FINCHER, Pentwater, Mich. WING & WRECKING CO., 234 South Water St., Chicago, Ill. FOR SALE. ; FORK, SALE. CHOONER FRANC MINER. Her dimensions are as follows: 68 feet keel, 17 feet beam, 5 feet hold, she hastwo masts andis three years old, in good shape, outfit and ali. I also have a ¢ mplete out- fft fora tug or barge, engine 18 by 20. boiler 644 by 14, shaft wheel and all complete For particulars write to L. NAU, Green Kay, or CAPTAIN J. A. CUSICK, Fort Howard, Wis. TUG BOAT, STEAM YACHT, &c, AT. Bell's Steam Eaeine Works, BUFFALO, N. Y. 1new Wooden Tug, 76 feet long, 1544 feet beam; en- gine 18x20, steel boiler 6 ft, 8 in. by 10 ft. 9in. 1stee! and ironSteam Yacht 85 feet long, 14 feet 4 inches beam; compound engine 9x18, 12 in. stroke, in- dependent condenser, with boiler all complete. _] wooden steam yacht, “Little Mac,’’ 60 feet long, $10!4 feet beam; engine 8x9, Scotch steel boiler, 2 masts, and furnished all complete. 1 marine engine 20x22, Tmarine engine lixl6, 7 marine engine lixl4. Apply as above, SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES Copper, Brass and Sheet’ Tron Manufactory. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, and Orme Patent Safety and Relief Valve. No. 18 Ohio Street, FOR SALE. Base COL. BRACKEL—She carries 260M feet of > lumber, 420 tons of coal. Had $900 worth of re- pairs last season. Fit out good. Price $1,600. Men- tion this paper. ED, J. KENDALL, Port Huron FOR SALE. YARGES LEADER AND JUNLPER, capacity 375,000 each. For price and terms inquire of N. MILLS & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. ROR SALE, TEAM BARGE PASSAIC. and four consorts, Ca- iS pacity, 8.300 tons coal or 2,400,000 feet timber, Boat now Jaid up at Buttalo. For terms 9nd price, inquire of M. JONES, 42 Griswold ft, or ©. C | BLODGETT, 242 Woodbridge St., Detroit, Michigan. | January. 1889, FOR SALE. FLARBOR TUG for sale. Engine 18x20, boiler 5 feet 6 inches by 11 feet, and allowed 100 pounds of steam, and is AY, valued at. $5,500 by Lloyd 8 register, but the owner will take $4,600 cash. Tor further par- i i ir 13 Franklin ayenue, Cleveland. 0. tieulars inquire at 1 ran An Atey 18 ERE. WANTED. M\UG.—A good towing tug, about 18x20 engine. Tianiseiot CAPT. E..S. SMITH, No, 30 Twelfth ayenue, Hast Duluth, Minn, HARBOR TUG FOR SALE. MVE TUG MYRTLE, of Sandusky, Ohic 3 cheap. Is in first-class condition, For partion: lars write to FRED GROCH, Sandusky, 0. io, for sale ANLTED—TO BUY TWO TOW BARGES of asbout, 500,000 capacity, or two A 2 schooners. Kadi) GAPDAEN A, PLAGSTAD, | Buffalo, SENT sof Oe ontague, } ie, FOR SALE, AstTHAtnange OF 167 gross tons burden, built in the year 1886, and worked all the season since she was built, and has been kept in good order, She is now laying at the dock at or near Green Bay, Wis., and oayible todo a good business. Willbe sold cheap on account of the owner’s time helng fully oceupied with other business. Enquireof, «A. W.PR EST, Kankauna, Ontagamicie Co,,, Wis, ins Travelers (nforma ear’ «TON Bal, WANTED. GP tiesaites to ‘40 tons, in good rapair. Send full description and photo on drown Box 479. Traverse City, Mich, | “TICKET AGENTS 224 Bank St, Y CLEVELAND,O. WANTED, OSITION second mate on’a vessel, by a thor- ough sbanist last. season onfthe D. P. Rhodes; iti tewardess, 28 Orsgon street, also a position as stewa Fe i oyeen die

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