‘icago, Il, Milwaniee, Wis, il: . Wii Banh Ming.” 1) 10. .. . pre jast season. ler; eorge McDonald; Calumet, ey; Protection, Captain , Captain George on, R. Brewer, Black Ball, re | wd wa F i company’s the Worthington was in dock hat the | elected alderman | stop a vessel that ‘Thi @ Move | js pretty sure to stick fast on the bottom be- nterests | fore she is out of the river, The Northwestera National Insurance Co., | of Milwaukee is said to be making trouble by cutting cargo rates. It is expected that the captains to their tugs | Chicago board will go. ; c company will take up the fight on its own ea doughty cham- wrecking company | 1 wing company have iments to their tugs: her cargo or wait for the ‘he ech trip fe Saturday, The steambarge first appearance here last lumber from eires. G. H. Sta engineer. ded that th hook. The cut made by the Northwestern on Friday was from 50 cents to 35, S “At least one of the lake and rail through lines,” says Pinar Chico ‘Tribune, “bee bame rebellious yesterday against the Inter- state Commerce Law requiring them to give formal notice of a reduction in rates. This line cut its published tariff rate a h nt ; Union, P.| on corn to Philadelphia. ~The penalties for’ this sort of thing are severe, and fall upon the offending agent. {t may have been termined to make a test case at the outset.’ The ruling grain freights at this port are rke made her “Wednesday, with — Captain James | | Wood is in command, Wm. Moffatt, chief Captain R.T. Roger’s steamer Pilgrim, of Saugatuck, arrived last week, She has du- ring the winter received an entire new full length upper cabin, which gives her state modation for about 120 passen- run between Chicago and weekly, Captain R. T, Rog- nd her, L. Greenhalgh, chief of harbor master of Chicago on the promise ) dc with the telephone system of dis— counsel Green of Chicago has rbor-master has a right to is loaded so deep that she to pieces and each BUFFALO, N.Y. _ et aa a ee The Courier says the appearange of the tugs Alert, Hector, and Rooth from Port Colbour an advantage of breaking the rales on fuel, But’ this Titele® count agaist them as good subjects of the Queen, BY extends tut a short distance beyond the dummy the harbor could easily be closed again, First a rival was the propeller Hecla, at 11 ai. Saturduy with wheat from Chicago. The de- partures were the p opelles Charles Hebard and Johnson a rap in her stern while towing the tow is upon them, There were no line departures Monday, the Hudson, Buffaio, and Milwaukee, of the Western line, ard the Clavion and Lycoming were to leave after midnight, The harbor lighthouses were illuminated on Pricay night for the first time this season, in 19 hours out. xt Mr. 8, Mergenhagen, the new night clearance clerk, was on duty yesterday. He is an expe- rienced custom house man,but has not been con- nected with the marine department before, Notice is given by the lighthouse. board tha which the Pierhead light at Genesee light sta. tion, Charlotte, Lake Ontario, N. Y., is shown, will be moyed out to wituin 20 feet of the end of the pier, ; Hecla was the first boat to pass down through | the Straits of Mackinac. I wish to. correct the statement assage, with her con- of April, She was the first boat to pass Detroit from Chicago and the first of any to arrive at Buffalo. gives character to the opening, for there is ay in the marine season when’ oe from he bay thy i taking ° in e Can ian day of rest and ‘the wivked American side uf the line by com & over for a load of i8@ ig Not Bpposed to 6:30 p.m, cn Saturday, passed the Lime-Kilng deder OSA ‘ , Lt. the meeting of the Seamen’s union these, Bs : y ay, at the steamer forsame. And she also has an American Ship Charles Hebard was the first boat through of | Wiodlass'Co.’s bedplate steam windlass for Sarnia bay all winter, has been pumped out and will be placed in the dock for repairs. *The Bliss and Cahoon are at Dunford and Alverson.dock receiving repairs. They. will first lass shape when ready for sen. é tug Fields, with the tug Niagara, ar- rived here Tuesday on her way to Detroit where the Niagara will receive a new boiler built by Thomas MoGregor, ~~ The Rhoda Stewart is in the Wolverine dry dock receiving ealking and other repairs, The ice is stl quite troublesome, though it} Tie Abercorn is in the same dock. When coming into the river Saturday light, On the south shore it is said to reach as afternoon, the W. J. Averill, towing the far as Duakirk. With a good southwest wind Pp ensiukee, was crowded aground by the ice near the water works. She was released by 330 | Linn’s tuge. The George L. Caldwell broke ber crank Saturday morning and will have cosort Anabel Wilson, light, for Pequawiag Tepairs made there. The fee is still coming U ’ ‘ ‘ ‘i Ee after lumber, and the propelier Hiawatha, tight, os the river in very large quantities, and is for Chicago, They all had to be taken through leavierthan any that has passed for two the ice with tugs, The Hiawatha gave the tug weeks, Marine City ice blockade continues with- through the ice, The ice ia often too solid for | OUl apparent change, fifteen Jarge boats are the tuys, aid before they can dodge a big cake | waiting for the jam to brexk. L. WEST BAY CITY, but | syeotat to the Marine Record. The Schooner Tokio was Buccessfuliy faunched from James Dayidson’s‘ship yards last Thursday afternoon, The Tokio is 240 feet long, 38 feet beam, and peller Chemung, which left here at 19 depth of hold in the snoalest place and‘on top of the floor keelsons. |The Tokiois a double but no between decks are laid. She simply has the between deck beams, and this makes her a self trimmer, either loading iron ore, coal, orgrain, because of her depth, and her eight splendid cargo hatches, The Tokio is well proportioned and very ; © | strongly constructed. She has steel arches in- on cr about April 22, 1889, the structure from at a aT See? ahd de aud outside, and is pronounced by experts to be the finest modeled boat afloat. She has four large spas, and her running gear presents a lovely sight. She is supplied with a steam deck hoister, for andling heavy sails, and also for hoisting the cargo. She has a fine set of pumps, both hand ‘The Tokio was built and is owned by J; ames Davidson and will enter (as soon as navigation opens) upon a season’s contract with the Chapin handling her heavy anchors and chains. Mining Co, Her oa suggested by Mr. He to stearn bearing; the] 2 cents on corn to Buffalo, 2 cents to Geor- P. Lillibridge, of Cley Bee ; Carter for some holding gian bay ports. Put Bnd? di & ing; the barge D. R. Mar-| The splendid steel steamship Owego, ar- ee PORT HURON, MICH, y tal Daa Special to the Marine Record, ; ad, Obi age | /Chapin Mining Co., and who was pale | epairs and calking. any’s fine line of steam- Sheboygan, Muskegon, Menomi- routes. They have all been fitted ‘y care for the accommodation ynvenience of passengers, and look ele— t in the new dress coats of paint. The au steamer Corona, will commence ¢ this week, and the steamer City of mdington, which has been doing winter ser— ‘ice, is haying a thorough overhauling. The company’s new steamer is nearly completed and will be launched from Burger & Burger's ship yard at Manitowoc ina few days. She is an elegant steamer, and will be named the City of Racine, and will be placed on the route between Chicago, Racine and Milwau- kee, and put in service about May 16th, leaying Chicago daily, Sundays excepted, at 9a. m., arriving at Milwaukee about 2-30 i a p.m. rs The Lake Michigan and Lake Superior transportation company’s steamers Peerless, @ity of Duluth, City of Traverse, Joseph L, fey Hurd, Jay Gould and City of Fremont, are being fitted out in their usual elegant style, and will be ready to start for Duluth and other points about April 20th. They will have a different appearance than heretofore, their color being changed from green and white to black and white. The company’s steamer Bessemer, laid up at Cleveland, will tow the schooner Schuylkill the coming season. The steamer J. W. Westcott left Chicago for Traverse City Monday evening with pas sengers and merchandise, her first trip this season, Captain Otto Olson in command, William Armstrong chief mate, Albert Green chief engineer. The tug L. B. Johnson has had an entire rebuild and received an engine 20 by 22 from David Bell, Buffalc. The steambarge Suugatuck arrived Sunday from Pentwater, with lumber, her first trip ~ this season. Captain G. A. Walen formerly of the schooner Iver Lawson, is commanding her. The steambarge Alice M. Gill, Captain - George Robertson, arrived on her first, trip this season from Gill’s Pier with hemlock, on “Tuesday. Her captain states that very little - ice was encountered, most of which was along va Phore:. i 4 te A ; Graham and Morton’s steamer Lora arrived “from Saint Joseph and Benton Harbor on her ‘ __ first trip Tuesday morning, Captain McIntosh ~~ command, B. Moreland chief engineer. ‘The Western transit company’s fine steam- ships Commodore, Harlem, Albany, Boston ~ and Chicago are fitted out and have received _ new coats of paint, and look splendid. They are loaded and ready to start for Buffalo this week. The steamship Albany, loaded, coming down the south branch Tuesday, got on the ay ‘3, ae on ere are all running on their} from Buffalo thisseason. = Jing, arrived on her first trip this season, with lumber from Ludington. During the winter she received new frames and ceiling aft, new stern, new cabin and forecastle on deck, cost- ing about $2,500. The schooner Isabella Sands, Captain Au- gusta Johnson, arrived Friday noon on her first trip with lumber from Manistee. She has received new main and mizen masts, The schooners Commerce, Captain Ed. Mullin, and Windsor, Captain D, Williams, arrived from Manistique Sunday morning, having made their first round trip'in seven days and a few hours. The schooner C. H. Hackley, Captain John Botcher, arrived Monday morning with lum- ber from Manistique. She left Manitowoc, where she received a thorough. rebuild at Burger & Burger’s ship yard, the previous Wednesday night, making a very quick run. She looks and is as good as new, and we wish her good luck. The propeller Wisconsin will run between Chicago and Midland this season. It looks as though the Grand Trunk was making a heavy bid for through business. Cleared with grain; Siberia, Wissahikton, Lehigh, Nelson, Buffalo. Cleared, Saturday night, with grain; W. J. Averill, Ozdens- burg; Albany, Harlem, G. W. Morley, A- Folsom, Mecosta, W. H. Gratwick, Buffalo; Rhoda Emily, Kingston; schooners Fontana Mitchell, Thomas L. Parker, Ashland, Buf falo; Vickery, Midland, Higgie, City of She- boygan, Point Edward. There was no change in freights Monday. The rate on wheat and corn wag 2} and; 2} cents respectively. Engagements were as follows: To Buffalo; Nahant, Fred Mercur, corn; schooner Porter, wheat; schooner Thos. Quayle, oats; to Collingwood, schooner James Mowatt, Belle Brown, oats, The Conestoga and Conemaugh, the firs‘ Anchor liners to leave port, put out for Erie Saturday via Milwaukee, D. B. Linsted of the Central Vermont line made a formal tariff declaration Saturday af- ternoon. Eleven cents is the figure. Captain Elphicke has made these appoint- ments: Steamer Josephine, Capt. Comstock; schooner I’, L. Parker, Capt, Pitcher; C. P. Minch, Capt. Foster; Philo Scoville, Capt. | Jeffrey. The steamer Kalamagso, Captain” Dy"Cim- mings, arrived for the first time this season last week, from Saugatuck. She has received a full length upper cabin, during the winter, with twenty-six siate rooms, offices, etc., and will have good accommodations for 100 pas- sengers. Charles Smith is chief engineer. WILLIAMS. SAULT STE, MARIE, Navigation to Lake Superior is now open. bottom over the Washington street tunnel. | The Osceola and Sicken arrived from below ~ She was pulled back and will either have to | this evening. rived from Buffalo, Saturday morning on her first trip this season. She is the first arrival | The schooner Mercury, Captain Louis Ster= | Tne Chas. Parnell was the first steam be Emma C. Tonincont the first schooner port irom Caicago this season, /to pass thi p _ A Pawaix of this city, has purchased the svhooner mma of the opium smuggling fame. The ice blockade at the flats delayed a large number ot boats, among which was the Tioga Portage Helena, Veronica Minneapolis. Owen and consoris, Progress. Siraon Langell and consorts Peter Smith, Ida Yor- rent, Fields with tug Niagara and a large number of others, The schooner John Kilderhouse was the first to arrive with grain trom Chicago to this port. This isthe 19ch season for Lyn the Ma- rine Reporter to be on the docks and he has made a saccess out of the marine business, He will have two small boats on the river this season to deliver letters and telegrams to passing steamers day or night. Any orders sent in his care will be promptly dclivered. The O-coda will tow the barges Corning, Bliss, Cohoon}this season. There was large quantities of ice coming into the river this week, The Minneapolis arrived with grain at Sanborn’; this week from Detroit. The schooner Hercules is at the Wolverine Cry dock receiving stanchions, covering board, ceiling, and other repairs. The schooner F, J. Dunford igs receiving new decks at the same yard, The repairs on the propeller Col rado are abuut completed, Captain Geo, MvCol lough will command her thig season. The Westford has received her new boiler, and she is ready for sea. Captain Wm, Lynn will command the tug Mollie Spencer, and Capiain Tim Carbine of Cleveland will command the tug Geo. R, Hand of Lynn’s line this season. here are large quantities of ice on the east shore of Lake Huron and it is coming into the river very fast. Captain Tebo andMr, Benitage have com- menced workon their 300 feet coal dock just below this city. The tng Castle received ber new boiler built by Love and Scofield Tuesday. Robeson, the ship chandler and sail maker, is busy just now. He will builda three story brick sail Joft on Butler street thisessummer. The Beat'y boats are all ready for sea. D. N. Runnells has purchased a large dredge from Detroit people. The tug Mollie Spencer is receiving” new rail and other repairs at Dunford and Alver- con’s.dry dock. . ' The Tioga towing the :disabled steamer Avon arrived here Sunday... The Avon en- gine will be repaired at Fitzgerald’s dry dock works, : The Flora arrived down Sunday, and un- loaded her cargo of freight and returned to Cheboygan on account of the ice blockade at the flats. ; The old barge Orton, which was sunk in manager forseveral yearsofa steamship line at Tokio Japan. ~ Mr. Lil ic esented Tokio with almost elegant mo colors, I The Amerie: n flag contains 42 stars in the’ field. This is for the additional that come into the Union, and was the first flag so made in Cleveland, The steamer Rust will be in Bay City about the 10th and take the Tokio as her consort, TRIDENT. DULUTH MINN. The tug Record is receiving a fresh coat of paint and is being otherwise overhauled. The Ossifrage left for Port Arthur on Monday. Whether she will be able to get through the ice is not certain. The Barker was. crowded last trip from stem to stern with a party consisting of Clan Stewart and numerous friends, who went over to West Superior to organize Clan Cameron. T. H. Millar, of the United States light- house service, is in the city, and has asked for bids for the construction of the tower for the new range light, to be placed at the inner end of the canal pier. The tower will be 60 feet high and will display a fixed white light, which will be visible sixteen miles. The new light has been much needed by navigators, and will be highly appreciated by them. The work of construction will occupy about two months. Contractor Rhodes has begun planking on the great northern dock. The work is being pushed vigorously. Captain C. 8. Furey will sailon the Wards line this season in charge of the James Fisk, Jr. He is already making things hum in the work of outfitting his vessel. The captain looks for a general opening about April 15. He thinks the talk about time-keepers in Lake St. Clair ship canal will only apply to heavily loaded boats, “bottom scrapers,’’ as aleall Gr kee a) 4nd consort are three miles. off this port work- ing their way in through the 1ce,: ‘Port Dalhousie, April 14.—Arrived from the new canal: Albatross, Hamilton to Cleveland, light. Port Coloorne, April 14.—Arrived: Iron Age and consort, Iron Chief and consort, Hurlbut, Cleared: Algonquin, Toledo, light. Port. Arthur, April 14.—The steainer Gara« laxe arrived yesterday from Duluth, the first ar- rival this season. She was unable to reach shore on account of heavy ice. South Chicago, Ill., April 13.—Arrived: Owego. Cleared: Massachusetts and Merri- mac, light, Manitowoc, Wis., April 13.—Arrived steamer Sheboygan, Chicago; schooners Naiad, General Hancock, Isolda Bock. Departed: Steamers Chicago, Lotus, H. L, Worthington, Grace Williams; schooners Lady Ellen, Wm. Finch, Minorville, Wis., April 13.—Arrived: Stmr. Weicome, propeller Depere. Snailed: S¢hooners S.A. Wood, Lumberman, propeller « Philetus Sawyer. The steambarge Pewaukee goes to Mauitowoe tonight, where she will be drydocked for repairs to\her stern bearing, She will also receive a new wheel. Frankfort, ich., April 13,—Arrived: Schocner Jennie Weaver, tug Wallace. Sailed; Sarprise, Traman Moss, for Chicago, The tug E. D. Holton lett for Manistee for repairs to her boiler, Grand Haven, Miech., April 13.—Arrived: Steamer Menominee. Cleared: Steambarge Mary H. Boyce and consort, Mary A. McGregor, light, Oswego, N. Y., April 13.—Arrived: Steamer Van Allan, schoooners M. J. Cuamings, Folger, Cleared: Van Allan, Kingston, light; Fort, Toledo, coai; John Magee, Chicago, coal. Kingston, April 13.—The schooner Bullock is loading barley at Napanee’ for Ghicago, The steamer Hero left for Bay ports today. The steamer Maude will make her first trip to Cape Vincent Monday. Loading: Schooner Dudley, ties, Charlotte. Arrived: Eliza White, coal, Charlotte, the first of the season; Dudley, Co- bourg, light, Escanaba, Mich., April 13—Arrived: Pro- peller Tom Dayidsoa, Departed; Progress, Langell, Tom Davidson, Middlesex, Allegheny, | Duluth, April 13,— parted: Ella G. Stone. schooner Republic, coal to P. rh ; i c Ae on, Port Colbou { Kershaw, corn, Ogdensburg. The Monohansett and consort Massasoit, now here, were chartered for corn to Buffalo at 2 cents. Detroit, Mieh., April 13.—Up, Rochester, 12:50 a, m.; Pahlow cleared 2:20 p. m.; Specu- lar, 12:30; Cambria, 2:10; C, F. Curtis arrived, 4; Aurora, arrived, 5; Atlantic, 10. Down: Heela cleared, 5 a. m,; Iron Age and consort, Iron Chief and consort, 6 p,m.; Charles Par. nell arrived, 5:20; Balize, 9:50. Mackinaw City, Mich., April 13.—Down: Portage, 2 a, m.; Helena, 12:10 p, m,; Progress, 2:40; Oakleuf, 5:30, Up: George Hadley, 6:50 a. m.; Havana, Helena, 4:20 p. m.; Sparta, Sumatra, 5:10, Port Colbourne, Ontario, April 13.-—Cleared: Africa and consorts, Cleveland, light, C.E.BLACK, Dealer in Standard Oil Co’s. CAPITAL CYLINDER OILS —AND THE— Finest grades of machine oils. Sandusky, Ohio. Detroit & Cleveland steam Navigation Co, Owning and Operating the only Lines of Steel and Iron Side Wheel Stsamer on the Groat Lakes. he calls them. Hesays: “I always check 1n the canal to about ten or twelve minutes, and that is slow enough. Heavy-draft boats can go a little slower, CHEBOYGAN, MICH, A large fleet of steambarges and consorts are passing through; but one yessel under sail passed down, Considerable ice has been blown in here, but it is soft, The Longshoremen’s union have adopted arate of 40 cents an hour on a freight rate of $1.50 on lumber, When freights are $1.75 they will demand 45 centss These rates will be maintained throughout the season. EARLIEST MOVEMENTS, Port'Huron; April 14.—The followmg boats are here waiting for the ice blockade at St, Clair Fiata to~break: Owen and /consorts, Tioga, Avoo, Dean Richmond, Portage, Ida, Torrent, Emma C. Hutchinson, Helena, Progress,, The river is still running full of ice aod is blocked from above Marine City to the Piats. Arrived: Schooner John Kelderhouse, De- parted: Warmington, Dahlia, Eseanaba, April 14.—Arrived: George Had- ley, Havana, Sparta, Massachusetts, Helena, Suosatra. © : . Owen Sound, April 14.—The steambarge Hall DAILY BETWEEN (Sunday trips are operated only during June, July, August and September.) Detroit and Cleveland, Arriving t5a.m., Departing at 9:30 p.m, Connect- ing with all morning trains in every directio For Macinac. Petoskey, Charlevoix. Soo: And Lake Huron orts, Daily except Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Offices and Wharfs, 23 River street. City ticket office 224 Bank street. E,B. Warr COMB, ome eee Re Newer @. P. A,, Detroit, Mioh. Genl. Agt, | Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE, Will buy the tuz Eliza J, Redford, 4,00 of Vawego, Ny Y. Length 65 feot, boam 14 S60 nonisondenyag Aorta ase sane , l¥-inwh stroke. eoided bargain. Inquire neaieaieai ss ues D. P. LESLER, Oswego, N. Y, WANTED. yf ! $ } | t