6 Fhe Marine Record. ¢ ROBERT —— WM. M. FITCH H. D. POEENBEBRL. VICE sade. THe CLEVELAND SHIP-BUILDING COMPANY, Detroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, LEON: Sra les. \ © \ SM j Ns e : Sec: a Z EI / 1 nrX | oa . pi fm! aa a a 16) = tt ph es ’ {a ENGINES AND BOILERS. Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers. : MiLL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct. PHGNIX IRON WORKS. Manufacturers STEEPLE, FORE AND AFT COM POUND & TRI- PLE EXPANSION MARINE ENGINES, WITH BOILERS MODERN D GOGH. wn HOWNE EOUCALYPTU Ss PATENTED IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL C OUNTR.S 1\ THE WORLD Manufactured by the COWNIE B. 1. P. i 204 MARKET-ST; SAN FRANCISCO. én TTR This extract from the leaves of the Eucaly; ree, has been ado) ontes and is now merican SS. lines, the U, 8. Navy, and ss est stationary ps pth the _country. containing letters reg Pi prominent engineers, laine ions for use, pric: DELAPIELD, MORGAN, KISSELL & 00., Agts.. Order Now. BEESON’S SAILORS’ HAND BOOK, EDILION OF 1889, WILL BE ouT MARCH 20. It is an infallible guide to the twenty lake ports where Custom Houses are located, and a synopsis of Marine Law. Enclose 55 cents by Postal Note, or in stamps, and it will be mailed you promptly when ont. 4 Address: H. ©, BEESON, Core Detroit Oustom 2 HUDSON ; House. VESSEL AGENT, Marine and A RR a ‘Vessel Agent and Brok VESSEL OWNERS AND AGENTS. _ ee } | ESTES & WALKER, _ ‘Ship and Coal Broxers, | VESSEL AGENTS AND OWN: iis. | Marine insurance and collections. Refer uces Mose | and Third National Banks. SKY, 0, , 602% Water street, SANDY THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson's Transit Line. i Gen, Forwarder. Freight and Ve-.l Agent. | ___ CLEVELAND, 0. | MOORE, BARTOW AND ILC}! RIS, ‘Ship ibis and cons, bat “PALMER & ‘BENHAM, ‘Vessel Owners & Agents, | New rage Building, corner of Superior and ~ Bank Street. Cleveland, Ohio. C. J- MACILL, La | Vessels Chartered, Bough and sold, ie Freigits and River Tow Bills Col- lected and promptly remitied, oo 94 Board of Trade Chicago, Ill. le Ww, ELPHICKE, JAS. A‘ MYERS G W. ELPHIGKE&GO,, _ Yessel Agents AND ‘MARINE UNDERWRITERS, | 8 Sherman $t, Rooms 10 an‘ 11 CHICAGO, alg icaicy } Parker Block | MLEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Pl Big So Bg is 8 Owners and masters of vessels wishing to get cargoes of grain from this port will do wellto confer with me. Will be glad to furnish information In regard to oar goes, also in relation to docks, depth of water, etc., uluth, Agate Bay (new iron ats ports Port thur, Washburn, shland, and al Pome Dear the west ‘end of Lake Superior. Good gangs of men tour. nished on short notice fortrimming ca cataces of grain, loading and unloading all kiuds of sreight. : JAMES T. ROSE, ic and 8 Marine Insurance Room 6, Exchange Building, Dul Thave a excellent gang of Tr: ers on, Captain Miller's ¢ old. Special "Attention Paid to © and seeing that they get di CORRESPONDERCE S80) A. J. WEBB & ship Brokers, Vessel Owners redid Remover yo Bond rnc ea N EW YORK dota HOJ.W: &Co., will pecial attention . given to Chi rt Lake: Rpt git Tra ingle trip. ARCADE BUILDING, Special Presuyahd ing and Settling Exchange Building, River Mac [Successor t 171 River St., Cl Are prepared to Manu Meta co ' We havealso a or Tie are le