Be Ghe Marine &ecord. SIGNAL LAMPs For Steamers and Sailing Vesse PATENT FLUTED LENS &PERFECT COLORS. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS, These Lamps give a more brilliant light thadtrany Signal Lamp now In use, They have been adopted by the principal Ocean and Lake Steamers. Over Twelve thousand now inuse. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRALED French wrought iron ranges and broilers of all sizes for steamers and hotels. Steamboat Copper. Tin, and Sheet Iron Workers Russell & Watson, SUCCESSOR TO FELTHOUSEN & RUussELL, EAGLE BOILER WORKS. ROPRIKTOR, ~ . m. BIER, P Cor, Indiana and Many St.,.Buifalo, N. ¥ The Latest Improved _ Hydraulic Machinery USED IN ALi. CLASSES or WORK Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomc- tive and Upright Boilers ; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate lron Work of all Descriptions. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN DED TO. - CORRUGATED FLUES FOR t STEAM BOILERS, Made in Sizes from, 28 to 60 am, Manufactured inch. in diam . SOLELY IN THE WITH UNITED STATES UNDER OUR OWN PATENTS AND THOSK OF Samson Fox, FLANGED PLAIN MS = : = Leeds, oo saionws! THE CON TINENTAL IRON WORKS Tos. F. Rew1aNn, President. “BROOKLYN, NEW BBC oc from New YORK; Warren KE. Hint, } Cuas. H. Cornett, j Vice Presidents, Tos. F. Rowan, JR, anreASrer, Vuleanized Rubber Packing of Every Decscription. SAO LS PATA, | as AEA AN DIES ee SESH Xt 2599952535 33333335 ie Dees IUBBER MATS AND STAIR-TREADS Resa utne Noga a XY SOI80; yy 5 vo or Halls, Floors, Decks and Companionways OCIS a9 ‘ : | ayessrszsze2enoeeszesasasoz eee! Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose. Sara A a a a a puanon eae Mana -IRE TEST HOSE FOR STEAMBOATS & TUGS. i WAREHOUSE: 15 PARK ROW, W. D. Allen & Co., Chicago, Ill. W. 8. Nott Co., Minneapolis, Minn. H. D. Edwards & Co, Detroit, Mich. Hendrie & Bolthoff, Denver, Col. Ripley &Bronson, St. "Louis, Mo. Hall Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. D. P. Dieterich, Philadelphia, Pa. Atlanta Rubber ¢: o., Atlanta: Ga, (@EuropeanBranch: Pickhuben 5. Hamburg ( (freihafengebist), Germany. Arnett & Rivers, San Francisco, Cal, LIDGERWOOD MANUF’G COMPANY, 9 kim. w York. MAKERS OF HOISTING ee FOR VESSELS AND DOCKS. DECK HOISTS a sreciatty. Engines & Boilers Combined FOR Superior Marine boilers WHARE. AND WORKS SOUTH BROOKLYN, \.\. 5 STHAM HOSE. JOHN H. CHEEVEB, Treas., J. D. CHEEVER, Dept. Treas. Branches:—W, H. H. Peck & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. NEW YORK. Post & Co., Cicinnati, Ohio. nai ot: TPE a BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK C0., [Successors to BAGNAL & LOUD and PENFIELD BLOCK €0’8.] BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED ¢ Self-Adjustable Five Roll Roller Bushed Bt OC Ss. which for DURABILITY and STRENGTH, are far nhend of any other make. One trial will convince any one of their GREATER PURCHASE. Be sure and call for the STAR BRAND in ordering your Blocks. ACo* call attention to our DIAPHRAGM PUMP, which will pump more Wwe” @“tastroke and work easier than any other make in the |. market Give w ao trial, NEW YORK STORE, 33 South Street, ¥. BALDWIN, Manager. specialty of furnishing the handsomest style of #05, Yachts, with special designs to suit the place. _ : psi y Shipsinith, ‘ All Kind of Forgings, 7% Bolts and Truss Rods for Buliding. ” 49 Main-st Cleveland We also make a blocks in the market [Ste tionary & Portable Engines, ‘SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO. | MANUFACTURERS OF _ MINING MACHINERY AND Riverside lron Works, 314 to 326 Atwater Street DETROIT. MICH. ae a ING IRON Wor E RES G nenatsscct a Eo, » BUFFALO, N. Y., MANUFACTURER OF Triple Expansion Marine Engines, Three Cylinder and Fore and Aft and Steeple Compound Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS These wheels are noted for their extra speed and towing power or aproportionate saving of coal, PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. Thomas MeGregor, CENTRAL BOILER WORKS MANUFACTURKER OF Marine and Stationary —ALL KINDS OF— ’ Rendering Kettles, Tanks, —AND— SA Ray TRON ha ARTHUR & BOYLAN, — Steamboats, Tugs, etc , Coaled Day and Night, DEALERS IN LACKAWANNA ANTHRACITE COAL. Woks: Ft. West River St., Whisky Island, C. P. R’y. Slip, Gov evrimerit Pier OFFICE {30 RIVER-ST.. CLEVELAND. OHIO. * Y f > 7 StU Chase Fog Whistle Machine _ This machine has been placed on the following steamboat during the past year: SPOKANE, WALLULA, Kasota, CHak~ LEMAGNE TOWER, JR, Yakima, MISSOULA, Sivka, FaYETTE Brown, R. J, Hackert, Forest City, SParTa, MAVANa, VI- ENNA, OSCAR TOWNSEND, (ITY OF CLEY: LAND’ HENRY CuHIs- HOLM, SuPKRION, E. B. Hate, M. B. Grover, J.S Fay, R. BL » ANNEY, Smita Moore Cuaruxs J SHEVFIELD, Ira H.Ow! Camsria, Corsica, J, H, OUTHWAITE, SAMUEL WaTHER, R.. D Rk, Ruopss, COLUMBIA, AURORA, OHIO, Wa. Epwarps, 8. KE. SHELDON, AUSTRALASIA, RALEIGH, BULGARIA, ROUMANIA, J.. F. bppy, HiawaTua, Tos. ADAMS, A, P. Wrieutr, Grab. stone, E, P. Winpur, Soo Ciry, &, M. Peck, KuBERT de FREYER 4ND NORTHERN Licut, To the President and Board of Supers Inspee- tors of Steam Vessels: Your committee to which was referred the *Ghace Fog Whistle Machine” beg leave to report: **Phat we have: carefully examined the same aud find that it blows at regular intervals, being worked by the enzine, thereb: insuring regular and continuous blasta for any leva: of time that may be required and wo recommend it or similar device to owners of steam Js as an add) tional safeguard to nvi to, E : H, S. Luspock, Gro. H, STARBUCK, W. D. Ropinson, DETROIT BOAT WORKS —SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF— Clark’s Patent Metallic Life Rie: SIZES AND PRICES. DETROIT, MICH. The manufacturers are the Chase Fog Whistle Machine Co, = : Cnpacity, Pdl | | si HUMM MMH igsns x WBS wens ie DID Te ee OCS ee s2utteone| { | Approved by the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels. 4@-Other Sizes and Proportions Made to Order. Shops, foot Dequindre st. DETROIT, MICH. %, S. DeVries, | HENRY ESCH, SHIP AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Groceries and Provisions Fresh and Salt Meats, DRY GOODS AND CLOXAIN Special attention given to vessel supplies. f Corner of Jay and 9th st. Manitowoc 22 South Water street, Cleveland, O. Established in 1871. Telephone 210. s.gn8. Steering Balls, Liherty Caps, Orna- ‘mental Work ab pevialty in Cabins.