Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), April 25, 1889, p. 5

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prihwaNellie dunter-cideapring” The Falconer will need a new captain, Captain John Quinn has sold his. share in | the steamer Arlington. ee the tug George Fish down to this port to do harbor towing. Thomas Doe with a wrecking outfit is after ade, hauli | schooner Marcia A. Hall and invested it in| the Handy Boy, which was burned here last ohn | fall. She was found to be full of holes, | Emerald is at the Don having a|'which were plugged. A storm drove the ne pot in hee for the purpose ; Pro btihe W. B. ‘Hall will have achange of | captains th . It is thought that Cap- 10 168: duits Trowner will ‘command her during the : coming season. ot Schooner Jessie Drummond has been sold mer Hayes made her first trip to to Smith & Co., of Port Hope. Captain Maw | was the former owner. The consideration is said to be $5,000, Captain Edmonds, of Port Hope, it is said, will sail the Drummond this tasea came to Sandusky Sear. aah upper lakes. Cuptain Tripp will not Tempest of Cleveland | steamer Hastings this year, haying gone to for coal. take charge of a schooner on Georgian Bay. B. Tesman of Sandusky | The commander of the Hastings this season ‘or Bay City with eighty-| will be Captain Sommes ; Steambarge Bruno, formerly owned by laska began Monday, April] Matthews & Co, has been bought from them ‘trips between Detroit and | hy Captain Betets, She will Jeave during the B.A G. [early part of the week for the Manitoulin islands to carry ties. Propellers Cuba and Acadia, of the mer- ?) chant’s line, will be ready for work about May 1. Great improvements have beén made to both boats this spring in the way of repairs and strengthening. The berths have also | been made more commodious and comfortable. ; sca ant for ectric lighting of the) rn. ofivers this year will be the same as last, wrence will arrive next week, and a Sacra Wcens shee | steamer will be ey commission early in| special tothe Marine Record, The. eroiuer ‘Loui IN, ONT. ooth are looking for a asphaltum from Trinindad, } left Klock’s mill Qu ec. This is the earliest The straits of Mackinaw were practically owned by Mr. J. open March 26th, though they were closed for hicklung, of St. Catherines, arrived at Port several days after by freezing Weather, and a preonoaagt ty from oe Catinenigtes; northwest wind, crowding in large quantities ere she had been laid up during the win- Hoatitie’ ices to Mr. Margaren, of! | ‘The Dean Richmond, the first boat through : —) in the tom of pe the Straits, passed up April 6th, taking the ‘| north passage. | | ~The first boat up through the south passage was the George C. Hadley, April 13th. _ The passenger steamer Lawrence, the first ¥. GOIN | oat down through the straits, passed down ni est troub st Wednes- | | April 8th, taking the north passage. On the Bay, y evening while lying at Hamilton. In the same day the Chas. Hebard and consort, An- Pres ehG fet eheiaaen, Mg Ha Dg Own anddef: nabella Wilson, attempted to pass down the 5 word for the wae we | the boiier and fire south passage, but getting stuck in the ice ‘up. The latter part. of the order was com- they dd not succeed in getting through till cee oye former, and ne resale April 9th. These were the first boats through as that the packing | was blown off and other, the south passage, 5 damage done t to the tu nearl $1,000. It isa noticable fact that there are more | The various Glearnere of the Deseronto oats passing up light, than was ever observed navigation company are nearly all upon os efore in the first month of open n gation. routes for the season The Algi imih. ay : propelle M ramen to be, keeping her nfortuuate character as an unineky ves soon to be on cher « old route, to assist in transfering rs across “the | straits. Captain Aldrich of Detroit, is ap- pointed master, The number of boat passages and records, ready this month, up and down, is 230, L. ‘ASUTABULA HARBOR, O10. Next week the steamer Rothesay will be jtaken out on the Ogdensburg marine railway |and fitted up for the season, The steamer R. P. Flower is now running 4 jin connection with the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg railroad at Clayton. Bpouinl age Murine Bevord, The contract for building the dry dock at) Business has finally opened up at our port. Kingston has been awarded to the lowest Ore has commenced to arrive, and coal is rap— op hsaee Bancroft & Connelly, the contract: idly going forward. price being in the neighborhood of $270,000. | Wolf & Davidson’s new steam barge thi Oak Island, in Chippewa Bay has-been sold | Thomas Davidson is here with her firs Pearse: to Wm. Luxton of Rossie. This island has of ore. She ig a fine looking boat, and is fit been in litigation for several years. The |ted-out with every modern appliance known granite quarries on the island wiil be run] to the craft. with a large force of men this season, The propeller Minneapolis, is minus her The Collinsby Rafting and Forwarding Co | mainmast head. will have thirty men employed at Belleville} The new Brown hoist on L. 8. docks is for four months this summer rafting 1,000,000 nearly ready for business. The much talked feet of timber for Quebec. The Ontario says | of variety hoists are being entirely rejuvina— that the first consignment arrived Saturday, ted, with every prospect of a final success. and by the first of May four drams are ex-| The new tueling chutes on P. Y. & A. peeted to be ready to go to Quebec. docks are fast approaching completion, and The palace steamer Ontario will run be~| will be a valuable acquisition to their b usi- ween Oswego and Alexandria Bay the com-|negs. Also their new hoist is being put into She has been thorough] refitted, position. Feet and six state rooms have been added. She was formerly the Flower City when she was burnt, was rebuilt by Newt Barney of Clayton, and afterwards sold to Captain Sweet of Carthage. Daily’s new tug being built at the ship yard is nearly completed and will be launched soon.— Ogdensburg News. TORONTO, ONT. The Empire says: The season of navigation at this port has not opened very auspiciously this spring. It seems to be generally recog- nized that the year is not going to prove a most profitable one, and is likely to fall be. hind last year, Freights here are very dull There has not yet been a single coal charter made, although at the same date a year ago, several cargoes had arrived. Tine coal mer— chants are not particular about receiving any coul before next month, and are therefore in no hurry to make charters. They are offering 25c. per ton, thesame as the opening rate last year, but the vessel men are holding out for 30c, They are, however, not likely to get was agood one. She was launched this figure, and will protably accept the 25c | | April 12. Her boiler offered, at least for the present. The only | and she will be ready for business in two outward cargo of barley from here yet was made at ljc to Oswego. Lumber freights to bse wheel on Lake Michigan, They will both go into?Dunford & Alverson’s dry dock for repairs. ‘The tugs Kittie Haight and Mystic were put into commission Tuesday. The steam barge George L. Colwell broke her crank here Monday. The A, J. Wright will tow her barges a round trip. The steamer Ayon was repaired at Fitz— geraid’s dry dock iron works. There was lots of trouble at the canal this week, there being a large number of steamers aground, and the tugs reaped a harvest. The tug Kittie Smoke left for Oscoda Tues- _ day, to do harbor work for that port. The old river tug, George E. Brockway, has made her appearance on the river again. The Canadian government will lave their range light at Stag Island in place shortly. The Marine Recorp can always be found on file at Lynn’s, the marine reporter office. There is lots of ice on the east shore of Lake Huron. John Shaw, the vessel owner, was in the city this week looking after the Eddy and Shaw. The tug Howard 1s here with a brokon . crank. The United Empire leaves for Duluth Fri- day, with freight and passengers. There has been but jittle ice running into the river this week. The marine engines built by the Phenix Tron works of Port Huron give good satis~ faction among our shipbuilders. During the past two months this firm have put engines in the Ralph, Pawnee and Aztec, all of which will be ready for business about May J. This firnt are also building machinery for three More craft which are in various stages of con— struction at the yards in this city. Itis good work that tells. The schooner Hurcles will go into the Wolverine docks for calking. The barges peaimampton and Montpeliar ing season FRANKFORT, MICH. Special to the Maurine Mecori The Schooner Jennie Weaver, lumber laden Was the first sail Geparture from Frausfort, on April 6th. Prop. Lawrence is painted up as bright as a new dollar, with Win. FPinnecan in command, wade her first uppearance on the same day en- route fur the straits. Sbhereturnedon the llth. They could not get toPetosky or Harber Springs owing tu the ice; they went through the straits on the north passage, Schconer Annie O, Hanson was the first sail arrival, on April 7th., followed sane day by the Lydia A. Roesser. Tne Steanbarge Geo, Dunbar and schooner D, A. Wells came in on the 10th, Propeller Denver went in commission April 3d on Jake shore route, It is a notable fact that the lake harbou’s neglected and need dredging very bid, BURMEISTER, MT. CLEMENS. Special to the Marine Record, The launch of the A. Tucker, the new barge are Friday and engine are aboard | weeks, 4 z mand of her. The work on the barge wh pba id offering ay 31 BEE; thousand. | building at Captain Dulae’s ship yard for the There is likely to be but little of either lum—| Tonawanda barge line is pushed forward rap- ber or harley to be expected this year, and | idly and she is all ceiled and lined inside and they will fall much below last year’s exports | they have begun to plank her outside. which, as is known, were not large. The Oar boats of this place are all ready usual amount of coal will be brought in, with | steam up and start. perhaps a elight increase. Seamen’s wages HURON, OHIO. are $1 per day on Lake Ontario and $1.25 special to the Marine Record. through the canal. . The barge Leland, burned here last spring, Captain Wellbanks, who commanded the _is getting a rebuild at this port. schooner Annie Falconer last year, has! Captain Williams, of Alpena, has brought new Isis, ‘canal to open, command the | . . " Pa | Captain John Tucker wiil take com- to | G 4 /wreckers off, bat they will return this week. ys PORT DALHOUSIE, ONT. The first clearances of the season are tug Metamora and consorts, which left this port for Yororto, where they load lumber for Garden Island. The proveller Dominion, schooners Blake, Benson, Neelon, and Merritt, and tug Cherlion came down the old canal from St. Catharines, and are waiting here to enter the new canal, which opens Tuesday next. The Tecumseh and consoris are also waiting for the They go to Toledo for timber. ERIF, PA. The business of this* port was formally opened last Saturday. The schooner Jose- phine was the first departure, sailing for Chicago with coal. he first arrival was the schooner Holmes, Detroit with grain. The schooner British Lion, Port Raon, has ar- rived with bolts. The first importations were 40,000 busbeis of barley from Toronta by rails and four car-loads of prunes from Australia for Chicago. The other clearances Saturday were propeller Gilchrist, Buffalo, light schooners Brown, Grand Rapids, light; St. Lawrence, and Charles Wall, Portage, light. MUSKEGON, MICH. Shipments—last week 1,407,000 feet of lum- ber, 110 cords of slabs. The total shipments for the week ending April 13 were 8,173,000 feet of lumber and 610 cords of slabs. An ordinance prohibiting the use of slabs, edg— ing, wood or wooden material as fuel on any steam craft upon any waters within the limits of the City of Muskegon, or on any waters over which the city has jurisdiction, has passed the first reading of the Muskegon council and will likely become a law. Any violation of the ordinance subjects offenders to a fine of $100 for each offense. MANITOWOC, MICH. A new steambarge built by H. B. and G. B. Burger was launched here Monday. She cost $30,000 and was built for J. Boyle of Grand Rapids for the lumber carrying business. Her dimensions are 135 feet keel, 30 feet ‘beam, ‘11 feet hold and 150 feet over all. ESCANABA, MICH. The tug Mocking Bird arrived frem the wreek of the barge North west, on PilotIsland. Captain Reid says they have patched up the holes in the hull, cleared the bar of ice, | will ‘bring. her to port the p4 fayora path ‘ oa ‘Captain-Mack, Cleveland, was’ ‘pases. He left on his schooner Moon: light in the evening for Ashtabula, O. EAST SAGINAW, MICH. The rate card of the Saginaw River Towing “SELF DETACHING HOOK. — We call the attention of our readers to th Standard self detaching davit fall hook as advertised in the columns of this paper and we are pleased to note that the master of the - Sumatra, wno has just been supplied with a set of these hooks, writes to the inventor as follows: Port Hurox, April 19. Mr. G. W. Lehrman, Cleveland, 0. Dear Sir—I am happy to inform you that tne patent self detaching hooks you furnished the Sumatra this spring are all, and more than you represent them to be, they worked very successfully with the vessel going at the rate of seven miles an hour. I shall recom— mend your hooks to any and every one of my acquaintances in the vessel line, Yours, ete. (Signed) W. E. Russel, master of the Sumatra. oe a ae é WH ARE DROPS. ex The Foster Wharf Corporation, of Boston, have ordered another wharf drop, same as the one they put on eighteen months ago; it is for a passenger gang plank. John H. Starin Company have just ordered two patent wharf drops for passenger gang planks for Glen Island wharf. The drops are made by American Ship Windlass Company, and are meeting with great favor from steamship and steamboat owners. THE ONLY’ SHIRT FACTORY " IN- CLEVELAND, OHIO, bob & which sells direct to the consumers at map- urer’s prices, thereby saving two profits, with which they are taxed in any other retail store. (a¥" Geninne Home made Shirts, £9 all 54 inches wide, 40 inches long, full sieeves, extra well sewed, from the cheapest 50 cent cotton shirt to all kinds of Flannel Water- proof Cassimere Suatrvrs, is conducted by the well known Boston Dry Goods Store, of Kohn & Co., 213 Detroit street, 2d door from corner Pearl street. Through a Government order, supplying Life Saving Stations with genuine Regulation SAILOR SHIRTS, we are the only Shirt fact- Cleveland who procure the (@™ real U.S. ory in Navy Flannel _42] guaranteed never to -hrink nor to fade and have them constantly on hand ready made or made to the cus- tomers order without any extra charges. All our (33 own Home made Shirts _g] if not suited after purchased, can be returned and we make others to order instead. The same rule applies to all {our own | Home made ge) idahicaey ra and Ken~ sea Pants. Association has been issued. The association for consol controls twenty-eight tugs divided izto two classes. The second class will charge 10 per cent over card rates for towing the Avery, Moiles and Rummage will receive $15 per hour for work; the other. first. class... _tugs $8, and the second-class $5. MILWAUKEE, WIs, Special to the Marine Record. Thos. L. McGregor, Wisconsin boiler works, has just completed two marine fire box boil- ers, and is now at work on two others, to be finished next weex. Ie has recently filled an order to be shipped to Georgia, and is very busy on local stationary work. te ee LAKE FREIGHTS. Coal is searee in this neighborhood for any direction and it will be many days before a movement will begin. Ore rates are steady at unchanged fiyvures with a fair demand ior ton- naye, Marquetie to Ohio ports, $1.10. TOLEDO, April 24.—Coal to Eseanaba, cents; coal to Manitowoe, 40 cents, CHICAGO, April 24.—There was a spirited de- mand for tonnage today, two eargoes ot wheat being unable to secure bottoms because of lim- ited offerings, Rates were firm and steady on the basis of 24 vents for wheat and-24 cents for corn to Buffalo, BUFFALO, April 24.—Coal freights are dall butsteady for Chicaso, at 45 cents; for Milwau- kee, 45 cents; for Kenosha, 50 ceuts; Sheboy- gan, 40 cents; for Superior, 40 cents; for De- troit on owner's account. Many boats will clear light, Canal treights are dull and un- ehanged, The canal to Utica will open May 1 and below Utica Muy 4, Grain scoopers -at all of the elevators are working, ine’uding the N1- agara, There are no signs of trouble, 50 NOTICE TO MARINERS. Irom and after the opening of navigation this year the light at Mohawk Island, Lake {rie, Ontario, will be changed in charaeter from a revolving Jight showing three bright flaashes, with intervals of thirty seconds be- tween their points of greatest brilliancy, fol- lowed by an eclipse of seventy-five seconds, or making a complete revolution in two and one-fourth minutes. | This notice affects admiralty charts Nos. $32, 3383 and 678, and Canadian list of lights No. 104. —~—— Au persons interested are, for the present, hereby warned not to load vessels so as to draw more than fifteen feet of water upon ar- riving at St. Clair Flats canal. O. M. Por. Colonel of Engineers, Byt. Brig. Gen., U.S. A | AVING sold our stea ow offering fo COMB. Sheis well’e of corn ore site Spas & & 0. is now lying at Clev WANTED. apply to SMITH, STEAM BARGE WANTED, capacity not fess than one thous aut lous. Address, Slating price,. J.T. MATHEWS, ete. foronto, Ontario. FOR SALH, FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER steamer with power to drive her 12 miles an hour; 100 feet over all, 18 feet beam, draws 7 feet of water and ear- ries 100 pounds of steam. Moquire ut the Recorp office for turther particulars. FOR SaLk. MALL SCHOONER, brand new, complete with S’ the ex eptiou of canyas and running gar. Len gt 65 feet over on ben te depth 5 feet, onnagel.5u0 ‘Terms $1,000 cash. _ Address. , * MARKHAM & MARKILAM. Manitowoe, Wisconsin. WANTED, GOOD MARINE ENGINE, ( out boiler.erc, Address box 1, branch ofhce Matine Record, 252 South Water st , Chicago, Ill. C.E.BLACK, Dealer in Standard Oil Co’s.. CAPITAL CYLINDER OILS —AND THE— Finast grad2s of machine oils. Sandusky, Ohio. Detroit & Cleveland steam Navigation Co. Owning and Operating the only Lines of Steel aad Iron Side Whee! Steamer on the Great Lakes. DAILY BETWEEN (Sunday trips are operated only during June, July, August and September.) Detroit and Cleveland. Arriving at5a.m-, Depacting at 9:30 p.m. “Connect~ ing with all morning ceains in every directio For MACKINAO, PETOSKEY, CHARLEVOIX, 20x22, with or with- SAULT ste MARIE, AND* LAKE HURON PORTS. Daily except Mondays. Wednesday and Saturday. Offices and Wharfs, 23 River street. City ticket office 224 Bank street. E, B. Wiircomn, G, P, Ay, Detroit, Mich. T. F. Newman, Geni. Agt, Cleveland, Us

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