Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), May 2, 1889, p. 5

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_ ohn Spry lumber ‘ W Flood, who co: The Cit eg any lee a i May Durr, owned by the company and Captain G- t mands her, arrived here jfrom Buffalo, where she was laid up last winter. She left Buffalo on April 11th, was delayed by the jam at St. Clair Flats for a n week. She went to Cheboygan and. loaded el" | 650,000 lumber and went to Manistique for her consort the John F. Johnson, laden with € | 730,000 lumber. The Durr with 33,000 bushels Bi Oh aint nike. ew ones forward and aft, ys puton her upper deck; don deck and three new Captain H. W. Bogart is nk Typo chief-engineer, _ rge Manistique, with consorts and Emma L Coyne, arrived orning with 1,570,000 feet of lum- Iked and general repairs ; Mayflower has been sold by Cap- , Dahlke to a bridge contracter at phis. Consideration, $7,500. Captain hike left here with her for Memphis last medey; ug Wm. Rollar of South Chicago, was week by Hausler Brothers to the Hausler Brothers, South Chicago, have tered the tug E. E. Rice, owned by Wm. he Wm. Rollar until their new tug building y James Elliott, Saugatuck, shall be com- pleted and put in commission in July next. _ The tug Fashion, recently built by John _ Gregory for Captain Ed Napier, has been sold to the United States government. She is of the composite type, and will make 12 miles _ perhour. She is to be used by the govern- ‘ment engineering department at Detroit. _ John McGraw, son of the Jate Ed McGraw ship joiner, who built her pilot house and en- Re ging room, is placing on her a new cabin aft, 11 by 16, with three berths, bath room and closet, finished in hard wood, for the officers. _ Also four berths forward in the forecastle, and two closets for the surveywrs. _ The schooner Cascade, Captain Edwards, _ Jaying atadock in the North Branch, jnst below North avenue on the west side of the river, was last week run into by the propeller Josephine and badly damaged. The Jose- >| for Ward’s Detroit and Lake Superior line, 8] The Chicago board of marine underwrit- '| port, and had bern for several years wrecking | master for the insurance companies repre- phine struck her just aba{t the fore rigging, _ crushing in her side, deck beams and deck and center board box, in fact almost knocking | her clean out. The Cascade was built in 1853 fore not a spring chicken, although very teu-| der for her years. The L. M. & L.S. transportation compa- corn, and consort Johnson with 32,000 bush- els of corn left this port for Owen Sound Mon- day evening. Captain Flood says the Durr carries a very large cargo,on a light draught of water, and is a very small fuel consumer, and a success in every way. The splendid new steamship John M, Nicol, recently built by F. W. Wheeler, Bay City, arrived here Friday morning, with salt: from Bay City. She loaded 75,000 bushels corn for’ Buffalo and would have left this port Monday evening, but for an accident which befel her as she was coming down the river. As she was passing the lumber market which was very full of vessels, the (ug Success, running across her stern collided with her rudder striking it so hard that the quadrant of the Nicol’s steering gear was broken off close to her rud- {der post. The Nicol isin command of Capt. Albert Stewart, and R. Hill is chief engineer ers met yesterday and adopted the following schedule of rates on grain: To ports on m which he had been a great suf- ferer during the winter. He was a son of the well known Captain John Prigdwille of this | sented by his much esteemed father. ; WILLIAMs. | MARINE crry, MtcH, The following is a list of the vessel captains hailing from this port, together with the name of the boat which they will command during the season of 1889: Steamers, Darius Cole, John Robertson master; City of Mackinac, Matthew Lightbody; Mary, S$. H. Burnham master; New Baltimore, John Lozen master; Northern Queen, Joseph P. Cottrell ‘master; Ira H. Owen, J. Q. Owen master; A. L. Hop- kins, Walter M. Cottrell master; Edward Smith, Alfred Mitchell master; Bay City, Richard O’Connor master; A. A. Turner, W. H. Scott master; Abercorn, James Leitch mas- ter; 8. C. Clarke, Cassius M. Saph master; M. Sicken, John Kubn master; Marshall, Jos- eph Shackett master; Kate Buttironi, Chas. KE. Norton master; C. F. Curtis, Robert Gains master; Delaware, Thos. Pringle master; Nashua, Wm. H. Brown master; Harry Cott- rell, Phillip Rice master; Monahansett, Henry Donaldson master; Aztec, Jas. Taylor master; Lousiana, Tyler Morley master: R. L. Fryer, Myron Parsons master; D. F. Rose, George Phelps master; Miami, Jonn Hagan master. Scnooners and barges, Buckout, Jas. Hall master; E J. MeVeigh John Balfour master; Buckeye State, Ramer Bell master; C, Spademan, Matt Scott, master; Albany, Andrew B. Scott master; Troy, Jet- ferson Williams master; Owasco, E. M. P. Titus master; M. Buttman, Henry Balfour master; Teutonia, Harry Lawtence master; S. E. Marvin, John C. Hazen master; R. L. | Fryer, Wm. Crocker master; St. Joseph, Wm. Meldrum master; Maria Martin, Wm. Rouvel master; Win Brake, Alfred Meswald master; Montpelier, Julius Rodgers master; ©. L Young, Jas Coble master; Winona, John Jones master; DaytonJ. A. Ward master. Str. Tempest, Geo. Lester master.Sch Jane Rawlson, Henry Lester master; Isabel Reed, Jas. Cun- ningham master; N, C. Holland, Jas. Barrett master; Kate Brainard, John Angel master; Levi Rawson, Jos, Rose master; T S, Fassett, Alfred Renders master; Holland, Geo. Gains master; Orton, W. H. Burton master; J. R, Edwerds, Wi. Barrett master; W. A. Young, | Thompson master; Marine City, Nap Blair master; Boscobel, John Boclair master; Maze John Morrison master; Casey, Alex Clifford | master; W. A. Axford, Wm. Campbell master; Nahant, Michael Fitzgerald master; Strs. Oswe | at the sume yard. ‘ | { : Monday on her maiden trip. | feet. Jing master; Thos. Gawn, Frank Cottrell master; W. H. Barnum, W. McGregor master, | large so far this month. Several Jarge ship—| chann<l, Schooners, T. T. Co.’s new, Wm. Brines mas~ 1 of-Fremont leaves | P. J. Raiph, John O.* Pringle master; | Sea | od the City of Duluth Satur- es Gull, Joseph ©. Miller master. eo ae PORT HURON, MICH. Spreial to the Marine Record. - The tug Hurculess arrived here Monday with the disabled schooner White Star which was ashore on south point. She will be placed in Dunford & Alversou’s dry dock for repairs. The schooner Geo. Clinton receive] a new Providence windiass and other repr ir: A Swedish sailor by the name of Thomp- son was drowned off the sevooner E tell in tow of the tug Brockway, jus; ubove Mar- ine City. He was scrubbing over the quarter outside when he lost his balanve aud fell over board. He sbipped in Chicago on the 2ane, Sees I). Geo. L. Colwel rveesived ber cnew erank atthe Pnanix leon wo ks Mouday. The schooner Moi tcovery, the stewm for duck work the coming year. The Supe- barge Tempest anu tow arrived bere wih ‘coal this. week. “The tug Casile receive her new boiler and lett Monday for Black River to tow a raf. Sne is allowed 120 pounds of steam. Captain Buzzard is filling out his’ * + The Rochester, Pitwburga.& Buffalo rail. OO |Jarge-improvement-oyer thavof 1288. - Stocke road are to ship the coal by rail that went by | of coal on hand will nat. be depleted before water to Ogdenaburg last season. June or July, but the dock capacity will be The steamer Norseman is now running | larger by. almost 500,000 tons before the close daily between Charlotte and points on north shore. a. Pr, L. | DULUTH MINN. The nearest Lake Superior port to the Aposile islands, where James , Corrigan’s steamer Australasia and consort George are ashore, were not encouraging to people interested in the boats. The wreckers were compelled to remain at Bayfield all day on account of a northwest wind. The location of the boats on Michigan island is not known here, bat it is more than probable that they suffered somewhat from the weather. The coal heavers have been in session all day long at the Knights of Labor hall, con— sidering ways and means to get the higher prices wanted by the West Superior coal men ! rior strikers gaye their cause of grievances, and speeches were made to the effect that the men should receiyé 50 cents an hour instead ! of 40 cents on both sides of the bay. Over 200 men were crowded into the hall. A come! mittee was appointed to meet the coal dealers schooner O:kney Lass at Fitageral 1's dock. | of Duluth so ascertain what would be paid. ‘The steam barge City of Mt, Clemens | ‘Phe price agreed upon will regulate the rate ™n aground on the head of Stwg T-lind) avthe head of the lake. , If the companies Sunday morning. Sie was release’ gor: ly after. bre Captain Tebo and Co.’s 1 ew coil complete!. They willkeep all fi coal, steamers can coal at this dock 9 having to let go their iow. There is 20 feet of water at this dock. > The schooner H, Ross is in Danford & bie | Alverson’s dry dock for repairs, Lynn the marine reporter is building an addition to his «flice. ; _ The new steambarge Pawnee 1+ft here Sheis a She will tow th+ barges wards, Youug at d Orton formerly of the S, T. Co. one ait The Gettysburg and Torrent towed the first ratt ot the season past this port. “ay cm Trunk railroad have eon. acted tor the delivery of thirty thousand looking boat, Ea boat, : 5 , Ists. A fine steamer, built bere for P. W. M. Egan, of Chivazo, auc | feet 6 inches beam, with a molded depth of 23 | opened eailier this year than atany time Her custom house measurement is 1,461] since 1884. At the beginning of spring ‘tons. She is bound together by steel cords and vesgel owners seeing that there was to be an ‘steel diugoual strape, and has beside a steel early opening of navigation, undertook to shelf piece 42 inches wide and # of au inch bring about an arrangement by which|b thick, and two steel Keelsons 30 inches deep | jo,9eq vessels should not leave port before and ? of a: ioch thick. Her up;er deck frames are strapped diagovally with steel 5 inches wide and ofan inch thick. The Plankinton: will have steam steering year, Providence steam windlass, from the American ship windlass oompany, Providence, R I., und steam capstans forward oud aft from the same firm, Her en- gines were built by H. G. Trout, of Buffalo. They are of the compound type with a 28-inch high pressure cylinder, a 52-inzt’ low pressure cylinder, and‘a stroke of 42°inehes, She will have two boilers, built of #-inch steel, each 94 feet in diameter and 14 teet long, They will afford a steam pressure of 130 pounds. The Plankinton has en iron boiler house, and her cabins are built of hard wood with oil fivish. She is of superior model, and in point of cou- struction and outfit is the peer of tne best wooden steamer afloat on the Jakes, She will hai! from Milwaukee, OSWEGO, N. Y. Special to the Marine Record, The trim steam yacht Charlotte, from Char- lotte, Captain John Dowd, has arrived here to go on dry dock to haveshoe fastened and calking. The tug E P. Ross, of Fair Haven and the yacht Rhoda, were on Goble & McFarlane’s dry cock last week. The tug John Nayagh looks fresh in her coat of paint. Captiin Wm. Seott pulls the bells and Tom Navagh answers them, for the season of ’8). Suilors’ wages $2 per day here. The light-house at Charlotte has been moved to vuter end of west pier and a new shore light-house is t» be built on the shore end of west pier, which will be about sixty | tonnage not given, $250,000, owned by the feet above the water, as’ a coast and range| Legh Line of Buffalo; Frontenac, 1,677 light, it will be welcomed by the navigators The barges Sherman and Mills loaded coa at Charlotte for Chicago last week and got|owned by Samuel Hall of Manitowoc; Joe, 31 away. The steamer Hecla picks them up at| tons, $8,000, owned by T. W. Kirby of Grand Port Colbourne; they are in the Ogdensburg | Haven; Niko, 685 tons, $75,000, owned by line this season. Captain Ryan, of Buffalo, the owner of the burned propeller Lake Ontario, is going to rebuild her at once at Charlotte, The tug Wm. Avery, Captain Patrick Tir- nan goes to Cleveland to tow for Donnelly, the contractor at the breakwater. The tug M. J. Cummings, Captain T. Dono- yan, comes out this spring with a new shaft and engine overhauled. Captain John Bass goes to Charlotte to run}a machine shop, on the otver a bowruing the City of Rochester, Richard Langer en-| house for fitty men and on the third is a r smi P -E Ss Pp S ¥ by G. W. Jones at Black river, and is there-!& Wm. Smith master; E. S. Pease, John Ster gineer. The coal shipments from Charlotte are ments have been male this week to upper “ny’s steamer Peerie:s left Saturday night | tor; Pawnee, David Davis master. Steamers lake por's. *K i8/ take place, for the men will not work for 40 _ cluss | cents, being led to that decision mainly by | th ul/ their Superior brethren. rons of voal to be delivere] this seas by| eur, }wines by Samucl F, Hocg?, ot D-troir, 36 /x2Ux80 inches stroke, and a steel boiler by here do not agree toa higher rate thau now j given at West Superior a strike will probably GRAND HAVEN, MICH. At 2 o'clock Monday afternoon George Walker, a young man of this city, was very seriously, perhaps fatally, stabbed by Jerry McCarthy, late steward of the steamer Wis- consin, running between this port end Mii- waukee. Both men were more or less under Nive! the influence: of liquor, and meeting in a saloon came to words, followed by blows, re- sulting in the stabbing of Walter four times in the abdomen. McCarthy is still at large. Tue prepeler J. C. Fo.d was lauuebed yesterday from Mecnanics’ shipyards. Sie wns built for T, W. Kirby, Her dimensions are, length 187 feet, beam 83 teet, depth 12} She has fureaod aft compound en- ‘The April 25. This agreement wis generally slgned by the owners of ve sels engaged in the lumbec carrying trade, but the agree- ment was broken, Boats began loading in the early put of the month, although it was said thar they were to remain at their dock until the 25 h. Vessel owners at the ports below hearing that certain crafts were load- ing here, conriary, as they Claimed, to the ngreement, fitted out their barges and started them tor the river. Tne pay of lngsho even is 45 cents per No sg; ecial hour, tie same as last season. arrangement was mide with the men, it be- ing tuken for granted that the prices paid last year wonld rule this season. Shipments from the Saginaw river during the month of April were: East Sivinaw, jumuer, 7,744,000 teet, snd Bay City 21,187,- 000 feet. BUFFALO, N.Y. Captain Woodward writes this to H. G. Trout & Co, that the steamer S. G@ Rosamond of Cedar Bay with 80 pounds steamcn does as good work with Trout wheel as they done with old wheel with 100 pounds and also do it with less coal. Also does better towing. H. G. Trout has made and sold 118 of his propeller wheels since January Ist., 1889. The May supplement of the Inland Lloyd Vessel Register is out ahead of time. It con- tains the names of eight new propellers and one barge, as follows: Propeller Philip D. Armour, 1,453 tons, $130,000, owned by Fitz- gerald and others of Milwaukee; Cayuga, tons, $180,000, owned by the Cleveland I, M. company; John E, Hall, 279 tons, $30,000, Comstock and others, Alpena; George W. Ro- by, 1,470 tons, $128,000, owned by Roby and others, Detroit; barge Mary A. McGregor, 600 tons, $12,000, owned by Monroe and others of Grand Haven. ‘The barge M. I. Wilcox, comes out as a schooner rating A 2 and valued at $10,000. eral propellers has been slightly lowered. The valuation of sey- The vew sreel tug Pail Sneridan cleared for the * Sov’? with three scows. On one is dump scow. They wae owned hy Con- trac’or Duntar und ore gong to Hiy jake of the season. Wheat. shipments will be light, there being but little in store, but corn shipments may grow correspondingly toward the close of the season, as Nebraska corn ia now coming this way. The flour shipmen 8 from here will be large, all the line boats hay- ing made arrangements to land at the East— ern railway docks, where all railways in the northwest can be reached. ; ALPENA. MIOH, The past week has been an an unusually brisk re f t Alpena as regards shipping. The number, of steamers and vessels that cleared was. Murty-two, without including the passenger steamers, The shipments were: Lumber, 10,566,000 feet ; railway ties, 70,000. Nine cargoes wentto Toledo, eight to Cleve7 land, five to Detroit, four to Buffalo, three to Chicago, two to Ashtabula, and one to Tona— wanda. \ ge a ae LAKE FREIGHTS, T.e ore treizht situation is uncharged and there is littie cowl tor any of the up- per Jake ports. Ciarrers: Propeller M. M. Drake, ore, Murqueite t> Oho ports, | $¥.10; schooner Punc kee, ore, E canaha to Cleveland, 9) vente; schooner Mary Wool- tou, ore, K-eanaba to Ohio ports, 90 cents. The propelier Nasban, and conacrts Gaiding S arand Sherman Joad at Huron for Mack- inaw and Cheboy gun. Toieno, M:y I.—Tnhe schoover C. B, Ben. fon was Sake for wheat to C eveland at je. Toe nominal rates to B itfaio are 13fc ou coro and 2;@n wheat. There are no set rates on ¢@orl. Curcago, May 1.—Tnere was a fair inquiry for tounage yesterday with offerings suffi- vient to meet all d-mands. The rates re- mained firm on the busis 13 cents on oals, 2/4 cents on ccra, and 24 ceuts oa wheat to Buffalo. ; Bourvaro, Miy 1—Coal fieights were. more active, Rates were steady at 45 snd 59 cents. Tne H. E. (Packer ‘takes railroad iron to Chicago on owners’ acccuit, Cansl freights were quiet and chiefly from Canada. These men come dozens and droves upon the opening of na! gation, secure positions as mates and second. mates, and in some cases are appointed mas~ ters before the steamer leaves her wintering port. This present spring, in particular, they can be counted in tens; they have their pilot’s and master’s license all right, framed and placed in a yisible part of the steamer’s cabin or hallway; but the query 1s how did they get them? What is the lake pilots’ association doing, when they do not question the matter and make investigation concerning these of— fenders? When did these men reside in this country the stipulated length of time to be- come citizens and receive their certificates of citizenship, or have they never been admitted as such; if so they haye never got them right- fully or legally. There are many new men who could be pointed out known to have never lived in this coun ry this spring previous to their coming now; but, as f am. nut a detective, it is not part of my funeral to name them. As they all read the MARINE Recorp this hint may benefit some of them to become duly recognized citizen seamen; otherwise, I say, watch them, for more will come, to the detriment of older and able lake pilots. Yours respeetfully, Suna. BEDDING SUPPLIES FOR VESSELS. h & & &8 & ® furnished as: Comsurlabdles, Blankev, Tablelinens Lowels, Sheets, Pillow Cases ete., which the latter, we sew to order at shortest notice, by tue well known Boston Dry Goods Store of Kohn & Co. 213 Detroit street 2d door from corner Pearl, Cleveland O, We prove to any customer that we can save them 20 perceat., which no big expensive establishment can afford to, Koun & Co. ROPOSALS FOR STEAM BARGE,-—-U. 8. Ba- gineer Once, Bulfalo, N. ¥., May 1, 1889. sealed nuul lz M., «astern standatu time, June 3, 18s, lor chartering a steam barge to the United States to be used ot rie barvor, Pa. Attention is invited to the acts of congress wpproved Kebraary 25, 18385 and Feb- ruary 2:, 1837, Vol. 23 page 382 and Vol. 2+ page 414, statutes at lurge. Speciteations, blank forms of pro- | posals and ail neeessury information can be had trom } ot. J. GC. QULNLUS, Erie, ¥a., or from the ubdersigned, dy. A. MAHAN, Captain of Engineers. J ROPOSALS FOR TUG AND SCOW.-U, 3, En- gineer Vince, Buffalo, N. ¥., May |, 1839. Sealed propusals in triplicate will be received at this oflice until lz M., easteru standard time, June %, 188y, tor chartering to the United ptaces lor use ac Ero bur- bor, Pu.. a tug, scow und dump seows. Atreutiou is inves to the eocs vu! congress approved February 26, 158), and eb. uary 23, 159/, Vol. 23 paye 334, and Vol. “4 puge d)4, statutes at Jarge. Specitications, blank WEST SUPERIOR, WIS. The season at West Superior promises a forms of proposals anu ali necessary intommation cau be had from Mn. J, C.QUINTUs, Lrie, Pu, or dou the undersigned. Bi a x £. A. MAHAN, Captain of Engineers, propusals in triplicate will be received ut this ottice -

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