Mhe Marine Recor. AKU OPE. Yuple Ween . Se ‘SS. ANCHORS,-OARS: BLOCKS: |~8 #.- Eros: e282 ihe foierucis bees Reaper oe) gm mS and 36 Sotrt Stkeet, NEW YORK. “iS @s35 5 SUE Sera “A NS} =f wa 22) ee sheca OND ,2s 25 WNER 0 CLASS, a= 2 . bork eS at Post: orizonta APIVETS, ., } AND OFFIGE, ON, DOCK, FOOT OF FIRST STREET. ‘UGS . . “suain, comin, Detroit, Mich. oore and Oswego. - PRINGSE) with DAY AND NIGHT——SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ae PORTHURON & CHEBOYCAN, MICH. SWAIN ‘STATIONED at CHEBOYGAN MARY AND WORTHINGTON, 1 Straight Base Hydraulic Jacks. awsers; Lighters, etc. B alinary, Vere HORZONTAL, VERTICAL HEAVY Woodbridge, Fifth and Co ‘eam Hoister and Wrecking Outfit on Bonra. SHEET IRON WORK. DETROIT SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS, Marine Coppersmiths, Pipe Fitters and Metal Workers, Manufacture and keep in stock the most approved designsin Brass dead lights, all brass locks, spear heads, pilot house tops, whistles, motion indicators, windsails, head light frames and flue cleaners, | AAS MW ANAUSE ANH QUOI CRTTINTA RNOCKKGH (1 1 hee Wana passes AGENTS. FOR WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS. WORKS 64 TO 72 ORLEANS ST., DETROIT, MICH. AGLE IRON WORKS Duplex,Hoisting «Deck Engine 2) —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—.-— DELAYIN DREDGING |. | Letters are being received at the war de partment daily from ship owners and captains on Lake Erie protesting against delay in the work of dredging and generally censuring Major Overman, who has charge of the im- provements, in refusing bids for. dredging. The war department feels that it is only pro- tecting the government against the Outrageous gouging of contractors. It is the opinion at : the department that the work ought to bedone at 12 cents per yard, while the last bids re ~ ceived for dredging at Cleveland were Strong & Son, 38 cents, and 8. P. & J. A. Smith, 40 cents. These figures are between three aad co «” o= = oc 20 pad oo ©: ms —_ err po) oz aos aace — fab] Sao SISn : o © ; cD on 2 n wm 2 j oO on | — miles, AND MARINE BOILER2. ngress-sts, Detroit, Mich. = i i AWAY i NTH AIA ING AAU 7] Rak SSELS & DOCKS. - Accompanying Cut shows our Douvle Drum Hoister, operated by ONE engine. Two hatches can be unloaded at once. * “Two machines in one, at low cost. Send for descriptive catalogue- R. DUNBAR & SON, ees y Forest City {GAR STORE! OMS PIEERY, Prope. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS CIGARS AND TUBACCOS. 2959 PEARLSTREET TH THE STANDARD SELF-DETACHING DAVIT FALL HOOK, THE LOWERING OF LIFE AND YAWL BOATS. = By referring to the accompanying illustra— tions Owners and masters of vessels cannot fail to appreciate the great advantage of this device, which at once fills a long felt want Safety, speed, and its being non-intricate, make it a veritable boon to mariners. These hooks have been thoroughly tested with entire satisfaction, and may be see. in practical use on steamers Samuel Mather, Pro- gress, Lackawanna, schooners Golden Age, Wa- dena, Fayette Brown, Thomas Quayle, Warner, BUFFALO, N. Y. FOR 0-b pe iy (O06 DRY DOCK. “Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set of Esse in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels of 850 tons. A ; tk SPARS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. dae DOCKED AND REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS, {MANTITOWOC, WIS. Annabel Wilson, Ahira Cobb, H. A. Kent, Henry A. Hoag, Galatia, Alva Bradley, Ogarita, Hattie Wells, 5S. A. Irish, and John Sumatra, Montgomery O’ Neil. \ 1 Ship Chandlers, and Head-quarters for Best Steel and iron Tiller Ropes. 22 to 26Market-St.' near Randolph-St., Chicago wen can THE ATN® GRATE. We ask attention of our readers to the Standard self-detaching davit fall hook as advertised in the columns of this paper, and we are pleased to note that the master of the Sumatra, who has just been supplied with a set of these hooks, writes to the inventors as i 8: ye. Porr Heron, April 19. Mr. G. W. Learman, Cleveland, Ohio, Dear Sir.—I am happy to inform you that thepatent self detaching hooks you furnished the Sumatra this spring are all, and more than you represent thém to be; they worked very successfully with the vessel going at the rate of seven tiles an hour. I shall recommend your hooks to any and every one of my ac- quaintances in the vessel line. Yours, ete. (Signed) W. E. Russet, master of the Su- matra, Sold by ship chandlers.. Address GEORGE LEARMAN, 24 Seneca si., Cleveland, Ohio. PALA OV.7 bi G. £. BARNES, Agt. This improved Shaking Grate Especially Adapt- ad tc Burning Slack. Gled Iron. Works. tanufac’s u Bey fice and Foundry, corner of Elm and ppruce-sts,, CLEVELAND, 0. J. C. GOSS... Sall Maker anc Higger, 13 Weodward Ay., | DETROIT - - MICH) SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF} BUNTING, FLAGS, AWNINGS, ETC. FOR SACLE. MYHE FINE Steamers— City of Fremont and Joseph L. Hurd. Rating. A2: Well and thoroughly equipped for the business. For particalars and terms apply to Laxe_ Wicuicax & Laxe Surenion Trans. Co.. Cor, Rush and North Water 5is., Uhicago, Ll. ee ee — E THOS. DREIN & SON BUILDERS OF METALLIC LIFE BOATS and LIFE RAFTS of all classes Governmentand PleasureBoats of Wood. Biock Cork Life rre servers. Sole manufacturer oi Capi JonaTHan Cone’s celebrated PatentLifeRafts Tatual and Railroad WilminconD e FREIGUT AND. PAS>ENGER j | | forms of proposals and vi | Je \ i CONGRES PROPOSALS FOR TUG AND-SCOW.-U. S. En } gineer Vilice. Buffalo, N. Y., May |, 1859, Sealed proposals in triplicate willbe received at this office unul lz M., easters standard time, June 4, 188y, lor chartering to the United States Jor use at Ere hur- bor, Pa., a tug, scow and dump scows, Attention is invited to the acts vf congress approved February 26, 158), and February 23, 1837, Vol. 23 page 432, and Vol 24 page 434, statutes at large. Specifications, blank | necessary information can INTs, Erie, Pa, or irom be had from Aik. J. C.Q | the undersigned. | . A. MAHAN, Captain of Engineers. | which sells direct to the consume. | Terms $1,000 cash, eB pi four times what the work is’ considered to be worth, but contractors seem to be relying on the belief that its urgency will force the ac- ceptance of these exorbitant bids. They need not delude themselyes longer as it has been Cefinitely decided that unless reasona- ) ble bids are received this time the govern- ment will either buy or build dredges, “This mode of treatment,’ said an official “worked admirably in the cage of. Chicago where just such @ combine existed, Bids for dredging ranged all the way from 45 to 55 cents. A government dredge was built and work is being done for 12 cents by persons who were enjoying a monopoly at 55 cents. | Work at Ashtabula was Suspended fora long period because there was no satisfactory bid and finally the department was literally forced to award the contract to A. W. Hing- ston of Buffalo at 31 cents. Major Overman’s report on Lake Erie im— provements for April was received at the war department May lath. He says that the work at Cleveland has been slow on account of slow delivery of stone. were laid ing has yet been ae extension will be continued under existing contracts. At Grand River work on the pier will be commenced. At Ashtabula the pier extension will be commenced an, i continued. 2 oredsing eo The results achieved in the imerovement of lake navigation rank among the most im- portant developments<of the past year or two affecting commerce. That they are, to some extent, due to influences of the interstate commerce act, advantageous to the water- carriers in their competition with the rail- roads, and that the recent amendments to the law tend further in this direction can scarcely be questioned; but thatthe increased efficiency and volume of the lake trade ig largely due to natural causes, and is a kealthy and be commercial development is suflicie neficial ntly obvious, If the connection between New York and Chi- cago by rail and lake can be made in the time heretofore reyuired by the all-rail shipment, and at a materially lower cost, the commercial advantage conferred cannot be questioned and the effect on transportation must be im- portant and far-reaching. —_ or THE ONLY SHIRT FACTORY IN CLEVELAND, OHIO, 8 ! rs at mau- urer’s prices, thereby saying two profits, with which they are taxed in any other retail store, ; ee" Genuine Home made Shirts, ge) all 54 inches wide, 40 inches long, full sieeves extra well sewed, from the cheapest 50 cent cotton shirt to all kinds of Flannel Wuater- proof Cussimere Surrrs, is conducted by the well known Boston Dry © Goods Store, of Kohn & Co., 213 Detroit street; 2d door from corner Peurl street, Through a Government order supplyin Life Saying Stations with genuine. Mopdlasion SAILOR SHIRYS, we are the only Shirt fac- tory in Oleveland who procure the (GJ real J. 8. Navy Flannels,. 49 guaranteed never to -hrink nor to fade, and haye them constantly on hand -ready made or made to the cuse tomers’ order without any extra charges, All our (3¥" own Hume made Shirts fe} if not suited ufter purchased, can be returned and we wake others (o order 0 instead. The same rule applies to all ta our own Home made gp Overalls, Jumpers and Ken~ tucky Pants, Kohn & Vo.’s Shirt factory, 213 Detroit street, 2d door from corner Pearl, Cleveland, O by eee nat FOR 84LB. SMALL SCHOONER, brand new, complete with Otheex p tion of cunvas und iupning genr, Lever 65 feet over all, beam 17.4, depth 5 feet, tonnagel.5ué Addrwss, ManitHAM & MARKHAM, Manitowoc. Wiseonsin. LOPOSALS FOR STEAM BARGE,—U, 8. En- gineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., May }, 1889, o€aled propysals in triplicate will be received at this otlice unul 12 M., ¢a-tern standard time, June 3, 1889, Jor chartering a steain barge to the United BStatcs to be used «t Krie harbor, Pa. Attention is inytted to the » }acts of congress approved February 24, 1485 and Frb- ruary 25, 1887, Vol. 23 page 332 nnd Vol, 24 page 414, statutes at lurge. Specitications, blank forms of pro- posals and all necessary information can be had trom M. J.C. QUINTUS, Erie. Va., or from the utidersigned, F. A. MAHAN, Cantain of Kneneers. RET ERM EE TTS