Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), May 1, 1890, p. 3

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Marine Recorit |J. W. GROVER & SON, SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL MAKERS AND RIGGERES. pcan ges AND WEOLESALE DEALERS IN ain Rope, Manilla, and Gurred Cardige, Canvas, Blocks, Onk- nm, Gay, Pitgh, Oars, Ane hors, Chains, gig. 1168 119 RIVER Si & 134 & 185 DOCK Soo Travelers (nforma = _. ton Bureau “ Ocean, Lake . andRailroad TICKET AGENTS 224 Bank St. ort. igen. ~ Thomas tien CENTRAL BOILER WORKS MANUFACTURER OF _ Marine and Stationary BOIhKRS, —ALL KINDS OF— Rendering Kettles, Tanks, —AND— SHERT TRON WORE. SIMPSON & €O., nN CONTRACTORS. AND BUILDERS OF ENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK. 5 ‘BROAUWAY, NEW YORK GITY. - Detroit,& Cleveland steam Navigation Co Owning and Operating the only Lines of Steel and Tron Side Wheel Steamer on the Great Lakes. DAILY BETWEEN (Sunday trips are operated only oat June, July, August and September.) Detroit and Cleveland. Arriving at 5a. m., Departing at 10,09 pm, Connect- ing with all morning trains in every direction For MACKINAGC,. PETOSKEY, CHARLEVOIX, SAULT ste MARIE, AND LAKE HURON PORTS. Daily except Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Office and Wharfs, 23 River street. City ticket office 224 Bank oy TF. Ai se £, B. Wuircom - GPA, Datrelts Mich. Genl. Bi hee Clevelan ERIE RAILWAY. The favorite and pic.uresque route to New York, Boston, and the Hast. The shortest and quickest Ee to Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore, and the southeast. New Central Depot South Water st. and Viaduct. Change of time went into effect Thursday, Septem- ber 12th, 1889. Central or ninetieth meridian time, 33 minutes slower than Cleveland city time. Until further notice traine willleave from the new Central Depot, South Water street and Viaduct, as ‘ollows: DEPART. No. 62, Mahoning Valley Ac jm... No. 72, New York Express... No. 72, Fast Pittsburg Expre No. 64, Pittsburg Express ... BUFFALO, i. Y. MANUFACTURER OF Triple Expansion Marine Engines, Three Cylinder and Fore and Aft and Steeple Compound Marine Engines, ~ High and Low Pressure Engines | ::: SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS These wheels are noted for their extra speed and towing power or a proportionate saving of coal, PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. PHE CHASE MACHINE CO This machine has been placed on the following steamboats during the past year: SPOKANE, WaLLULA, Kasota, CHArR- LEMAGNE TOWER, JR, YaKIMa, Missouna, SITKA, FAYETTE Brown, R. J, Hackerr, Forest Ciry, Sparta, HAVANA, Vr- ENNA, OSCAR TOWNSEND, Crry oF CLEVELAND’ HENRY CHis- HOLM, SuPERIOR, E. B. Haws, M. B. Grover, J. 8 Fay, R. P. RANNEY, SMITH Moorx CHARLES J SHEFFIELD, IRA H.OWEN, CamBria, Corsica, J, H. OUTHWAITE, SAMUEL MaTusr, R, R, RuopEs, COLUMBIA, AURORA, On10, WM. EDWARDS, 8.E: SHELDON, AUSTRALASIA, RALEIGH, BULGARIA, ROUMANIA, J. F, Eppy, "HIAWATHA, Tos. Apams, A, ae WRIGHT, GAD. sToNEH, E. P. WILBUR, Soo Crry, EK, M, Pxcx, KRoBERT L. FREYER 4ND NORTHERN LiGHT, To the President and Board of Supervising Inspec- tors of Steam Vessels: Your ccmmittee t. which was referred the ‘Chase Fog Whistle Machine” beg leave to report: ‘*‘That we have carefully exaniined the same aud find that it blows at regular jntervals, being worked by the enine, thereby insuring regular and continuous blasts for any length of time that may be required and would recomniend it or similar device to owners of steam yesse s as an addi tional safeguard to navigation The manufacturers are the Chase Machine H. 8. Lussock, Co,, No. 111 Elm 8t., Cleveland, O. Gro. H. SrarnsBuck, W. D. RoBINsOoN, BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK Mog [Successors to BAGNAL& LOUD and PENFIELD BLOCK 60'8.1 BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED | Self-Adjustable Five Roll Roller Bushed fot OC Kk S.- pea for aR. URABIL =e Minnd STRENGTH, ure far ahead of any other make. One trial will convince any one of thei a (ATER a y ° cir GREATER Be sure and call for the STAR BRAND in ordering your Blocks. # ~ call attention to our DIAPHRAGM PUMP, which will pump ARRIVE, . 65, Fast New York Expres . 61, Pittsburg Express Nn. 71. Mahoning Express . 67, Pittsburg Express.. . 65. Pittsburg Express No. 6:, New York Express No, 6:, Pittsburg Express .. No. 69, Pittsburg Local Express. No. 73, Mantua ACCOM... *Daily. TDaily except Sunday. #ay7-This is the only route by ayo passengers can feach Cory, Elmira, Binghampton, New York City, and intermediate points without change. No-change to Boston and New England cities. Baggage checked through to all points East. Through tickets and infurmation regarding the route can be obtained at office, 141 Superior street, and at depot Brie railroa? “outh Water street and Viaces Claretned M. TUCKER, Gen. Supt., Cleveland. LP. BARMER, Gen. Pass. Agent, New York. RINEARSON, A. G. P. A., Cleveland. M.L. Miouts, Passenger Ticket Agent, 141 Superior street, Weddell House, Olevo!and. C. H. McCUTCHEON SUCESSOR TO SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES Gopper, Brass and Sheet Tron Manufactory. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Boiler Compound, and Orme Patent Safety and Relief Valve, No. 18 Ohio Street, |: By So a al oy We i —— 1 = one opes n facilities are the world. Our * unequaled, and to introduce our superior goods we will se adr KA toONE PERSON in cach | 0 = Only those wh cecan make At! vou have return is to show our ¢ call—your } Committee, One of wenn ment \esee ne “tn meres ar werk easier than any other make in the ginning of; { Spa 3 : _ n trian shows the 4 uf the tele- . ope. The follows sives the appea educed to seal ae YORK STORE, 33 South Street, scope re wing cut give tye ape it reduc per FF. BALDWIN, Manager. ye also make a specialty of furnishing the handsomest style of double size 8 bout the Amiens part one bulk Tis a gran - Se cee nee, Mh ercetel docigne to ents che piace, sae Sah Sis el Smee eek (Si cau e from 3 to! BLO 0 day at least, from the » i rience Better write at once, We pay all expres: ‘aadvess, H. HALLETT & CO,, Box 880, POKTLaND, Maine ee M. GLEKLER, scala OF PARRISH, River Block Works, 171 River St., Cleveland, 0, ern = MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN says a Cc h an d le r, ) Wood Tackle Deas of every De- “C4 ee dl scription, a mat & Awning Maker. we ep? GD = boom. AnD Tobacco, 1& Day’s Boston Rope. Boston and t Block Company's patent &-roller Tie {Blo LIGNUMVITAE SHEAVES. 1883 at 1 NOT MEMBERS BLOCK Mak-| 5O Kiver-at, Gleveland, Phio terday. ERS’ ASSOCIATION, No one should Bae port without a box Main st., - BUFFALO, N. Y. TELEPHONE NO. 314. REPAIRING, '™M. M. Glekler’s marine cigars. Yawis, DETROIT, oN FRONTIER IRON & BRASS | WORKS - MICH., ——BUILDERS OF ——— MARINE ee ERS En pain ER 3 acest pis SITKA, GOGEBIC, R. L. FRYER, GEO G HADLEY, JOHN MITCHELL Feuees T. W. PALMER, LIVINGSTONE, GEO, F. WILLIAMS, AND MAJESTIC Steel, Iron, Composite and Wooden Yachts, Launches, Tugs, Ferry Seamer, Metallic and Wooden Life Boats, Patent Life Rafts, Steering Wheels, ALL KINDS OF PLEASURE BOATS, Detroit Boat Works, Detroit, Michigan. Poe resi OO ho MANUFACTURERS OF STEEL PLATE FRENCH RANGES ——— FOR: BOATS | \fESSEhS, Srvegm Hotels, Restaurants and Private Families. Every Range is warranted, and none but the very best of material is ured. No. They are Adapted for Hard or Solt Coal, € ok Below we give a few names of boats that ' : our ranges. edge Harge Forest City Frontenac Jim Sheriffs Yakima Kalkaska Missoula Nipigon or Wood. 5 Sis STEAMBOATS.. Spokane Tower C. Jr. 26 Yacht Peerless Schooner John O’ Neil, and many others. Don’t be deceived by interested parties who represent that other goods are as good 0 better than the celebrated line of. BORN’S STEEL PLATE FRENCH RANGES, “but before buying any other examine them careful)y and judge for yourself ” ww F. & H. BORN, 128 Superior St., Cleveland, O. Catalogue furnished on application, LT EELS EES ES SS EB ITED EBSD, SELES IER ERE TOL LATTE EIS LARGE PETROLEUM TANK STEAMER, A large petroleum tank steamer has just | been launched in England. 1t was built for | a Persian firm for the transport of petroleum | between Baku and Astrakan. The steamer, which is built im halves so that it can be taken to pieces for the sake of passing through locks, is 253 feet long 28 feet broad and 11 feet deep. large steam pumps for the filling and the emptying of the vessel. There is also accommodation for pas sengers both on deck and ina saloon and electric lights are used entirely. The steamer will be delivered at St. Petersburg, from whence the transport to Baku takes about She will be taken to pieces on She carries three months. the way in order t> pass a number of canals and locks before reaching the Tjocua river, afterward being put together again and con- tinuing her passage down the Volga and the | board, Caspian sea to her de estination. — = FIXING A SEA-COCK BELOW THE } WATER LINE, Should it be required by any circumstance to fix a new sea-cock to the skin of the ship, ) below the water line, while atsea. The only method would be to use a straightway cock, and proceed as follows: Mark off the bolt holes on the plating from the coek flange; driil them for tapping not quite through; when tapped, attach the cock by studs or set screws. Then with the plug open pass a drill through to the plating, bolt a piece of plate, witb a hole in the center of the same size as the drill, on to the upper flange uf the cock, filling up the intermediate space with a pack- ing of waste soaked in tallow. The hole may then be drilled through the ship’s side, allow— ing the drill to drop through into the sea, closing the cock immediately, the pipe may then be jointed at leisure.—Professor Rankine on the Steam Engine. ——_— The Minneapolis and San Diego, from Es- scanaba, took the first iron ore cargoes of the season into Buffalo. It is expected that about 800,000 tons of ore will be delivered there this season. Last year’s receipts were 298,060 tong. SIGNALLING SHIPS COURSES. The importance of havivg a well-defined and international rule by which the position and movements of vessels are regulated is self-ap- parent. While the red and green lights indi- cate tbe position of another vessel they give no indication whether the said ship is keeping her course or is being steered round to port or star- To give @#his information a plan has been invented and pateated by Mr. Robert Pick- well, of Cardiff. The appliance, which comes from the same gentlemen who invented the ship’s self-regisiering comyass,is attached to the steering wheel or appliance, and is actuated by its movement. Connected with this portion of the arrangement are two white lights, fixed either above or below ike present poct and star- board lights, and a®out four feet distant from them. In front of each of these two lights isa sliding shade having a green aud red glass; and the practical working of the apparatus is as fullows: If the ship be keeping her ¢ourse with an easy helm, then @ captain meeting such vessel would see a white light over or under the port or starboard light, and he would know the fact as well as if he were on board the vessel, If the captain on the approaching vessel saw two red lights one over tle other on his port bow, or two green lights one over the other on his starboard bow, he would know for certain that the vessel was being steered away from his and was every moment giving him a wider berth. This would hold good whether he was on her port or starboard side. On the other hand, if he saw the red and green, one over the other on either the port or starboard bow, he would then know for certain that the vessel was steering right across his course and every momentcoming to closer quarters. The captain on the lookout would also be able to see if the vessel changed her coupse, and that at the moment such change was made by the other vessel, ‘I'he abuve being the case, the common sin ple role of the road with vessels fitted with the aboye invention would be: A colored and white light, versel keeping “straight course.” Two lights of same color (red or green)-"safe.’ Two lights of different color (red and green)— “Danger,” The tug McArthur and considerable other property belonging to the Collins Bay Raft- ing Company was burned at Kingston last Friday morning. Loss, $30,000; insurance, $15,000. course,

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