Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), May 1, 1890, p. 5

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.. Buffalo, N.Y. sues Buffalo, N.Y, Teacceesessssennsees Detroit, Mich, Ficines .. Detroit, Mich. a .. Bay City, Mich, sateeseeersesore Chicago, Ill. .. Chicago, Il. ERS ASSOCIATION. t appear that ex-Senator tive of the Lake Car- ad supported the line- telegraphed Secretary Keep 1 “I earnestly op- ‘any and every view bill should be ‘I urged exempting the repeal of the whole law is exempting the great lakes is of vessel owners at the Mer- to talk about private lights ed, vessel men being very time, Captain M. M. Drake irmaan and Secretary Keep, of ers’ Association co-operated He reported what had been roit lighting meeting, and was a circular describing the and a statement of the ton- done and after ignoring sail ves- -to cut much of a figure in the fe opping out ull steamers under secured are the lightships at the ranges at Amherstburg, Edward, most of which thought best to ask owners of all ves- ‘the West to pay 2 cents a ton on them for the lights. This will just about cover the $6,400 that 1s needed. ‘Ihe circular to owners ‘will be sent out jointly with those from Cleveland and Detroit. Mr. Keep will go to Ottawa to ask the Canadian government for Jighting assistance as soon as Captain McKay, of Cleveland, can get away, which will be ‘about the middle of May. The Lake Carriers’ Association, through its representative in Washington, will endeavor to procure certain amendments to the Burton Jighthouse bill and the river and harbor bill. They will try to have three lights added to tthose now contained in the Burton bill, the Ballard Reef light and Windmill Point range, which are now privately maintained by vessel owners, and the Gray’s Reef light and fog signal, which for some unknown reason did not receive a favorable report from the Light- house board. The river and harbor bill as reported to the fhouse contains no provision for ceepening ‘the chamnel at Grosse Point. This improve- ment has been urgently advocated by Gen. Poe as one of the mest important on the lakes, and the failure of the house committee to provide for it 1s a serious matter. An at- tempt will be made to have an appropriation for this locality inserted by amendment in the Senate. Congressmen representing lake districts will undoubtedly join forces in advo- -cating these additional provisions for a better channel in a most troublesome locality. A GREAT INDORSEMENT. ‘The Four Great Delaware River Iron Ship Bullders Indorse the American Ship Wind- lass Co ’s Windlasses and Capstans as follows: (Signed) The William Cramp & Sons Ship and Engine Building Company, Theo. W. Cramp. (Signed) John Roach & Son and Delaware River Iron Ship Building and Engine Works, per Geo, E. Weed. (Signed) Neafie & Levy. (Signed) The Harlan & Hollingsworth Co., by H. T. Gause, Vice President. According to the Duluth Tribune the North- ern Queen had an unusual experience. It says that she ran into a lightship at the “Soo’; and lost her jib-boom. There is no lightship in the “Soo” and the Queen carriers no jib- boom. respondents in Washing- as | season, when an effort has been made owners in Buffalo who will refuse to pay the The small tug Grant, built by Notter in rterday. Pe Ae CBUREALG, NS Y. Syeoial to the Marine Record. structed their marine inspector, Capt. W. D. Robinson, to go with J erry McCarthy, the diver, to the wreck of the steamer Chenango, sunk off Erie, and make a thorough examina- tion to decide whether 1t would be advisable toraiseher They will take advantage of |the first favorable weather This mvve is made on behalf of the companies interested in the hull. The Chenango caught fire and was towed into five fathoms of water, where she filled. She was insured for $60,000. Prof. Henry C Adams will come down reports are getting on. Capt. Maytham has contracted with O'Grady & Maher to build a new tug, an exact dupli- cate of the Chamberlin. We are of opinion that no other builders could secure Captain Maytham’s work, and certainly he has every reason to patronize the men who have turned out some of his best boats. O’Grady & Maher }are faithful industrious workers, and put into “| a vessel the full measure of the specificatiotis: The effort of Chicago to maintain its old lead over Duluth to the northwest by misrep- resentation may look well at home, but it doesn’t appear so nice here Manager Evans referred to the fact that Nebraska with her corn is nearer Duluth than she is to Chicago, and Manager Gordon said his line had already received 1,500,000 bushles of corn to ship by Duluth eastward. A story told by the Chicago Tribune that this corn will go east from here by the West shore at a rate that 1s 1 cent cut from the regular rate was also contradicted by Manager Gordon. “We do not even know how it is going to get east from Buffalo,”’ he said. The Cleveland Leader of last Sunday had anarticle headed “Liberal Minded Buffalo Vessel Men,” in which it indulged in some slurring and ill-tempered remarks about Buf falo owners and their relation %o private lights. It is about time the Cleveland papers | stopped talking, as though Cleveland main- tained all the private lights on the rivers. Buffalo owners have always done their full share in maintaining these lights, and expect | to do their share during the present season. If there are some Buffalo owners who have hung back in past years and let their neigh- bors do the paying, it is safe to say that there '| are Cleveland owners in the same category. Every year, however, the numbers of these | men is growing less, and during the present, the light question on.a business basis, an¢ a divide the expense fairly among those fited, and as nearly as possible in proportion | to the benefit received, there will be few subscription which will be asked of them Cleveland owners know that Buffalo will do her fair share—neither more or less It is true that the vessel owners’ meeting on Friday was not largely attended, but the in- ference which the Leader. seeks to draw from this is entirely erroneous. Many large owners in Buffalo who were not present have always done all that could fairly be asked of them in paying for lights, have expressed their inten- tion of so doing this year, and did not deem their presende necessary to show their position in this manner.— Buffalo Courier. A little more of this straight-out talk would soon place the entire question of maintaining national lights, at rest, namely, inthe hands of the Federal government where they ought to have been long ago. DETROIT, MICH., The United States steamer Michigan will spend the entire season in surveying the Detroit river to obtain the depth of water at every point. A new official chart of the river will be made next season. Messrs J. C. Burton & Son, have one of the leading marine agencies of this city. They represent several good companiez and write a large business every year. Parker & Millen have one of the largest marine insurance agencies in Detroit. They represent eight marine companies and during the season of 1889 obtained about $62,000 in premiums. The splendid composite built propeller Livingston built by the Detrdit Dry Dock Co., at their Wyandotte yards, loaded an even 100,000 bushels of corn at Chieago for Buf- falo. A wide contrast between the cargoes of a few years ago when one fifth of the above amount was considered a fair average load. The schooner Monguagon, with coal for Windsor is aground at Grassy Island. The tug Washburn, with a lighter, has gone to her assistance. The steambarge T. R. Buell’s engine be- came disabled on Lake Erie. She was towed here Tuesday morning for repairs. For some time past rumors have been in circulation to the effect that another bill to bridge Detroit River, backed by Detroit busi- ness men, as well asthe different railroads, would be introduced in Congress. It is un- derstood thatthe railroads have come to the conclusion that they would rather go to the expense ofa high bridge than construct a , 9 er a tunnel or a bridge, nel if that project is , |feasible, or he will favor a high bridge if such be determined upon. He simply thinks Worthington & Sill, underwriters, have \ ine that something should be dune to improve the facilities ‘by the railroads for cross- " IL not favor the con- by any one or two rail- sists that if a bridge be built all the lines that desire to make use of it shall have the privilege. Until they all agree to the joint management of the bridge, should one be really proposed, Senator McMillan will not introduce a bill for that purpose. ‘PORT HURON, MICH. Special to the Marine Record, The steamship Cayauga bound down and from Ann Arbor to see how the vessel census when abreast of the R.R. dock her steam steerer gave out some way; and she collided with the barge Manitowac in tow of the steam barge D. M. Wilson bound up, damaging her considerably, she was towed back to Detroit | for repairs, the damage to the Cayauga was slight. ; The steam barge Grand Traverse lost her steam bearing and disabled her wheel com- ing down Lake Huron Sunday, she was towed to Bar Point by the tug Mollie Spencer when | jn Inland Loyda, she was picked up by the steamer Wyoming of the same line and taken to Buffalo for re- pairs. The schooner Typo bound up in tow of the tug Charlton with two other schooners in tow collided with the tug Avery which was laying along side of thesunken steamer Armour dam- aging the Avery’s stem to a large amount, the Avery is in Dunford & Alverson’s dry for repairs. The Typo also did considerable damage to the lighter laying along side of the Armour and also carried away part of the coffer dam built by the Reed Wrecking Co., ‘this will put Mr. Reed behind as he would yrobab'y have the Armour raised in about ‘o weeks. é The steamer Ontario of the Beatty’s Line will not go into commission this season. Mr, Beatty’s new steamer, a sister to the United Empire, will be launched on the 24th of may. The steamer Wissahickon bound up parted her wheel chain coming out of the canal and run hard aground on the American side, she was released by the Philadelphia after some hard pulling. 4 The steambarge Lillie Smith isin Dunford & Alverson’s dock receiving repairs. ‘Ihe schooner American received a noew main top mast, and schooner Howland a new mizzen mast. i The schooner Stafford arrived here with a cargo of corn, and her captain reports that coming down Lake Huron she began to leak t about 2500 buthles of her cargo. Idlewild arrived here Tuesday i ed by the popular crew, Capt. Finolso gineer Tom Colford, clerk Lew Himes, stewaid Robert Keranhaw. Engineer Colford says that the Idlewild can can run 15 miles without crowding her. Lynn the marine reporter has got two small boats on the river now, and is prepared to de- liver orders and telegrams to any passing steamers’ owners, and shippers will do well to confer with him in that line. He is also agent for the best Canadian and American tugs, pumps, divers lighters, and hawsers. A special agent of the treasury department, located at this port, has taken a large number of Canadian sailors from American vessels and sent them back to Canada. It is claimed they were violating the contract labor law. Other classes of Canadian laborsers, working on this side, have been returned to Canada. The steambarge Mills is receiving a new Trout wheel at the Wolverine dry dock. The tug Harley is also receiving large repairs at the same yard. Isis. SANDUSKY, OHIO. Special to the Marine Record. It has been very stormy of late, and there- fore there has not been much marine business going on in the past week. The steamer J. M, Weston is carrying pass- engers to Vermillion for 75 cents the round trip. The steamer Louise is making daily trips between this port and Canada with fish for H. C. Post & Co. The schooner David Ferguson got aground in the bay on her way to C. B. Hodgman’s Manufacturing Company, and had to be lightered off. She had a cargo of lumber. Witbin the past week there has been great quantities of lumber shipped to our lumber merchants. J. T. Johnson & Co sre receiving many cargoes of salt from Oscoda and other places. The steamer Josephine 1s engaged in carry- ing sand for John Homegartner. The steamer Gazelle is making daily trips between Detroit and Sandusky for two dollars the round trip. On April 22nd Inspectors McGrath and Gweld inspected the steamers Lowell, Erie, Trio, Michael Groh, Ohio and City of San- dusky. They all stood the test and were pro- ncunced in good condition. The steamer Lowell and barge Iceman left tine Reconi. SAULT STE. MARIE MICH, The steamer Continental, Capt. Rattray towing the barge Magnetic, from Mar- quette with ore,caught firelby the explosion of an oil tank in the forward cabin, and in an effort to round the steamer to, she collided with her consort, striking her on the port side amidships and cutting through her planking. Ihe Magnetic barely reached the starboard bank and sunk in twenty-five feet of water forward and thirty-six feet aft. She bas ten feet of water over the rail aft, but the forward part of her stem is out. The collision occured five miles west of the eanal, off Big point. The Magnetic is laden with 1,962 tons of ore, A diver went to the Magnetic but owing to a break in the apparatus could make no exami- nation. The Continental is having her steer - ing gear fixed here. The captain has repaired as much as possible the damage done by fire and will clear to-morrow. Both the Continental and Magnetic are owned by the Republic Iron Company. The former is com- _ by Capt. William Parker. oo manded by Capt. E. T. Rattray and the latter The Magnetic is a barge of 1,592 tons, and was builtin this city by Presley in 1882. She is rated at Al} and is given a valuation of $65,000. Secretary Reese, of the Republic Iron Company, said’ yesterday that judging from the telegrams he had received the Mag- netic could be raised without any trouble, and thought she would be afloat in le-s than two weeks. Only a small portion of her was insured. Captain Rattray of the Continential is a well known, and most careful navigator. The full details of the accident can not be learned until he furnishes his report. The tug Scriven dredged a channel to the Delaware Tuesday and released her. She is now waiting for one of the steamers of her line. The Pease, after lightering 100 tons, was released, arriving here this morning where she will discharge cargo. The schooners Bliss and Cahoon, consorts of the Alpena, grounded this moraing on rocke at Lighthouse Point and are in an exposed condition. Captain Bart B. Moiles, arrived from East Saginaw last Wednesday and started at once to fit out his tug the Mystic. Bart says she will be a dandy, when repairs are completed. She will run on the St. Mary’s river and doa general river business, The steamer Samuel F. Hodge, of Ward’s line, arrived from Hancock where she had wintered, on Thursday, being the first boat to arrive from Lake Superior this season. Captain McKinnon said he encountered very little ice, and the greatest amount was found this side of Whitefish Point. Ainsworth & Ganley’s tug Annie Clark 1s | about fitted out and will make a start for the Lake Superior fishing grounds - BAY CITY, MICH. : Fourteen vessels are now. under way in the Wheeler yard, at Bay City, of an estimated value of $1,720,000, giving employment to 1100 men. James Davidson has nine vessels under way, and employs600 men. Steamers being built by Wheeler for the Atlantic trade will be named Mackinaw and Keweenaw. They are to be duplicates, and the first one is to be out by July 1: Their length over all is to be 275 feet, beam 41 feet, and molded depth 26} feet. They are expected to carry 3500 net tons on 20 feet draft, and will cost $225,000 each. When the Mackinaw comes out she will proceed to Buffalo with her own power. At Buffalo she will go into dry dock and be separated direcly in front of the boiler house, where a permanent bulk- head crosses the hold. The two parts will be taken down the Welland canal, across Lake Ontario and down the St. Lawrence to Mon- treal, and there joined together again. From Montreal the Mackinaw will proceed to New- port News and load with coal for New York or Boston. Thirty days will elapse from the time the ends leave Buffalo before they are united once more at Montreal. The Macki- naw will be the first steel vessel ever taken to salt water from the lakes. A steel steamer now on the stocks at Wheeler’s yard for the Hollister Transporta— tion company, of Buffalo, will carry 3000 gross tons of ore, and cost $180,000. She is to be named the Robert Hollister. The steel car ferry for the Canadian Pacific railway, to be built at Wheeler’s yard, will cost $250,000. DULUTH MINN, Fifty thousand bushels of wheat and 7550 barrels of flour went into the Northern Queen in seven and ahalf hours last week. The flour was taken aboard in five and a half hours. Nothing slow about work of this sort, New York and ’Frisco may obtain a lesson shortly. The McDougall whale shaped barge 105, was launched at Duluth on Wednesday last. She is a counterpart of the 104 in size. Her length is 276} feet, breadth 36 feet, aud depth 18 9-10 feet, and she will carry 3,000 tons. Her cost is placed at $85,000. The rebuilt 101 has been relaunched and the 106, the April 22nd for Mackinaw for cargoes of ice. first steamer of the fleet will be ready May 20. The steam barge Charles A. Street arrived The work on the 107 will begin at once. from Escanaba with ore April 24th, and in Ata meeting of the Superior and Duluth shifting her course from the B. & O. channel | Steamship Company, D. D. Minot was elect- to the C.,8. & C. went aground, The tugs|ed president, W. B. Banks, secretary and tunnel, because it would be cheaper than to} Dan Connelly and Hercules pulled her off, dig under the stream. Senator McMillan has | ‘his is the first iron ore of the season. 1883 at Buffalo, was burned at Saginaw yes-~ | been quoted as favoring a bridge rather than Several new buoys have been placed in the ‘a tunnel, but this is not exactly the case. The Ig, 8. & C. channel near the docks, B.A. G. treasurer, Captain Murch, of Cleveland, gen- eral-manager. The company is building two large ferry boats to ply between this city and Superior. ‘Worthington and Sill have written other un— ERIE, PA... , Ross Clarke, a fireman oh the Cumberlant missed the vessel here Wednesday, and whik attempting to steal a ride to Buffalo was thrown from the train and badly injured. He was taken to the Erie hospital. His home i: in Syracuse. « The diver who was sent to survey the ) burned steamer Chenango found the vessel — settling, She is burned forward of the main— mast down about three feet. Aft of the main- mast she is burned to the load line, so that if she be rebuilt she will have to have anew stirn built clear tothe keel. The Chenango will be sold to the wreckers WEST SUPERIOR WIS. Owing to the coal heayers’ strike this cort is doing strictly grain and merchandise busi- ness for the time being. The propellers Joh Owen, Palmer, Robert Mills and George Had- ley took out cargoes of wheat and corn for Baffalo aggregating 345,000 bushels. Their has been now shipped fr: m this port already this season 1,115,000 bushels of grain, about one-quarter of which wascorn. GOSS!P FROM THE CUDDY. The M. T. Company’s new four-masted schooner Minnedosa was launched on Satur- day at Kingston. Owing to a mishap the vessel stuck in the mud, bet was got off Sun— day uninjured. The Lake Superior Transit Company has bought the City of Fremont from J.C. Evans, paying $18,000 for her, She will carry copper from Portage to Buffalo. ‘The sunken steamer Chenango lies in the way of incoming vessels at Erie and 1s, dan- gerous to navigation. The fishermen threaten to dynamite the craft if not removed soon. Au expedition has started from Buffalo, and the matter of removing the hull will be acted upon at once, Captain Robinson reports to underwriters that it would pay to raise the Chenango, that was burned and sunk at Erie. She was in~ sured under straight fire policy for $60,000. Hence her owners can make no ab ent. derwriters interested for consent to raise her ' The estimated value of the boats as given in the Inland Lloyd plement is $2,237,000. The § Manola, both of which were land by the Globe Iron Works present good sized Pi given an estimated value o: latter $200,000, constructed as not to bean obstacle to . tion. ; LAKE FREIGHTS. Coal rates continued firm’ yesterday: cargo was offered to Milwaukee at 60 ce but there were no boats to take it at that 1 ure and the rates are visibly hardening. O rates are unchanged, though considerab; chartering is being done. Charters—Schr Fayette Brown, Cleveland to Duluth, coal, d( cents; prop City of Cleveland, Cleveland to Duluth, coal, 50 cents; schr Senator, Clevelan ” to St. Ignace, coal, 40 cents; schr Senator St. Ignace to Erie, pig iron, $1; schr Owasco, Mackinaw to Buffalo, $1.25. Curcaao, April 30.—A better inquiry was made for vessel room to load corn and oats, and shippers bid 1} cents for corn to Buffalo. A few line boats were put in at that rate, bu the independent boats preferred to put their tonnage into the ore trade, Burrao, April 30.—Ooal freights were strong and buoyant. Shippers offered 60 cents to Chicago, 55 cents to south Chicago, 50 cents to Milwaukee. . Available tonnage here was very scarce and brokers failed to get any from Ohio points, yet the demand for capacity was not large, the buoyancy in freights being due altogether to lack of offe;= ings. No change in Lake Superior rates was reported. Charters: Pasadena, C. C. Barnes, Milwaukee, 50 cents; Wyoming, Chicago, 60 cents. Topeka and A. P. Wright were chart ered yesterday for Chicago at 60-cents. Canal freights dull and steady. Wheat 4 cents, corn, rye 3§ cents to New York. Railroads are taking more grain than canal, Duturu, April 29.—There continues to be liberal shipments of grain and flour from this port. Grain rates remain unchanged. Wheat chart»rs were made yesterdy at 3} cents for Buffalo tonnage. The Kingston rate is about 5% for wheat and 5} for corn. BILL OF LADING, Shipping perils of the sea burden of proof, A bill of lading is a policy ef insurance gaaran- tying the safety of the goods against all risks except the perils of the sea; and whenever the ship owner, in claiming exewption from liability for an admitied loss, pleads a peril of the sea, the burden of proof is upon him to make outa prima-facie case; and where the loss is shown to have been caused by water being driven into the hold, bat it does aot appear that the pumps and limber-holes were kept in proper order, or were properly inspected by the sbip’s officers, the defense is not made ont.

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