Ihe Marine Revconil. ROBERT WALLACE, VICE PRES. THE CLEVELAND SHIP-BUILDING COMPANY, Wi MY hase Detroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, TRON SHIFS. Marine and Stationary — ENGINES AND BOILERS, Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, MILL GEARING AND CASTINCS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct. joel THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS SIGNAL LAMPS. For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. PATENT FLUTED LENS& PERFECT COLORS. RUSSELL GND ULELEON, _—— SUCCESSORS TO——_ FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139& 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y, GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. - EAGLE BOILER WORKS. Np. RGR, PROPRILTOR, ey Indiana & Mes ee N. ¥&. The Latest Improved Hydraulic Machinery USED IN ALL CLASSES OF WORK Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomo- tive and Upright Boilers; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. * REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN KOK NNN AAs SELF-ACTING M METAL 12 FOR PISTON RODS, AL and Steamship nies within the iasteight yearsin this and Foreign countries, Also flexible tubular metallic packing elip-joints on steam pipes and fox b draulic Z, pressure. For full } ar- ticulars and referencer Z, address L KATZENSTEIN & CC 57 West St., nee veroy and Clarkson-st, N. Y. CAPT. THOS. mit Sne who J uses this packing on his Steam- ers, and THE MARINE RECORD are Agents for Cleveland and the i Lakes. McKINNON BROS. Ashtabula Hardor, 0. eect DOT EEE Machinists, Shipsmiths & Steamfitters: ~Corru dat Q d Flues for : team Baas Made from 28 to 60 inches in diam. i Engin ae Supplies, Ipubricating in Sizes ae and Burning ils. BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO SOLELY IN THE Attention Vesselmen Having increased my Steam troist Capacity, I am prepared to give good dispatch in a GHTERING boats. Rail road connection with lock. Terms reasonable. HETS, Coal and ore é ek foot of 20th street, Detroit, Mich. HENRY ESGOH, Groceries and Provisions, ‘Fresh and Salt Meats, DRY GOODS AND ChOTHING s Special attention miven to vessel supplies Worner of Jay and 9th st. Manitowoc Wis, WITH PLANGED OR PLAIN ENTS AND THOSE OF — FOX ENDS, Leeds. a THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKED) ‘ial BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Take 10th or 28d Street Ferries from New Yor« to GREENPOINT Wiss E, Hinu, CHAs. H. CORBET? } Vice eA, Tuos. F, Gonna} Jx., Treagurer, (94 Board of Tride, Chicago, Ill. GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. Manufactured ce UNDER OUR OWN PAT- —_ aan ESTES & WALKER, — Ship and Coal Brokers, VESSEL AGENTS AND OWNERS. Marine insurane da and Third Nationa al pas References | 60234 Water street, SANDUSKY,O THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER ~ Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent, CLEVELAND, O10, AIOVRE, BARTOW AND GILCHRIST, Ship Brokers and Agents, Nos. Sl and 612, oe Navne Builc ding: Superior St. | BENHAM & ‘DOVILLE, Vessel Owners & Agents, Nos. 601, 602 & 603 Perry-Payne Building | Superior Street, Cleveland. Ohio. | ©. J. MAGILL, VESSEL..AGENT; Vessels Chartered, Bought and Sold, Fate Freights and River Tow Bills Col. lected and promptly remitted, WM. H. DeWITT, Attorney and Proctor in Admiralty, ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BLOCK. WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, Nos. 511 & 512 Perry—Payne Building, Superior §t. CLEVELAND, OHid. CAPT, LYMAN HUNT. JAMES P. HUNT, L. HUNT & SON. Vessel Brokerage and Marine Insurance No. 202 Mary Street, Burraro, N. Y. Room 25, Exchange Bldg. Telephone No. 1222, JOHN C, FITZPATRICK, JOHN MITCHELL, JOHN F. WEDOW. MITCHELL&CO., Vessel and Insurance Agents, — 508 and 509 Perry-Payne Block, 108-1 Superior street, Cleveland, 0 ~*~ HOWARD H. BAKER & Amexigan Ship Wind toy Rakes Brie and (mporters of Nautical Instrume: Description, 35 18, 20,22, 24, & BRANCH STORE tre erly D. 8. Austin & Co.) | Docks at Government Pier, AND ADJOINING GLOBE All Fully Equipped with Rev auso, LIGHTER CARR Main Street Brid nea ‘Office, 127 We Telephone No. 8. Cc BOATS COALED DAY EUR ATORE & U. Hl Warerooms 798 and } eons La BG At 2 Choice Fam Fre, § 7 preit mt ce Sumimit stree eked