Ee en ee ae @ ; ap F Y fa S aace oe pete! te as Whe Marine Record. Established in 1857. ey ee te ott ie ao /AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS C0, Builders of Steam Messenger Chain and Hand Windlasses, Power, crank and Steam capstans Wharf and Ferry Drops. Their capstan Wind-| T22» %. Quayle, lasses have a Power capstan with a single head | @229% % Quayle, ; : * Le D vel aL ~— ca a oe oe :-| which has power and speed arrangement entirely Wm. Hi. Onayis. Glave CWNE — Se <— a independent of the Windlass,and which makes a, L A KE ER i E Boll LER WORKS gines;with either Frictional, Spur or Worm Gearof pirect connection with the Windlass, without the | various patterns | to suit ital) Durposes. HOWARD H. BAKER r C0. intervention of any gearing to complicate it and | increase the friction. Shi Chandlers \ Nall Maker's In all their styles of Steam Windlasses, the Amer- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ican Ship Windlass co., makes a direct connection :: . Cordage,Wire Rope,Blocks, between the Engines and the Windlass without Canvas Anchors Chains, counter shafts or additional gearing. This saves : 63 friction and liability to break down, and conduces Paints, Oils, Naval Stores. to durability and ease in operating. These wind- | WILLIAMSON BROS. GOR. RICHMOND AND YORK STS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. A Cylinder, Lard, Signal and Lubricating lasses tes hice aGuniorinl foe th j ye a va ei alance ior e engines, . : A peevaaaeteid ‘and an automatic lubricator for worm and worn, le est equipped plant in America for the manufac A eee in tin Som sid gear. The engines are placed together in the most ture of Modern Marine Boilers. Importers of Nautical Tnstruments of Every accessible position. The above improvements and B U F FA L@ ‘ N EW. YO RK 4 DETROIT SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS, SG 18, 20,22, 24, & 26 Terrace,| Others too numerous to mention, but which are fa- Buffalo, N. Y. | miliar to Masters, Owners and Builders, are cover- DETROIT SHIPPING OFFICE. |ed by Patents owned exclusively by the American Marine Coppersmiths, Pipe Fitters and Metal Workers, Manufacture and keep in stock the most approved designsin ae De ee Ship Windlass company. Brass dead lights, all brass locks, spear heads, pilot house tops, whistles, motion” Open day and night, Office telephone, indicators, windsails, head light frames and flue cleaners, 347-3 rings; Residence telephone, 877-1| For plans and information, address ring. Telegrams promptly attended to. P. O. box 53 Providence, R. I. | SS<<AGENTS FOR WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS eee Mates, sailors, wheelsmen, engineers, fire- men, isoke, deck hands sSehis ready. FRANK. S. MANTON, Agt., % WORKS 64 TO 72 ORLEANS ST.. DETROIT, MICH Business attended to for the Vessel Own- a Association. 31 Griswold street, hy H. M. HANNA, JOHN F, PANKHURST, LUTHER ALLEN, eer 4 President. Vice President and General Manager, Secretary and Treasu womewece THE GLOBE IRON WORKS COMEAS Fiannel Shirts ee Bh Dee OF one 54 inches wide, 40 inches every ng, wide sleeves, double seam. (Far su- perirte aay Clothing Store Shirts.) [Q9-THE Bee HIRT FACTORY IN CLEVE- MS es located at 213 Detroit street, 2nd ire from corner Pearl and connected with the Boston Dry Goods Store of Kohn & Co., F A LL which retails direct to consumers at MANU- ee eo PRICES; all kinds of FLAN- NEL, CLOTH, WATERPROOF, LAWN ; aa TENNIS ood FIREMENS Guitve a| TRIPLE EXPANSION, COMPOUND; HIGH PRESSURE AND iow PR) “Ss more especially SAILOR’S SHIRTS, OVER q P If SHIRTS, JUMPERS, JEAN PANTS, ete. <() | By reason of contracts with Life saving Sta- iy i tions to furnish BLUE FLANNEL REGU- eRe! LATION SHIRTS, we are the coly firm who oJ MARINE, STATIONARY & PORTABLE BOILE and therefore all our “OWN HOME MADE » 2 ; SHIRTS” bear our trade mark, Kohn & Co’s “THomemade.” (38 Look out for fraud by ddl Be | ] ee nae cove vo: Blast Furnace and for the same prices as our ready-made shirts. ("Remember !! THE CHEAPEST BED R ili Mi iI z DING SUPPLIES for vesseleas (OMFORT- 0 ing I 2a BLES, BLANKETS, | TABLE-LINENS, 5 aes i an b SS ‘ J at the Boston Dry Goods Store of KOHN & Machinery, Hoisting t a hd ereeai atest peed dor from corner = = : earl street, CLEVELAND, O. . cae nd Pumping Engines WEBSTER’S ane tM ’ UNABRIDCED Portable ANCIENT EDITION. Hoisting Engines. icremeete? GENERAL SHEET AND PLATE IRON WORKER ian aeee MACHINISTS, BOILER MAKERS AND FOUNDE Tess 0! i been completely superseded, It is now Fes erg broken type, errors and Db S OF yas all, b photo-lithogra ih oo apprinies BUILDER Siig Sea ee on cheap pa ound, A STEEL STEAMERS. IRON STEAMERS. OFFICE & WORKS, Spruce and Elm Streets, iagthaice nso ee, by pave Je, between NORTHERN LINE STEAMERS. Onoko, “ wien Chisholm, Ds, a car Northern Wave, North King, Rt ON SESUKs fe edition, will show the the ten ity Rigechars Tights North Wind, PASSENGER STEAMERS IRON SHIP YARD, Old River Bed, Foot of St. Pa ofthe latter. These reprints are as out Northern Queen, ; of — as a last year’s ©. Nohon- LEHIGH VALLEY LINE STEAMERS, | Darius Cole, and steam yacht Twilight. ‘ - orable dealer allow the buyer of such | ©. P. Wilbur, Tuscarora, IRON TUGS. i ; . pl that he is getting the Webster sie ts " Saranac International and Record 5 } © whic day i acoopied eomny Senin 42° Steamers Cambria, Corsica, Corona, Castalia, Mariska, Manola. ‘s ere our imprint as given below. s@> If persons ere come inducedto | 5. «. prim. Pp. W, SCRIBNER, vem (Ch Jack Bev (LOCAL ATTRACTION meee Oe Aue baie” tay | J. Mi. DRILL & CO, Cleveland Dy Dock Co, CHRERTOR & GORE, tirlayasiosursacere"\"* ((09] Dock for Fueling Vessel t Huron Machinery & Suply Depot G. ee Cc. SS EERLAM & CO. PORT HUKON. MICH. GFIELD, MASS. edhteabaelans unl met al Bra oe Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re-| manutacturers’ Agents and Dealers in Botlers, | : The , T-ansportation Company T ONAWAN DA, N. Y¥: P ray és y 6 Engines sere Suppllenyand Fit-oute peri 2 : launched a new grain elevator at Kingston weir Bent Pittsburgh, Fairmount and other coals al- prlring and Spar Making, Steamers and Vessels, é ee last week. war sonhand. Excelsior Steain Rushing Derrick in CLEVELAND, OBO. 4085 and 407 Water st East & Son uo [a HERA DRL ad tra eta vrei tle een ast eas SE