aS & C0. ze, ry & Portable Engines, ae MACHINERY AND PELE WHEELS, Thomas McGregor, CENTRAL, BOILER WORKS MANUFACTURER OF Marine and Stationary BOILERS, —ALL KINDS OF— Rendering Kettles, Tanks, —anp— SHER] TRON W ORE “SIMPSON & €0., RAI, CONTRACTORS. AND BUILDERS OF TENT IMPROVED TIMBER DRY DOCK. : AS ‘WORKS BUFFALO, N. Y., MANUFACTURER OF Triple Expansion Marine Engines, Three Cylinder and Fore and Aft and Steeple Compound - Marine Engines, High and Low Pressure Engines SECTIONAL PROPELLER WHEELS, ‘PROPELLER, TUG & YACHT WHEELS ose wheels are noted for thein extra speed and towing power or a proportionate saving of coal, PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. THE CHASE MACHINE CO This machine has been placed on the following steamboats during the past year: SPOKANE, WALLULA, Kasovra, CHAR- LEMAGNE TOWER, JR, Yakima, Missouna, Sitka, FayYEtTrE Brown, R. J. HACKETT, Forest Ciry, SPARTA, HAVANA, Vi- ENNA, OSCAR TOWNSEND, Crry OF CLEVELAND’ HENRY Cuis- HOLM, SuPeRiOR, E. B. Han, M. B. Grover, J. 8 Fay, R. P. > RANNEY, SMITH MooRE,CHARLES J SHEFFIELD, Ira H, OwxEn, Campria, Corsica, J, H. OUTHWAITE, SAMUEL MATHER, R, R, RuopEs, COLUMBIA, AURORA, Out0, Wm. EDWARDS, 8. E. SHELDON, AUSTRALASIA, RALEIGH, BULGARIA, Roumania, J. F. Eppy, "HIAWATHA, THos. ApaMs, A, P. Wrieut, GLAD. STONE, E. P. WiLBurR, Soo Ciry, b, M. Prcx, ROBERT Ll. FREYER 4ND NORTHERN LIGHT, To the President and Board of Supervising Inspec- tors of Steam Vessels: Your ecmmittee to which was referred the “Chase Fog Whistle Machine” beg leave to report: ‘*‘That we have carefully examined the same and find that it blows at regular jntervals, being worked by the engine, thereby insuriog regular aud continuous blasts for any length of time that may be required and would recommend it or similar device to owners of steam vesse s as an addi tional safeguard to navigation The manufacturers are the Chase Machine H, 8. LuBgBocE, Co,, No. 111 Elm St., Cleveland, O. Gro. H. Stansuck, } Comwittee, W. D. ROBINSON, _ BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK 60., [Sticcessors to BAGNAL& LOUD and PENFIELD BLOCK CO's.) BOSTON. MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED = elf-Adjustable Five Roll Roller Bushed BiOCKS. which for » URABILITY and STEENGT&&, ure far ahend of any other make. Onc trial will convince any one of their GREATER PURCHASE Be ae, for the STAR BRAND in ordering your Blocks. / > > call attention te our DIAPH RAG PUMP, which will pump /, “tna stroke and work easier than any other make in the > mkt Ge n trial, wF: YORK STORE, 33 South Street, EF. BALDWEIN, Manager. We also make a specinity of furnishing the handsomest style of block« in the market for Yachts, with special designs to suit the place. J. G. GOSS & CO.,| Coil Makers ad Riggers, 23 Woodward Ave., : DETROIT - - sd River Block Works, 171 Kiver St., Cleveland, 0, Wood Tackle Blocks of every De- scription, a Ee @P “|S —AND— LIGNUMVITAE SHEAVES, NOT MEMBERS BLOCK MAK- ERS’ ASSOCIATION, REPAIRING. Contractors for Boiler and Steam Pipe Covering. ALL OF BUNTING FLAGS ON HAND MTLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE- J. W. GROVER & SON FRONTIER IRON & BRASS WORKS SH ’ Deas cea DETROIT, MICH. SAIL MAKERS AND RIGGERES. BUILDERS OF Bire Rope, Munillx, and Garred Gordiugy, Canvas, Blocks, Onk- UBB um, Gary, Pitgh, Ours, Ane ghore, Chuins, gty. STEAMERS SITKA, GOGEBIC, R. L. FRYER, GEO, G HADLEY, JOHN MITCHELL iy FEDORA, T. W. PALMER, LIVINGSTONE, GEO, F. WILLIAMS, AND MAJESTIC 116 & 119 RIVER ST., & 184 & 185 DOCK \Life Boats. Yawls. Life Rafts. neeeeopetenasusnseendisseucassenssennssurssnenrsessvassioenrsecssenretsessmumeransasareaameueenn rece Travelers (Informa tlon Bureau. TICKET AGENTS 224 Bank St. DETROIT BOAT WORKS, Detroit, Michigan. Detroit & Cleveland steam Navigation CO Owning and Operating the only Lines of Steel and Tron Side Wheel Steamer on the Great Lakes. DAILY BETWEEN (Sunday trips are operated only ducttg June, July, August and September.) Detroit and Cleveland. Arriving at 5a. m., Departing at 10,09 pm. Gentesk: ing with all morning trains in every direction.’ For MACKINAOC, SS Patent Life Rafts, Metalli d Wooden Life B Ss Wheels, Y ‘ atent Lite Ka: etallic an ooden Life Boats, Steering eels, Yachts, Maranr Apes MARIE, 2s ca teak Perry steamers and all kinds of pleasure boats. Prompt atten- AND WiLL OE USBI SER aS ITE RT CT RR ST SUT ATCC Ne OT GB LAKE HURON PORTS. Daily except Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. ine & dg im. O Rt N 7 Les psi nal on River street. City ticket office MANUFACTURERS OF oe oa perole aie? “ont bgt TERI, PL, ATE FREN (! i Clevelan C.’H. McCUTCHEON SUCESSOR TO RAN SAMUEL McCUTCHEON, ee STEAMBOAT & ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES £2) & GUID ISO Aia's, = Wy , Popper, Brace and Sheet Iron) botels, Restaurants and Private Families. . Manufactory. Eyery Range is warranted, and none but the yery best of material is used. IRON PIPE. AND FITTINGS. aber ss Aaapiat fe His aoe or Wood, Agent for Davidson’s Steam Pumps, Amazon Belewen sees fey age that are now Boiler Compound, and Orme Patent Safety and ‘Relief Valve. SIEM SOS aus t Nos. 27, 28, 30, 31 - merican Hagle * Olympia No. 18 Ohio Street, Bow Ouest City of Detroit Pearl auttato. aNT ES a Elphicke, U. W. Queen of the West a Dredge 3 Raleigh PERCY D. WHITEHEAD, JOHN D. STOCKTON, 3arge Forest City Spencer » President, Sec and Treas. Frontenac Sanalac Jim Sheriffs Pat Smith. Yakima Servia Kalkaska Sitka Missoula Spokane Nipigon Tower C. Jr. No. 26 Yacht Peerless Schooner John O’ Neil, and many others. Don’t be deceived by interested parties who re t that otk d 7 better than the celebrated line of. reuse 1 OSE ee ee BORN’S STEEL PLATE FRENCA RANGES, “but before buying any other examine them care fully and judge for yourself.” i F. & H. BORN, 128 Superior St., Cleveland, O. Catalogue furnished on sep Coal and Dock Co} Steamboat Coaling Docks. CHICAGO, ILLS. Illinois Central Slips B. & C. Depth of water 18 feet. Inner Harbor under Randolph street Viaduct. Beats coaled day and night. Sole agents for NEW KENTUCKY LUMP, Agents for BLACK HORSN, JACKSON HILL, Office 215 Dearborn street, Owing’s Building, f Ge teneral office 1435, Telephones— L Coaling docks Sy, ‘art 3b. JOHN W. KIRKHAM, Manager. MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN Cigars AND j [AN \ ASE te i TOpacco.| | £ aa aeinetirrsy Serres : ls 3 o6 Kiver-st., Cleveland, @Phio No one should levee port without a box M. M. Glekler’s marine cigars. A. Gilmore & Sons TOLEDO DRY DOGK. TOLEDO, OHIO. TELEPHONE NO. 157. VESSELS DOCKED AND REPAIRED. Rates of Docking ten cents per Ton for “CONSTR CL ORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTI0J V OF Steel, [ron, (Composite and Wooten Ships. lron Ship Building Works at Wyandotte, Mich., Dry Docks and Repair Yard, foot of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. vessels 200 tons ‘and over. Length of Dock 188 Feet. Joseph A. 0 a) Oldham, {McKinnon lronWorks, | Ashtabula Harbor, 0, Naval Architect & Engineer’ Machinists, Boilermakers, Shipsmiths and Steamfitters. March 20, ’90. R. W. LINN, > ) H I t B U I L p) E R; Designs Steam Vessels, and Yachts, Marine | estou tet SY cSeeeeate GIBRALTAR, Wayne Co., Mich. Engines and Boilers, and Superiotends their Pump Valves, Brass ‘Goods, and other steam fittin w#-Yards situated at the mouth of Detroit river, | Construction or Repairs. on will tnd ous Delete 46 Jie Sree caer lakes, and our goods the best we can buy. Good facilities for timber and first-class werk. Cor- resvondence solicited. 814 Perry- Payne Build’ g,Cleveland, oO. W. 8. McKINNON, Proprieror, Inspector for Inland Lloyds, eer anes