Whe Marine Record. ROBERT WALLACE WM. baits FITCH ZB ogee Vow biases THE CLEVELAND SHIP-BUILOING COMPANY Detroit and Center Streets, Cleveland, Ohio, IRON SHIFS. Be a= Marine and Stationary KNGINKS AND BOILERS, Blowing Engines and Steam Hammers, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS. Repairing and Jobbing Solicited. Office on Viaduct. 0 |GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. GEO. A. SIMPSON, BREESE. «& VW Oe 'E SED - ‘O pass Adjuster, PON Ak. JAN Ps AROMETE! . PATENT LOGS ss = For Steamers and Sailing Vessels. iE GLASS 'S REPAIRED, [ St., Cleveland, 0. ORSE, & SON. | PATENT FLUTED LENS& PERFECT COLORS. RUSSELL AND WATSON, = SUCCESSORS LO = FELTHOUSEN & RUSSELL, 139& 141 MAIN ST,, BUFFALO, N, Y, GET THE BEST AND AVOID COLLISIONS. EAGLE BOVne WORKS. . \Concress « ST. B BOSTON. | Attention Vesselmen Having increased my Steam Toist I ared to give good dispatch in TiGHitientiNG Pioats. ailroad connection with ock. Terms reasonable. C. H. LEETS, Coal and ore Seek foot of 20th street, Detroit, Mich OUR NEW f Wy, S54 Seita ‘FREE ® » 6) ' q Sold. ea i Bes a t ae iy s che world. nee erfect I timekeeper. Warrante say, i % hunti: sat cat ae at Our, — & M any St., Buifals, with works and c 8 of 4] _value. OnE PERSON in Ih Yocality can secure one Th L t t | D F th ‘ith large decane ec € Latest im rove S: mayer ‘These samples, as wel ep a dh H d lj M hi thi are free. All the work you need do is to show Soha t me wend 00 a Fics poy eneprtherd ee y fau Ic ac iInery al He Heeatuaie trade focus, wich holds for years when once started, (aa) sCUUSeb IN ALL CLASSES OF WORK and thus we are r paid. e pay all express, freight, SEB. ASE ; you know all, if you would like f0.80) to work for us, Marine, Stationary Portable Locomo- earn from #20 to er week and upwards, OR adcen oa i : 12, Portland, Ma tive and Upri ne Balers awh Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy and Light Plate Iron Work of all Descriptions. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTEN ROBERT E. HILLS, 57 & 59 North Wells St., Chicago, Il. Telephone 3321. STEAM FITTING AND HEAFNG, Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works Made in Sizes Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings | — E> esate Corrugated Flues for Steam Boilers. Manufactured SOLELY IN THE UNITED STATES UNDER OUR OWN PAT- from 28 to 60 Alpena lron Works, inches in diam. C..B. WARREN, Prop’r and Manager, WITH ENTS AND THOSE OF ——ALPENA, MICH,_— FLANGED = SAMSON FOX Special attention given to marine re- pe OF asi PLAIN TRON AND COMPOSITION CASTINGS! ENDS, Leeds. England. Steam fittings and supplies, Take 1 10th or 2 or yr 28d INJECTORS, LUBRICATORS| sce: vorrics from New Yorx to GREENPOINT s- F. Rowxanp, President. ees E. Laced Cus. H. Corp } Vice Presidents. Tuos. F. Gonnurs } Jn., Treagurer, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Dope Cups, Dope, Valves, Ete. THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS | = ae VESSEL OWNERS AND AGENTS | ESTES & WALKER, Ship and Coal Brokers, VESSEL AGENTS AND OWNERS. Marine insurance and collections. References Mose and Third National Banks. 602)4 Water street, SANDUSKY, O THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNER Wilson’s Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, OBTO, MOORE, BARTOW AND GILCARIS®, Ship Brokers and Agents. Nos. 611 and a a ettye Nine Building: Superior St. BENHAM & DOVILLE, Vessel Owners & Agents, Nos. 601, 602 & 603 Perry- Payne Building Superior Street. Cleveland. Ohio. C. J. MAGILL, VESSEL AGENT, Vessels Chartered, Bought and Sold, Lait Freights und River Tow Bills Col- | lected and pzomptly remitted, | 94 Board of Trude sChicago, Il, WARNER & BECKER, Vessel Agents andBrokers, Nos. 511 & 512 Perry—Payne Building, Superior §t. CLEVELAND, OHIO. CAPT. LYMAN HUNT. JAMES P. HONT. L. HUNT & SON, Vessel Brokerage and Marine Insurance No. 202 Main Street, Burraro, N. Y, Room 25, Exchange Bldg. Telephone No 1222. JOHN C. FITZPATRICK, JOHN MITCHELL, JOHN F, WEDOW. MITCHELL& CO., Vessel and Insurance Agents, 508 and 509 Perry—Payne Block, bene Superior street, Cleveland, O. Attorney and Proctor in / ROOM No. 6, BLACKSTONE BI MARINE COLLECTION Room 10, 256 Superior CLEVELAND, - Telephone No.8. C) 1] BOATS COALED DAY ; 36 and ce Sol ga remptly atten % Bode: delivered by besa. March 20, ’90-13w. Special attention myen to vesvel Qorner of Jay and 9th st. H. P. TOB Vessel and Mill Ss 140 to 144 Water Street T le “Launch run in connection with 0 OBTAIN the latest publication th y complete list of the Be ee Steam and Sail Vessels “BEESON’ s SAILO! iallato