“Osage meee GUE IRON WORKS, MONTACUE, MICH., ON & HENDRIE, Props. ——MANUFACTURERS OF— AN TRON: MINE TRANSFER, The Jackson mine, the oldest iron mine in the Lake Superior district, and one of the heaviest producers, is about to pass into the hands of an English syndicate, Negotiations have been in progress for several months, The news of the sale will create general surprise in mining cire’es. The mine ig stocked at 12,000 shares of $25 each, but will be sold at the rate of $125 per share, making a total of $1,500,000. It is announced that this is the price that Captain Sam Mitchell, of Negaunee, where the mine is located, and William Chisholm and J. H. Wade, Jr., of Cleveland, paid for the pro— perty about three years ago, but from another source it is learned that the price paid for the mine, according to a statement made by Captain Mitchell himself, was under $1,000,000. Three years ago it was considered that the mine had been pretty well worked out, but it has main- tained a position near the top of the shipping list right along, and since Messrs, Wade, Mitchell, and Chisholm secured it the Jackson has paid $70 per share on every $25 share of stock. The magnitude of the Jackson mine may be judged from its output, which up to the beginning of the present shipping season, amounted to 2,045, 258 tons, hg ee DISASTERS IN MARCH. The administration of the Bureau Verita nay just published the list of maritime disasters re~ ported during the month of March, 1890, con. cerning all flags: —Sailing vessels reported lost— 14 American, 22 British, 2 Danish, 2 Duteb, 5 Freneh, 7 German, 1 Greek, 9 Italian, 4 Nor- wegian, 2 Portuguese, 1 Spanish, 2 Swedish; total; 71, In this number are included 5 ves— sels reported missisg:—Steamers reported lost— 1 American, 11 British, 4 Chilian, 2 Danish, 2 French, 1 German; total, 21. In this number are included 2 steamers reported missing: Causes of losses—Sailing vessels—Stranding, 45; col- lision, 3; foundered, 5; abandoned, 5; con— demned, 8; missing, 5; total 71. Steamere— stranding, 10: fire, 1; foundered, 5; condemned, 3; missing, 2; total, 21. SP NELN BERS Ti son 1 THE SIMPSON DRYDOCK, The Simpson drydock, was formerly opened on Friday, May 9, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, N. Y., in the presence of a number of spectators, including many visitors and in— vited guests from Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, as well as representative naval officers, engineers, and others. The Us 8. monitor Puritan was placed in the dock, the caisson was replaced and the large pumps started, emptying the dock and leaving the ship upon the keel and bilge blocks, J. E. Simpson & Co. whose PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION ND AFT COMPOUND INE ENGINES, uC): es on the following boats are of our manufacture: parge Isabella J. Boyce, Michigan City, Ind, 19 and 32 Steam barge M. T. Green, Chicago, Ills, 20 and 36 by 36. : Ee a (ol = = a © 3 3 a 8 8B = fe} 5" 0 Hendrie, Montague, Mich, 0. ee oan MILLS. neprune ancHor work | THE AETNA GRATE. JEGRAUW, AYMAR&CO!le. ¢. Barnes, At : MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF This Improved Shaking CORDAGE DAKUM, WIRE ROPE (erate a aate spear eae a x , 2d to Burning Slack. - sepieeuletige rock vel iN Be, DRS) oo Globe Iron Works mavufac’s., ee ae nt fof worknahy COTTON AN D F LAX DUCKS; FLAGS pines nd Roe en es Him an é : to the honors won heretofore, BUNTINGS: RUSSIA BOLT ROPE, LTRS We eT ENS ae IRON ORE SHIPMENTS. MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP-CHANDLERS’ GOODS GENERALLY During the first two weeka of the | THOS. DREIN & SON | season over 500,000 tons of Lake Superior NATEDererod ore found their way by lake to markwo, eld M 1 j Nos. 34 anp 30 Sours Street, NEW YORK. METALLIC LIFE BOATS |i, qucers cue KRAFT C8 EE TAL ea ET RT eS OR ER Hi. B. & Ge B. BURGER, Foe Veeck Gon ara celeteaten Pt} forward from Marquette, 1102 from St. Ignace, . n 97,222 from Escanaba, 64,293 from Ashland and S h I p-b u id e rs and Co ntracto rs L ; : p nseWechitor Fe keneh iets PatentLifeRafts 17,278 from Two Harbors, Last year the ship- NITO O (9 DR aM DOCK Raerespatent Pat Acces a3 pupavatie rs J Tatnal and Railroad, EIR. Del the Gogebie was a elose second and the Menom- and LIFE RAFTS of all classes ments at the corresponding date were 465,294 : Forest Gily UlGAR STORE Dry Dock will admit Vessels of 1100 tons drawing 12 feet. Have also a set of tons with the Two Harbor’s shipments not in- cluded, The shipments for the corresponding week last year were 210,832 tons.—Mining ‘ . if 10 ¥ ape ifti f 350 tons. A : f Boxes in connection with the Ship yard capable of lifting Vessels o j ‘ large stock of SPARS CONSTANTLY ON Spee CE a THOMAS HhIGEE TY, Prop r, ’& 3 3 q ND REPAIRE SONA Head 5. ee ED A MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS Journal: , MANWOWOC, WIS. 4. 959 PEARLSTREET of Wood. Biock Cork Life Pre-| week were 217,693 tons, of which 37,798 went servers. Sole manutacturer of Ca The large steel warship Philadelphis affords new proof of the wonderful skill of American shipbuilders. In a run of three hours off Cape Lienlopen the vessel developed a speed of 20.74 knots, her machinery work— ing perfectly. The required speed was but 19 knots, and if she equals this speed on the second trial she will earn a premium of $35,— 000 for her builders, the Cramps, of Phila— delphia. It is singular but true, nevertheless, that not a single British built nayal yeasel recently put into the water has been equal to the requirements of the contract. his would seem to prove that the American shipbuilder is more certain of his achievement than the British shipbuilder.—Ex. Captain Buteau, of the schooner Daniel Macy, was up before Collector Clarke in Chi- A PUZZLE. 4a Asc es hh NIMS a ce Steam barge H. ©. Schnoor, carrying capacity 300 FOR SALE. M feet of lumber, new boiler in 1887. Marsh & Co.. : . 5 Gott Sandusky, Ohio. jan 15 Yot HE best and fastest boat on {yf pou COGS carefully the jig- Lake Michigan, (of her class) FOR SALE. capacity 140 M feet lumber, with oe o ee ie oe nee riper Aa good pocprammodations and rosea (}NTL°Re a8 ink ganole. croak mating sgiue af Z lé MAN WhO é Ca7Ts F Ht y5 | for 40 passengers. For further particulars address a ry, . : 40R Ace. Clevelanc dern designs. Will sell the above engines cheap, ws } L reality the tallest Ly YOu Pee DONE A) MAmepeancue oes Clevalints 0: Rishnwdeitron Works, Manitowoc, Wis, jan 15-90 tf, ¢ / youd r LALLESTL. af on Works, Ma ; my f FOR 3 ~ FOR SALE . 3} will coal your boats at my dock, FOR SALE. \ ntel 5 Tingny « 7 } Bhi Q : da Barrett, RINE gro d ship chandlery store, doing GRISWOLD @ adjoining S. H = Hodge Lron Works, postk eg ine beads tne Ade bie Mr Coniioaiataetiiabale Harbor; good rea- Oy! G if fos oS fee eh n= i YOu will get better dispatch and . depth 6feet 6 inches. Engine 13] son for selling; for full particulars, Address ‘I. H iler 4 feet 6 i j : feb 12’90-tf : F 4 / llowed nsoaiddatuen Lrilt (esas hee pert eeliars des cago last Thursday on the charge of carrying ; ; ; . of ] q ie ¢ Dt 35 , OO. "5 ; : ; i better COAL than at any other vere Sa RTC mile eell or pxohange For et alienitwintel Captain Bataan atoutly danien : ] 4 } } R iculars apply to Gratwick Smith & Fryer ie oe ‘ : 5 place on the city. nee Ceotie Mich. the charge, and claims that the man a os SAT ook TISRAVELING SALESMEN—Trade specialties; Su. | is not the mate of the vessel, and brings his ! HOR ba Le. PERO aide tines good for te weekly, JOHN | books to show that he is but a common sailor. 4 3 } s 7 4LISON, 323 Dearborn street, Chicago. 78 y z ‘ ' P : Doe eote Ghai ines pln ALLISON 3 WANTED The alien, who was shipped at Grand Haven, i : Engine 10 by 12, seotch type boiler, cpa pe ies peri. | however, admitted that he was the Macy’s mate, | 2 i i j : ill burn either coal or wood, , HE correspondent, who is a practical and experi ‘oted, H cheuintiae 4 ‘ can b fi piiaried at very little expense to | enced sailor, desires to purchase a sailing inter- | and would not becontradicted. ere ' a drat ot | feet F Inches Boe Someta ore oe | br i nen ye i pie onpectty of ye aie rests at present, The penalty attached to the : 3 feet i x p et 4 inches beam. For further | of lumber. Address box 33 * 5 eveland, s Eis ‘ OFFICE: particulars apply to Gactate Richard Connell, 165 | Ohio. jan 20-tf alleged offense is 50 cents per ton on the net Division street, Muskegon, Mich. a tonnage, and may cost the Macy’s owners $91.50. ~ TUG AT HURON, OHIO— FOR SALE, | PL ARBOR 2UG “2. K. Hawley, late of Cleveland, Corner Griswold and Larned Sts. : Koei Cora 18 now a@ uron, +» engagec n towing or " s y } ine | [ ori 1 Company and NOR SALE CHEAP—The fine | the W heeling & Lake Erie RKailroac ) i m ee ivi i CG fe 2 = > 4 new handy steam yacht Lot-| others, She is capable of handling anything on fresh a S tie, built in 1888, length 30 feet. | water. 52-2 7 in = 7 beam 7 feet 6 inches, draft of water ' ; Di a8 Ji mig) y WN f AY a A i Wi 1G \f 30 inches, boiler 36 innbea by 48 inches, Ppmerged | THOS. R. TEAREs M. THOMAS 1 ihn f ya) nh Y “nih VA ii / | flues and allowed 120 pounds steam; engine 6 by 7, high | - = re ! HE w) INDEM Wa l speed link motion, swings a 28 wheel or larger if de ne. EE ‘SS S4 A Eee ee ee During April nineteen steamers of all grades changed hands with the sum involved of $2,- 091,500, and ten schooners and barges aggregat~ ing $180,300, the ‘argest sale being the pro- peller Jobn Owen, at Detroit, $188,500. BC ds s 1( l hour easily, burns either a z '@ Sl or Wiehe be ld coraiedin witha ame Hen h ne& Boiler CS . awning deck which could easily be removed if re ac | ’ , Line 4 | quired to use her for light towing, or towing logs, ete. Grummon S ac inac a This desirable Coed will be oot at ‘ bargain: 38 ane | MANUFACTURERS OF a : ores 2 § no use for her; her b 8 MANU ; a ! Br all fastened: aot finely poe woeebine, cou be | ‘ ‘ STMW’R AT LAN 1 IC, — ————— steered either by wheel or tiller having both, her ma- Y d t t q — y is 1 in first-clas der, pony pump, \ ‘1 ) ES LIMITED. ibs pun on anuine, feo Sah ad. Srey Marine all 5 ablonary Captain J. R. Jones. ‘- thing in first-class order, or further particular Sha : me 2 x fs ~ , No. 70 Wall street. ny to JOHN McCAKTHY, 27 Wesson st., Chicago, eaves CLEVELAND every FRIDA p- in. 4 E No. 1 Threadneedle street London, New York Agency, 7 ie a apply to Leaves CLEX BLAND every FRIDAY 8p. 5 - s 30,000 | Deposited in the State of New York......-s+-+...$200, t eat nines a0, eos | . Ace yoy, er hag 2) o51:000 | leposite FOR SALE. P) For Mackinac, St. Ignace, Chehoygan, up pital... SSENGER PROPELLER GOLDEN EAGLE, /| Channel Machines, derricks, A! sense oe Alpena, Oscoda, and way orts. For pas- - Now ¥ the Companies Agencies abroad. ne pete; this spring, ‘sutton’ | hoisting machinery. Agent for St- John’s selt-a . sigh ly to Farasey & od a@- Certificates issued payable in New York or London, or at any of Di TBO SA TY OYE Sauiat ths runs if’ miles an | justing eylinder packing. ‘The O’Connell greaser. sage or freight 1Ph y y . E 14X14, poun . , A rf e RY WREAKS, Attorney. =H. T. PEARSE, Underwriter. |nour'ssrty, soe caries do people | Orne: has no | Zelevhone oe ron, 10T a ean . . .) gute f will sell for wha 3 ‘ HEN ; route for her an: JAMES E. ENGLISH, 169, 177 River St., Cleveland,0., S. 8. G . . WREAKS & LOINES, General Agents. East Saginaw. Mich. Governmentand PleasureBonts | 2¢e Bot a bad third. The shipments for the Inst SLES SMa Ccne MN Ses tah eee SI ECTS