. Cleveland, 0. «sae Cleveland, 0. w. Detroit, Mich. .« Bay City, Mich. aeceuete Chicago, Til. Chicago, Ill. Milwaukee, Wis. seuvesee Milwaukee, Wis. Duluth, Minn. seeerweee Duluth, Minn. [CIAL PAPER. SG the Lake Carriers’ that owners and man- 3 derive benefit from them. the Lake Carriers’ As- ‘McKay, of the Cleveland Association, and Secretary it Vessel Owners’ Asso- gone to Ottawa to confer with n Marine Department as to the of lights and fog signals in Cana- rs. William Smith, the Deputy ‘of Marine, is now in England. NOTICE TO MARINERS. or U.S. Lianurnouse Inspector : Eievents Disreict, ‘Derrort, Mrcw., June 4th 1890. second class iron can buoy, red and black c stripes, has been placed on Major’s f,a shoal in the Straits of Mackinac be- tween old Fort Mackinac and Round Island, bearings as follows: ‘South end of Round Island, E. by N. 3$ Keep. Point St. Ignace, N. W. § N. 3} miles. this shoal is a narrow strip extending in an N. E. aad W.S. W. direction, 16 feet be- ‘the least water found on it, but there are bably spots on which there is less water. By order of the Lighthouse Board. 0. F. Hnyverman, Comor. U.S. N. inspector 11th L, H. District. FOOTE’S D CK BEACON LIGHT. A beacnn light established by the Govern- ment of Canada at Foote’s dock, Point aux Pins, in the river St. Mary above the Sault, in the district of Algoma, and Province of Ontario, was put in operation on the 4th inst. Position, taken from Admiralty Chart 320, latitude N. 46° 28’ 30’’; longitude W. 84° 27’ 15”. The lightis fixed red shown from a small Jenticular lantern hoisted on a mast. It is eleyated 24 feet above the water and should be visible 5 miles up and down the river. The mast is 20 feet high. ® The light stands at the shore end of the =f dock, near the back of the river, and is in- tended as a guide to-clear the shoals on the ‘ south side of the river from Point aux Pins to the entrance to the canal. POINT AUX PINS LIGHT. The light at Foot’s dock is situated a short ~ distance south west of the spot erroneously indicated on the Admiralty Charts as the site of the Point aux Pins Light, which actually stands on the south extreme of the sand spit nearly a mile southwestwardly of Foote’s dock, ja latitnde N. 46° 27’ 50”, longitude ” W. 84° 28’ 0” CORBAY POINT LIGHT. The position of Corbay Point Light in Batchewana (Bachewauaung) Bay, is wrongly given in the list of lights, It should be lati- tude N, 46° 53’ 35”, longitude W 84° 36’ 5”. This notice affects Admiralty Charts Nos. 320 and 324, and Canadian List of Lights Nos. 249 2490 and 250 Wo. Suiru, Deputy Minister of Marine. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE, Orrawa, CANADA, May 20th, 1890. Masters and pilots of propellers are re- spectfully requested to slow down for the Detroit. Orders, packages and mail matter impossible to board when they are going at fullspeed. The reporters have met with ac- ecidents heretofore through endeavoring to board vessels under very trying circumstances; and it is expe:ted that this notice will call the attention of all masters und pilots to the slight loss of tine wh ch the checking of their €ngives would involve. ; duty, it is well known that the river reporters are at all times willing to small acts of kindness ‘or the people on buard passing vessel. A slizht retarn for the courtesy thus extended would render their work much less hazardous, (Signed) Carrars J. W. Westcorr, ; Marine Reporter, Detroit Mich, marine reporters boat when in the vicinity of | a e always held by the river reporters ad-| dressed to propellers; which, it is next to) Be-ides their official | undertake any | | pected that thirty yachts will start in the club | PAGE.) Detroit, Mich, Special to the Marine Record. The composite built steamer Livingstone, while attempiing to reach Viger’s coal dock on Saturday afternoon, had the alternative of colliding with a crowded ferry boat or run- ning into the Star Line dock. The captain wisely chose the latter, and the big boat made kindling wood of the dock to the value of a couple of hundred dollars. A clear case of choosing the least of two evils, Libels were filed last Saturday in the supreme court here against the steamers Siberia and Samuel Mather for the sinking of the Ohio. The damages are placed at $79, 620, i The mammoth steel propeller Maryland building at the Wyandotte yards of the De- troit Dry Dock Company for the Inter-Ucean Transportation Ccmpany of Milwaukee, will be launched on June 14th. She is the largest boat ever built by that company. Captain Ricketson is superintending the construction in the interests of her owners. The excursion steamer Pearl is in dry dock at Springwells getting overhauled for the season’s work. Mr. Middleton, late second engineer of the sidewheel steamer, City of Detroit No. 2, has been appointed chief of the City of Detroit No. 1. The splendid weather of the past few days makes Detroit people gaze longingly on their fine clean river. Excursion parties will soon be the order of the day and—night. Mr. Stage, who was chief engineer in the Detroit and Cleveland Line for a number of years, is now residing in Scotland, having resigned his position on account of his wife’s health. The large steel steamer Pontiac, owned by the Cleveland Mining Company seems to be passing here with undue regularity, too much so for one prominent vessel owner, as on the steamer being sighted recently, bound down, he bet a case of wine that she could not have made the round trip. A telephone to Captain Westcott’s office convinced him that she “had got there just the same’’ and he was left on his wine bill. The Detroit Boat Works at Belle Isle bridge is doing most of the yachting work here this season, forty-three yachts having passed through their hands this spring, most of these vessels being of the largest class of valuable steam yachts. ‘he splendid steam yacht building to the order of O. W. Potter, of Chicago, is now nearly completed. She has been constructed under cover, and now has her machinery on beard, smoke stack ship- ped, and @ finish is being put on her hand- some woodwork, from the position she now occupies in the middle of a large solid look- ing workshop; it is difficuit to see how the manager of the works, Mr. Fred Ballen, is going to get her in the water, but he says it will be all right. A new steam yacht dimen- sions 100 feet on water line has been con- tracted for by Detroit parties, and work on her will be commenced at an early date. Steam yacht Vita is undergoing a general rebuild of upper works, new cabin and spars, decks calked, mahogany rails, ete. The following vessels have been docked by the Detroit Dry Dock Company since our last report: Yacht Romona for a new wheel, yacht Vita painting bottom, etc., steambarge Newsboy for new sea cock, propeller A. G. Lindsay calked butts and had some new bot- tom planking, towbarge Katie Brainard for three new pieces of outside planking on the port eide just above the water line, steambarge Germania receiving a new windlass. The towbarge Katie Brainard when coming out of Toledo on Monday night was crushed against the bridge abutment by the tug that was towing her out, three planks on the star board side were cut into just above the light water line. She stopped at the yards of the Dry Dock Company and had repairs made before proceeding to load. It is the general opiniom here, as it must certainly be among all men. engaged in the sailing interests, that Captain George Lindsay, of the propeller Livingstone, done a very pru- dent stroke of business in running into the Star Line Dock instead of the ferry boat which was loaded down with passengers at the time, about fifty feet by twenty feet of the dock was carried away and workmen are now busy repairing it. The Sheet Metal and Brass Works have just shipped a large consignment of their Olark patent metallic life rafis to Buffalo, N. Y., they also have gangs of skilled men doing marine work at Cleveland, St. Clair, East | Saginaw and other ports. The Frontier lron and Brass Works have |shipped to Bay City an engine for the new | boat known by the builders as No, 74, at the yards of F. Wheeler. Superintendent Sym- ington is now at Davidson’s yard completing the fitting of engines and other machinery on |the new bout numbered 33. Three engines | are now in course of erection at their large |}and commodious engine works. | The first yachting event of the season will | take place on Monday, June 9th, it is ex- |race, and a lifely time is expected by all hands. At the yards of Jobn Oades & Son the schooner Benedict is receiving considerable : Ihe Marine Record. ON | (4k00np tHE Lakes contINVED FRoM First | new work on her starboard bow and repair ing the damage caused by her recent collision on Lake Erie. The barge Georgie Kelly is also in for repairs. J. ©. Goss & Co., sailmakers and riggers, have taken the contract to fitout the new tow- barge now nearly completed at the yards of R. W. Linn, Gibraltar. She has been built to the order of Parker, Dyer, and others of this city. C. H. Abrey, assistant marine clerk at this port, has been for several days past at the St. Clair flats sizing up the passing tonnage; and baiting his hook, he says that he may now weather out the heated term. The Eagle {fron Works have received an order from Whitaker & Son for one of their 6 feet by 6; deck hoisting engine, for the new vessel building to their order at the yards of Wm. Dulac, a set of deck pumps will also be | According to latest reports; work has not progressed any on raising the sunken steamer Armour for the past few days. As fast as the water is pumped from the coffer dam a new leak springs and it has to be repaired. The water was lowered eight feet once. Captain Fred Chamberlain, who was master of the steamer, 1s now helping to superintend the wrecking operations. The Frontier Iron and Brass Works are building two engines for ocean use, they will be placed on the steamers now under con- struction at Wheeler’s ship yard, Bay City. George Elsey, Jr.’s tug Gladiator passed down Monday evening with the big barge Mabel Wilson and schooner S. L. Watson, beth are laden, the Wilson drawing 16 feet of water, average rate of speed made from scanaba to the river was 74 miles an hour. The above is a very good showing for so heavy furnished. Simon Langell, St. Clair, Mich., | a tow. | has ordered a6 feet by 6; deck hoisting engine, and an upright submerged flue boiler 42 inches in diameter by 5 feet 6 inches in height. The Baker Stone Company, Mansfield, O., have ordered three atune sawing gangs. In speaking casually of carrying capacity Mr. Livingstone remarked that the composite built propellers Thomas W. Palmer and the Livingstone cleaned out an elevator recently, | the former taking 143,400 bushels of oats with room for more, and the Livingstone a neat 144,000 bushels; any one desirous of keeping the record of the composite built vessels carrying capacity may keep their weather eye open for even a wider showing than the above. The new propeller Edward Smith, No. 2, Captain Alfred Mitchell has been toting along three million feet of lumber from Oscoda, Mich., to Tonawanda, N. Y., of course this amount includes the tonnages he tows. The crews of the fleet say that they are working shipyard time as they are paid off every week regularly since the season opened; and they are likely to continue on this basis for some time. Captain Alfred whirled around at Samuel F. Hodge’s dock on Tuesday evening when bound down to express his warmest approval of the excellent machinery con- tained in his splendid new steamer, the mem- bers of tle firm were of course gratified to receive so intelligent and spontaneous a re—- commendation of their. well known handi- work; and cordially thanked Captain Mitchell for his courtesy in acquainting his many friends of the superior workmanship whicb he had found in the machinery turned out by the company. Captain Alfred is getting his fleet over the ground in short order. S.B. Grummond’s river tug William A. Moore, Captain Dan Mosher passed up the river to-day, her tow will consist of seven vessels making the champion tow of the sea- son, their bills amounted to $788 total river towage. The small schooner Brenton has been pur- chased from her Toledo owners by A. Y. Ladue, of Detroit, consideration $1,000. O. W. Shipman, coal dealer, has either bought or made a season contract for the three barges formerly owned by the Ludington Lum- ber Company, these barges all tow, having no motive power of their own, accordingly, they must now be documented by the collector here as they are to be employed in the foreign trade, (international) the lumber carrying capacity of the barges are about one million feet each and when first employed between Ludington and Chicago, the Chicago dailies used to speak of them as the Ludington lum- ber yards. Special Surveyor Beeson will be busy climbing around them to get exact measurements. John C, Gram, of Au Sauble, who was fined by the customs authorities recently for sailing the propeller Ida Burton after her license had expired, has had the fine remitted. On fur- ther investigation of the case it was found that the vessel had been gent from the Huron district to this simply for repairs; and had done no trading in the interval. Samuel F. Hodge & Co., Riverside Iron Works, have had the following named vessels at their dock since my last report: Steam- barge Mackinac for new connecting rod brasses, Gettysburg for a new set of driving collars and cleaning out, tug Torrent for clean- ing out. A new sectional Hodge wheel was placed on board of the Thomas W. Palmer when she passed down and she will ship it in Buffalo. Captain George McGregor died at his home in Detroit last Monday. He sailed on fresh water for many years and had commanded vessels for a quarter of a century, ill-healih compelling him to retire last fall. He was born in Dundee, Scotland, in 1843, leaving home when nine yearsof age. He was form. erly captain of the schooner Monitor, and his last service was on the schooner Racine dur- ing the season of 1889. A wife and four children survive him The Secretary’s of the Detroit, Buffalo and Cleveland Vessel Owners’ Association’s have left for Ottawa, to confer with the Canadian marine department as to the maintenance of lights, fog signals, and buoys along the lakes would seem that the active member of the Cauadian marine department is William Smith, the deputy minister of marine, and he is now in Eugland. William H. Boyd, shipping master of De- troit, has gone to Buffalo and will, if possible, establish a shipping office there on the model of those at Cleveland, Ashtabula, etc. and rivers. It el stead ngascdias The propeller Fountain City on her trip to Duluth became disabled on Lake Superior and was towed into Duluth by the propeller Wallula and made repairs. She stopped at this port on her way down Tuesday night and had some work done to her engine. Her stern post, which ia badly twisted, is held in place by guy ropes. She will be drydocked at Buffalo. _, The Northern Line of steamers come in for severe handling by several steamboat captains here. I understand that anything with De- troit, or Cleveland, Buffalo, or Chicago on their stern has got to be passed, and no wat- ers are too narrow for the Northern Line steamers to attempt to do this in. Your cor- respondent is assured that the “Soo” river is especially considered an excellent place to double on more cautious tonnage; who care- fully navigate through that tortuous channel. The United States revenue steamer Fessen— den, Captain James B. Moore, went into com— mission last Monday. She is now at her usual mocrings*in the river, her cruising ground or district extends from Detroit river to Mackinaw Island. The Fessenden has per- formed many acts of kindness for the lake marine during the past eeven years; and, while the courteous Captain Deane has been transferred to a southern station I feel quite positive in asserting that his successor, Captain James B. Moore, will not be back- ward in rendering aid to United States mer— chant vessel or seamen in distress. The well known lake pilot Mr. D. H. Bryant, who as is well known, resides in Cleveland during the close of navigation has again been appointed | pilot of the Fessenden for the third season. The officers of this smart trim little craft are as follows: Captain, James B. Moore; First Lieutenant, W. C. DeHart; Second Lieutenant, BL. Reed; Third Lieutenant, John C. Moore; Chief Engineer, Eugene Vallat; First Assist- ant Engineer, W. H. Warren. Already the neat strict discipline observed in the naval service may be noticed in the appearance; and ge jeral surroundings of the vessel as she lays off the foot of Woodward avenue. TA. F. Ashtabula, Ohio, Special to the Marine Record. The past week has been unusually dull iu the harbor, there has been no time during the week when the ships have been crowded, and should business continue this slow for many weeks Ashtabula’s showing at the end of the season would be decidedly off. But while business seems slack to those nsed to see everythiag crowding here, there is still a large quantity of ore unloaded on these docks. The Lake Shore Company alone are shipping about one hundred cars per day; and yet the piles on their docks are constantly growing. The same may be said of the other docks, though other companies are not shipping as much ore. The P., Y. & A. have ordered another trestle, making four, for the dumping of ore up in their yard, and if the present rate of accumulation continues by the close of the season their capacity will be tested. The new Mahoning and Shenango docks are finished, and three of the six hoists are completed and being used. The steamer Boyce was the first boat to unload a cargo for this company. The coal situation is brightening here and the prospect of plenty in the future is good. The supply for two days has exceeded that of any previous time this year. And now comes the unhappy news that the Schlesinger syndicate contemplates going to Erie and build their docks instead of at this place. The reason given for this change is said to be the failure of this city to give the Lake Shore Company the right of way through front street. Ashtabula cannot af- ford to lose this opportunity of placing their port forever at the head of the lake list, and action will be taken by the council to induce the syndicate to abide with us. Captain Dobbins, Eogineer Von Boyer, and Chief Clerk Reed, of the life saving depart- ment, have selected at Ashtabula harbor a site for a station. It is on the east side of the river, about 300 feet from the lake, and meas- ures 90 feet square, The property is owned by the Lake Shore Railroad, and is to be leased for ninety years A dirst-class station will be erected without unnecessary delay. Mrs. Mary Richardson died at her resi- dence after a lingering illness of three months. She was the mother of W. C. Rich- ardson of the firm of H J Webb & Co, vessel brokers of Cleveland, and of Captain Chauncey Richardson, of Ashtabula. The funeral was held at her late residence in Ash- tabula, Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock. XEROTES. Buffalo, N, Y. Captain Joseph Albano has been appointed master of the propeller John ©. Pringle. He formerly sailed the propeller Gazelle. Captain Pringle, of the tug John Martin, expects her machinery to be in shape in about two weeks. Captain Eugene Rathburn, formerly on the steamer J. F. Eddy, nas taken command of the John Plankington, of which the late Captain Ed. Condon was to have been master. Sam Sloan’s new steam yacht Vision is 90 feet long, and 16 beam, and has a compound engine, 13 and 24 by 16 inches, built by Sut- ton. O'Grady & Maher constructed the hull, which shows a handsome model. The Vision is intended to run in the excursion trade, and is well arranged for the business. Between decks she can be snugly closed in in bad weather by means of car windows. She is licensed to carry 300 persons, and is nicely furnished. Captain Dougherty is her master. Shipments of ore from the Lake Superior mines up to and including May 28th were 1,351,606 tons, of which 196,197 tons went forward from Marquette, 6,431 from St. Ignace 644,573 from Escanaba, 14,536 from Gladstone 368,030 from Ashland, and 121,789 from Two Harbors. It may be stated that for the sea- son of 1890 to June lst very nearly 1,500,000 tons of ore have gone forward by lake, ag compared with 1,200,000 tons for the same period in 1889.— Buffalo Express. W. H. Boya, at present shipping master in Detroit, is at the Mansion house. Mr. Boyd is negotiating with the Buffalo vessel owners for the purpose of establishing a shipping office here, similar to those in Cleveland, Detroit and other ports. Kingston, Ont. On Saturday last the tugs Chieftain, John— son, Metamora and Armenia put tow lines on the unfortunate schooner Jessie Breck, which had been lying off Snake island, where she had been towed shortly after the terrible dis— aster so vividly imprinted on the minds of the lake marine. The work of moving her was hard, as the vessel, which had a 26 foot beam, lay on her side, and her spars were in the water. However, the four strong tugs man— aged to get her along slowly until about 400 yards to the east of Garden island and abreast of Marysville, w! : 21 feet of water. There wrecking operations deck is above water. Hei but they haye been ing the logs of timber in ta port bulwarks are gone, this work of the drowned crew, inspection shows where hatchets had work. The poor fellows had cleared away in order to ease the doomed yi allowing the waves, when breaking over her to run quickly off. When the Breck was brought in, the scene on Wolfe island was sad in the extreme. Seven out of the eight unfortunates drowned had made their homes there, ES LAKE FREIGHTS., Cleveland freight rates are unchanged with chartering dull. There is a little better de- mand for Ashland tonnage. Prop Majestic, Huron to Washburn, coal, 45 cents; prop Servia and schr Moravia, Toledo to Duluth, coal, 45 cents; prop Fred Kelly and schr Warner, Erie to Chicago, coal, 60 cents; schr F. L. Danforth, Escanaba to Lake Erie ports, ore, 85 cents. Cuicaco. Vessel room wasin fair demand and Buffalo rates were steady and unchanged on a basis of 1} cents for oats and 1} cents for corn and 13 cents for corn by line boats. Georgian bay and Sarnia rates are 1} cents asked and 1} cents bid for corn and 1} cents asked and 14 cents bid for oats. Burravo, June 4.—Coal freights quiet and easy at unchanged rate. Shippers were well supplied with tonnage for the time being, so one or two vessels were left unplaced. Char— ters: T. W. Palmer, Milwaukee, 50 cents; T. H. Howland, Sault ste. Marie, 50 cents; Rein- deer, Conrad Reid, Saginaw, 40 cents, Canal freights dull and steady at previous rates. Derroit, June 4.—Chartered: Schooners Hoboken, wheat to Ogdensburg, 4} cents. The schooner Monguagon has brought six car- goes of malt from Walkerville to Detroit at j cent free of elevation. NOTICE TO ENGINEERS, M. E. B. A. No. 2—Has considered it to the interest of its members as well as visi- tors from sister associations to hold their ‘meetings during the summer months, and re- quests the presence of all members N. B,— All parties in want of reliable engineers can find them by applying at viz: Chase Machine Co., J. L. Chase, 11 Elm street, hello, 994; Cleveland Ship Building Co., O. N. Steele, hello, 1577; Continental Machine Cu., Wm. Lloyd, cors Elm and Hemlock, hello, 1496; River Machine Co., Mat. Thomas, 171 River street, hello, 609. The revenue steamer Andy Johnson re- ported the tug W. Maxwell, of Chicago, for not haying a copy of pilot rules in the proper place, and the schooner Margaret not having tonnage marked in proper place. m me